blob: 44d8032e3c5301e807ab636b311d336b1789e1a2 [file] [log] [blame]
(object Petal
version 50
_written "Rose 8.3.0407.2800"
charSet 0)
(object Class_Category "persistence"
is_unit TRUE
is_loaded TRUE
quid "4472EA830302"
|Persistence modeling cronstructs. This can primarily be used to tell whether an entity class shall have persistence support or not. Specific mark-up may be provided for associations.
|The package also will allow developers to specify concurrency control aspects, such as the locking style to use for a transaction or an entity class. Developers also need to be able to specify how persistent data is to be "partitioned" in the sense of defining the granularity for locking and fetching data.
|Furthermore, this package may contribute specific actions to make entity objects persistent and delete persistent objects.
|The package also has to define the semantics of persistence in the first place, such as how persistence affects the semantics of queries.
|TODO Does marking an entity class as persistent mean that there is this kind of "virtual" top-level "collection" of instances of this class which then can be queried and referred to by name? Is it like the topmost container that guarantees reachability and therefore allows for a garbage collection semantics "by reachability?"
|TODO Perhaps this package should be separated out into an own top-level metamodel package because it has dependencies on behavioral/actions and dataaccess/expressions.
stereotype "metamodel"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class_Category "actions"
quid "4979C042005B"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "Store"
quid "4979C056001D"
|Marks an entity object or multi-object as persistent. It will be stored in the repository, producing a new snapshot on calling commit.
|Together with the object(s) produced by the *argument* expression, all their composite children are stored by this statement, too, and so are all links attached to any of these objects as well as all value objects that are relevant for the equality of any of the objects stored.
|TODO clarify the storing of deletions
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "4979C07300D8"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::actions::StatementWithEntityArgument"
quidu "497A4BFB0037")))
(object Class "Delete"
quid "497A4BE10316"
documentation "Deletes the one or multiple entity objects from the repository including its composite children and all attaching links."
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "497A4BE703A7"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::actions::StatementWithEntityArgument"
quidu "497A4BFB0037")))
(object Class "StatementWithEntityArgument"
quid "497A4BFB0037"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "497A4C1C0028"
supplier "Logical View::behavioral::actions::StatementWithArgument"
quidu "492573460213"))
nestedClasses (list nestedClasses
(object Class "CanStoreOnlyEntities"
quid "4979C0D902AD"
stereotype "constraint"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "OCL"
quid "4979C0E6007A"
concurrency "Sequential"
semantics (object Semantic_Info
|context StatementWithEntityArgument
| if self.argument.getType().oclIsKindOf(data::classes::ClassTypeDefinition) then
| not self.argument.getType().oclAsType(data::classes::ClassTypeDefinition).clazz.valueType
| else
| false
| endif
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))))
(object Class "Rollback"
quid "4981A0120399"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "4981A020005D"
supplier "Logical View::behavioral::actions::Statement"
quidu "4545FC1D0190"))))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
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(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::behavioral::actions::Statement" @2
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(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::persistence::actions::Delete" @14
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size 10
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Parent_View @14
location (1242, 1395)
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(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::persistence::actions::StatementWithEntityArgument" @15
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location (1130, 1071)
font (object Font
size 10
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Parent_View @15
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(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::persistence::actions::Rollback" @20
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location (361, 740)
font (object Font
size 10
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @20
location (268, 689)
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height 126
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(object InheritTreeView "" @21
location (619, 594)
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(619, 594)
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(949, 687)
(949, 594))
line_style 3
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(353, 594))
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(object Class_Category "expressions"
quid "4979C049027E"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "All"
quid "4979C34B01C3"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "4979C3550136"
supplier "Logical View::dataaccess::expressions::Expression"
quidu "450E63AB03A2"))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "snapshot"
quid "498C3F3D0186"
documentation "A selector for the snapshot to read. If DEFAULT, the entities will be read from the current session's default snapshot. If ALL is specified, all copies of instances in all snapshots is returned. If DATE, the lastSnapshotBeforeIsoTimestamp has to be set and all snapshots before that date are selected for which no successor exists that still lies before the timestamp specified. This means that the entity will be returned from all snapshots on concurrent branches that existed at the given point in time."
type "SnapshotSelection"
quidu "498C3EB901C5"
exportControl "Public"))
nestedClasses (list nestedClasses
(object Class "MustBeEntityClass"
quid "4979C45C02BD"
stereotype "constraint"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "OCL"
quid "4979C468003C"
concurrency "Sequential"
semantics (object Semantic_Info
|context All
| not self.ofClass.valueType
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "ExpressionMustBeSnapshotOrTimePoint"
quid "49AE8335035D"
stereotype "constraint"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "OCL"
quid "49AE836D013A"
concurrency "Sequential"
semantics (object Semantic_Info
|context All
| if self.snapshot = SnapshotSelection::SPECIFIED then
| self.snapshotIdentifier.getType().upperMultiplicity = 1 and
| self.snapshotIdentifier.getType().oclIsKindOf(data::classes::ClassTypeDefinition) and
| Set{'Snapshot', 'TimePoint'}->includes(self.snapshotIdentifier.getType().oclAsType(data::classes::ClassTypeDefinition)
| else
| true
| endif
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))))
(object Class "SnapshotSelection"
quid "498C3EB901C5"
stereotype "enumeration"
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "DEFAULT"
quid "498C3EFA03B9"
exportControl "Public")
(object ClassAttribute "ALL"
quid "498C3F1D0213"
exportControl "Public")
(object ClassAttribute "CHANGED"
quid "49A41C62029A"
exportControl "Public")
(object ClassAttribute "SPECIFIED"
quid "49AE7F37015F"
exportControl "Public")))
(object Class "Commit"
quid "4981A010001F"
documentation "Returns the Snapshot produced"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "49AC5E6D0029"
supplier "Logical View::dataaccess::expressions::Expression"
quidu "450E63AB03A2"))
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(object Class "ReturnsSnapshot"
quid "49AC5EB70009"
stereotype "constraint"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "OCL"
quid "49AC5EBE0123"
concurrency "Sequential"
semantics (object Semantic_Info
|context Commit
| self.getType().oclIsKindOf(data::classes::ClassTypeDefinition) and
| self.getType().oclAsType(data::classes::ClassTypeDefinition) = 'Snapshot'
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))))
(object Class "Snapshot"
quid "49AEBB73011C"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "49AEBBDE0006"
supplier "Logical View::dataaccess::expressions::ObjectBasedExpression"
quidu "453E0FC80335"))
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(object Class "SourceObjectIsOfClassType"
quid "49AEBC430220"
stereotype "constraint"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "OCL"
quid "49AEBC680181"
concurrency "Sequential"
semantics (object Semantic_Info
|context Snapshot
| self.object.getType().oclIsKindOf(data::classes::ClassTypeDefinition)
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
quid "4979C3D001A3"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "ofClass"
quid "4979C3D002DC"
label "ofClass"
supplier "Logical View::data::classes::SapClass"
quidu "4432171B031E"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
quid "4979C3D1008A"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::expressions::All"
quidu "4979C34B01C3"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..*"))))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$2"
quid "49AE7B73000D"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "snapshotIdentifier"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "MOF"
name ""
value ("RoleStoreKindSet" 203)))
quid "49AE7B73031B"
label "snapshotIdentifier"
supplier "Logical View::dataaccess::expressions::Expression"
quidu "450E63AB03A2"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "all"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "MOF"
name ""
value ("RoleStoreKindSet" 202)))
quid "49AE7B73034A"
label "all"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::expressions::All"
quidu "4979C34B01C3"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
is_navigable TRUE
is_aggregate TRUE))))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "Persistence Expressions, Basic Queries"
quid "4979C33A02EB"
title "Persistence Expressions, Basic Queries"
zoom 100
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origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::persistence::expressions::SnapshotSelection" @24
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size 10
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label "SnapshotSelection")
stereotype (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @24
location (2344, 203)
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(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::persistence::expressions::Commit" @25
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location (393, 786)
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size 10
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Parent_View @25
location (301, 734)
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quidu "4981A010001F"
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(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::data::classes::SapClass" @26
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IncludeOperation TRUE
location (2556, 815)
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size 10
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Parent_View @26
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(394, 628))
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(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::persistence::expressions::All" @30
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location (1517, 795)
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nlines 1
max_width 159
justify 0
label "+ofClass"
pctDist 0.538071
height 36
orientation 0)
stereotype TRUE
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quidu "4979C3D002DC"
client @31
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vertices (list Points
(2082, 816)
(2339, 816))
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origin_attachment (2082, 816)
terminal_attachment (2339, 816)
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Parent_View @32
location (2312, 870)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
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default_color TRUE)
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label "1"
pctDist 0.900000
height 54
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location (635, -346)
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size 10
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underline FALSE
strike FALSE
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vertices (list Points
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(1825, 816))
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terminal_attachment (1825, 816)
label (object SegLabel @36
Parent_View @35
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label "0..*"
pctDist 0.763158
height 41
orientation 0))))
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supplier @27
vertices (list Points
(1512, 701)
(1512, 628))
line_style 3
origin_attachment (1512, 701)
terminal_attachment (1512, 628)
drawSupplier @28)
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location (1682, 279)
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Parent_View @38
location (147, -530)
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size 10
face "Arial"
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size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor 1
anchor_loc 1
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max_width 588
justify 0
label "+snapshotIdentifier"
pctDist 0.628070
height 45
orientation 1)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
quidu "49AE7B73031B"
client @38
supplier @27
vertices (list Points
(1682, 279)
(1166, 279))
line_style 3
origin_attachment (1682, 279)
terminal_attachment (1166, 279)
label (object SegLabel @41
Parent_View @39
location (1218, 333)
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size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor 2
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 15
justify 0
label "0..1"
pctDist 0.900000
height 54
orientation 0))
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Parent_View @38
location (147, -530)
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size 10
face "Arial"
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italics FALSE
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strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object SegLabel @43
Parent_View @42
location (1704, 657)
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size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor 1
anchor_loc 1
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max_width 76
justify 0
label "+all"
pctDist 0.912791
height 71
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stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
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client @38
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vertices (list Points
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(1775, 702))
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origin_attachment (1682, 279)
terminal_attachment (1775, 702)
label (object SegLabel @44
Parent_View @42
location (1838, 666)
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size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor 2
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 15
justify 0
label "0..1"
pctDist 0.930233
height 63
orientation 0))))))
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quid "49AEBB8601D2"
title "Snapshot Access Expression"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::persistence::expressions::Snapshot" @45
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IncludeOperation TRUE
location (1356, 1725)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @45
location (1255, 1674)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 1
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justify 0
label "Snapshot")
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
quidu "49AEBB73011C"
width 220
height 126
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::dataaccess::expressions::ObjectBasedExpression" @46
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IncludeAttribute TRUE
IncludeOperation TRUE
location (1359, 1343)
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size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics TRUE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @46
location (1125, 1269)
fill_color 13434879
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max_width 468
justify 0
label "ObjectBasedExpression")
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
quidu "453E0FC80335"
width 486
height 172
annotation 8
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supplier @46
vertices (list Points
(1356, 1662)
(1356, 1429))
line_style 3
origin_attachment (1356, 1662)
terminal_attachment (1356, 1429))
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::dataaccess::expressions::Expression" @48
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IncludeOperation TRUE
location (1362, 822)
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size 10
face "Arial"
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italics TRUE
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default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @48
location (1095, 593)
fill_color 13434879
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label "Expression")
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fill_color 13434879
quidu "450E63AB03A2"
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Parent_View @48
location (1095, 914)
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size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics TRUE
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default_color TRUE)
icon_style "Icon"
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anchor 2
nlines 7
max_width 531)
width 552
height 482
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
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client @46
supplier @48
vertices (list Points
(1347, 1256)
(1347, 1062))
line_style 3
origin_attachment (1347, 1256)
terminal_attachment (1347, 1062))
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stereotype TRUE
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roleview_list (list RoleViews
(object RoleView "objectBasedExpression" @51
Parent_View @50
location (-347, 397)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object SegLabel @52
Parent_View @51
location (825, 1395)
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size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor 1
anchor_loc 1
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max_width 450
justify 0
label "+objectBasedExpression"
pctDist 1.229730
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orientation 0)
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quidu "4536496701C8"
client @50
supplier @46
vertices (list Points
(966, 1122)
(966, 1344)
(1116, 1344))
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origin_attachment (966, 1122)
terminal_attachment (1116, 1344)
label (object SegLabel @53
Parent_View @51
location (1078, 1291)
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size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor 2
anchor_loc 1
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justify 0
label "0..1"
pctDist 0.900000
height 54
orientation 0))
(object RoleView "object" @54
Parent_View @50
location (-347, 397)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object SegLabel @55
Parent_View @54
location (976, 822)
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size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor 1
anchor_loc 1
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max_width 139
justify 0
label "+object"
pctDist 0.706052
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quidu "4536496701B4"
client @50
supplier @48
vertices (list Points
(966, 1122)
(966, 869)
(1086, 869))
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origin_attachment (966, 1122)
terminal_attachment (1086, 869)
label (object SegLabel @56
Parent_View @54
location (1048, 923)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
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default_color TRUE)
anchor 2
anchor_loc 1
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max_width 15
justify 0
label "1"
pctDist 0.900000
height 54
orientation 1)))))))))
statemachine (object State_Machine "State/Activity Model"
quid "497E2C03001A"
states (list States
(object State "$UNNAMED$3"
quid "497E2C1B0171"
type "StartState")
(object State "transient, current snapshot"
quid "497E2C45027B"
type "Normal")
(object State "current snapshot, in buffer as \"created\""
quid "497E2C5C0029"
type "Normal")
(object State "stored, snapshot, not in buffer"
quid "497E2C9E0317"
type "Normal")
(object State "$UNNAMED$4"
quid "497E2CE1001A"
type "EndState")
(object State "snapshot, in buffer as \"deleted\""
quid "497E2DC102F7"
type "Normal"))
partitions (list Partitions)
objects (list Objects)
transitions (list transition_list
(object State_Transition
quid "497E2C7000F4"
label ""
|Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::current snapshot, in buffer as "created"
supplier_quidu "497E2C5C0029"
client "Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::transient, current snapshot"
client_quidu "497E2C45027B"
Event (object Event "save"
quid "497E2C7000F5")
sendEvent (object sendEvent
quid "497E2C700104"))
(object State_Transition
quid "497E2CB10142"
label ""
supplier "Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::stored, snapshot, not in buffer"
supplier_quidu "497E2C9E0317"
|Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::current snapshot, in buffer as "created"
client_quidu "497E2C5C0029"
Event (object Event "commit"
quid "497E2CB10143")
action (object action "rehash"
quid "497E2CB10144")
sendEvent (object sendEvent
quid "497E2CB10145"))
(object State_Transition
quid "497E2D010019"
label ""
supplier "Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::transient, current snapshot"
supplier_quidu "497E2C45027B"
client "$UNNAMED$3"
client_quidu "497E2C1B0171"
Event (object Event "new in ObjectCreationInterpreter"
quid "497E2D01001A")
sendEvent (object sendEvent
quid "497E2D01001C"))
(object State_Transition
quid "497E2D4F0009"
label ""
supplier "$UNNAMED$4"
supplier_quidu "497E2CE1001A"
client "Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::stored, snapshot, not in buffer"
client_quidu "497E2C9E0317"
Event (object Event "GC"
quid "497E2D4F000A")
sendEvent (object sendEvent
quid "497E2D4F000C"))
(object State_Transition
quid "497E2D8102E8"
label ""
supplier "Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::stored, snapshot, not in buffer"
supplier_quidu "497E2C9E0317"
client "$UNNAMED$3"
client_quidu "497E2C1B0171"
Event (object Event "load"
quid "497E2D8102E9")
sendEvent (object sendEvent
quid "497E2D8102EB"))
(object State_Transition
quid "497E2D990355"
label ""
supplier "Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::transient, current snapshot"
supplier_quidu "497E2C45027B"
|Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::current snapshot, in buffer as "created"
client_quidu "497E2C5C0029"
Event (object Event "rollback"
quid "497E2D990356")
sendEvent (object sendEvent
quid "497E2D990358"))
(object State_Transition
quid "497E2DE6022C"
label ""
|Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::snapshot, in buffer as "deleted"
supplier_quidu "497E2DC102F7"
client "Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::stored, snapshot, not in buffer"
client_quidu "497E2C9E0317"
Event (object Event "delete"
quid "497E2DE6022D")
sendEvent (object sendEvent
quid "497E2DE6022F"))
(object State_Transition
quid "497E2E27021D"
label ""
supplier "Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::transient, current snapshot"
supplier_quidu "497E2C45027B"
|Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::current snapshot, in buffer as "created"
client_quidu "497E2C5C0029"
Event (object Event "delete"
quid "497E2E27021E")
sendEvent (object sendEvent
quid "497E2E270220"))
(object State_Transition
quid "497E2F160058"
label ""
supplier "Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::transient, current snapshot"
supplier_quidu "497E2C45027B"
|Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::snapshot, in buffer as "deleted"
client_quidu "497E2DC102F7"
Event (object Event "commit"
quid "497E2F160059")
action (object action "rehash"
quid "497E2F16005A")
sendEvent (object sendEvent
quid "497E2F16005B"))
(object State_Transition
quid "497E2FA501BF"
label ""
supplier "Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::stored, snapshot, not in buffer"
supplier_quidu "497E2C9E0317"
|Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::snapshot, in buffer as "deleted"
client_quidu "497E2DC102F7"
Event (object Event "rollback"
quid "497E2FA501C0")
sendEvent (object sendEvent
quid "497E2FA501C2"))
(object State_Transition
quid "497E2FD50326"
label ""
supplier "Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::transient, current snapshot"
supplier_quidu "497E2C45027B"
client "Logical View::persistence::State/Activity Model::transient, current snapshot"
client_quidu "497E2C45027B"
Event (object Event "commit, rollback"
quid "497E2FD50327")
sendEvent (object sendEvent
quid "497E2FD50329")))
objectflows (list objectflow_list)
statediagrams (list StateDiagrams
(object State_Diagram "Entity State Transition"
quid "497E2C030097"
title "Entity State Transition"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object StateView "StartState" "$UNNAMED$3" @57
location (1139, 325)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @57
location (1181, 295)
nlines 2
max_width 600
label "")
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 3342489
quidu "497E2C1B0171"
autoResize TRUE)
(object StateView "Normal" "transient, current snapshot" @58
location (1149, 889)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @58
location (1149, 878)
fill_color 13434879
anchor_loc 1
nlines 2
max_width 340
justify 0
label "transient, current snapshot")
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
quidu "497E2C45027B"
width 436
height 134
autoResize TRUE)
(object StateView "Normal" "current snapshot, in buffer as \"created\"" @59
location (1165, 1332)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @59
location (1165, 1321)
fill_color 13434879
anchor_loc 1
nlines 2
max_width 364
justify 0
|current snapshot, in buffer as "created"
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
quidu "497E2C5C0029"
width 460
height 134
autoResize TRUE)
(object StateView "Normal" "stored, snapshot, not in buffer" @60
location (1149, 1792)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @60
location (1149, 1781)
fill_color 13434879
anchor_loc 1
nlines 2
max_width 318
justify 0
label "stored, snapshot, not in buffer")
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
quidu "497E2C9E0317"
width 414
height 134
autoResize TRUE)
(object StateView "EndState" "$UNNAMED$4" @61
location (1158, 2451)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @61
location (1212, 2409)
nlines 2
max_width 600
label "")
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 3342489
quidu "497E2CE1001A"
autoResize TRUE)
(object NoteView @62
location (334, 156)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @62
location (105, 78)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 3
max_width 422
label "Life cycle of a Java EntityObject instance")
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
width 482
height 169)
(object StateView "Normal" "snapshot, in buffer as \"deleted\"" @63
location (1815, 1797)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @63
location (1815, 1786)
fill_color 13434879
anchor_loc 1
nlines 2
max_width 366
justify 0
|snapshot, in buffer as "deleted"
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
quidu "497E2DC102F7"
width 462
height 134
autoResize TRUE)
(object TransView "" @64
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object SegLabel @65
Parent_View @64
location (1440, 601)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 613
justify 0
label "new in ObjectCreationInterpreter"
pctDist 0.527897
height 301
orientation 0)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
quidu "497E2D010019"
client @57
supplier @58
vertices (list Points
(1139, 355)
(1139, 821))
line_style 3
origin_attachment (1139, 355)
terminal_attachment (1139, 821)
x_offset FALSE)
(object TransView "" @66
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object SegLabel @67
Parent_View @66
location (413, 946)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor_loc 1
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max_width 80
justify 0
label "load"
pctDist 0.491569
height 54
orientation 0)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
quidu "497E2D8102E8"
client @57
supplier @60
vertices (list Points
(1109, 327)
(359, 327)
(359, 1775)
(942, 1775))
line_style 3
origin_attachment (1109, 327)
terminal_attachment (942, 1775)
x_offset FALSE)
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size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object SegLabel @69
Parent_View @68
location (1195, 2134)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 60
justify 0
label "GC"
pctDist 0.500000
height 45
orientation 0)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
quidu "497E2D4F0009"
client @60
supplier @61
vertices (list Points
(1150, 1859)
(1150, 2409))
line_style 3
origin_attachment (1150, 1859)
terminal_attachment (1150, 2409)
x_offset FALSE)
(object TransView "" @70
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object SegLabel @71
Parent_View @70
location (1468, 1747)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 112
justify 0
label "delete"
pctDist 0.491228
height 43
orientation 0)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
quidu "497E2DE6022C"
client @60
supplier @63
vertices (list Points
(1356, 1790)
(1584, 1790))
line_style 3
origin_attachment (1356, 1790)
terminal_attachment (1584, 1790)
x_offset FALSE)
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font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object SegLabel @73
Parent_View @72
location (2089, 1327)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 335
justify 0
label "commit / rehash"
pctDist 0.224819
height 174
orientation 1)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
quidu "497E2F160058"
client @63
supplier @58
vertices (list Points
(1915, 1730)
(1915, 746)
(1178, 746)
(1178, 822))
line_style 3
origin_attachment (1915, 1730)
terminal_attachment (1178, 822)
x_offset FALSE)
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