blob: 138a65fa49ff9d48b00a6417a920032d03ab0f86 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
* Zeligsoft - Bug 207365
package org.eclipse.ocl.uml.helper.tests;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.ocl.helper.Choice;
import org.eclipse.ocl.helper.ChoiceKind;
import org.eclipse.ocl.helper.ConstraintKind;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
* Regression tests for specific RATLC defects.
* @author Christian W. Damus (cdamus)
public class RegressionTest
extends AbstractTestSuite {
* Regression test to check that we complete on the right-most
* sub-expression to the left of the '.' (i.e., not treating this
* particular case as a boolean expression "self.opposite = self" to be
* completed).
public void test_completionOfRightmostSubexpression_RATLC00537918() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"self.opposite = self.");
// formerly, the choices offered would be the choices appropriate to
// the OCL Boolean type, because that is the type of
// "self.eOpposite = self". We want, instead, completions for
// "self" which is the right-most minimal subexpression
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "opposite");
* Regression test to check that we complete on the right-most
* sub-expression to the left of the '.', accounting for closing
* parentheses.
public void test_completionOfRightmost_parentheses_RATLC00537918() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"(self.opposite = self).");
// in this case, the right-most subexpression really is the entire
// "self.eOpposite = self" because of the parenthesization, so we
// should get the Boolean choices, not EReference choices
assertNotChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "opposite");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "oclIsUndefined");
* Regression test to check that we can get the correct completions on
* the let variables in a let expression.
public void test_completionOnLetVariable_RATLC00537918() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"let p : Package = self.getNearestPackage() in 'foo_'.concat(p.");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "ownedType");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "nestedPackage");
* Regression test to check that we can get the correct completions on
* let expressions as a whole.
public void test_completionOnLetExpression_RATLC00537918() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"(let p : Package = self.getNearestPackage() in");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "toLower");
* Regression test to check that we can get the correct completions on
* the iterator variables in a loop expression.
public void test_completionOnIteratorVariable_RATLC00537918() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"self.superClass->collect(i : Class | i.");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "getNearestPackage");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "package");
* Regression test to check that we can get the correct completions on
* the accumulator (second iterator variable) in "iterate" expressions.
public void test_completionOnAccumulator_RATLC00537918() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"self.superClass->iterate(i : Class; a : String = '' | a.");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "concat");
// try completion on the iterator variable, also
choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"self.superClass->iterate(i : Class; a : String = '' | a.concat(i.");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "name");
* Regression test to check that we can get the correct completions on
* the an "iterate" expression (which formerly would be empty).
public void test_completionOnIterate_RATLC00537918() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"self.superClass->iterate(i : Class; a : String = '' | a.concat(");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "concat");
* Regression test to check that we can get the correct completions on
* the an iterator expression (which formerly would be empty) resulting in
* a sequence.
public void test_completionOnIterator_sequence_RATLC00537918() {
helper.setContext((Classifier) getUMLMetamodel().getOwnedType("Class"));
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"Sequence{'abc', 'a', 'ab'}->");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "subSequence");
* Regression test to check that we can get the correct completions on
* the an iterator expression (which formerly would be empty) resulting in
* an ordered set.
public void test_completionOnIterator_orderedSet_RATLC00537918() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"self.ownedAttribute->select(i : Property | i.redefinedProperty->isEmpty())->");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "subOrderedSet");
* Regression test to check that we can get the correct completions on
* the an iterator expression (which formerly would be empty) resulting in
* a bag.
public void test_completionOnIterator_bag_RATLC00537918() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"Set{'abc', 'a', 'ab'}->collect(i : String | i.size())->");
// bags do not support symmetricDifference as sets do
assertNotChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "symmetricDifference");
* Regression test to check that we can get the correct completions on
* an if expression if it is eclosed in parentheses.
public void test_completionOnIfExpression_RATLC00537918() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"(if true then 'a' else 'b' endif).");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "concat");
choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"if true then 'a' else 'b' endif.");
// we don't support completion of the "endif" token, though
assertNotChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "concat");
* Regression test to check that we can get suggestions for variable names
* when invoking syntax completion without a ".", "->", or "::" trigger
* in invariant constraints.
public void test_variables_RATLC00535552() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"let pkgName : String = getNearestPackage().name in");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.VARIABLE, "pkgName");
// also should get "self"
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.VARIABLE, "self");
// also should get suggestions of structural features of "self"
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "superClass");
// also should get suggestions of behavioral features of "self"
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "allParents");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "oclAsType");
choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"superClass->collect(sc : Class | ");
// loop variables
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.VARIABLE, "sc");
* Regression test to check that we can get suggestions for parameter names
* when invoking syntax completion without a ".", "->", or "::" trigger
* in operation constraints.
public void test_parameters_RATLC00535552() {
helper.setOperationContext(apple, apple_labelOper);
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"'' <> ");
// operation parameter
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.VARIABLE, "text");
* Regression test to check that we can get suggestions for partial names
* when invoking syntax completion without a ".", "->", or "::" trigger
* in invariant constraints.
public void test_partial_property_RATLC00535552() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "general");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "generalization");
assertNotChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "getNearestPackage");
* Regression test to check that we can get suggestions for partial names
* when invoking syntax completion without a ".", "->", or "::" trigger
* in invariant constraints.
public void test_partial_operation_RATLC00535552() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "allParents");
assertNotChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "allFeatures");
assertNotChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "oclAsType");
* Regression test to check that we can get suggestions for partial names
* when invoking syntax completion without a ".", "->", or "::" trigger
* in invariant constraints.
public void test_partial_type_RATLC00535552() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"if self.oclIsKindOf(UML::Cl");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.TYPE, "Class");
assertNotChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.TYPE, "Enumeration");
* Regression test to check that we can get suggestions for partial names
* when invoking syntax completion without a ".", "->", or "::" trigger
* in invariant constraints.
public void test_partial_enumLiteral_RATLC00535552() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
"if color <> Color::bl");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.ENUMERATION_LITERAL, "black");
assertNotChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.ENUMERATION_LITERAL, "red");
* Regression test to check that we can get suggestions for partial names
* when invoking syntax completion without a ".", "->", or "::" trigger
* in invariant constraints.
public void test_partial_collectionOperation_RATLC00535552() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "symmetricDifference");
assertNotChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "collect");
* Regression test to check that we can get suggestions for variable names
* from an empty string.
public void test_emptyExpression_RATLC00535552() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.VARIABLE, "self");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "tree");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.ASSOCIATION_CLASS, "stem");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "color");
* Regression test to check that we can get suggestions for variable names
* from an utterly unparseable expression.
public void test_garbageExpression_RATLC00535552() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.VARIABLE, "self");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "tree");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.ASSOCIATION_CLASS, "stem");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.PROPERTY, "color");
* Tests the validation the number of iterator variables for iterators that
* do not support multiple variables.
public void test_oclIsInvalidOnInvalidLetVariable_342644() {
assertQueryTrue(null, "let a:Integer = '123a'.toInteger() in a.oclIsInvalid()");
* Tests the validation the number of iterator variables for iterators that
* do not support multiple variables.
public void test_oclIsInvalidOnInvalidOperationCallResult_342561() {
assertQueryTrue(null, "'123a'.toInteger().oclIsInvalid()");
* Tests that the oclIsNew() operation is only suggested in postcondition
* context.
public void test_oclIsNewOnlyInPostconditions_116664() {
List<Choice> choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(ConstraintKind.INVARIANT, "self.ocl");
assertNotChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "oclIsNew");
helper.setOperationContext(apple, apple_newApple);
choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(ConstraintKind.PRECONDITION, "self.ocl");
assertNotChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "oclIsNew");
choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(ConstraintKind.BODYCONDITION, "self.ocl");
assertNotChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "oclIsNew");
// this time we should find this choice
choices = helper.getSyntaxHelp(ConstraintKind.POSTCONDITION, "self.ocl");
assertChoice(choices, ChoiceKind.OPERATION, "oclIsNew");