blob: f7688056ee5f2628ce0817a2025e24dc4c9d291d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2015, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
* C.Damus - 291365
* E.D.Willink - 322159
* Adolfo Sanchez-Barbudo Herrera (Open Canarias) - Bug 333032
* Axel Uhl (SAP AG) - Bug 342644
package org.eclipse.ocl.ecore;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.ECollections;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnumLiteral;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EOperation;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EParameter;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.ETypedElement;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject;
import org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.ocl.LazyExtentMap;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.delegate.InvocationBehavior;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.internal.OCLEcorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.internal.OCLStandardLibraryImpl;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.internal.OCLStatusCodes;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.internal.UMLReflectionImpl;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.opposites.OppositeEndFinder;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.CollectionKind;
import org.eclipse.ocl.internal.l10n.OCLMessages;
import org.eclipse.ocl.types.CollectionType;
import org.eclipse.ocl.types.TupleType;
import org.eclipse.ocl.util.CollectionUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.util.OCLStandardLibraryUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.util.ObjectUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.util.Tuple;
import org.eclipse.ocl.util.UnicodeSupport;
import org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.PredefinedType;
* Implementation of the {@link EvaluationEnvironment} for evaluation of OCL
* expressions on instances of Ecore models (i.e., on M0 models).
* @author Tim Klinger (tklinger)
* @author Christian W. Damus (cdamus)
public class EcoreEvaluationEnvironment
AbstractEvaluationEnvironment<EClassifier, EOperation, EStructuralFeature, EClass, EObject>
implements EvaluationEnvironment.Enumerations<EEnumLiteral>,
EvaluationEnvironmentWithHiddenOpposites {
private boolean mustCheckOperationReflectionConsistency = true;
private final EcoreEnvironmentFactory factory;
private final OppositeEndFinder oppositeEndFinder;
* Initializes me.
* @deprecated A root evaluation environment should be created through the correspondent {@link EcoreEnvironmentFactory}
public EcoreEvaluationEnvironment() {
* Initializes me.
* @since 3.1
public EcoreEvaluationEnvironment(EcoreEnvironmentFactory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
if (factory != null) {
this.oppositeEndFinder = factory.getOppositeEndFinder();
} else {
this.oppositeEndFinder = null;
* Initializes me with my parent evaluation environment (nesting scope).
* @param parent
* my parent (nesting scope); must not be <code>null</code>
public EcoreEvaluationEnvironment(
EvaluationEnvironment<EClassifier, EOperation, EStructuralFeature, EClass, EObject> parent) {
EcoreEvaluationEnvironment ecoreParent = (EcoreEvaluationEnvironment) parent;
this.factory = ecoreParent.factory;
this.oppositeEndFinder = ecoreParent.oppositeEndFinder;
public Object callOperation(EOperation operation, int opcode,
Object source, Object[] args)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
// FIXME: Pull up so that UML environment can benefit.
if (InvocationBehavior.INSTANCE.appliesTo(operation)) {
EList<Object> arguments = (args.length == 0)
? ECollections.emptyEList()
: new BasicEList.UnmodifiableEList<Object>(args.length, args);
try {
Object result;
// Fix for Bug 322159
Exception checkFailure;
if (mustCheckOperationReflectionConsistency
&& ((checkFailure = checkOperationReflectionConsistency(source)) != null)) {
EClass operationClass = operation.getEContainingClass();
EPackage operationPackage = operationClass.getEPackage();
+ "::" + operationClass.getName()), //$NON-NLS-1$
result = ((EOperation.Internal) operation)
(InternalEObject) source, arguments);
} else {
result = ((EObject) source).eInvoke(operation, arguments);
return coerceValue(operation, result, true);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
// TODO: WBN to pull up createValue to the superclass as a pass-thru
// so that subclasses don't have to override callOperation
return coerceValue(operation,
super.callOperation(operation, opcode, source, args), true);
// implements the inherited specification
protected Method getJavaMethodFor(EOperation operation, Object receiver) {
Method result = null;
// in the case of infix operators, we need to replace the name with
// a valid Java name. We will choose the legacy OCL parser names
// which some clients already depend on
String operName = operation.getName();
int opcode = OCLStandardLibraryUtil.getOperationCode(operName);
switch (opcode) {
case PredefinedType.PLUS :
operName = "plus"; //$NON-NLS-1$
case PredefinedType.MINUS :
operName = "minus"; //$NON-NLS-1$
case PredefinedType.TIMES :
operName = "times"; //$NON-NLS-1$
case PredefinedType.DIVIDE :
operName = "divide"; //$NON-NLS-1$
case PredefinedType.LESS_THAN :
operName = "lessThan"; //$NON-NLS-1$
case PredefinedType.LESS_THAN_EQUAL :
operName = "lessThanEqual"; //$NON-NLS-1$
case PredefinedType.GREATER_THAN :
operName = "greaterThan"; //$NON-NLS-1$
case PredefinedType.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL :
operName = "greaterThanEqual"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// get containing class for the operation
EClass container = operation.getEContainingClass();
// get the corresponding java instance class
Class<?> containerClass = container.getInstanceClass();
// get the parameter types as java classes
EList<EParameter> parms = operation.getEParameters();
Class<?>[] javaParms = new Class[parms.size()];
for (int i = 0, n = parms.size(); i < n; i++) {
EParameter parm = parms.get(i);
if (parm.isMany()) {
javaParms[i] = EList.class; // TODO: EList could be suppressed
} else {
javaParms[i] = parm.getEType().getInstanceClass();
// lookup the method on the java class
try {
result = containerClass.getMethod(operName, javaParms);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// do nothing
return result;
// implements the inherited specification
protected Object getInvalidResult() {
return OCLStandardLibraryImpl.INVALID;
// implements the inherited specification
public Object navigateProperty(EStructuralFeature property,
List<?> qualifiers, Object target)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (target instanceof EObject) {
EObject etarget = (EObject) target;
if (etarget.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures().contains(property)) {
EClassifier oclType = UMLReflectionImpl.INSTANCE.getOCLType(property);
if (oclType instanceof VoidType) {
// then the only instance is null; using eGet would
// cause a ClassCastException because VoidTypeImpl
// is neither an EClass nor an EDataType.
return null;
return coerceValue(property, etarget.eGet(property), true);
} else if (target instanceof Tuple<?, ?>) {
Tuple<EOperation, EStructuralFeature> tuple = (Tuple<EOperation, EStructuralFeature>) target;
if (tuple.getTupleType().oclProperties().contains(property)) {
return tuple.getValue(property);
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
* Obtains the collection kind appropriate for representing the values of
* the specified typed element.
* @param element
* a typed element (property, operation, etc.)
* @return the collection kind appropriate to the multiplicity, orderedness,
* and uniqueness of the element, or <code>null</code> if it is not
* many
* @since 3.2
protected static CollectionKind getCollectionKind(ETypedElement element) {
EClassifier oclType = UMLReflectionImpl.INSTANCE.getOCLType(element);
CollectionKind result = null;
if (oclType instanceof CollectionType<?, ?>) {
result = ((CollectionType<?, ?>) oclType).getKind();
ObjectUtil.dispose(oclType); // we created this object
return result;
* Coerces the value of the specified typed element into the appropriate
* representation, derived from the supplied <code>value</code> template.
* The <code>value</code> is coerced to the appropriate collection kind for
* this element (or scalar if not multi-valued). The original value may
* either be used as is where possible or, optionally, copied into the new
* collection (if multi-valued).
* @param element
* a typed element (property, operation, etc.)
* @param value
* the computed value of the element
* @param copy
* whether to copy the specified value into the resulting
* collection/scalar value
* @return the value, in the appropriate OCL collection type or scalar form
* as required
* @see #getCollectionKind(ETypedElement)
* @since 3.2
protected Object coerceValue(ETypedElement element, Object value, boolean copy) {
CollectionKind kind = getCollectionKind(element);
if (kind != null) {
if (value instanceof Collection<?>) {
return copy
? CollectionUtil.createNewCollection(kind,
(Collection<?>) value)
: value;
} else {
Collection<Object> result = CollectionUtil
return result;
} else {
if (value instanceof Collection<?>) {
Collection<?> collection = (Collection<?>) value;
return collection.isEmpty()
? null
: collection.iterator().next();
} else {
return value;
// implements the inherited specification
public Object navigateAssociationClass(EClassifier associationClass,
EStructuralFeature navigationSource, Object target)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (target instanceof EObject) {
EObject etarget = (EObject) target;
EReference ref = getAssociationClassReference(etarget,
(EClass) associationClass);
if (etarget.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures().contains(ref)) {
return etarget.eGet(ref);
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
* Retrieves the reference feature in the specified context object that
* references the specified association class.
* @param context
* the context object
* @param associationClass
* the association class that it references
* @return the reference in question
private EReference getAssociationClassReference(EObject context,
EClass associationClass) {
EReference result = null;
StringBuffer nameBuf = new StringBuffer(associationClass.getName());
UnicodeSupport.setCodePointAt(nameBuf, 0,
UnicodeSupport.toLowerCase(UnicodeSupport.codePointAt(nameBuf, 0)));
String name = nameBuf.toString();
for (EReference next : context.eClass().getEAllReferences()) {
if (name.equals(next.getName())
&& (associationClass == next.getEReferenceType())) {
result = next;
return result;
// implements the inherited specification
public Tuple<EOperation, EStructuralFeature> createTuple(EClassifier type,
Map<EStructuralFeature, Object> values) {
TupleType<EOperation, EStructuralFeature> tupleType = (TupleType<EOperation, EStructuralFeature>) type;
return new AbstractTuple<EOperation, EStructuralFeature>(tupleType, values)
protected String getName(EStructuralFeature part) {
return part.getName();
// implements the inherited specification
public Map<EClass, Set<EObject>> createExtentMap(Object object) {
if (object instanceof EObject) {
return new LazyExtentMap<EClass, EObject>((EObject) object) {
// implements the inherited specification
protected boolean isInstance(EClass cls, EObject element) {
return cls.isInstance(element);
return Collections.emptyMap();
// implements the inherited specification
public boolean isKindOf(Object object, EClassifier classifier) {
// special case for Integer/UnlimitedNatural and Real which
// are not related types in java but are in OCL
if ((object.getClass() == Integer.class)
&& (classifier.getInstanceClass() == Double.class)) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
} else if (classifier instanceof AnyType) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
return classifier.isInstance(object);
// implements the inherited specification
public boolean isTypeOf(Object object, EClassifier classifier) {
if (classifier instanceof EClass && object instanceof EObject) {
return ((EObject) object).eClass() == classifier;
} else if (!(object instanceof EObject)
&& !(classifier instanceof EClass)) {
return object.getClass() == classifier.getInstanceClass();
return false;
// implements the inherited specification
public EClassifier getType(Object object) {
return EcoreEnvironmentFactory.oclType(object);
* Ecore implementation of the enumeration literal value.
* @since 1.2
public Enumerator getValue(EEnumLiteral enumerationLiteral) {
return enumerationLiteral.getInstance();
* Configure the check that an incorrect usage of "Operation Reflection"
* false in a genmodel has omitted the eInvoke override. Disabling the
* check eliminates the overhead of using Java Reflection to perform
* run-time code checking but incurs the risk of mysterious evaluation
* malfunctions if the genmodel is wrong.
* <p>
* The check is enabled by default.
* @param checkDisabled true to disable the check
* @since 3.1
public void setOperationReflectionCheckDisabled(boolean checkDisabled) {
mustCheckOperationReflectionConsistency = !checkDisabled;
* Check if the provided source object has support for a delegated invocation
* of an OCL expression body.
* <p>
* Missing support is the result of a failure to change the default genmodel
* 'Operation Reflection' setting to true.
* <p>
* Lack of support is tested by checking for a missing override of
* {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EOperationImpl#eInvoke(int, EList)}.
* @param source the object to check
* @since 3.1
* @noextend This interface may be removed in future releases if a better
* workaround for Bug 322159 is found.
protected Exception checkOperationReflectionConsistency(Object source) {
try {
"eInvoke", int.class, EList.class); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
return e;
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
* @since 3.1
public Object navigateOppositeProperty(EReference property, Object target) throws IllegalArgumentException {
Object result = null;
if (property.isContainment()) {
EObject resultCandidate = ((EObject) target).eContainer();
if (resultCandidate != null) {
// first check if the container is assignment-compatible to the property's owning type:
if (property.getEContainingClass().isInstance(resultCandidate)) {
Object propertyValue = resultCandidate.eGet(property);
if (propertyValue == target
|| (propertyValue instanceof Collection<?> && ((Collection<?>) propertyValue).contains(target))) {
// important to create a copy because, e.g., the partial evaluator may modify the resulting collection
result = CollectionUtil.createNewBag(Collections.singleton(resultCandidate));
} else {
if (oppositeEndFinder != null) {
result = oppositeEndFinder.navigateOppositePropertyWithForwardScope(property, (EObject) target);
return result;