blob: ecdb332f3822b2993ee1a590297b0145867eba63 [file] [log] [blame]
* <copyright>
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 IBM Corporation, Zeligsoft Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
* E.D.Willink - refactored to separate from OCLAnalyzer and OCLParser
* - Bugs 237126, 245586, 213886, 242236, 259818, 259819
* Adolfo Sánchez-Barbudo Herrera - Bug 237441
* Zeligsoft - Bugs 243526, 243079, 245586 (merging and docs), 213886, 179990,
* 255599, 251349, 242236, 259740
* Nicolas Rouquette - Bug 259818 (regression)
* </copyright>
* $Id:,v 1.23 2009/01/15 19:09:28 cdamus Exp $
package org.eclipse.ocl.parser;
import static org.eclipse.ocl.Environment.SELF_VARIABLE_NAME;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.ECollections;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.ocl.Environment;
import org.eclipse.ocl.EnvironmentFactory;
import org.eclipse.ocl.LookupException;
import org.eclipse.ocl.SemanticException;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.BooleanLiteralExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.CSTNode;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.CSTPackage;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.CallExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.ClassifierContextDeclCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.CollectionLiteralExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.CollectionLiteralPartCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.CollectionRangeCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.CollectionTypeCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.CollectionTypeIdentifierEnum;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.ContextDeclCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.DefCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.DefExpressionCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.DotOrArrowEnum;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.EnumLiteralExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.FeatureCallExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.IfExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.InitOrDerValueCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.IntegerLiteralExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.InvCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.InvOrDefCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.InvalidLiteralExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.IsMarkedPreCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.IterateExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.IteratorExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.LetExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.LiteralExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.LoopExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.MessageExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.MessageExpKind;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.NullLiteralExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.OCLDocumentCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.OCLExpressionCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.OCLMessageArgCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.OperationCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.OperationCallExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.OperationContextDeclCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.PackageDeclarationCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.PathNameCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.PrePostOrBodyDeclCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.PrePostOrBodyEnum;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.PrimitiveLiteralExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.PrimitiveTypeCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.PropertyContextCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.RealLiteralExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.SimpleNameCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.SimpleTypeEnum;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.StateExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.StringLiteralExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.TupleLiteralExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.TupleTypeCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.TypeCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.VariableCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.cst.VariableExpCS;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.AssociationClassCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.BooleanLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.CollectionItem;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.CollectionKind;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.CollectionLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.CollectionLiteralPart;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.CollectionRange;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.EnumLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.FeatureCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IfExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IntegerLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.InvalidLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IterateExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IteratorExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.LetExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.LiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.LoopExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.MessageExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.NavigationCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.NullLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OCLExpression;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OperationCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.PropertyCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.RealLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.StateExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.StringLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.TupleLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.TupleLiteralPart;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.TypeExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.UnspecifiedValueExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.Variable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.VariableExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.internal.l10n.OCLMessages;
import org.eclipse.ocl.lpg.AbstractAnalyzer;
import org.eclipse.ocl.lpg.BasicEnvironment2;
import org.eclipse.ocl.lpg.ProblemHandler;
import org.eclipse.ocl.options.ParsingOptions;
import org.eclipse.ocl.options.ProblemOption;
import org.eclipse.ocl.types.BagType;
import org.eclipse.ocl.types.CollectionType;
import org.eclipse.ocl.types.MessageType;
import org.eclipse.ocl.types.OCLStandardLibrary;
import org.eclipse.ocl.types.OrderedSetType;
import org.eclipse.ocl.types.SequenceType;
import org.eclipse.ocl.types.TypeType;
import org.eclipse.ocl.types.VoidType;
import org.eclipse.ocl.util.CollectionUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.util.OCLStandardLibraryUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.util.OCLUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.util.TypeUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.ExpressionInOCL;
import org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.OCLFactory;
import org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.PredefinedType;
import org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.TypedElement;
import org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.UMLReflection;
* The <code>AbstractOCLAnalyzer</code> supports semantic analysis of a CST
* produced by an <code>AbstractOCLParser</code> to create the Essential OCL
* AST. It is necessary that syntactic parsing and semantic analysis are
* performed in two steps because LPG is a bottom up parser and cannot provide
* enough contextual information to create the AST on the first pass.
* Derived classes should extend the abstract support for EssentialOCL to full
* support for whatever language in which EssentialOCL is embedded.
* @since 1.2
public abstract class AbstractOCLAnalyzer<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E>
extends AbstractAnalyzer {
/** Prefix used by OCL to escape names that clash with keywords. */
private static final String OCL_ESCAPE_PREFIX = "_"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final int OCL_ESCAPE_LENGTH = OCL_ESCAPE_PREFIX.length();
* Factories for creating OCL AST nodes
protected OCLFactory oclFactory;
protected UMLReflection<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT> uml;
protected final EnvironmentFactory<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> environmentFactory;
public AbstractOCLAnalyzer(AbstractOCLParser parser) {
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env = getOCLEnvironment();
this.environmentFactory = env.getFactory();
oclFactory = createOCLFactory(env);
uml = env.getUMLReflection();
* Creates/obtains the {@link OCLFactory} that I use to create OCL AST
* elements.
* @param env
* my OCL environment
* @return an appropriate factory
protected OCLFactory createOCLFactory(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
return env.getOCLFactory();
public Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> getOCLEnvironment() {
return getEnvironment().getAdapter(Environment.class);
* @since 1.3
public AbstractOCLParser getAbstractParser() {
return (AbstractOCLParser) super.getParser();
public AbstractOCLParser getParser() {
return getAbstractParser();
protected C getBoolean() {
return getStandardLibrary().getBoolean();
protected C getOclVoid() {
return getStandardLibrary().getOclVoid();
protected OCLStandardLibrary<C> getStandardLibrary() {
return getOCLEnvironment().getOCLStandardLibrary();
* Returns true if the token kind is an identifier or keyword, otherwise
* false.
* @param tokenKind
* the token kind to compare
* @return true if the token kind is an identifier or keyword, otherwise
* false
static public boolean isIdentifierOrKeyword(int tokenKind) {
switch (tokenKind) {
case OCLParsersym.TK_self :
case OCLParsersym.TK_inv :
case OCLParsersym.TK_pre :
case OCLParsersym.TK_post :
case OCLParsersym.TK_body :
case OCLParsersym.TK_context :
case OCLParsersym.TK_package :
case OCLParsersym.TK_endpackage :
case OCLParsersym.TK_def :
case OCLParsersym.TK_derive :
case OCLParsersym.TK_init :
case OCLParsersym.TK_if :
case OCLParsersym.TK_then :
case OCLParsersym.TK_else :
case OCLParsersym.TK_endif :
case OCLParsersym.TK_and :
case OCLParsersym.TK_or :
case OCLParsersym.TK_xor :
case OCLParsersym.TK_not :
case OCLParsersym.TK_implies :
case OCLParsersym.TK_let :
case OCLParsersym.TK_in :
case OCLParsersym.TK_true :
case OCLParsersym.TK_false :
case OCLParsersym.TK_Set :
case OCLParsersym.TK_Bag :
case OCLParsersym.TK_Sequence :
case OCLParsersym.TK_Collection :
case OCLParsersym.TK_OrderedSet :
case OCLParsersym.TK_iterate :
case OCLParsersym.TK_forAll :
case OCLParsersym.TK_exists :
case OCLParsersym.TK_isUnique :
case OCLParsersym.TK_any :
case OCLParsersym.TK_one :
case OCLParsersym.TK_collect :
case OCLParsersym.TK_select :
case OCLParsersym.TK_reject :
case OCLParsersym.TK_collectNested :
case OCLParsersym.TK_sortedBy :
case OCLParsersym.TK_closure :
case OCLParsersym.TK_oclIsKindOf :
case OCLParsersym.TK_oclIsTypeOf :
case OCLParsersym.TK_oclAsType :
case OCLParsersym.TK_oclIsNew :
case OCLParsersym.TK_oclIsUndefined :
case OCLParsersym.TK_oclIsInvalid :
case OCLParsersym.TK_oclIsInState :
case OCLParsersym.TK_allInstances :
case OCLParsersym.TK_String :
case OCLParsersym.TK_Integer :
case OCLParsersym.TK_UnlimitedNatural :
case OCLParsersym.TK_Real :
case OCLParsersym.TK_Boolean :
case OCLParsersym.TK_Tuple :
case OCLParsersym.TK_OclAny :
case OCLParsersym.TK_OclVoid :
case OCLParsersym.TK_Invalid :
case OCLParsersym.TK_OclMessage :
case OCLParsersym.TK_null :
case OCLParsersym.TK_OclInvalid :
case OCLParsersym.TK_IDENTIFIER :
case OCLParsersym.TK_EOF_TOKEN :
return true;
return false;
* Constructs the string representation of an operation call.
* @param operName
* the operation name
* @param args
* the arguments in the operation call
* @return the string representation
protected String operationString(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
String operName, List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
for (Iterator<? extends TypedElement<C>> iter = args.iterator(); iter
.hasNext();) {
TypedElement<C> arg =;
C type = arg.getType();
result.append((type == null)
? (String) null
: uml.getName(type));
if (iter.hasNext()) {
result.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$
return result.toString();
* Sets the specified navigation call's qualifiers, if they are compatible
* with the navigated association end or association class.
* @param rule
* the rule name that parsed the qualifiers
* @param nc
* the navigation call expression
* @param qualifiers
* the qualifiers to set
protected void setQualifiers(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
String rule, NavigationCallExp<C, P> nc,
List<OCLExpression<C>> qualifiers) {
if (nc instanceof PropertyCallExp) {
P source = ((PropertyCallExp<C, P>) nc).getReferredProperty();
List<P> expectedQualifiers = uml.getQualifiers(source);
if (expectedQualifiers.size() != qualifiers.size()) {
ERROR(qualifiers, rule, OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.MismatchedQualifiers_ERROR_, nc.toString()));
} else {
if (!qualifiers.isEmpty()) {
int iQualifierMax = expectedQualifiers.size();
for (int iQualifier = 0; iQualifier < iQualifierMax; iQualifier++) {
P expectedQualifier = expectedQualifiers
OCLExpression<C> qualifier = qualifiers.get(iQualifier);
C expectedType = getOCLType(env, expectedQualifier);
C qualifierType = qualifier.getType();
if (!TypeUtil.compatibleTypeMatch(env, expectedType,
qualifierType)) {
ERROR(qualifier, rule, OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.MismatchedQualifiers_ERROR_, nc
if (uml.isMany(source)) {
C ncType = nc.getType();
if (ncType instanceof CollectionType) {
// qualifying the navigation results in a
// non-collection
// type
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType) ncType;
} else if (nc instanceof AssociationClassCallExp) {
if (qualifiers.size() != 1) {
ERROR(qualifiers, rule, OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.AssociationClassQualifierCount_ERROR_, nc
if (qualifiers.isEmpty()) {
// already registered error
Object qualifier = qualifiers.get(0);
if (!(qualifier instanceof PropertyCallExp)) {
ERROR(qualifier, rule, OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.AssociationClassQualifierType_ERROR_, nc
} else {
AssociationClassCallExp<C, P> acc = (AssociationClassCallExp<C, P>) nc;
C assocClass = acc.getReferredAssociationClass();
C sourceType = getElementType(nc.getSource().getType());
P property = ((PropertyCallExp<C, P>) qualifier)
// maybe look-up didn't find a property
if (property != null) {
C refAssocClass = uml.getAssociationClass(property);
if (refAssocClass == null) {
ERROR(qualifier, rule, OCLMessages.bind(
} else {
if (uml.getAttributes(sourceType).contains(property)
&& (refAssocClass == assocClass)) {
CollectionKind kind = getCollectionKind(getOCLType(
env, property));
if (kind != null) {
// FIXME associate a CSTNode with the collection
acc.setType(getCollectionType(null, env, kind,
} else {
} else {
// all's well
* Asserts that the specified association class is not a reflexive
* association.
* @param env
* the current environment
* @param rule
* the rule that we are matching
* @param acc
* the association class call expression
* @param cstNode
* context of the call
protected void checkNotReflexive(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
String rule, AssociationClassCallExp<C, P> acc) {
C assocClass = acc.getReferredAssociationClass();
List<P> ends;
if (uml.isAssociationClass(assocClass)) {
ends = uml.getMemberEnds(assocClass);
} else {
ends = Collections.emptyList();
if (ends.size() == 2) {
P end1 = ends.get(0);
P end2 = ends.get(1);
if (TypeUtil.getPropertyType(env, assocClass, end1) == TypeUtil
.getPropertyType(env, assocClass, end2)) {
ERROR(acc, rule, OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.AssociationClassAmbiguous_ERROR_, acc
* Generate a VariableDeclaration AST node, and add it to the environment.
* Variable declarations are generated for "self", let expression variables,
* and iterator and iterate variables, both implicit and explicit. For
* implicit variables, the name is generated by the Environment.
protected Variable<C, PM> genVariableDeclaration(CSTNode cstNode,
String rule,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
String name, C type, OCLExpression<C> initExp,
boolean explicitFlag, boolean addToEnvironment, boolean isSelf) {
Variable<C, PM> vdcl = oclFactory.createVariable();
initASTMapping(env, vdcl, cstNode);
vdcl.setType(TypeUtil.resolveType(env, type));
if (addToEnvironment) {
boolean result = env.addElement(name, vdcl, explicitFlag);
if (!result) {
if (name != null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.VariableUsed_ERROR_, name);
ERROR(cstNode, rule, message);
} else {
ERROR(cstNode, rule, OCLMessages.VariableDeclaration_ERROR_);
if (isSelf) {
if (addToEnvironment) {
TRACE(rule, "adding variable declaration for " + vdcl.getName());//$NON-NLS-1$
return vdcl;
* Generate an OperationCallExp node. operName is the input name of the
* operation, which must be matched against the datatype of the operation
* source.
* @param env
* the current environment
* @param operationCallExpCS
* the operation call CST node
* @param rule
* the name of the concrete syntax rule that we are processing
* @param operName
* the operation name
* @param source
* the operation's source expression
* @param ownerType
* the type that defines the operation, in which we will look it
* up. This can differ from the type of the source expression in
* the case of an implicit collect iterator
* @param args
* the operation arguments
protected OperationCallExp<C, O> genOperationCallExp(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
OperationCallExpCS operationCallExpCS, String rule,
String operName, OCLExpression<C> source, C ownerType,
List<OCLExpression<C>> args) {
OperationCallExp<C, O> result;
result = oclFactory.createOperationCallExp();
initASTMapping(env, result, operationCallExpCS);
// Performs method signature checking
O oper = lookupOperation(operationCallExpCS.getSimpleNameCS(), env,
ownerType, operName, args);
// sometimes we use the resolved name in case the environment's look-up
// supports aliasing
String resolvedName = operName;
if (oper == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.OperationNotFound_ERROR_, operationString(env,
operName, args), (ownerType == null)
? null
: uml.getName(ownerType));
ERROR(operationCallExpCS, rule, message);
} else {
resolvedName = uml.getName(oper);
TRACE(rule, resolvedName);
// Set up arguments
List<OCLExpression<C>> callargs = result.getArgument();
if (args != null) {
for (OCLExpression<C> arg : args) {
if (arg == null) {
ERROR(operationCallExpCS, rule, OCLMessages.BadArg_ERROR_);
} else {
// Compute the result type, and perform conformance checking.
if (oper != null) {
C resultType = null;
int opcode = 0;
if (TypeUtil.isStandardLibraryFeature(env, ownerType, oper)) {
// the operations defined intrinsically by the standard library
// are the only ones that may have opcodes
opcode = OCLStandardLibraryUtil.getOperationCode(resolvedName);
} else if (TypeUtil.isOclAnyOperation(env, oper)) {
// source is a user class, enumeration, or data type and the
// operation is defined by OclAny, not the source type
opcode = OCLStandardLibraryUtil
resultType = TypeUtil.getResultType(operationCallExpCS, env,
ownerType, oper, args);
if (resultType == null) {
resultType = getOCLType(env, oper);
// resolve collection or tuple type against the cache in the
// environment
resultType = TypeUtil.resolveType(env, resultType);
return result;
* Analyzes a top-level document CS.
* @param documentCS
* the document
* @param constraints
* the constraints list to populate
* @since 1.3
protected void documentCS(OCLDocumentCS documentCS, List<CT> constraints) {
for (PackageDeclarationCS decl : documentCS.getPackageDeclarations()) {
packageDeclarationCS(decl, constraints);
* Analyzes a package declaration in the context of the environment created
* for an {@link OCLDocumentCS}.
* @param packageDeclarationCS
* the package declaration to analyze
* @param env
* the OCL document environment in which to analyze it
* @param constraints
* the constraints list to populate
* @since 1.3
protected void packageDeclarationCS(
PackageDeclarationCS packageDeclarationCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
List<CT> constraints) {
PathNameCS pathNameCS = packageDeclarationCS.getPathNameCS();
EList<String> pathname;
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> packageEnv;
if (pathNameCS == null) {
packageEnv = env;
pathname = ECollections.emptyEList();
initASTMapping(packageEnv, createDummyPackage(env,
packageDeclarationCS), packageDeclarationCS);
} else {
pathname = pathNameCS.getSequenceOfNames();
try {
packageEnv = createPackageContext(getOCLEnvironment(), pathname);
if (packageEnv != null) {
PK contextPackage = packageEnv.getContextPackage();
initASTMapping(packageEnv, contextPackage,
} catch (LookupException e) {
ERROR(pathNameCS, "packageDeclarationCS", //$NON-NLS-1$
if (packageEnv == null) {
ERROR(pathNameCS, "packageDeclarationCS", //$NON-NLS-1$
TRACE("packageDeclarationCS", "Package ", pathname); //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
EList<ContextDeclCS> contextDecls = packageDeclarationCS
for (ContextDeclCS decl : contextDecls) {
contextDeclCS(decl, packageEnv, constraints);
* Parses a top-level package declaration that is not nested in an
* {@link OCLDocumentCS}.
* @param packageDeclarationCS
* the package declaration
* @param constraints
* the constraints list to populate
protected void packageDeclarationCS(
PackageDeclarationCS packageDeclarationCS, List<CT> constraints) {
packageDeclarationCS(packageDeclarationCS, getOCLEnvironment(),
* ContextDeclCS
* @param contextDeclCS
* the <code>ContextDeclCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the package environment
* @param constraints
* the constraints list to populate
protected void contextDeclCS(ContextDeclCS contextDeclCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
List<CT> constraints) {
if (contextDeclCS instanceof OperationContextDeclCS) {
operationContextDeclCS((OperationContextDeclCS) contextDeclCS, env,
} else if (contextDeclCS instanceof PropertyContextCS) {
propertyContextCS((PropertyContextCS) contextDeclCS, env,
} else if (contextDeclCS instanceof ClassifierContextDeclCS) {
classifierContextDeclCS((ClassifierContextDeclCS) contextDeclCS,
env, constraints);
* OperationContextDeclCS
* @param operationContextDeclCS
* the <code>OperationContextDeclCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the package environment
* @param constraints
* the constraints list to populate
protected void operationContextDeclCS(
OperationContextDeclCS operationContextDeclCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
List<CT> constraints) {
env = operationCS(operationContextDeclCS.getOperationCS(), env);
if (env != null) {
CT astNode;
for (PrePostOrBodyDeclCS decl : operationContextDeclCS
.getPrePostOrBodyDecls()) {
astNode = prePostOrBodyDeclCS(env, decl);
if (astNode != null) {
* OperationCS
* @param operationCS
* the <code>OperationCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the classifier context environment
* @return the operation context environment, or <code>null</code> if the
* operation could not be resolved
protected Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> operationCS(
OperationCS operationCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
O operation = null;
C classifier = null;
EList<String> className = operationCS.getPathNameCS()
String operationName = operationCS.getSimpleNameCS().getValue();
EList<String> qualifiedOperationName = new BasicEList<String>();
EList<VariableCS> parametersCS = operationCS.getParameters();
if (className.size() > 0) {
classifier = lookupClassifier(operationCS.getPathNameCS(), env,
if (classifier != null) {
// create the classifier context as parent for the operation
// context
env = environmentFactory.createClassifierContext(env,
// ensure that the classifier context has a 'self' variable
if (env.lookupLocal(SELF_VARIABLE_NAME) == null) {
genVariableDeclaration(operationCS, "operationCS", env,//$NON-NLS-1$
SELF_VARIABLE_NAME, classifier, null, true, true, true);
// find the context operation
List<Variable<C, PM>> contextParms = parametersCS(parametersCS,
operation = lookupOperation(operationCS, env, classifier,
operationName, contextParms);
if (operation == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
ERROR(operationCS, "operationContextDeclCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
if (operation == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
ERROR(operationCS, "operationContextDeclCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
TypeCS operationTypeCS = operationCS.getTypeCS();
C opType1 = (operationTypeCS != null)
? typeCS(operationTypeCS, env)
: getOclVoid();
C opType2 = uml.getOCLType(operation);
if (!TypeUtil.compatibleTypeMatch(env, opType1, opType2)) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
ERROR(operationCS, "operationContextDeclCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
TRACE("operationCS", "context", qualifiedOperationName);//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
// this ensures that parameters are correctly renamed according to the
// context declaration (thus ensuring that they do not mask attributes
// of the context classifier)
return createOperationContext(env, (OperationContextDeclCS) operationCS
.eContainer(), operation);
protected Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> createOperationContext(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
OperationContextDeclCS operationContextCS, O operation) {
if (operationContextCS != null) {
// create the operation context
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> result = environmentFactory
.createOperationContext(env, operation);
// create a self variable for this operation
if (result.lookupLocal(SELF_VARIABLE_NAME) == null) {
"operationContextDeclCS", result, //$NON-NLS-1$
SELF_VARIABLE_NAME, env.getContextClassifier(), null, true,
true, true);
if (operationContextCS != null) {
List<VariableCS> contextParms = operationContextCS.getOperationCS()
// now, because the environment factory will have defined
// variables for operation parameters, let's replace any that
// are renamed by the context declaration
List<PM> parms = uml.getParameters(operation);
for (int i = 0; i < parms.size(); i++) {
String contextParmName = contextParms.get(i).getName();
String innateParmName = uml.getName(parms.get(i));
if (!contextParmName.equals(innateParmName)) {
Variable<C, PM> var = result.lookupLocal(innateParmName);
// delete this variable
// replace it with this one
result.addElement(contextParmName, var, true);
return result;
* ParametersCS
* @param parameters
* the list of parameters as <code>VariableDeclarationCS</code>
* objects
* @param env
* the OCL expression
* @return a list of <code>VariableDeclaration</code>s
protected List<Variable<C, PM>> parametersCS(List<VariableCS> parameters,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
return variableDeclarationListCS(parameters, env, false);
* PrePostOrBodyDeclCS
* @param prePostOrBodyDeclCS
* the <code>PrePostOrBodyDeclCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @param operation
* the context <code>EOperation</code>
* @return the parsed <code>Constraint</code>
protected CT prePostOrBodyDeclCS(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
PrePostOrBodyDeclCS prePostOrBodyDeclCS) {
ExpressionInOCL<C, PM> spec = createExpressionInOCL();
initASTMapping(env, spec, prePostOrBodyDeclCS, null);
O operation = env.getContextOperation();
OperationContextDeclCS operationContext = (OperationContextDeclCS) prePostOrBodyDeclCS
// create a disposable child operation context for this environment
env = createOperationContext(env, operationContext, operation);
Variable<C, PM> selfVar = env.getSelfVariable();
C operationType = getOCLType(env, operation);
if (operationType instanceof VoidType) {
operationType = null; // a void operation has no result
String stereotype = null;
Variable<C, PM> resultVar = null;
switch (prePostOrBodyDeclCS.getKind().getValue()) {
case PrePostOrBodyEnum.PRE :
stereotype = UMLReflection.PRECONDITION;
case PrePostOrBodyEnum.POST :
stereotype = UMLReflection.POSTCONDITION;
// postconditions have an implicit variable "result" of the
// same type as the operation
if ((operationType != null)
&& (env.lookupLocal(Environment.RESULT_VARIABLE_NAME) == null)) {
resultVar = genVariableDeclaration(null,
"prePostOrBodyDeclCS0", env, //$NON-NLS-1$
Environment.RESULT_VARIABLE_NAME, operationType, null,
true, true, false);
initASTMapping(env, resultVar, prePostOrBodyDeclCS, null);
case PrePostOrBodyEnum.BODY :
stereotype = UMLReflection.BODY;
// likewise, body conditions have an implicit variable "result"
// when using the UML-style post-condition-like form of body
// condition constraint
if ((operationType != null)
&& (env.lookupLocal(Environment.RESULT_VARIABLE_NAME) == null)) {
resultVar = genVariableDeclaration(null,
"prePostOrBodyDeclCS", env, //$NON-NLS-1$
Environment.RESULT_VARIABLE_NAME, operationType, null,
true, true, false);
initASTMapping(env, resultVar, prePostOrBodyDeclCS, null);
CT astNode;
try {
OCLExpression<C> oclExpression = oclExpressionCS(
prePostOrBodyDeclCS.getExpressionCS(), env);
* create a constraint astNode -- must reference the type of self...
* also, can have a name n. type of constraint is pre/post/body...
astNode = createConstraint();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, prePostOrBodyDeclCS);
SimpleNameCS simpleNameCS = prePostOrBodyDeclCS.getSimpleNameCS();
if (simpleNameCS != null) {
uml.setConstraintName(astNode, simpleNameCS.getValue());
List<EObject> constrainedElement = uml
constrainedElement.add((EObject) operation);
C owner = uml.getOwningClassifier(operation);
C selfVarType = selfVar.getType();
if (owner != selfVarType) {
// implicitly redefining the operation in a specializing
// classifier
constrainedElement.add((EObject) selfVarType);
if (operationContext != null) {
// check settings for using inherited feature context in
// concrete syntax (note that the OLCHelper brings us in
// here, too, which is why we check for the context CST)
ProblemHandler.Severity sev = getEnvironment().getValue(
if (!sev.isOK()) {
formatName(operation)), "prePostOrBodyDeclCS", //$NON-NLS-1$
// compute the parameter variables
List<PM> parameters = uml.getParameters(operation);
Collection<Variable<C, PM>> vars = env.getVariables();
for (Variable<C, PM> var : vars) {
if (parameters.contains(var.getRepresentedParameter())) {
initASTMapping(env, var, prePostOrBodyDeclCS);
uml.setSpecification(astNode, spec);
uml.setStereotype(astNode, stereotype);
if (UMLReflection.BODY.equals(stereotype)) {
env.setBodyCondition(operation, astNode);
} finally {
if (resultVar != null) {
// don't want this variable to linger for the next time the
// environment
// is used, e.g. to parse a pre-condition
return astNode;
* PropertyContextCS
* @param propertyContextCS
* the <code>PropertyContextCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the package environment
* @param constraints
* the constraints list to populate
* @return the context property, or <code>null</code> if it could not be
* resolved
protected P propertyContextCS(PropertyContextCS propertyContextCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
List<CT> constraints) {
EList<String> pathName = propertyContextCS.getPathNameCS()
C owner = lookupClassifier(propertyContextCS.getPathNameCS(), env,
if (owner == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.UnrecognizedContext_ERROR_, makeString(pathName));
ERROR(propertyContextCS, "propertyContextCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
owner = uml.asOCLType(owner);
// create the classifier context as parent for the property context
env = environmentFactory.createClassifierContext(env, owner);
SimpleNameCS simplenameCS = propertyContextCS.getSimpleNameCS();
String simpleName = simplenameCS.getValue();
P property = lookupProperty(simplenameCS, env, owner, simpleName);
EList<String> propertyName = new BasicEList<String>();
if (property == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
ERROR(propertyContextCS, "propertyContextCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
C type = typeCS(propertyContextCS.getTypeCS(), env);
C propertyType = getPropertyType(simplenameCS, env, owner, property);
if ((type == null) || !TypeUtil.exactTypeMatch(env, propertyType, type)) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
ERROR(propertyContextCS.getTypeCS(), "propertyContextCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
TRACE("propertyContextCS", "context", propertyName); //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
// create the property context
env = environmentFactory.createAttributeContext(env, property);
CT astNode;
InitOrDerValueCS initOrDerValueCS = propertyContextCS
astNode = initOrDerValueCS(env, initOrDerValueCS);
InitOrDerValueCS other = initOrDerValueCS.getInitOrDerValueCS();
if (other != null) {
if ((initOrDerValueCS.eClass() == other.eClass())
|| (other.getInitOrDerValueCS() != null)) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
ERROR(initOrDerValueCS, "propertyContextCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
astNode = initOrDerValueCS(env, other);
return property;
protected Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> createPropertyContext(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
PropertyContextCS propertyContextCS, P property) {
// create the classifier context as parent for the property context
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> result = environmentFactory
.createAttributeContext(env, property);
// ensure that the classifier context has a 'self' variable
if (result.lookupLocal(SELF_VARIABLE_NAME) == null) {
"propertyContextCS", result, //$NON-NLS-1$
SELF_VARIABLE_NAME, env.getContextClassifier(), null, true,
true, true);
return result;
* InitOrDerValueCS
* @param initOrDerValueCS
* the <code>InitOrDerValueCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @param property
* the context <code>EStructuralFeature</code>
* @return the parsed <code>Constraint</code>
protected CT initOrDerValueCS(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
InitOrDerValueCS initOrDerValueCS) {
P property = env.getContextProperty();
PropertyContextCS propertyContext = null;
for (EObject container = initOrDerValueCS.eContainer(); container != null; container = container
.eContainer()) {
if (container instanceof PropertyContextCS) {
propertyContext = (PropertyContextCS) container;
// create a disposable property context for this environment
env = createPropertyContext(env, propertyContext, property);
String stereotype = null;
switch (initOrDerValueCS.eClass().getClassifierID()) {
case CSTPackage.INIT_VALUE_CS :
stereotype = UMLReflection.INITIAL;
case CSTPackage.DER_VALUE_CS :
stereotype = UMLReflection.DERIVATION;
OCLExpression<C> oclExpression = oclExpressionCS(initOrDerValueCS
.getExpressionCS(), env);
CT astNode = createConstraint();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, initOrDerValueCS);
List<EObject> constrainedElement = uml.getConstrainedElements(astNode);
constrainedElement.add((EObject) property);
C owner = uml.getOwningClassifier(property);
if (owner != env.getSelfVariable().getType()) {
// implicitly redefining the property in a specializing classifier
constrainedElement.add((EObject) env.getSelfVariable().getType());
if (propertyContext != null) {
// check settings for using inherited feature context in
// concrete syntax (note that the OLCHelper brings us in
// here, too, which is why we check for the context CST)
ProblemHandler.Severity sev = getEnvironment().getValue(
if (!sev.isOK()) {
formatQualifiedName(owner), formatName(property)),
"initOrDerValueCS", //$NON-NLS-1$
ExpressionInOCL<C, PM> spec = createExpressionInOCL();
initASTMapping(env, spec, initOrDerValueCS, null);
uml.setSpecification(astNode, spec);
uml.setStereotype(astNode, stereotype);
if (UMLReflection.DERIVATION.equals(stereotype)) {
env.setDeriveConstraint(property, astNode);
} else {
env.setInitConstraint(property, astNode);
return astNode;
* ClassifierContextDeclCS
* @param classifierContextDeclCS
* the <code>ClassifierContextDeclCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the package environment
* @param constraints
* the constraints list to populate
* @param the
* classifier context environment, or <code>null</code> of the
* classifier could not be resolved
protected Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> classifierContextDeclCS(
ClassifierContextDeclCS classifierContextDeclCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
List<CT> constraints) {
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> result = null;
PathNameCS pathNameCS = classifierContextDeclCS.getPathNameCS();
EList<String> pathName = pathNameCS.getSequenceOfNames();
C type = lookupClassifier(pathNameCS, env, pathName);
if (type == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.UnrecognizedContext_ERROR_, makeString(pathName));
ERROR(classifierContextDeclCS, "classifierContextDeclCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
// return null;
type = createDummyInvalidType(env, pathNameCS, pathNameCS
type = uml.asOCLType(type);
result = environmentFactory.createClassifierContext(env, type);
if (result.getSelfVariable() == null) {
// ensure that the classifier context has a "self" variable
"classifierContextDeclCS", result, //$NON-NLS-1$
SELF_VARIABLE_NAME, type, null, true, true, true);
TRACE("classifierContextDeclCS", "context", pathName); //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
for (InvOrDefCS decl : classifierContextDeclCS.getConstraints()) {
CT constraint = invOrDefCS(decl, result);
if (constraint != null) {
return result;
protected Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> createClassifierContext(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
ClassifierContextDeclCS classifierContextDeclCS, C classifier) {
// create the classifier context as parent for the property context
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> result = environmentFactory
.createClassifierContext(env, classifier);
// ensure that the classifier context has a 'self' variable
if (result.lookupLocal(SELF_VARIABLE_NAME) == null) {
"propertyContextCS", result, //$NON-NLS-1$
SELF_VARIABLE_NAME, env.getContextClassifier(), null, true,
true, true);
return result;
* InvOrDefCS
* @param invOrDefCS
* the <code>InvOrDefCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>Constraint</code>
protected CT invOrDefCS(InvOrDefCS invOrDefCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
C classifier = env.getContextClassifier();
// create a disposable classifier context for this environment
env = createClassifierContext(env, (ClassifierContextDeclCS) invOrDefCS
.eContainer(), classifier);
CT astNode = null;
if (invOrDefCS instanceof InvCS) {
astNode = invCS((InvCS) invOrDefCS, env);
} else if (invOrDefCS instanceof DefCS) {
astNode = defCS((DefCS) invOrDefCS, env);
return astNode;
* InvCS
* @param invCS
* the <code>InvCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>Constraint</code>
protected CT invCS(InvCS invCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
OCLExpression<C> oclExpression = oclExpressionCS(invCS
.getExpressionCS(), env);
CT astNode = createConstraint();
SimpleNameCS simpleNameCS = invCS.getSimpleNameCS();
if (simpleNameCS != null) {
uml.setConstraintName(astNode, simpleNameCS.getValue());
C type = env.getContextClassifier();
List<EObject> constrainedElement = uml.getConstrainedElements(astNode);
constrainedElement.add((EObject) type);
ExpressionInOCL<C, PM> spec = createExpressionInOCL();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, invCS);
initASTMapping(env, env.getSelfVariable(), invCS, null);
initASTMapping(env, spec, invCS.getExpressionCS(), null);
if (simpleNameCS != null) {
uml.setSpecification(astNode, spec);
uml.setStereotype(astNode, UMLReflection.INVARIANT);
return astNode;
* DefCS
* @param defCS
* the <code>DefCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>Constraint</code>
protected CT defCS(DefCS defCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> contextEnv;
DefExpressionCS defExpr = defCS.getDefExpressionCS();
EObject feature = null;
OCLExpression<C> expression = null;
CT astNode = createConstraint();
Variable<C, PM> variable = null;
C operType = null;
C contextClassifier = env.getContextClassifier();
SimpleNameCS simpleNameCS = defCS.getSimpleNameCS();
if (simpleNameCS != null) {
uml.setConstraintName(astNode, simpleNameCS.getValue());
List<EObject> constrainedElement = uml.getConstrainedElements(astNode);
constrainedElement.add((EObject) contextClassifier);
ExpressionInOCL<C, PM> spec = createExpressionInOCL();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, defCS);
initASTMapping(env, env.getSelfVariable(), defCS, null);
initASTMapping(env, spec, defExpr);
if (simpleNameCS != null) {
uml.setSpecification(astNode, spec);
uml.setStereotype(astNode, UMLReflection.DEFINITION);
if (defExpr != null) {
try {
if (defExpr.getVariableCS() != null) {
// context of the expression is the classifier
contextEnv = env;
variable = variableDeclarationCS(defExpr.getVariableCS(),
contextEnv, false);
P existing = lookupProperty(null, env, contextClassifier,
if (existing != null) {
ERROR(defCS, "defCS", //$NON-NLS-1$
OCLMessages.DuplicateProperty_ERROR_, variable
.getName(), uml.getName(contextEnv
// define the property now, so that recursive references to
// it will resolve correctly
feature = (EObject) env.defineAttribute(contextClassifier,
variable, astNode);
if (getEnvironment().getValue(
expression = oclExpressionCS(defExpr.getExpressionCS(),
} else if (defExpr.getOperationCS() != null) {
// context of the expression is the new operation
OperationCS operCS = defExpr.getOperationCS();
contextEnv = environmentFactory.createEnvironment(env);
List<Variable<C, PM>> params = variableDeclarationListCS(
operCS.getParameters(), contextEnv, true);
operType = typeCS(operCS.getTypeCS(), contextEnv);
String operName = operCS.getSimpleNameCS().getValue();
O existing = lookupOperation(null, env, contextClassifier,
operName, params);
if (existing != null) {
ERROR(defCS, "defCS", //$NON-NLS-1$
operationString(env, operName, params), uml
// define the operation now, so that recursive references to
// it will resolve correctly
feature = (EObject) env.defineOperation(contextClassifier,
operName, operType, params, astNode);
if (operCS.getPathNameCS() != null)
if (getEnvironment().getValue(
expression = oclExpressionCS(defExpr.getExpressionCS(),
if ((feature != null) && (expression != null)) {
C featureType = getOCLType(env, feature);
C bodyType = expression.getType();
if ((featureType == null)
|| !TypeUtil.compatibleTypeMatch(env, bodyType,
featureType)) {
expression = null; // trigger undefinition of the
// feature
astNode = null; // fail to return an AST node
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
uml.getName(bodyType), uml.getName(featureType));
ERROR(defCS, "defCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
} finally {
if ((feature != null) && (expression == null)) {
// failed to parse the body expression? Undefine the feature
return astNode;
* VariableDeclarationCS
* @param variableDeclarationCS
* the <code>VariableDeclarationCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @param addToEnvironment
* boolean whether or not to add the the parsed variable to the
* environment
* @return the parsed <code>VariableDeclaration</code>
protected Variable<C, PM> variableDeclarationCS(
VariableCS variableDeclarationCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
boolean addToEnvironment) {
String varName = variableDeclarationCS.getName();
C type = null;
if (variableDeclarationCS.getTypeCS() != null) {
type = typeCS(variableDeclarationCS.getTypeCS(), env);
OCLExpression<C> expr = null;
if (variableDeclarationCS.getInitExpression() != null) {
expr = oclExpressionCS(variableDeclarationCS.getInitExpression(),
// handle the generic typing of OclMessages
if (expr != null) {
C exprType = expr.getType();
while (exprType instanceof CollectionType) {
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) exprType;
exprType = ct.getElementType();
if (exprType instanceof MessageType) {
C varType = type;
if (varType instanceof CollectionType) {
do {
CollectionType<C, O> collType = (CollectionType<C, O>) varType;
varType = collType.getElementType();
if (varType == env.getOCLStandardLibrary()
.getOclMessage()) {
// substitute the actual type for the generic type
} while (varType instanceof CollectionType);
} else if (type == env.getOCLStandardLibrary().getOclMessage()) {
// substitute the actual type for the generic type
type = exprType;
Variable<C, PM> astNode = genVariableDeclaration(variableDeclarationCS,
"variableDeclarationCS", env, varName, type, expr, //$NON-NLS-1$
true, addToEnvironment, false);
initStartEndPositions(astNode, variableDeclarationCS);
if (variableDeclarationCS.getTypeCS() != null) {
initTypePositions(astNode, variableDeclarationCS.getTypeCS());
return astNode;
* VariableDeclarationListCS
* @param variableDeclarationCS
* list of <code>VariableDeclarationCS</code>s
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @param addToEnvironment
* boolean whether or not to add the the parsed variable to the
* environment
* @return list of <code>VariableDeclaration</code>s
protected List<Variable<C, PM>> variableDeclarationListCS(
List<VariableCS> variableDeclarationCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
boolean addToEnvironment) {
List<Variable<C, PM>> variableDeclarations = new java.util.ArrayList<Variable<C, PM>>();
for (VariableCS next : variableDeclarationCS) {
variableDeclarations.add(variableDeclarationCS(next, env,
return variableDeclarations;
* TypeCS
* @param typeCS
* the <code>TypeCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return an <code>EClassifier</code> representing the type
protected C typeCS(TypeCS typeCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
C astNode = null;
if (typeCS instanceof PrimitiveTypeCS) {
astNode = primitiveTypeCS(((PrimitiveTypeCS) typeCS).getType(), env);
} else if (typeCS instanceof PathNameCS) {
astNode = lookupClassifier(typeCS, env, ((PathNameCS) typeCS)
if (astNode == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
formatPath(((PathNameCS) typeCS).getSequenceOfNames()));
ERROR(typeCS, "typeCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
astNode = createDummyInvalidType(env, typeCS, message);
} else if (typeCS instanceof CollectionTypeCS
|| typeCS instanceof TupleTypeCS) {
if (typeCS instanceof CollectionTypeCS) {
astNode = collectionTypeCS((CollectionTypeCS) typeCS, env);
} else if (typeCS instanceof TupleTypeCS) {
astNode = tupleTypeCS((TupleTypeCS) typeCS, env);
return astNode;
* stateExpCS
* @param source
* the source expression of the oclIsInState operation
* @param stateExpCS
* the <code>StateExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return a <code>StateExp</code> representing the state
protected StateExp<C, S> stateExpCS(OCLExpression<C> source,
StateExpCS stateExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
C sourceType = null;
if (source != null) {
sourceType = source.getType();
S state = null;
EList<String> statePath = stateExpCS.getSequenceOfNames();
if (!statePath.isEmpty()) {
// to support content-assist, we can parse an expression that
// has no state, to provide suggestions for the first part
// of the name. Validation of the expression will assert
// the presence of some referred state
state = lookupState(stateExpCS, env, sourceType, statePath);
if (state == null) {
ERROR(stateExpCS, "stateExpCS", //$NON-NLS-1$
OCLMessages.bind(OCLMessages.NoSuchState_ERROR_, statePath,
sourceType == null
? null
: uml.getName(sourceType)));
// FIXME Set state to some unresolvedState to avoid NPEs etc
StateExp<C, S> astNode = oclFactory.createStateExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, stateExpCS);
initStartEndPositions(astNode, stateExpCS);
return astNode;
* CollectionTypeCS
* @param collectionTypeCS
* the <code>CollectionTypeCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return an <code>EClassifier</code> representing the collection type
protected C collectionTypeCS(CollectionTypeCS collectionTypeCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
CollectionKind kind = collectionTypeIdentifierCS(collectionTypeCS
C type = typeCS(collectionTypeCS.getTypeCS(), env);
C result = getCollectionType(collectionTypeCS, env, kind, type);
CollectionType<C, O> astNode = (CollectionType<C, O>) result;
initTypePositions(astNode, collectionTypeCS.getTypeCS());
return result;
* CollectionTypeIdentifierCS
* @param collectionTypeIdentifier
* the <code>CollectionTypeIdentifierEnum</code> representing the
* collection type
* @return the parsed <code>CollectionType</code>
protected CollectionKind collectionTypeIdentifierCS(
CollectionTypeIdentifierEnum collectionTypeIdentifier) {
CollectionKind astNode = null;
switch (collectionTypeIdentifier.getValue()) {
case CollectionTypeIdentifierEnum.SET :
astNode = CollectionKind.SET_LITERAL;
TRACE("collectionTypeIdentifierCS", "SET");//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
case CollectionTypeIdentifierEnum.BAG :
astNode = CollectionKind.BAG_LITERAL;
TRACE("collectionTypeIdentifierCS", "BAG"); //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
case CollectionTypeIdentifierEnum.SEQUENCE :
astNode = CollectionKind.SEQUENCE_LITERAL;
TRACE("collectionTypeIdentifierCS", "SEQUENCE"); //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
case CollectionTypeIdentifierEnum.COLLECTION :
astNode = CollectionKind.COLLECTION_LITERAL;
TRACE("collectionTypeIdentifierCS", "COLLECTION"); //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
case CollectionTypeIdentifierEnum.ORDERED_SET :
astNode = CollectionKind.ORDERED_SET_LITERAL;
TRACE("collectionTypeIdentifierCS", "ORDERED_SET"); //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
return astNode;
* TupleTypeCS
* @param tupleTypeCS
* the <code>TupleTypeCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>TupleTypeCS</code>
protected C tupleTypeCS(TupleTypeCS tupleTypeCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>();
String nodeName = null;
EList<Variable<C, PM>> vdcls = new BasicEList<Variable<C, PM>>();
String name;
List<Variable<C, PM>> variableDeclarations = variableDeclarationListCS(
tupleTypeCS.getVariables(), env, false);
for (Variable<C, PM> vdcl : variableDeclarations) {
name = vdcl.getName();
TRACE("tupleTypeCS", " name = " + name);//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
if (names.contains(name)) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.DuplicateNameInTuple_ERROR_, name);
ERROR(vdcl, "tupleTypeCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
if (vdcl.getInitExpression() != null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.InitExpNotAllowed_ERROR_, name);
ERROR(vdcl, "tupleTypeCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
if (vdcl.getType() == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.DeclarationType_ERROR_, name);
ERROR(vdcl, "tupleTypeCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
if (nodeName == null) {
nodeName = "Tuple("; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
nodeName += ", "; //$NON-NLS-1$
nodeName += vdcl.getName() + ":" + uml.getName(vdcl.getType()); //$NON-NLS-1$
return getTupleType(tupleTypeCS, env, vdcls);
* OCLExpressionCS
* @param oclExpressionCS
* the <code>OCLExpressionCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>OCLExpression</code>
protected OCLExpression<C> oclExpressionCS(OCLExpressionCS oclExpressionCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
OCLExpression<C> astNode = null;
if (oclExpressionCS instanceof IfExpCS) {
astNode = ifExpCS((IfExpCS) oclExpressionCS, env);
} else if (oclExpressionCS instanceof CallExpCS) {
astNode = propertyCallExpCS((CallExpCS) oclExpressionCS, env);
} else if (oclExpressionCS instanceof VariableExpCS) {
astNode = variableExpCS((VariableExpCS) oclExpressionCS, env);
} else if (oclExpressionCS instanceof LiteralExpCS) {
astNode = literalExpCS((LiteralExpCS) oclExpressionCS, env);
} else if (oclExpressionCS instanceof LetExpCS) {
astNode = letExp((LetExpCS) oclExpressionCS, env);
} else if (oclExpressionCS instanceof MessageExpCS) {
astNode = messageExpCS((MessageExpCS) oclExpressionCS, env);
if (astNode != null) {
astNode.setType(TypeUtil.resolveType(env, astNode.getType()));
initStartEndPositions(astNode, oclExpressionCS);
return astNode;
* VariableExpCS
* @param variableExpCS
* the <code>VariableExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>OCLExpression</code>
protected OCLExpression<C> variableExpCS(VariableExpCS variableExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
SimpleNameCS simpleNameCS = variableExpCS.getSimpleNameCS();
OCLExpression<C> astNode = simpleNameCS(simpleNameCS, env, null);
List<OCLExpression<C>> qualifiers = qualifiersCS(variableExpCS
.getArguments(), env, astNode);
if (isAtPre(variableExpCS)) {
if (astNode instanceof FeatureCallExp) {
((FeatureCallExp<C>) astNode).setMarkedPre(true);
} else {
ERROR(astNode, "variableExpCS", OCLMessages.IllegalAtPre_ERROR_);//$NON-NLS-1$
if (!qualifiers.isEmpty()) {
if (astNode instanceof NavigationCallExp) {
NavigationCallExp<C, P> callNode = (NavigationCallExp<C, P>) astNode;
setQualifiers(env, "variableExpCS", callNode, qualifiers); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if ((astNode instanceof LoopExp)
&& ((LoopExp<?, ?>) astNode).getBody() instanceof NavigationCallExp) {
// might have parsed an implicit collect expression
NavigationCallExp<C, P> callNode = (NavigationCallExp<C, P>) ((LoopExp<C, ?>) astNode)
setQualifiers(env, "variableExpCS", callNode, qualifiers);//$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
ERROR(variableExpCS, "variableExpCS", //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (astNode instanceof AssociationClassCallExp) {
AssociationClassCallExp<C, P> callNode = (AssociationClassCallExp<C, P>) astNode;
checkNotReflexive(env, "variableExpCS", callNode);//$NON-NLS-1$
return astNode;
* Queries whether the specified call expression is adorned with
* <tt>{@literal @pre}</tt>.
* @param callExp
* a call expression
* @return whether the expression is marked pre
* @since 1.3
protected boolean isAtPre(FeatureCallExpCS callExp) {
IsMarkedPreCS atPre = callExp.getIsMarkedPreCS();
return (atPre != null) && atPre.isPre();
* Queries whether the specified variable expression is adorned with
* <tt>{@literal @pre}</tt>.
* @param variableExp
* a variable expression
* @return whether the expression is marked pre
* @since 1.3
protected boolean isAtPre(VariableExpCS callExp) {
IsMarkedPreCS atPre = callExp.getIsMarkedPreCS();
return (atPre != null) && atPre.isPre();
* Creates a variable expression with the variable that it references.
* @param env
* the current parsing environment
* @param cst
* the concrete syntax that produces the variable expression
* @param var
* the referred variable
* @return the variable expression
* @since 1.3
protected VariableExp<C, PM> createVariableExp(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
CSTNode cst, Variable<C, PM> var) {
VariableExp<C, PM> result = oclFactory.createVariableExp();
initASTMapping(env, result, cst, var);
if (var != null) {
return result;
* QualifiersCS
* @param arguments
* the <code>OCLExpressionCS</code> arguments list
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @param navigation
* @return the parsed <code>OCLExpression</code>s list
protected List<OCLExpression<C>> qualifiersCS(
List<OCLExpressionCS> arguments,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
OCLExpression<C> navigation) {
if (arguments.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<OCLExpression<C>> qualifiers = new java.util.ArrayList<OCLExpression<C>>();
if (navigation instanceof LoopExp) {
LoopExp<C, ?> loopNode = (LoopExp<C, ?>) navigation;
navigation = loopNode.getBody();
if (navigation instanceof AssociationClassCallExp) {
AssociationClassCallExp<C, P> acc = (AssociationClassCallExp<C, P>) navigation;
OCLExpression<C> source = acc.getSource();
OCLExpressionCS arg = arguments.get(0);
if (!(arg instanceof VariableExpCS)) {
ERROR(arg, "qualifiersCS",//$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
SimpleNameCS qualifier = ((VariableExpCS) arg)
String simpleName = qualifier.getValue();
C sourceType = source != null
? source.getType()
: null;
P property = lookupProperty(qualifier, env, sourceType,
if (property == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.UnrecognizedVar_ERROR_, simpleName);
ERROR(sourceType, "qualifiersCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
TRACE("qualifierCS", "Reference: " + simpleName);//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
PropertyCallExp<C, P> ref = oclFactory
initASTMapping(env, ref, arg);
ref.setType(getPropertyType(qualifier, env, sourceType,
if (source == null) {
Variable<C, PM> implicitSource = env
VariableExp<C, PM> src = createVariableExp(env, arg,
initStartEndPositions(ref, qualifier);
initPropertyPositions(ref, qualifier);
} else {
for (OCLExpressionCS arg : arguments) {
OCLExpression<C> qualExp = oclExpressionCS(arg, env);
if (qualExp != null) {
return qualifiers;
* IfExpCS
* @param ifExpCS
* the <code>IfExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>IfExpCS</code>
protected IfExp<C> ifExpCS(IfExpCS ifExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
OCLExpression<C> condition = oclExpressionCS(ifExpCS.getCondition(),
OCLExpression<C> thenExpression = oclExpressionCS(ifExpCS
.getThenExpression(), env);
OCLExpression<C> elseExpression = oclExpressionCS(ifExpCS
.getElseExpression(), env);
TRACE("ifExpCS", " "); //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
IfExp<C> astNode = oclFactory.createIfExp();
if (isErrorNode(condition)) {
// don't validate the condition type
} else if (condition.getType() != getBoolean()) {
ERROR(ifExpCS.getCondition(), "ifExpCS", OCLMessages.bind( //$NON-NLS-1$
OCLMessages.BooleanForIf_ERROR_, computeInputString(ifExpCS
initASTMapping(env, astNode, ifExpCS);
if ((thenExpression != null) && (elseExpression != null)) {
C commonType = getCommonSuperType(ifExpCS, "ifExpCS", env, //$NON-NLS-1$
thenExpression.getType(), elseExpression.getType());
if (isErrorNode(thenExpression)) {
// propagate error stigma to the if expression
if (isErrorNode(elseExpression)) {
// propagate error stigma to the if expression
} else {
initStartEndPositions(astNode, ifExpCS);
return astNode;
* LetExpCS
* @param letExpCS
* the <code>LetExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>LetExpCS</code>
* @deprecated Since 1.3, use {@link #letExp(LetExpCS, Environment)},
* instead.
protected LetExp<C, PM> letExpCS(LetExpCS letExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
return (LetExp<C, PM>) letExp(letExpCS, env);
* LetExpCS
* @param letExpCS
* the <code>LetExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>LetExpCS</code>
* @since 1.3
protected OCLExpression<C> letExp(LetExpCS letExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
return letExpCSRecursive(letExpCS, 0, env);
* Constructs the LetExp
* @param letExpCS
* the <code>LetExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param index
* the index of the VariableDeclarationCS to parse
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>OCLExpression</code>
protected OCLExpression<C> letExpCSRecursive(LetExpCS letExpCS, int index,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
OCLExpression<C> astNode;
if (index < letExpCS.getVariables().size()) {
VariableCS variableDeclarationCS = letExpCS.getVariables().get(
Variable<C, PM> variableDeclaration = variableDeclarationCS(
variableDeclarationCS, env, true);
String varName = variableDeclaration.getName();
if (variableDeclaration.getType() == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.DeclarationType_ERROR_, varName);
ERROR(variableDeclarationCS, "letExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
if (variableDeclaration.getInitExpression() == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.DeclarationNoInitExp_ERROR_, varName);
ERROR(variableDeclarationCS, "letExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
OCLExpression<C> letSubExp = letExpCSRecursive(letExpCS, ++index,
LetExp<C, PM> letExp = oclFactory.createLetExp();
initASTMapping(env, letExp, letExpCS);
if (letSubExp != null) {
} else {
astNode = letExp;
} else {
astNode = oclExpressionCS(letExpCS.getInExpression(), env);
return astNode;
* Parses a <tt>simpleNameCS</tt> token. This method is largely a
* <i>template</i>, delegating to helpers that may be separately overridden
* to resolve simple names to various kinds of expression.
* @param simpleNameCS
* the <code>simpleNameCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @param source
* the source of the <code>simpleNameCS</code>
* @return the parsed <code>OCLExpression</code>
* @see #simpleAssociationClassName(SimpleNameCS, Environment,
* OCLExpression, Object, String)
* @see #simplePropertyName(SimpleNameCS, Environment, OCLExpression,
* Object, String)
* @see #simpleTypeName(SimpleNameCS, Environment, OCLExpression, Object,
* String)
* @see #simpleVariableName(SimpleNameCS, Environment, OCLExpression,
* String)
* @see #simpleUndefinedName(SimpleNameCS, Environment, OCLExpression,
* String)
protected OCLExpression<C> simpleNameCS(SimpleNameCS simpleNameCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
OCLExpression<C> source) {
if ((source != null) && isErrorNode(source)) {
// don't attempt to parse navigation from an unparseable source
return source; // return the same unparseable token
String simpleName = null;
C classifier = null;
* A name can be a variable defined by a Variable declaration, the
* special variable "self", an attribute or a reference to another
* object. If the source is not null, then the last token was a "." or
* "->" The source is used to establish the navigation. If no type is
* provided, then either the name is a the use of a variable, or there
* is an implicit variable declaration (self or an iterator) that is the
* source.
switch (simpleNameCS.getType().getValue()) {
case SimpleTypeEnum.SELF :
case SimpleTypeEnum.KEYWORD :
case SimpleTypeEnum.IDENTIFIER :
simpleName = simpleNameCS.getValue();
case SimpleTypeEnum.INTEGER :
case SimpleTypeEnum.STRING :
case SimpleTypeEnum.REAL :
case SimpleTypeEnum.BOOLEAN :
case SimpleTypeEnum.OCL_ANY :
case SimpleTypeEnum.OCL_VOID :
case SimpleTypeEnum.INVALID :
case SimpleTypeEnum.OCL_MESSAGE :
case SimpleTypeEnum.UNLIMITED_NATURAL :
// if we have a source, then this is a feature call
if (source == null) {
classifier = primitiveTypeCS(simpleNameCS.getType(), env);
simpleName = uml.getName(classifier);
* The source may be a collection type (for example, in
*, children may be a set.)_ In this case, we have to
* get the element type of children, so that the attribute name can be
* found. The source type can also be a tuple type. In this case, we
* need to get the EClass of the tuple.
C sourceElementType = null;
if (source != null) {
sourceElementType = source.getType();
if (sourceElementType instanceof CollectionType) {
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) sourceElementType;
sourceElementType = ct.getElementType();
// cascaded alternatives for a simpleNameCS
OCLExpression<C> astNode = simpleTypeName(simpleNameCS, env, source,
classifier, simpleName);
if (astNode == null) {
astNode = simpleVariableName(simpleNameCS, env, source, simpleName);
if (astNode == null) {
astNode = simplePropertyName(simpleNameCS, env, source,
sourceElementType, simpleName);
if (astNode == null) {
astNode = simpleAssociationClassName(simpleNameCS, env, source,
sourceElementType, simpleName);
if (astNode == null) {
astNode = simpleUndefinedName(simpleNameCS, env, source, simpleName);
* If the source type is a collection, then need there is an implicit
* COLLECT operator. Note that this rule is not called after "->". Check
* for FeatureCallExp in case we created a dummy InvalidLiteralExp.
if ((source != null) && (source.getType() instanceof CollectionType)
&& (astNode instanceof FeatureCallExp)) {
astNode = createImplicitCollect(source,
(FeatureCallExp<C>) astNode, env, simpleNameCS);
return astNode;
* Attempts to parse a <tt>simpleNameCS</tt> as an association-class call
* expression.
* @param simpleNameCS
* the simple name
* @param env
* the current environment
* @param source
* the navigation source expression, or <code>null</code> if the
* source is implicit
* @param owner
* the owner of the association-class end to be navigated, or
* <code>null</code> if the source is implicit
* @param simpleName
* the simple name, as a string
* @return the parsed association-class call, or <code>null</code> if the
* simple name does not resolve to a related association class
* @see #simpleNameCS(SimpleNameCS, Environment, OCLExpression)
* @since 1.3
protected AssociationClassCallExp<C, P> simpleAssociationClassName(
SimpleNameCS simpleNameCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
OCLExpression<C> source, C owner, String simpleName) {
AssociationClassCallExp<C, P> result = null;
C assocClass = lookupAssociationClassReference(simpleNameCS, env,
owner, simpleName);
if (assocClass != null) {
TRACE("variableExpCS", "Association class: " + simpleName);//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
result = oclFactory.createAssociationClassCallExp();
initASTMapping(env, result, simpleNameCS);
if (source != null) {
} else {
Variable<C, PM> implicitSource = env
VariableExp<C, PM> src = createVariableExp(env, simpleNameCS,
// infer the navigation source and type of the association class
// call expression from the association class end that is
// implicitly navigated (in case it is not explicit as a qualifier)
C acrefType = null;
C sourceType = getElementType(result.getSource().getType());
List<P> ends = uml.getMemberEnds(assocClass);
List<P> available = uml.getAttributes(sourceType);
for (P end : ends) {
if (available.contains(end)) {
// this is the navigation source
CollectionKind kind = getCollectionKind(getOCLType(env, end));
if (kind != null) {
acrefType = getCollectionType(simpleNameCS, env, kind,
} else {
acrefType = assocClass;
if (acrefType == null) {
// for non-navigable association classes, assume set type
acrefType = getSetType(simpleNameCS, env, assocClass);
initPropertyPositions(result, simpleNameCS);
return result;
* Attempts to parse a <tt>simpleNameCS</tt> as a property call expression.
* @param simpleNameCS
* the simple name
* @param env
* the current environment
* @param source
* the navigation source expression, or <code>null</code> if the
* source is implicit
* @param owner
* the owner of the property to be navigated, or
* <code>null</code> if the source is implicit
* @param simpleName
* the simple name, as a string
* @return the parsed property call, or <code>null</code> if the simple name
* does not resolve to an available property
* @see #simpleNameCS(SimpleNameCS, Environment, OCLExpression)
* @since 1.3
protected PropertyCallExp<C, P> simplePropertyName(
SimpleNameCS simpleNameCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
OCLExpression<C> source, C owner, String simpleName) {
if (simpleName == null) {
return null;
PropertyCallExp<C, P> result = null;
P property = lookupProperty(simpleNameCS, env, owner, simpleName);
if (property != null) {
TRACE("variableExpCS", "Property: " + simpleName);//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
result = oclFactory.createPropertyCallExp();
initASTMapping(env, result, simpleNameCS, null);
result.setType(getPropertyType(simpleNameCS, env, owner, property));
if (source != null) {
} else {
Variable<C, PM> implicitSource = env
VariableExp<C, PM> src = createVariableExp(env, simpleNameCS,
initPropertyPositions(result, simpleNameCS);
return result;
* Attempts to parse a <tt>simpleNameCS</tt> as a type expression. For the
* sake of completeness and generality, information about a navigation
* <code>source</code> is provided, if any. In such cases, it is usually
* inappropriate to attempt to resolve the simple name as a type expression.
* Also, the referenced <code>classifier</code> may already be determined to
* be a member of the OCL Standard Library.
* @param simpleNameCS
* the simple name
* @param env
* the current environment
* @param source
* the navigation source expression, if any, in which case this
* would not be a type expression in OCL
* @param classifier
* the referenced classifier, if it is already known to be one of
* the OCL Standard Library types
* @param simpleName
* the simple name, as a string
* @return the parsed type expression, or <code>null</code> if the simple
* name does not resolve to an accessible type
* @see #simpleNameCS(SimpleNameCS, Environment, OCLExpression)
* @since 1.3
protected TypeExp<C> simpleTypeName(SimpleNameCS simpleNameCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
OCLExpression<C> source, C classifier, String simpleName) {
if (simpleNameCS.getAst() != null) {
// Non-null when invoked from variableExpCS, so there is
// no point trying to turn the variable name into a type
return null;
TypeExp<C> result = null;
// if we have a source, then this is a feature call
if ((classifier == null) && (source == null)) {
classifier = lookupClassifier(simpleNameCS, env, Collections
if (classifier != null) {
* Variable is a classifier. Classifiers are used in allInstances,
* isKindOf, isTypeOf, asTypeOf operations
result = typeCS(simpleNameCS, env, classifier);
return result;
* Attempts to parse a <tt>simpleNameCS</tt> as a variable expression. The
* navigation <code>source</code>, if any, is provided for completeness and
* generality. If there is a navigation source, then it is not usually
* appropriate to attempt to resolve the simple name as a variable.
* @param simpleNameCS
* the simple name
* @param env
* the current environment
* @param source
* the navigation source expression, if any, in which case this
* would not be a variable expression in OCL
* @param simpleName
* the simple name, as a string
* @return the parsed variable call, or <code>null</code> if the simple name
* does not resolve to an accessible variable
* @see #simpleNameCS(SimpleNameCS, Environment, OCLExpression)
* @since 1.3
protected VariableExp<C, PM> simpleVariableName(SimpleNameCS simpleNameCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
OCLExpression<C> source, String simpleName) {
VariableExp<C, PM> result = null;
if (source == null) {
Variable<C, PM> vdcl = env.lookup(simpleName);
if (vdcl != null) {
// Either a use of a declared variable or self
TRACE("variableExpCS", "Variable Expression: " + simpleName);//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
result = createVariableExp(env, simpleNameCS, vdcl);
return result;
* The error case for <tt>simpleNameCS</tt>, which is called when the name
* cannot be resolved to any suitable expression. The result is a
* {@linkplain #createDummyInvalidLiteralExp(Environment, CSTNode) dummy}
* expression.
* @param simpleNameCS
* the simple name
* @param env
* the current environment
* @param source
* the navigation source expression, or <code>null</code> if the
* source is implicit
* @param simpleName
* the simple name, as a string
* @return the dummy expression that is a placeholder for the unresolved
* reference
* @see #simpleNameCS(SimpleNameCS, Environment, OCLExpression)
* @since 1.3
protected OCLExpression<C> simpleUndefinedName(SimpleNameCS simpleNameCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
OCLExpression<C> source, String simpleName) {
if ((source != null) && (env.lookup(simpleName)) != null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(OCLMessages.VarInNavExp_ERROR_,
ERROR(simpleNameCS, "variableExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.UnrecognizedVar_ERROR_, simpleName);
ERROR(simpleNameCS, "variableExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
return createDummyInvalidLiteralExp(env, simpleNameCS);
* Creates an implicit <code>collect</code> iterator expression for a
* property call on a collection-type source expression.
* @param source
* the property call source expression
* @param propertyCall
* the property call expression
* @param env
* the current environment
* @return the collect expression
protected IteratorExp<C, PM> createImplicitCollect(OCLExpression<C> source,
FeatureCallExp<C> propertyCall,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
CSTNode cstNode) {
C sourceElementType = ((CollectionType<C, O>) source.getType())
IteratorExp<C, PM> result = oclFactory.createIteratorExp();
initASTMapping(env, result, cstNode, null);
Variable<C, PM> itervar = genVariableDeclaration(cstNode,
"modelPropertyCallCS", env,//$NON-NLS-1$
null, sourceElementType, null, false, true, false);
List<Variable<C, PM>> iters = result.getIterator();
VariableExp<C, PM> vexp = createVariableExp(env, cstNode, itervar);
* adjust the source variable for the body expression to be the newly
* generated implicit iterator variable
if (!(propertyCall instanceof OperationCallExp)) {
// the overall start and end positions are the property positions
// the result of a collect() is flattened, so if the value
// that we are collecting is a Collection type, the resulting
// type must be flattened by taking its element type (recursively)
C bodyType = propertyCall.getType();
if (bodyType instanceof CollectionType) {
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) bodyType;
bodyType = CollectionUtil.getFlattenedElementType(ct);
if (source.getType() instanceof SequenceType
|| source.getType() instanceof OrderedSetType) {
C c = getCollectionType(cstNode, env,
CollectionKind.SEQUENCE_LITERAL, bodyType);
} else {
C c = getCollectionType(cstNode, env, CollectionKind.BAG_LITERAL,
return result;
* PrimitiveTypeCS
* @param simpleType
* the <code>SimpleTypeEnum</code> representing the primitive
* type
* @return an <code>EClassifie</code> representing the primitive type
protected C primitiveTypeCS(SimpleTypeEnum simpleType,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
C astNode = null;
switch (simpleType) {
astNode = env.getOCLStandardLibrary().getInteger();
astNode = env.getOCLStandardLibrary().getUnlimitedNatural();
astNode = env.getOCLStandardLibrary().getString();
astNode = env.getOCLStandardLibrary().getReal();
astNode = env.getOCLStandardLibrary().getBoolean();
astNode = env.getOCLStandardLibrary().getOclAny();
astNode = env.getOCLStandardLibrary().getOclVoid();
astNode = env.getOCLStandardLibrary().getInvalid();
astNode = env.getOCLStandardLibrary().getOclMessage();
return astNode;
* PrimitiveLiteralExpCS
* @param primitiveLiteralExpCS
* the <code>PrimitiveLiteralExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>LiteralExp</code>
protected LiteralExp<C> primitiveLiteralExpCS(
PrimitiveLiteralExpCS primitiveLiteralExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
LiteralExp<C> astNode = null;
if (primitiveLiteralExpCS instanceof IntegerLiteralExpCS) {
astNode = integerLiteralExpCS(
(IntegerLiteralExpCS) primitiveLiteralExpCS, env);
} else if (primitiveLiteralExpCS instanceof UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS) {
astNode = unlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS(
(UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS) primitiveLiteralExpCS, env);
} else if (primitiveLiteralExpCS instanceof RealLiteralExpCS) {
astNode = realLiteralExpCS(
(RealLiteralExpCS) primitiveLiteralExpCS, env);
} else if (primitiveLiteralExpCS instanceof StringLiteralExpCS) {
astNode = stringLiteralExpCS(
(StringLiteralExpCS) primitiveLiteralExpCS, env);
} else if (primitiveLiteralExpCS instanceof BooleanLiteralExpCS) {
astNode = booleanLiteralExpCS(
(BooleanLiteralExpCS) primitiveLiteralExpCS, env);
return astNode;
* IntegerLiteralExpCS
* @param integerLiteralExpCS
* the <code>IntegerLiteralExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>IntegerLiteralExp</code>
protected IntegerLiteralExp<C> integerLiteralExpCS(
IntegerLiteralExpCS integerLiteralExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
IntegerLiteralExp<C> astNode = oclFactory.createIntegerLiteralExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, integerLiteralExpCS);
"integerLiteralExpCS", "Integer: " + integerLiteralExpCS.getSymbol());//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
return astNode;
* UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS
* @param unlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS
* the <code>UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS</code>
* <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExp</code>
protected UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExp<C> unlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS(
UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS unlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExp<C> astNode = oclFactory
initASTMapping(env, astNode, unlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS);
"unlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS", "UnlimitedNatural: " + unlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS.getSymbol());//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
return astNode;
* RealLiteralExpCS
* @param realLiteralExpCS
* the <code>RealLiteralExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>RealLiteralExp</code>
protected RealLiteralExp<C> realLiteralExpCS(
RealLiteralExpCS realLiteralExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
RealLiteralExp<C> astNode = oclFactory.createRealLiteralExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, realLiteralExpCS);
TRACE("realLiteralExpCS", "Real: " + realLiteralExpCS.getSymbol());//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
return astNode;
* StringLiteralExpCS
* @param stringLiteralExpCS
* the <code>StringLiteralExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>StringLiteralExp</code>
protected StringLiteralExp<C> stringLiteralExpCS(
StringLiteralExpCS stringLiteralExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
StringLiteralExp<C> astNode = oclFactory.createStringLiteralExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, stringLiteralExpCS);
String stringLiteral = stringLiteralExpCS.getStringSymbol();
if (stringLiteral.length() <= 2) {
} else {
.substring(1, stringLiteral.length() - 1)));
TRACE("stringLiteralExpCS", "String: " + stringLiteralExpCS.getSymbol());//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
return astNode;
* Processes escape sequences in string literals. Currently, only the
* non-standard " '' " escape for single-quotes is supported.
* @param stringLiteral
* a string literal
* @return the string, with any escape sequences converted
private String processStringEscapes(String stringLiteral) {
String result = stringLiteral;
int length = stringLiteral.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// optimize for the case that there is no escape: don't create
// any new string object or buffer unless we need one
if (stringLiteral.charAt(i) == '\'') { // known BMP code point
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(length);
// found an escape. Copy content up to this point
buf.append(stringLiteral, 0, i);
// continue processing to the end, appending to the buffer
for (; i < length; i++) {
char c = stringLiteral.charAt(i);
if (c != '\'') { // known BMP code point
} else {
i++; // next char
if (i >= length) {
// trailing single-quote is not an escape (although,
// the lexer couldn't have parsed it, anyway)
} else {
c = stringLiteral.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
case '\'' : // known BMP code point
// append the escaped single-quote
default :
// parser shouldn't have produced this
buf.append('\''); // include the escape
result = buf.toString(); // convert the buffer
if (!result.equals(stringLiteral)) {
// check settings for using non-standard closure iterator
ProblemHandler.Severity sev = getEnvironment().getValue(
if ((sev != null) && (sev != ProblemHandler.Severity.OK)) {
stringLiteral), "stringLiteralExpCS", //$NON-NLS-1$
return result;
* BooleanLiteralExpCS
* @param booleanLiteralExpCS
* the <code>BooleanLiteralExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>BooleanLiteralExp</code>
protected BooleanLiteralExp<C> booleanLiteralExpCS(
BooleanLiteralExpCS booleanLiteralExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
BooleanLiteralExp<C> astNode = oclFactory.createBooleanLiteralExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, booleanLiteralExpCS);
"booleanLiteralExpCS", "Boolean: " + booleanLiteralExpCS.getSymbol());//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
return astNode;
* NullLiteralExpCS
* @param nullLiteralExpCS
* the <code>NullLiteralExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>NullLiteralExp</code>
protected NullLiteralExp<C> nullLiteralExpCS(
NullLiteralExpCS nullLiteralExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
NullLiteralExp<C> astNode = oclFactory.createNullLiteralExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, nullLiteralExpCS);
TRACE("nullLiteralExpCS", "OclVoid: null");//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
return astNode;
* InvalidLiteralExpCS
* @param invalidLiteralExpCS
* the <code>InvalidLiteralExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>InvalidLiteralExp</code>
protected InvalidLiteralExp<C> invalidLiteralExpCS(
InvalidLiteralExpCS invalidLiteralExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
InvalidLiteralExp<C> astNode = oclFactory.createInvalidLiteralExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, invalidLiteralExpCS);
TRACE("invalidLiteralExpCS", "Invalid: OclInvalid");//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
return astNode;
* LiteralExpCS
* @param literalExpCS
* the <code>LiteralExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>LiteralExp</code>
protected OCLExpression<C> literalExpCS(LiteralExpCS literalExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
OCLExpression<C> astNode = null;
if (literalExpCS instanceof PrimitiveLiteralExpCS) {
astNode = primitiveLiteralExpCS(
(PrimitiveLiteralExpCS) literalExpCS, env);
} else if (literalExpCS instanceof CollectionLiteralExpCS) {
astNode = collectionLiteralExpCS(
(CollectionLiteralExpCS) literalExpCS, env);
} else if (literalExpCS instanceof TupleLiteralExpCS) {
astNode = tupleLiteralExpCS((TupleLiteralExpCS) literalExpCS, env);
} else if (literalExpCS instanceof EnumLiteralExpCS) {
astNode = enumLiteralExpCS((EnumLiteralExpCS) literalExpCS, env);
} else if (literalExpCS instanceof NullLiteralExpCS) {
astNode = nullLiteralExpCS((NullLiteralExpCS) literalExpCS, env);
} else if (literalExpCS instanceof InvalidLiteralExpCS) {
astNode = invalidLiteralExpCS((InvalidLiteralExpCS) literalExpCS,
return astNode;
* TupleLiteralExpCS
* @param tupleLiteralExpCS
* the <code>TupleLiteralExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>TupleLiteralExp</code>
protected TupleLiteralExp<C, P> tupleLiteralExpCS(
TupleLiteralExpCS tupleLiteralExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
TupleLiteralExp<C, P> astNode;
HashSet<String> names = new HashSet<String>();
String nodeName = null;
String name;
astNode = oclFactory.createTupleLiteralExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, tupleLiteralExpCS);
EList<TupleLiteralPart<C, P>> tupleParts = astNode.getPart();
TRACE("tupleLiteralExpCS", "Tuple");//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
EList<VariableCS> tupleLiteralPartListCS = tupleLiteralExpCS
EList<TupleLiteralPart<C, P>> tupleLiteralParts = tupleLiteralPartListCS(
tupleLiteralPartListCS, env);
for (TupleLiteralPart<C, P> part : tupleLiteralParts) {
name = part.getName();
TRACE("tupleLiteralExpCS", " name = " + name);//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
if (names.contains(name)) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.DuplicateNameInTuple_ERROR_, name);
ERROR(part, "tupleLiteralPartCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
if (part.getValue() == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.MissingTypeInTupleLiteralPart_ERROR_, name,
ERROR(tupleLiteralExpCS, "tupleLiteralExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
if (part.getType() == null) {
if (part.getValue() != null) {
// type is implied from init expression
} else {
if (nodeName == null) {
nodeName = "Tuple{"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
nodeName += ", "; //$NON-NLS-1$
nodeName += part.getName() + ":" + uml.getName(part.getType()); //$NON-NLS-1$
C tt = getTupleType(tupleLiteralExpCS, env, tupleParts);
for (TupleLiteralPart<C, P> part : tupleParts) {
// don't need to worry about ambiguity in the tuple type definition
part.setAttribute(env.lookupProperty(tt, part.getName()));
return astNode;
* tupleLiteralPartListCS
* @param variableDeclarations
* list of <code>VariableDeclarationCS</code>es
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return list of <code>TupleLiteralPart</code>s
protected EList<TupleLiteralPart<C, P>> tupleLiteralPartListCS(
List<VariableCS> variableDeclarations,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
EList<TupleLiteralPart<C, P>> result = new BasicEList<TupleLiteralPart<C, P>>();
for (Iterator<VariableCS> i = variableDeclarations.iterator(); i
.hasNext();) {
result.add(tupleLiteralPartCS(, env));
return result;
* tupleLiteralPartCS
* @param variableDeclarationCS
* the <code>VariableDeclarationCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @param addToEnvironment
* boolean whether or not to add the the parsed variable to the
* environment
* @return the parsed <code>VariableDeclaration</code>
protected TupleLiteralPart<C, P> tupleLiteralPartCS(
VariableCS variableDeclarationCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
String varName = variableDeclarationCS.getName();
C type = null;
if (variableDeclarationCS.getTypeCS() != null) {
type = typeCS(variableDeclarationCS.getTypeCS(), env);
OCLExpression<C> expr = null;
if (variableDeclarationCS.getInitExpression() != null) {
expr = oclExpressionCS(variableDeclarationCS.getInitExpression(),
TupleLiteralPart<C, P> astNode = oclFactory.createTupleLiteralPart();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, variableDeclarationCS);
initStartEndPositions(astNode, variableDeclarationCS);
if (variableDeclarationCS.getTypeCS() != null) {
initTypePositions(astNode, variableDeclarationCS.getTypeCS());
if ((expr != null) && isErrorNode(expr)) {
// propagate error stigma to the tuple literal
return astNode;
* EnumLiteralExpCS
* @param enumLiteralExpCS
* the <code>EnumLiteralExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>EnumLiteralExp</code>
protected OCLExpression<C> enumLiteralExpCS(
EnumLiteralExpCS enumLiteralExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
OCLExpression<C> astNode = null;
EList<String> sequenceOfNames = new BasicEList<String>(enumLiteralExpCS
String lastToken = enumLiteralExpCS.getSimpleNameCS().getValue();
EL literal = null;
P attribute = null;
C enumType = lookupClassifier(enumLiteralExpCS.getPathNameCS(), env,
if (enumType == null) {
// Check to see whether the pathname corresponds to a type
C type = lookupClassifier(enumLiteralExpCS.getSimpleNameCS(), env,
if (type == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.UnrecognizedType_ERROR_, sequenceOfNames);
"enumerationOrClassLiteralExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
astNode = typeCS(enumLiteralExpCS, env, type);
} else {
if (uml.isEnumeration(enumType)) {
// look first for an enumeration literal with this name, rather
// than a static attribute
literal = uml.getEnumerationLiteral(enumType, lastToken);
if ((literal == null) && isEscaped(lastToken)) {
literal = uml.getEnumerationLiteral(enumType,
if (literal == null) {
// try looking for a static attribute
attribute = lookupProperty(enumLiteralExpCS, env, enumType,
} else {
// look for a static attribute
attribute = lookupProperty(enumLiteralExpCS, env, enumType,
if (literal != null) {
astNode = oclFactory.createEnumLiteralExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, enumLiteralExpCS);
EnumLiteralExp<C, EL> litExp = (EnumLiteralExp<C, EL>) astNode;
astNode = litExp;
} else if (attribute != null) {
if (!uml.isStatic(attribute)) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.NonStaticAttribute_ERROR_, lastToken);
"enumerationOrClassLiteralExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
PropertyCallExp<C, P> pcExp = oclFactory
initASTMapping(env, pcExp, enumLiteralExpCS);
astNode = pcExp;
TypeExp<C> typeExp = typeCS(enumLiteralExpCS, env, enumType);
initStartEndPositions(typeExp, enumLiteralExpCS.getPathNameCS());
.getSimpleNameCS(), env, enumType, attribute));
initPropertyPositions(pcExp, enumLiteralExpCS.getSimpleNameCS());
} else {
// try looking for a nested classifier
C type = lookupClassifier(enumLiteralExpCS.getSimpleNameCS(),
env, sequenceOfNames);
if (type == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.UnrecognizedEnum_ERROR_, lastToken);
"enumerationOrClassLiteralExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
astNode = typeCS(enumLiteralExpCS, env, type);
if (astNode == null) {
astNode = createDummyInvalidLiteralExp(env, enumLiteralExpCS);
String traceText = new String();
for (String next : sequenceOfNames) {
traceText += next + "::"; //$NON-NLS-1$
traceText += lastToken;
TRACE("enumerationOrClassLiteralExpCS", traceText); //$NON-NLS-1$
return astNode;
protected TypeExp<C> typeCS(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C type) {
TypeExp<C> astNode = oclFactory.createTypeExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, cstNode, null);
astNode.setType(getTypeType(cstNode, env, type));
return astNode;
* CollectionLiteralExpCS
* @param collectionLiteralExpCS
* the <code>CollectionLiteralExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>CollectionLiteralExp</code>
protected CollectionLiteralExp<C> collectionLiteralExpCS(
CollectionLiteralExpCS collectionLiteralExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
CollectionLiteralExp<C> astNode;
astNode = null;
CollectionKind kind = null;
CollectionLiteralPart<C> collectionLiteralPartExp = null;
List<CollectionLiteralPart<C>> collectionParts = null;
C type = null;
C resultType = null;
kind = collectionTypeIdentifierCS(collectionLiteralExpCS
astNode = oclFactory.createCollectionLiteralExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, collectionLiteralExpCS);
collectionParts = astNode.getPart();
EList<CollectionLiteralPartCS> collectionLiteralPartsCS = collectionLiteralExpCS
if (!collectionLiteralPartsCS.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<CollectionLiteralPartCS> i = collectionLiteralPartsCS
CollectionLiteralPartCS colPart =;
collectionLiteralPartExp = collectionLiteralPartCS(colPart, env);
type = collectionLiteralPartExp.getType();
if (isErrorNode(collectionLiteralPartExp)) {
// propagate error stigma to the collection literal
while (i.hasNext()) {
collectionLiteralPartExp = collectionLiteralPartCS(,
C type1 = collectionLiteralPartExp.getType();
type = getCommonSuperType(colPart,
"collectionLiteralExpCS", env, type, type1); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (isErrorNode(collectionLiteralPartExp)) {
// propagate error stigma to the collection literal
if (collectionParts.isEmpty()) {
// absolute wildcard element type
resultType = getCollectionType(collectionLiteralExpCS, env, kind,
} else {
resultType = getCollectionType(collectionLiteralExpCS, env, kind,
return astNode;
* CollectionLiteralPartCS
* @param collectionLiteralPartCS
* the <code>CollectionLiteralPartCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>CollectionLiteralPart</code>
protected CollectionLiteralPart<C> collectionLiteralPartCS(
CollectionLiteralPartCS collectionLiteralPartCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
CollectionLiteralPart<C> astNode;
astNode = null;
OCLExpression<C> expr1 = null;
OCLExpression<C> expr2 = null;
CollectionRange<C> collRange = null;
CollectionItem<C> collItem = null;
expr1 = oclExpressionCS(collectionLiteralPartCS.getExpressionCS(), env);
if (collectionLiteralPartCS instanceof CollectionRangeCS) {
CollectionRangeCS collectionRangeCS = (CollectionRangeCS) collectionLiteralPartCS;
expr2 = oclExpressionCS(collectionRangeCS.getLastExpressionCS(),
collRange = oclFactory.createCollectionRange();
initASTMapping(env, collRange, collectionLiteralPartCS);
if (expr1.getType() != expr2.getType()) {
ERROR(collectionLiteralPartCS, "collectionLiteralPartCS", //$NON-NLS-1$
astNode = collRange;
if (isErrorNode(expr1) || isErrorNode(expr2)) {
// propagate error stigma to the collection literal part
TRACE("collectionLiteralPartCS", "collection range");//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
collItem = oclFactory.createCollectionItem();
initASTMapping(env, collItem, collectionLiteralPartCS);
astNode = collItem;
if (isErrorNode(expr1)) {
// propagate error stigma to the collection literal part
TRACE("collectionLiteralPartCS", "collection item");//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
return astNode;
* PropertyCallExpCS
* @param propertyCallExpCS
* the <code>PropertyCallExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>OCLExpression</code>
protected OCLExpression<C> propertyCallExpCS(CallExpCS propertyCallExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
OCLExpression<C> astNode = null;
if (propertyCallExpCS instanceof LoopExpCS) {
astNode = loopExpCS((LoopExpCS) propertyCallExpCS, env);
} else if (propertyCallExpCS instanceof FeatureCallExpCS) {
astNode = modelPropertyCallExpCS(
(FeatureCallExpCS) propertyCallExpCS, env);
initStartEndPositions(astNode, propertyCallExpCS);
return astNode;
* LoopExpCS
* @param loopExpCS
* the <code>LoopExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>LoopExp</code>
protected LoopExp<C, PM> loopExpCS(LoopExpCS loopExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
LoopExp<C, PM> astNode = null;
if (loopExpCS instanceof IteratorExpCS) {
astNode = iteratorExpCS((IteratorExpCS) loopExpCS, env);
} else if (loopExpCS instanceof IterateExpCS) {
astNode = iterateExpCS((IterateExpCS) loopExpCS, env);
return astNode;
* OCLExpressionCS
* @param oclExpressionCS
* the <code>OCLExpressionCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>OCLExpression</code>
protected OCLExpression<C> getCollectionSourceExpression(
OCLExpressionCS oclExpressionCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
OCLExpression<C> astNode = oclExpressionCS(oclExpressionCS, env);
if (astNode == null) {
astNode = createDummyInvalidLiteralExp(env, oclExpressionCS);
* The source must be a collection type.
if (!(astNode.getType() instanceof CollectionType)) {
CollectionLiteralExp<C> astNode1 = oclFactory
initASTMapping(env, astNode1, oclExpressionCS, null);
List<CollectionLiteralPart<C>> collectionParts = astNode1.getPart();
CollectionItem<C> collItem = oclFactory.createCollectionItem();
initASTMapping(env, collItem, oclExpressionCS, null);
C type = getCollectionType(oclExpressionCS, env,
astNode1.getKind(), astNode.getType());
if (isErrorNode(astNode)) {
// propagate error mark to the collection literal
astNode = astNode1;
return astNode;
* IteratorExpCS
* @param iteratorExpCS
* the <code>IteratorExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>IteratorExp</code>
protected IteratorExp<C, PM> iteratorExpCS(IteratorExpCS iteratorExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
OCLExpression<C> source = getCollectionSourceExpression(iteratorExpCS
.getSource(), env);
if (source == null) {
return null;
String name = iteratorExpCS.getSimpleNameCS().getValue();
Variable<C, PM> vdcl = null;
Variable<C, PM> vdcl1 = null;
IteratorExp<C, PM> astNode = oclFactory.createIteratorExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, iteratorExpCS);
resolveIteratorOperation(iteratorExpCS.getSimpleNameCS(), env);
List<Variable<C, PM>> iterators = astNode.getIterator();
if (iteratorExpCS.getVariable1() != null) {
vdcl = variableDeclarationCS(iteratorExpCS.getVariable1(), env,
if (vdcl.getType() == null) {
C sourceType = source.getType();
if (sourceType instanceof CollectionType) {
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) sourceType;
if (iteratorExpCS.getVariable2() != null) {
vdcl1 = variableDeclarationCS(iteratorExpCS.getVariable2(),
env, true);
if (vdcl1.getType() == null) {
C sourceType = source.getType();
if (sourceType instanceof CollectionType) {
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) sourceType;
} else {
// Synthesize the iterator expression.
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) source.getType();
vdcl = genVariableDeclaration(iteratorExpCS,
"iteratorExpCS", env, null, //$NON-NLS-1$
ct.getElementType(), null, false, true, false);
OCLExpressionCS exprCS = iteratorExpCS.getBody();
OCLExpression<C> expr = null;
if (isErrorNode(source)) {
// don't attempt to parse iterator body for an unparseable source
expr = createDummyInvalidLiteralExp(env, iteratorExpCS);
// don't parse call expressions sourced on this result
} else {
expr = oclExpressionCS(exprCS, env);
TRACE("oclIteratorExpCS: ", name);//$NON-NLS-1$
if (name.equals("forAll") || name.equals("exists") || name.equals("one") || name.equals("isUnique")) {//$NON-NLS-4$//$NON-NLS-3$//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (name.equals("select") || name.equals("reject")) {//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (name.equals("collect")) {//$NON-NLS-1$
// The result type for collect must be flattened
C elementType = expr.getType();
if (elementType instanceof CollectionType) {
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) elementType;
elementType = CollectionUtil.getFlattenedElementType(ct);
if (source.getType() instanceof SequenceType
|| source.getType() instanceof OrderedSetType) {
astNode.setType(getSequenceType(exprCS, env, elementType));
} else {
astNode.setType(getBagType(exprCS, env, elementType));
} else if (name.equals("collectNested")) {//$NON-NLS-1$
if (source.getType() instanceof SequenceType
|| source.getType() instanceof OrderedSetType) {
astNode.setType(getSequenceType(exprCS, env, expr.getType()));
} else {
astNode.setType(getBagType(exprCS, env, expr.getType()));
} else if (name.equals("any")) {//$NON-NLS-1$
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) source.getType();
} else if (name.equals("sortedBy")) {//$NON-NLS-1$
if ((source.getType() instanceof SequenceType)
|| source.getType() instanceof BagType) {
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) source
astNode.setType(getSequenceType(exprCS, env, ct
} else { // set, ordered set
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) source
astNode.setType(getOrderedSetType(exprCS, env, ct
} else if (name.equals("closure")) {//$NON-NLS-1$
// get the body element type if it is a collection-type
// expression
C bodyType = expr.getType();
if (bodyType instanceof CollectionType) {
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) bodyType;
bodyType = ct.getElementType();
astNode.setType(getSetType(exprCS, env, bodyType));
if (vdcl1 != null) {
return astNode;
* Ovverridden by subclasses to assign the AST Operation target for an
* iterator reference from the CST. The default implementation does nothing.
* @param simpleNameCS
* the iterator name
* @param env
* the current OCL environment
* @since 1.3
protected void resolveIteratorOperation(SimpleNameCS simpleNameCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
// nothing to do
* IterateExpCS
* @param iterateExpCS
* the <code>IterateExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>IterateExp</code>
protected IterateExp<C, PM> iterateExpCS(IterateExpCS iterateExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
IterateExp<C, PM> astNode = null;
OCLExpression<C> source = getCollectionSourceExpression(iterateExpCS
.getSource(), env);
if (source == null) {
return null;
Variable<C, PM> vdcl = null;
Variable<C, PM> vdcl1 = null;
OCLExpression<C> expr = null;
vdcl = variableDeclarationCS(iterateExpCS.getVariable1(), env, true);
if (iterateExpCS.getVariable2() != null) {
vdcl1 = variableDeclarationCS(iterateExpCS.getVariable2(), env,
* If there is only one variable declaration, then it is the result,
* vdcl1. The missing variable declaration is treated as the implicit
* iterator vdcl.
if (vdcl1 == null) {
vdcl1 = vdcl;
vdcl = null;
if (vdcl == null) { // synthesize a new variable declaration.
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) source.getType();
vdcl = genVariableDeclaration(iterateExpCS,
"iterateExpCS", env, null, //$NON-NLS-1$
ct.getElementType(), null, false, true, false);
if (vdcl.getType() == null) {
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) source.getType();
TRACE("iterateExpCS", "iterate");//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
astNode = oclFactory.createIterateExp();
initASTMapping(env, astNode, iterateExpCS);
astNode.setName("iterate"); //$NON-NLS-1$
resolveIteratorOperation(iterateExpCS.getSimpleNameCS(), env);
if (isErrorNode(source)) {
// don't attempt to parse iterate body for an unparseable source
expr = createDummyInvalidLiteralExp(env, iterateExpCS);
// don't parse call expressions sourced on this result
} else {
expr = oclExpressionCS(iterateExpCS.getBody(), env);
List<Variable<C, PM>> iterator = astNode.getIterator();
if (vdcl1.getType() == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.DeclarationType_ERROR_, vdcl1.getName());
ERROR(vdcl, "iterateExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
vdcl1.setType(createDummyInvalidType(env, iterateExpCS
.getVariable1(), message));
if (vdcl1.getInitExpression() == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.DeclarationNoInitExp_ERROR_, vdcl1.getName());
ERROR(iterateExpCS.getVariable2(), "iterateExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
if (vdcl.getInitExpression() != null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.DeclarationInitExp_ERROR_, vdcl1.getName());
ERROR(iterateExpCS.getVariable1(), "iterateExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
return astNode;
* ModelPropertyCallExpCS
* @param modelPropertyCallExpCS
* the <code>ModelPropertyCallExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>OCLExpression</code>
protected OCLExpression<C> modelPropertyCallExpCS(
FeatureCallExpCS modelPropertyCallExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
OCLExpression<C> astNode = null;
if (modelPropertyCallExpCS instanceof OperationCallExpCS) {
astNode = operationCallExpCS(
(OperationCallExpCS) modelPropertyCallExpCS, env);
} else {
OCLExpression<C> source = oclExpressionCS(modelPropertyCallExpCS
.getSource(), env);
astNode = simpleNameCS(modelPropertyCallExpCS.getSimpleNameCS(),
env, source);
List<OCLExpression<C>> qualifiers = qualifiersCS(
modelPropertyCallExpCS.getArguments(), env, astNode);
if (isAtPre(modelPropertyCallExpCS)) {
if (astNode instanceof FeatureCallExp) {
((FeatureCallExp<C>) astNode).setMarkedPre(true);
} else {
"modelPropertyCallExpCS", OCLMessages.IllegalAtPre_ERROR_);//$NON-NLS-1$
if (!qualifiers.isEmpty()) {
if (astNode instanceof NavigationCallExp) {
NavigationCallExp<C, P> callNode = (NavigationCallExp<C, P>) astNode;
setQualifiers(env, "modelPropertyCallExpCS",//$NON-NLS-1$
callNode, qualifiers);
} else if ((astNode instanceof LoopExp)
&& (getLoopBody(astNode) instanceof NavigationCallExp)) {
// might have parsed an implicit collect expression
NavigationCallExp<C, P> nav = (NavigationCallExp<C, P>) getLoopBody(astNode);
setQualifiers(env, "modelPropertyCallExpCS",//$NON-NLS-1$
nav, qualifiers);
} else {
ERROR(modelPropertyCallExpCS, "modelPropertyCallExpCS", //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (astNode instanceof AssociationClassCallExp) {
AssociationClassCallExp<C, P> callNode = (AssociationClassCallExp<C, P>) astNode;
checkNotReflexive(env, "modelPropertyCallExpCS", callNode);//$NON-NLS-1$
initASTMapping(env, astNode, modelPropertyCallExpCS);
return astNode;
protected OCLExpression<C> getLoopBody(OCLExpression<C> expr) {
return ((LoopExp<C, ?>) expr).getBody();
* OperationCallExpCS
* @param operationCallExpCS
* the <code>OperationCallExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>OCLExpression</code>
protected OCLExpression<C> operationCallExpCS(
OperationCallExpCS operationCallExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
OperationCallExp<C, O> astNode = null;
List<OCLExpression<C>> args = new java.util.ArrayList<OCLExpression<C>>();
// boolean isMarkedPre = false;
String name = operationCallExpCS.getSimpleNameCS().getValue();
int operator = operationCallExpCS.getAccessor().getValue();
* The type of the operation is specified by a path expression or self,
* or by an explicit source expression. The source expression may be a
* collection type (-> operation) or a regular navigation expression (.
* operation)
OCLExpression<C> source = null;
if (operator == DotOrArrowEnum.ARROW) {
source = getCollectionSourceExpression(operationCallExpCS
.getSource(), env);
} else {
OCLExpressionCS sourceCS = operationCallExpCS.getSource();
if (sourceCS instanceof PathNameCS) {
// static operation call
PathNameCS pathName = (PathNameCS) sourceCS;
C sourceType = lookupClassifier(sourceCS, env, pathName
if (sourceType == null) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.UnrecognizedType_ERROR_, pathName
ERROR(sourceCS, "operatonCallExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
source = typeCS(sourceCS, env, sourceType);
} else {
source = oclExpressionCS(operationCallExpCS.getSource(), env);
String operationName = operationCallExpCS.getSimpleNameCS().getValue();
if (PredefinedType.OCL_IS_IN_STATE_NAME.equals(operationName)) {
if (operationCallExpCS.getArguments().size() != 1) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
ERROR(operationCallExpCS, "operationCallExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
if (!operationCallExpCS.getArguments().isEmpty()) {
OCLExpressionCS arg = operationCallExpCS.getArguments().get(0);
if (arg instanceof StateExpCS) {
args.add(stateExpCS(source, (StateExpCS) arg, env));
} else {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
ERROR(arg, "operationCallExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
for (OCLExpressionCS arg : operationCallExpCS.getArguments()) {
OCLExpression<C> argExpr = oclExpressionCS(arg, env);
if (argExpr == null) {
argExpr = createDummyInvalidLiteralExp(env, arg);
initASTMapping(env, argExpr, arg);
if (source == null) { // create an implicit source
Variable<C, PM> implicitSource = lookupImplicitSourceForOperation(
operationCallExpCS, env, args, operationName);
VariableExp<C, PM> vexp = createVariableExp(env,
operationCallExpCS, implicitSource);
if (implicitSource == null) {
String errMessage = name + "(";//$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
errMessage += ", ";//$NON-NLS-1$
errMessage += uml.getName(args.get(i).getType());
errMessage += ")";//$NON-NLS-1$
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.IllegalSignature_ERROR_, errMessage);
ERROR(operationCallExpCS, "operationCallExpCS", message); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (implicitSource != null) {
} else {
source = vexp;
* If the source type is a collection and operator is ".", then there is
* an implicit COLLECT operator.
C operationSourceType = source.getType();
boolean isImplicitCollect = (operator == DotOrArrowEnum.DOT)
&& (operationSourceType instanceof CollectionType);
if (isImplicitCollect) {
CollectionType<C, O> ct = (CollectionType<C, O>) operationSourceType;
operationSourceType = ct.getElementType();
// if the sourceType is a TypeType then this must be a static operation
boolean isStatic = operationSourceType instanceof TypeType;
astNode = genOperationCallExp(env, operationCallExpCS,
"operationCallExpCS", operationName,//$NON-NLS-1$
source, operationSourceType, args);
if (isStatic) {
TypeType<C, O> typeType = (TypeType<C, O>) operationSourceType;
O operation = astNode.getReferredOperation();
// operation must either be defined by the TypeType (e.g.,
// allInstances())
// or be a static operation of the referred classifier
if (!(typeType.oclOperations().contains(operation) || uml
.isStatic(operation))) {
String message = OCLMessages.bind(
OCLMessages.NonStaticOperation_ERROR_, operationName);
ERROR(astNode, "operationCallExpCS", message);//$NON-NLS-1$
initPropertyPositions(astNode, operationCallExpCS.getSimpleNameCS());
OCLExpression<C> result = astNode;
if (isImplicitCollect) {
result = createImplicitCollect(source, astNode, env,
if (isErrorNode(source)) {
// don't attempt to parse navigation from an unparseable source
return result;
* MessageExpCS
* @param messageExpCS
* the <code>MessageExpCS</code> <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param env
* the OCL environment
* @return the parsed <code>OCLExpression</code>
protected OCLExpression<C> messageExpCS(MessageExpCS messageExpCS,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env) {
MessageExp<C, COA, SSA> result;
OCLExpression<C> target = oclExpressionCS(messageExpCS.getTarget(), env);
String name = messageExpCS.getSimpleNameCS().getValue();
EList<OCLMessageArgCS> argsCS = messageExpCS.getArguments();
EList<OCLExpression<C>> arguments;
if (argsCS.isEmpty()) {
arguments = ECollections.emptyEList();
} else {
arguments = new BasicEList<OCLExpression<C>>();
for (OCLMessageArgCS argCS : argsCS) {
OCLExpression<C> arg;
if (argCS.getExpression() == null) {
// unspecified value
arg = oclFactory.createUnspecifiedValueExp();
initASTMapping(env, arg, argCS);
initStartEndPositions(arg, argCS);
if (argCS.getTypeCS() == null) {
// OclVoid matches any parameter type in an operation
// signature
} else {
arg.setType(typeCS(argCS.getTypeCS(), env));
initTypePositions((UnspecifiedValueExp<C>) arg, argCS
} else {
arg = oclExpressionCS(argCS.getExpression(), env);
O calledOperation = lookupOperation(messageExpCS, env,
target.getType(), name, arguments);
C receivedSignal = lookupSignal(messageExpCS, env, target.getType(),
name, arguments);
if ((calledOperation == null) && (receivedSignal == null)) {
"messageExpCS", OCLMessages.bind(OCLMessages.UnrecognizedMessageType_ERROR_, name)); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if ((calledOperation != null) && (receivedSignal != null)) {
"messageExpCS", OCLMessages.bind(OCLMessages.AmbiguousMessageType_ERROR_, name)); //$NON-NLS-1$
result = oclFactory.createMessageExp();
initASTMapping(env, result, messageExpCS);
initStartEndPositions(result, messageExpCS);
initPropertyPositions(result, messageExpCS.getSimpleNameCS());
EObject behavioralFeature = null;
if (calledOperation != null) {
COA callAction = uml.createCallOperationAction(calledOperation);
initASTMapping(env, callAction, messageExpCS.getSimpleNameCS());
behavioralFeature = (EObject) calledOperation;
} else if (receivedSignal != null) {
SSA sendAction = uml.createSendSignalAction(receivedSignal);
initASTMapping(env, sendAction, messageExpCS.getSimpleNameCS());
behavioralFeature = (EObject) receivedSignal;
if (messageExpCS.getKind() == MessageExpKind.HAS_SENT_LITERAL) {
} else if ((behavioralFeature != null)
&& uml.isOperation(behavioralFeature)) {
result.setType(getSequenceType(messageExpCS, env,
getOperationMessageType(messageExpCS, env, calledOperation)));
} else if (receivedSignal != null) {
result.setType(getSequenceType(messageExpCS, env,
getSignalMessageType(messageExpCS, env, receivedSignal)));
} else {
return result;
protected C getCommonSuperType(CSTNode cstNode, String rule,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C type1, C type2) {
C commonType = TypeUtil.commonSuperType(cstNode, env, type1, type2);
if (commonType == null) {
commonType = env.getOCLStandardLibrary().getOclVoid();
return commonType;
protected C getOCLType(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
Object metaElement) {
return TypeUtil.resolveType(env, uml.getOCLType(metaElement));
protected C getSetType(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C elementType) {
C setType = TypeUtil.resolveSetType(env, elementType);
initASTMapping(env, setType, cstNode);
return setType;
protected C getOrderedSetType(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C elementType) {
C orderedSetType = TypeUtil.resolveOrderedSetType(env, elementType);
initASTMapping(env, orderedSetType, cstNode);
return orderedSetType;
protected C getBagType(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C elementType) {
C bagType = TypeUtil.resolveBagType(env, elementType);
initASTMapping(env, bagType, cstNode);
return bagType;
protected C getSequenceType(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C elementType) {
C sequenceType = TypeUtil.resolveSequenceType(env, elementType);
initASTMapping(env, sequenceType, cstNode);
return sequenceType;
* Obtains the current environment's representation of the collection type
* of the specified kind on the given element type. As a side-effect, the
* specified CST note is linked to the result, as its AST node mapping.
* @param cstNode
* the concrete syntax of a collection-type reference
* @param env
* the current environment
* @param kind
* the collection kind to retrieve
* @param elementType
* the collection type's element type
* @return the current environment's matching collection type
* @since 1.3
protected C getCollectionType(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
CollectionKind kind, C elementType) {
C collectionType = getCollectionType(env, kind, elementType);
initASTMapping(env, collectionType, cstNode);
return collectionType;
* Obtains the current environment's representation of the collection type
* of the specified kind on the given element type.
* @param env
* the current environment
* @param kind
* the collection kind to retrieve
* @param elementType
* the collection type's element type
* @return the current environment's matching collection type
* @deprecated Since 1.3, use the
* {@link #getCollectionType(CSTNode, Environment, CollectionKind, Object)}
* method, instead.
// Use getCollectionType(cstNode, env, elementType)
protected C getCollectionType(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
CollectionKind kind, C elementType) {
return TypeUtil.resolveCollectionType(env, kind, elementType);
protected C getTupleType(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
EList<? extends TypedElement<C>> parts) {
C tupleType = TypeUtil.resolveTupleType(env, parts);
initASTMapping(env, tupleType, cstNode);
return tupleType;
protected C getTypeType(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C type) {
C typeType = TypeUtil.resolveTypeType(env, type);
initASTMapping(env, typeType, cstNode);
return typeType;
protected C getOperationMessageType(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
O operation) {
C operationMessageType = TypeUtil.resolveOperationMessageType(env,
initASTMapping(env, operationMessageType, cstNode);
return operationMessageType;
protected C getSignalMessageType(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C signal) {
C signalMessageType = TypeUtil.resolveSignalMessageType(env, signal);
initASTMapping(env, signalMessageType, cstNode);
return signalMessageType;
* Obtains the type, in the current environment, of the specified property.
* As a side-effect, the CST node is configured with traceability to the
* resulting type and the referenced property.
* @param cstNode
* a property-call or property-context concrete syntax
* @param env
* the current OCL parsing environment
* @param owner
* the contextual classifier of the property reference
* @param property
* the referenced property
* @return the property's type
* @since 1.3
protected C getPropertyType(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C owner, P property) {
C propertyType = TypeUtil.getPropertyType(env, owner, property);
initASTMapping(env, propertyType, cstNode, property);
return propertyType;
protected C getElementType(C possibleCollectionType) {
if (possibleCollectionType instanceof CollectionType) {
return ((CollectionType<C, O>) possibleCollectionType)
return possibleCollectionType;
protected CollectionKind getCollectionKind(C possibleCollectionType) {
if (possibleCollectionType instanceof CollectionType) {
return ((CollectionType<C, O>) possibleCollectionType).getKind();
return null;
* Creates a dummy expression of invalid-literal type to be a placeholder
* for a (sub)expression that could not be parsed. The resulting expression
* is {@linkplain #markAsErrorNode(OCLExpression) marked} as an error
* place-holder expression.
* @return the dummy invalid-literal expression
* @see #markAsErrorNode(OCLExpression)
* @deprecated Use the
* {@link #createDummyInvalidLiteralExp(Environment, CSTNode)}
* method, instead
protected InvalidLiteralExp<C> createDummyInvalidLiteralExp() {
InvalidLiteralExp<C> result = oclFactory.createInvalidLiteralExp();
return result;
* Creates a dummy expression of invalid-literal type to be a placeholder
* for a (sub)expression that could not be parsed. The resulting expression
* is {@linkplain #markAsErrorNode(OCLExpression) marked} as an error
* place-holder expression.
* @param env
* the contextual parsing environment
* @param cstNode
* the concrete-syntax node that could not be analyzed
* @return the dummy invalid-literal expression
* @see #markAsErrorNode(OCLExpression)
* @see #createDummyInvalidLiteralExp()
* @since 1.3
protected InvalidLiteralExp<C> createDummyInvalidLiteralExp(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
CSTNode cstNode) {
InvalidLiteralExp<C> result = createDummyInvalidLiteralExp();
initASTMapping(env, result, cstNode);
return result;
* Return the type used to terminate the AST reference from cstNode that
* failed to be resolved due to message.
* @param env
* the current OCL parsing environment
* @param cstNode
* a concrete syntax node that could not be resolved
* @param message
* the reason for the failure to resolve. Subclasses may choose
* to log this message in some way
* @return the dummy Invalid type
* @since 1.3
protected C createDummyInvalidType(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
CSTNode cstNode, String message) {
C astNode = getOclVoid();
return astNode;
* Return the package used to terminate the AST reference from an implicit
* PackageDeclarationCS. This default implementation simply returns
* <code>null</code>. Subclasses may override to create a more interesting
* package.
* @param env
* the current OCL parsing environment
* @param packageDeclarationCS
* the concrete syntax of the package declaration
* @return the dumy package, or <code>null</code> if non is required
* @since 1.3
protected Object createDummyPackage(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
PackageDeclarationCS packageDeclarationCS) {
return null;
* <p>
* Queries whether the specified expression is a placeholder that was
* created for an expression that failed to parse. An example is the
* expression returned by {@link #createDummyInvalidLiteralExp()}.
* </p>
* <p>
* The default implementation simply returns <code>false</code>; subclasses
* should override if necessary, in conjunction with the
* {@link #markAsErrorNode(TypedElement)} method.
* </p>
* @param expr
* a (sub)expression
* @return whether the <tt>expr</tt> is a placeholder for an unparseable
* (sub)expression
* @see #markAsErrorNode(TypedElement)
* @since 1.2
protected boolean isErrorNode(TypedElement<C> expr) {
return false;
* <p>
* Marks the specified (sub)expression as a placeholder for an expression
* that could not be parsed. A subsequent invocation of the
* {@link #isErrorNode(TypedElement)} method should recognize an expression
* thus marked. Subsequent attempts to mark an expression that is already
* marked have no effect.
* </p>
* <p>
* The default implementation does nothing; subclasses should override if
* necessary, in conjunction with the <tt>isErrorPlaceholder</tt> method.
* </p>
* @param expr
* an expression that takes the place of a (sub)expression that
* could not be parsed
* @see #isErrorNode(TypedElement)
* @since 1.2
protected void markAsErrorNode(TypedElement<C> expr) {
// implemented by subclasses
protected Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> createPackageContext(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> parent,
List<String> packageName)
throws LookupException {
EnvironmentFactory.Lookup<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> lookup = OCLUtil
.getAdapter(environmentFactory, EnvironmentFactory.Lookup.class);
return lookup.tryCreatePackageContext(parent, packageName);
protected C lookupClassifier(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
List<String> className) {
try {
Environment.Lookup<PK, C, O, P> lookup = OCLUtil.getAdapter(env,
C classifier = lookup.tryLookupClassifier(className);
if (cstNode != null) {
return classifier;
} catch (LookupException e) {
ERROR(cstNode, null, e.getMessage());
return e.getAmbiguousMatches().isEmpty()
? env.getOCLStandardLibrary().getOclVoid()
: (C) e.getAmbiguousMatches().get(0);
protected Variable<C, PM> lookupImplicitSourceForOperation(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
List<OCLExpression<C>> args, String operationName) {
return env.lookupImplicitSourceForOperation(operationName, args);
protected O lookupOperation(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C owner, String name, List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args) {
try {
Environment.Lookup<PK, C, O, P> lookup = OCLUtil.getAdapter(env,
O operation = lookup.tryLookupOperation(owner, name, args);
if (cstNode != null) {
return operation;
} catch (LookupException e) {
ERROR(cstNode, null, e.getMessage());
return e.getAmbiguousMatches().isEmpty()
? null
: (O) e.getAmbiguousMatches().get(0);
protected P lookupProperty(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C owner, String name) {
try {
Environment.Lookup<PK, C, O, P> lookup = OCLUtil.getAdapter(env,
P property = lookup.tryLookupProperty(owner, name);
if (cstNode != null) {
return property;
} catch (LookupException e) {
ERROR(cstNode, null, e.getMessage());
return e.getAmbiguousMatches().isEmpty()
? null
: (P) e.getAmbiguousMatches().get(0);
protected C lookupAssociationClassReference(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C owner, String name) {
try {
Environment.Lookup<PK, C, O, P> lookup = OCLUtil.getAdapter(env,
C associationClassReference = lookup
.tryLookupAssociationClassReference(owner, name);
if ((cstNode != null) && (associationClassReference != null)) {
return associationClassReference;
} catch (LookupException e) {
ERROR(cstNode, null, e.getMessage());
return e.getAmbiguousMatches().isEmpty()
? null
: (C) e.getAmbiguousMatches().get(0);
protected C lookupSignal(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C owner, String name, List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args) {
try {
Environment.Lookup<PK, C, O, P> lookup = OCLUtil.getAdapter(env,
C signal = lookup.tryLookupSignal(owner, name, args);
if (cstNode != null) {
return signal;
} catch (LookupException e) {
ERROR(cstNode, null, e.getMessage());
return e.getAmbiguousMatches().isEmpty()
? null
: (C) e.getAmbiguousMatches().get(0);
protected S lookupState(CSTNode cstNode,
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
C sourceType, List<String> statePath) {
try {
S state = env.lookupState(sourceType, statePath);
if (cstNode != null) {
return state;
} catch (LookupException e) {
ERROR(cstNode, null, e.getMessage());
return e.getAmbiguousMatches().isEmpty()
? null
: (S) e.getAmbiguousMatches().get(0);
} catch (SemanticException e) {
ERROR(cstNode, "stateExpCS", //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
* Creates an <tt>ExpressionInOcl</tt> instance. Subclasses may override.
* @return an new expression-in-OCL
protected ExpressionInOCL<C, PM> createExpressionInOCL() {
return uml.createExpressionInOCL();
* Creates an <tt>Constraint</tt> instance. Subclasses may override.
* @return an new constraint
protected CT createConstraint() {
return uml.createConstraint();
* Initialize the symmetric mapping of an object (typically an astNode) to
* its originating cstNode, so that AST-based analysis may report error
* messages exploiting the CST context, or to support incremental AST/CST
* update. Any pre-existing mapping is preserved. Mappings involving a null
* object are ignored.
* @param env
* the current OCL parsing environment
* @param astNode
* the abstract syntax node
* @param cstNode
* the concrete syntax node that generated it
protected void initASTMapping(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
Object astNode, CSTNode cstNode) {
initASTMapping(env, astNode, cstNode, astNode);
* Initialize the asymmetric mapping of an object (typically an astNode) to
* its originating cstNode, and of a cstNode to its consequent object
* (typically an astNode) so that AST-based analysis may report error
* messages exploiting the CST context, or to support incremental AST/CST
* update. Any pre-existing mapping is preserved. Each mapping involving a
* null object is ignored, so that for instance the toAstNode may be set
* null to establish only the fromAstNode to cstNode mapping.
* @param env
* the current OCL parsing environment
* @param fromAstNode
* the source of an AST-to-CST mapping
* @param cstNode
* the target of the AST-to-CST mapping and the source of a
* CST-to-AST mapping
* @param toAstNode
* the target of the CST-to-AST mapping
* @since 1.3
protected void initASTMapping(
Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env,
Object fromAstNode, CSTNode cstNode, Object toAstNode) {
OCLUtil.getAdapter(env, BasicEnvironment2.class).initASTMapping(
fromAstNode, cstNode, toAstNode);
* Queries whether the specified name is escaped with an initial underscore
* (<code>'_'</code>) character.
* @param name
* a name
* @return whether it begins with the underscore escape prefix
public static boolean isEscaped(String name) {
return (name != null) && name.startsWith(OCL_ESCAPE_PREFIX);
* Obtains the unescaped name (assuming that it
* {@linkplain #isEscaped(String) is escaped}) for another attempt to look
* it up.
* @param name
* an OCL-escaped name
* @return the unescaped name
public static String unescape(String name) {
return name.substring(OCL_ESCAPE_LENGTH);
* Checks whether the names are equal, accounting for possibility of
* underscore-escaped names.
* @param name
* a possibly underscore-escaped name
* @param elementName
* name of an element in the model
* @return whether the element name is equivalent to this name
public static boolean equalName(String name, String elementName) {
boolean result = name.equals(elementName);
if (!result && isEscaped(name)) {
result = unescape(name).equals(elementName);
return result;