blob: 9631e89f56f50f614ef8c1c635923ebe489e7dfe [file] [log] [blame]
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(object Operation "..."
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default_color TRUE)
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Parent_View @108
location (1394, 1840)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
quidu "4CC6B780032D"
anchor_loc 1
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max_width 428
justify 0
label "notifyChanged(msg)"
pctDist 0.500000
height 45
orientation 1)
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client @77
supplier @61
Focus_Src @81
Focus_Entry @63
origin (2156, 1884)
terminus (631, 1884)
ordinal 10)
(object SelfMessView "reevaluate(contextObjects)" @110
location (0, 2199)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
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size 10
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italics FALSE
underline FALSE
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color 0
default_color TRUE)
quidu "4CC6B7970010"
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max_width 550
justify 0
label "reevaluate(contextObjects)"
pctDist 2.020000
height 40
orientation 0)
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client @61
supplier @61
Focus_Src @63
Focus_Entry @65
origin (631, 2199)
terminus (781, 2199)
ordinal 13)
(object InterMessView "getContextObjects(msg)" @112
location (0, 1989)
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quidu "4CC6B7C00187"
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label "getContextObjects(msg)"
pctDist 0.500000
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orientation 0)
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client @61
supplier @69
Focus_Src @63
Focus_Entry @73
origin (630, 1989)
terminus (1384, 1989)
ordinal 11)
(object InterMessView "returns contextObjects" @114
location (0, 2094)
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size 10
face "Arial"
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italics FALSE
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Parent_View @114
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italics FALSE
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default_color TRUE)
quidu "4CC6B7CB001F"
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label "returns contextObjects"
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height 45
orientation 1)
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client @69
supplier @61
Focus_Src @73
Focus_Entry @64
origin (1384, 2094)
terminus (631, 2094)
ordinal 12)))
(object InteractionDiagram "From Notification to Evaluation w/o Factories"
mechanism_ref @53
quid "4CC6B9620232"
title "From Notification to Evaluation w/o Factories"
zoom 100
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items (list diagram_item_list
(object InterObjView ":Tool" @116
location (253, 331)
font (object Font
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @116
location (253, 331)
fill_color 13434879
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label ":Tool")
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annotation 1
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @117
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Nested FALSE)
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @118
location (253, 676)
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height 1
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Nested TRUE))
(object InterObjView "reevaluator:Adapter" @119
location (647, 331)
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Parent_View @119
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label "reevaluator:Adapter")
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annotation 1
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location (647, 411)
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y_coord 0
Nested FALSE)
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @121
location (647, 1310)
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height 405
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Nested FALSE)
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @122
location (647, 1520)
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height 1
y_coord -89
Nested TRUE)
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @123
location (647, 1650)
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InterObjView @119
height 90
y_coord 0
Nested TRUE))
(object InterObjView ":ImpactAnalyzer" @124
location (1069, 331)
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size 10
face "Arial"
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default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @124
location (1069, 331)
fill_color 13434879
anchor_loc 1
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max_width 338
justify 0
label ":ImpactAnalyzer")
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annotation 1
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @125
location (1069, 411)
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Nested FALSE)
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @126
location (1069, 570)
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height 106
y_coord 16
Nested FALSE)
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @127
location (1069, 1415)
line_color 3342489
InterObjView @124
height 105
y_coord 15
Nested FALSE))
(object InterObjView ":EventManager" @128
location (1457, 330)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @128
location (1457, 330)
fill_color 13434879
anchor_loc 1
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max_width 282
justify 0
label ":EventManager")
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quidu "4CC6B96D0121"
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height 1500
icon_height 0
icon_width 0
icon_y_offset 0
annotation 1
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @129
location (1457, 410)
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y_coord 0
Nested FALSE)
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @130
location (1457, 781)
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height 90
y_coord 0
Nested FALSE)
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @131
location (1457, 1205)
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height 195
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Nested FALSE))
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location (2351, 334)
font (object Font
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default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @132
location (2351, 334)
fill_color 13434879
anchor_loc 1
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label "e")
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quidu "4CC6B96D0119"
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icon_width 0
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annotation 1
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location (2351, 414)
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y_coord 0
Nested FALSE)
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @134
location (2351, 921)
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height 195
y_coord 105
Nested FALSE))
(object InterObjView "adapterForEventManager" @135
location (1904, 331)
font (object Font
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underline TRUE