blob: 22701a0faea9e4e864279ce20d9901507e86bf53 [file] [log] [blame]
h1. Tutorials
The "OCLinEcore tutorial":#OCLinEcoreTutorial shows how
* to install OCL and the additional Editors and Examples
* to use the OCLinEcore editor
** to edit Ecore meta-models
** to enrich Ecore meta-models with OCL invariants, bodies and values
* to use embedded OCL for validation of models
* to use the OCL Console to practice evaluation of OCL
* to generate Java code for Ecore that uses the embedded OCL
The "Working with Classic OCL tutorial":#OCLInterpreterTutorial shows how
* the OCL Parser may be invoked from Java
* the OCL evaluator may be invoked from Java