blob: e2cb24b54d9f6dd56957121e81481778e36917ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - initial API and implementation
* Adolfo Sanchez-Barbudo Herrera (University of York) - bug397429"
* Run As->MWE2 Workflow to regenerate the Xtest CS models.
module GenerateCSModelsFromUML
import org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.*
import org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.*
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.*
var resourcesProjectName = "" //"org.eclipse.ocl.resources"
var projectName = ""
* Migrate the CS models from their OMG UML representation to their Eclipse Ecore representation.
Workflow {
bean = ResourceSetImpl : resourceSet {}
bean = StandaloneSetup { resourceSet = resourceSet
// uriMap = Mapping {
// from = ""
// to = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model/PrimitiveTypes.xmi"
// }
// platformUri = ".."
// scanClassPath = true
// registerGeneratedEPackage = "org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.TypesPackage"
bean = ProjectMapSetup { resourceSet = resourceSet }
bean = UMLStandaloneSetup { resourceSet = resourceSet }
bean = OCLStandaloneSetup { resourceSet = resourceSet
dynamicPackage = Mapping {
from = ""
to = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model/UML2EcoreControl.ecore#/"
dynamicPackage = Mapping {
from = ""
to = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model/UML2EcoreMapping.ecore#/"
bean = OCLDelegateSetup { resourceSet = resourceSet }
bean = GenModelSetup { resourceSet = resourceSet }
bean = UMLGenModelSetup { resourceSet = resourceSet }
component = IdAssigner { resourceSet = resourceSet skipOnErrors = true
assignFlatIds = false
normalizeEcore = true
// normalizePrimitives = "/${resourcesProjectName}/model/pivot.uml"
alphabeticize = true
removeEcoreStereotypes = true
removeProfileApplications = true
// mapping = Mapping {
// from = "/${projectName}/model/ecore.uml"
// to = "/${projectName}/model-gen/CSEcore.uml"
// }
mapping = Mapping {
from = "/${resourcesProjectName}/model/pivot.uml"
to = "/${projectName}/model-gen/CSPivot.uml"
mapping = Mapping {
from = "/${resourcesProjectName}/model/basecs.uml"
to = "/${projectName}/model-gen/BaseCS.uml"
mapping = Mapping {
from = "/${resourcesProjectName}/model/essentialoclcs.uml"
to = "/${projectName}/model-gen/EssentialOCLCS.uml"
mapping = Mapping {
from = "/${resourcesProjectName}/model/completeoclcs.uml"
to = "/${projectName}/model-gen/CompleteOCLCS.uml"
mapping = Mapping {
from = "/${resourcesProjectName}/model/oclstdlibcs.uml"
to = "/${projectName}/model-gen/OCLstdlibCS.uml"
mapping = Mapping {
from = "/${resourcesProjectName}/model/oclinecorecs.uml"
to = "/${projectName}/model-gen/OCLinEcoreCS.uml"
component = QVToTransformationExecutor { resourceSet = resourceSet skipOnErrors = true validate = false
uri = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/src/org/eclipse/ocl/examples/build/qvto/UML2EcoreMerger.qvto"
in = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model/CS2ASinEcore.xmi"
out = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model-gen/CS2ASinEcore.xmi"
component = QVToTransformationExecutor { resourceSet = resourceSet skipOnErrors = true validate = false
uri = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/src/org/eclipse/ocl/examples/build/qvto/UML2EcoreAnalyzer.qvto"
in = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model-gen/CS2ASinEcore.xmi"
out = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model-gen/CS2ASAnalysis.xmi"
component = QVToTransformationExecutor { resourceSet = resourceSet skipOnErrors = true validate = false
uri = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/src/org/eclipse/ocl/examples/build/qvto/UML2EcoreSynthesizer.qvto"
in = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model-gen/CS2ASAnalysis.xmi"
in = "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore"
out = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model-gen/CS2AS.ecore"
blackbox = "${projectName}.qvto.BlackBoxLibrary"
component = CSSplitter { resourceSet = resourceSet skipOnErrors = true
in = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model-gen/CS2AS.ecore"
exclude = Mapping {
from = "csecore"
to = ""
exclude = Mapping {
from = "cspivot"
// to = "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.pivot/model/Pivot.ecore"
to = "Pivot.ecore"
include = Mapping {
from = "basecs"
to = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model-gen/BaseCS.ecore"
include = Mapping {
from = "essentialoclcs"
to = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model-gen/EssentialOCLCS.ecore"
include = Mapping {
from = "completeoclcs"
to = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model-gen/CompleteOCLCS.ecore"
include = Mapping {
from = "oclstdlibcs"
to = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model-gen/OCLstdlibCS.ecore"
include = Mapping {
from = "oclinecorecs"
to = "platform:/resource/${projectName}/model-gen/OCLinEcoreCS.ecore"
/* component = ResourceReader { resourceSet = resourceSet skipOnErrors = true
modelSlot = "${umlSlot}"
uri = "/${projectName}/model/basecs.uml"
component = PackageAlphabetizer { skipOnErrors = true
modelSlot = "${umlSlot}"
component = ConstraintRemover { skipOnErrors = true
modelSlot = "${umlSlot}"
component = CommentNormalizer { skipOnErrors = true
modelSlot = "${umlSlot}"
component = UMLIDAssigner { skipOnErrors = true
modelSlot = "${umlSlot}"
component = ResourceWriter { resourceSet = resourceSet skipOnErrors = true
modelSlot = "${umlSlot}"
uri = "/${projectName}/model-gen/BaseCS.merged.uml"
contentTypeIdentifier = "org.eclipse.uml2.uml_5_0_0" // UMLResource.UML_CONTENT_TYPE_IDENTIFIER
} */