blob: 8595df87ff2df20f3a30ef0dc6d266be11caf9f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2020 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ocl.examples.test.xtext;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.generator.Generator;
import org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.GenModel;
import org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.generator.GenBaseGeneratorAdapter;
import org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.util.GenModelUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.EMFPlugin;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicMonitor;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Diagnostic;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Monitor;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.presentation.EcoreEditor;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.EcoreResourceFactoryImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.mwe.core.ConfigurationException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.dynamic.ExplicitClassLoader;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.dynamic.JavaClasspath;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.dynamic.JavaFileUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.genmodel.OCLGenModelUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.tests.PivotTestSuite;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.tests.TestOCL;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.tests.TestCaseAppender;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.tests.TestFile;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.tests.TestUIUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.tests.TestUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.PivotPackage;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.evaluation.AbstractModelManager;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.evaluation.AbstractExecutor;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.library.executor.ExecutorManager;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.resource.StandaloneProjectMap;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.oclstdlib.OCLstdlibPackage;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.resource.ProjectManager;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.AbstractEnvironmentFactory;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ClassUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.LabelUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.OCL;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.PivotUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ThreadLocalExecutor;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ValueUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.XMIUtil;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
import org.eclipse.ui.intro.IIntroManager;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Model;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ecore.importer.UMLImporter;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.editor.presentation.UMLEditor;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.resources.util.UMLResourcesUtil;
import org.eclipse.xtext.diagnostics.ExceptionDiagnostic;
import org.eclipse.xtext.util.EmfFormatter;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Tests that load a model and verify that there are no unresolved proxies as a
* result.
public class UsageTests extends PivotTestSuite// XtextTestCase
private static final class TestUMLImporter extends UMLImporter
protected final EPackage.@NonNull Registry packageRegistry;
public TestUMLImporter(EPackage.@NonNull Registry packageRegistry) {
this.packageRegistry = packageRegistry;
public ResourceSet createResourceSet() {
ResourceSet umlResourceSet = super.createResourceSet();
return umlResourceSet;
public void reloadGenModel(@NonNull Path genModelPath) throws Exception {
BasicMonitor monitor = new BasicMonitor();
Diagnostic diagnostic = computeEPackages(monitor);
if (diagnostic.getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK) {
String s = PivotUtil.formatDiagnostics(diagnostic, "\n");
fail("Reload failure" + s);
Map<?, ?> saveOptions = getGenModelSaveOptions();
for (Resource resource : computeResourcesToBeSaved()) {;
public Logger log;
* Checks all resources in a resource set for any errors or warnings.
* @param resourceSet
* @throws ConfigurationException
* if any error present
public void checkResourceSet(@NonNull ResourceSet resourceSet)
throws ConfigurationException {
int errorCount = 0;
for (Resource aResource : resourceSet.getResources()) {
List<Resource.Diagnostic> errors = aResource.getErrors();
if (errors.size() > 0) {
for (Resource.Diagnostic error : errors) {
if (error instanceof ExceptionDiagnostic) {
log.error("Error for '" + aResource.getURI() + "'",
((ExceptionDiagnostic) error).getException());
} else {
log.error(error + " for '" + aResource.getURI() + "'");
List<Resource.Diagnostic> warnings = aResource.getWarnings();
if (warnings.size() > 0) {
for (Resource.Diagnostic warning : warnings) {
if (warning instanceof ExceptionDiagnostic) {
log.warn("Warning for '" + aResource.getURI() + "'",
((ExceptionDiagnostic) warning).getException());
} else {
log.warn(warning + " for '" + aResource.getURI() + "'");
if (errorCount > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(errorCount + " errors in ResourceSet");
protected @NonNull TestOCL createOCL() {
return new TestOCL(getTestFileSystem(), getTestPackageName(), getName(), getTestProjectManager(), null);
* Return the URI of a file in the test harness models folder.
protected @NonNull URI getModelsURI(@NonNull String filePath) {
return URI.createPlatformResourceURI(getTestBundleName() + "/models/" + filePath, true);
protected @NonNull File getProjectFile() {
return getTestProject().getFile();
protected @NonNull URI getProjectFileURI(@NonNull String referenceName) {
return getTestFileURI(referenceName);
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
// TEST_START.setState(true);
// AbstractEnvironmentFactory.ENVIRONMENT_FACTORY_ATTACH.setState(true);
// ThreadLocalExecutor.THREAD_LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT_FACTORY.setState(true);
log = Logger.getLogger(UsageTests.class);
// AcceleoNature.class.getName(); // Pull in the plugin for Hudson
// resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap()
// .put("pivot", new XMIResourceFactoryImpl()); //$NON-NLS-1$
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
log = null;
public static @NonNull String createClassPath(@NonNull List<String> projectNames) {
IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
String pathSeparator = null;
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
for (String projectName : projectNames) {
String projectPath = null;
IProject project = root.getProject(projectName);
if (project != null) {
IPath location = project.getLocation();
if (location != null) {
projectPath = location.toString() + "/";
if (projectPath == null) {
Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(projectName);
if (bundle != null) {
projectPath = bundle.getLocation();
if (projectPath != null) {
if (projectPath.startsWith("reference:")) {
projectPath = projectPath.substring(10);
URI uri = URI.createURI(projectPath);
if (uri.isFile()) {
String fileString = uri.toFileString();
assert fileString != null;
projectPath = fileString.replace("\\", "/");
assert projectPath != null;
if (projectPath.endsWith("/")) {
projectPath = projectPath + JavaFileUtil.TEST_BIN_FOLDER_NAME;
if (pathSeparator != null) {
else {
pathSeparator = System.getProperty("path.separator");
return s.toString();
public @NonNull String createEcoreGenModelContent(@NonNull String fileName, @Nullable Map<@NonNull String, @Nullable String> genOptions) throws Exception {
String interfacePackageSuffix = genOptions != null ? genOptions.get("interfacePackageSuffix") : null;
String metaDataPackageSuffix = genOptions != null ? genOptions.get("metaDataPackageSuffix") : null;
String usedGenPackages = genOptions != null ? genOptions.get("usedGenPackages") : null;
String modelDirectory = genOptions != null ? genOptions.get("modelDirectory") : null;
String dynamicTemplates = genOptions != null ? genOptions.get("dynamicTemplates") : null;
String templateDirectory = genOptions != null ? genOptions.get("templateDirectory") : null;
if (modelDirectory == null) {
modelDirectory = getTestProject().getName() + "/" + JavaFileUtil.TEST_SRC_FOLDER_NAME;
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
s.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
s.append("<genmodel:GenModel xmi:version=\"2.0\"\n");
s.append(" xmlns:xmi=\"\"\n");
s.append(" xmlns:ecore=\"\"\n");
s.append(" xmlns:genmodel=\"\"\n");
s.append(" modelDirectory=\"/" + modelDirectory + "\"\n");
s.append(" modelPluginID=\"" + fileName + "\"\n");
s.append(" modelName=\"" + fileName + "\"\n");
s.append(" importerID=\"org.eclipse.emf.importer.ecore\"\n");
s.append(" complianceLevel=\"8.0\"\n");
s.append(" operationReflection=\"true\"\n");
s.append(" copyrightFields=\"false\"\n");
s.append(" bundleManifest=\"false\"\n");
s.append(" pluginKey=\"\"\n");
if (dynamicTemplates != null) {
s.append(" dynamicTemplates=\"" + dynamicTemplates + "\"\n");
if (templateDirectory != null) {
s.append(" templateDirectory=\"" + templateDirectory + "\"\n");
s.append(" usedGenPackages=\"");
if (usedGenPackages != null) {
s.append(usedGenPackages + " ");
s.append(" updateClasspath=\"false\">\n");
s.append(" <genAnnotations source=\"\">\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"Use Delegates\" value=\"false\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"Use Null Annotations\" value=\"true\"/>\n");
s.append(" </genAnnotations>\n");
s.append(" <foreignModel>" + fileName + ".ecore</foreignModel>\n");
s.append(" <genPackages prefix=\"" + fileName + "\"\n");
s.append(" disposableProviderFactory=\"true\"\n");
s.append(" ecorePackage=\"" + fileName + ".ecore#/\"\n");
if (interfacePackageSuffix != null) {
s.append(" interfacePackageSuffix=\"" + interfacePackageSuffix + "\"\n");
if (metaDataPackageSuffix != null) {
s.append(" metaDataPackageSuffix=\"" + metaDataPackageSuffix + "\"\n");
s.append(" />\n");
return s.toString();
public void createManifestFile() throws IOException {
String bundleName = "_" + getTestProject().getName();
TestFile testFile = getTestProject().getOutputFile("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
File file = testFile.getFile();
Writer writer = new FileWriter(file);
writer.append("Manifest-Version: 1.0\n");
writer.append("Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2\n");
writer.append("Bundle-Name: " + bundleName + "\n");
writer.append("Bundle-SymbolicName: " + bundleName + ";singleton:=true\n");
writer.append("Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier\n");
protected @NonNull URI createModels(@NonNull String testFileStem, @Nullable String oclinecoreFile, @NonNull String genmodelContent)
throws Exception {
OCL ocl2 = OCL.newInstance(getTestProjectManager());
try {
if (oclinecoreFile != null) {
createEcoreFile(ocl2, testFileStem, oclinecoreFile);
URI genModelURI = createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".genmodel"), genmodelContent);
// System.out.println("Generating Ecore Model using '" + genModelURI + "'");
return genModelURI;
finally {
public @NonNull URI createTestFileWithContent(@NonNull TestFile testFile, String fileContent) throws IOException {
File file = testFile.getFile();
Writer writer = new FileWriter(file);
return testFile.getURI();
* Create a seed *.ecore from the *.uml profile with correct genPackage declarations s that a
* reload / reconcile corrects the genClasses etc.
public @NonNull String createUMLEcoreModelContent(@NonNull Resource umlProfileResource) throws Exception {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
s.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
s.append("<xmi:XMI xmi:version=\"2.0\"\n");
s.append(" xmlns:xmi=\"\"\n");
s.append(" xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n");
s.append(" xmlns:ecore=\"\">\n");
for (EObject eRootObject : umlProfileResource.getContents()) {
if (eRootObject instanceof Model) {
for (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package umlPackage : ((Model)eRootObject).getNestedPackages()) {
assert umlPackage != null;
appendEcorePackage(s, umlPackage);
else if (eRootObject instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package) {
appendEcorePackage(s, (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package)eRootObject);
return s.toString();
private void appendEcorePackage(@NonNull StringBuilder s, org.eclipse.uml2.uml.@NonNull Package umlPackage) {
Stereotype ecoreStereotype = umlPackage.getAppliedStereotype("Ecore::EPackage");
String basePackage = (String)umlPackage.getValue(ecoreStereotype, "basePackage");
String nsPrefix = (String)umlPackage.getValue(ecoreStereotype, "nsPrefix");
String nsURI = (String)umlPackage.getValue(ecoreStereotype, "nsURI");
String packageName = (String)umlPackage.getValue(ecoreStereotype, "packageName");
String prefix = (String)umlPackage.getValue(ecoreStereotype, "prefix");
s.append(" <ecore:EPackage");
s.append(" name=\"" + (packageName != null ? packageName : umlPackage.getName()) + "\"");
if (basePackage != null) {
s.append(" basePackage=\"" + basePackage + "\"");
if (nsPrefix != null) {
s.append(" nsPrefix=\"" + nsPrefix + "\"");
if (nsURI != null) {
s.append(" nsURI=\"" + nsURI + "\"");
if (prefix != null) {
s.append(" prefix=\"" + prefix + "\"");
s.append(" <eClassifiers xsi:type=\"ecore:EClass\" name=\"Dummy\"/>\n");
s.append(" </ecore:EPackage>\n");
public @NonNull String createUMLGenModelContent(@NonNull Resource umlProfileResource, @NonNull String fileName, @Nullable Map<@NonNull String, @Nullable String> genOptions) throws Exception {
String interfacePackageSuffix = genOptions != null ? genOptions.get("interfacePackageSuffix") : null;
String metaDataPackageSuffix = genOptions != null ? genOptions.get("metaDataPackageSuffix") : null;
String usedGenPackages = genOptions != null ? genOptions.get("usedGenPackages") : null;
String modelDirectory = genOptions != null ? genOptions.get("modelDirectory") : null;
String dynamicTemplates = genOptions != null ? genOptions.get("dynamicTemplates") : null;
String templateDirectory = genOptions != null ? genOptions.get("templateDirectory") : null;
if (modelDirectory == null) {
modelDirectory = getTestProject().getName() + "/" + JavaFileUtil.TEST_SRC_FOLDER_NAME;
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
s.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
s.append("<genmodel:GenModel xmi:version=\"2.0\"\n");
s.append(" xmlns:xmi=\"\"\n");
s.append(" xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n");
s.append(" xmlns:ecore=\"\"\n");
s.append(" xmlns:genmodel=\"\"\n");
s.append(" modelDirectory=\"/" + modelDirectory + "\"\n");
s.append(" modelPluginID=\"" + fileName + "\"\n");
s.append(" modelName=\"" + fileName + "\"\n");
s.append(" importerID=\"org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ecore.importer\"\n");
s.append(" complianceLevel=\"8.0\"\n");
s.append(" operationReflection=\"true\"\n");
s.append(" copyrightFields=\"false\"\n");
s.append(" bundleManifest=\"false\"\n");
s.append(" pluginKey=\"\"\n");
if (dynamicTemplates != null) {
s.append(" dynamicTemplates=\"" + dynamicTemplates + "\"\n");
if (templateDirectory != null) {
s.append(" templateDirectory=\"" + templateDirectory + "\"\n");
s.append(" updateClasspath=\"false\">\n");
s.append(" <genAnnotations source=\"\">\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"OPPOSITE_ROLE_NAMES\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"DUPLICATE_FEATURES\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"ANNOTATION_DETAILS\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"PROPERTY_DEFAULT_EXPRESSIONS\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"DUPLICATE_FEATURE_INHERITANCE\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"COMMENTS\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"DERIVED_FEATURES\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"SUPER_CLASS_ORDER\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"DUPLICATE_OPERATION_INHERITANCE\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"REDEFINING_OPERATIONS\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"INVARIANT_CONSTRAINTS\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"UNION_PROPERTIES\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"DUPLICATE_OPERATIONS\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"NON_API_INVARIANTS\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"CAMEL_CASE_NAMES\" value=\"IGNORE\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"SUBSETTING_PROPERTIES\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"OPERATION_BODIES\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"ECORE_TAGGED_VALUES\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"UNTYPED_PROPERTIES\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"REDEFINING_PROPERTIES\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"INVOCATION_DELEGATES\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"VALIDATION_DELEGATES\" value=\"PROCESS\"/>\n");
s.append(" </genAnnotations>\n");
s.append(" <genAnnotations source=\"\">\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"Use Delegates\" value=\"false\"/>\n");
s.append(" <details key=\"Use Null Annotations\" value=\"true\"/>\n");
s.append(" </genAnnotations>\n");
s.append(" <foreignModel>" + umlProfileResource.getURI().lastSegment() + "</foreignModel>\n");
for (EObject eRootObject : umlProfileResource.getContents()) {
if (eRootObject instanceof Model) {
for (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package umlPackage : ((Model)eRootObject).getNestedPackages()) {
assert umlPackage != null;
appendGenModelPackage(s, umlPackage, interfacePackageSuffix, metaDataPackageSuffix, fileName);
else if (eRootObject instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package) {
appendGenModelPackage(s, (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package)eRootObject, interfacePackageSuffix, metaDataPackageSuffix, fileName);
if (usedGenPackages != null) {
for (String usedGenPackage : usedGenPackages.split(" ")) {
s.append(" <usedGenPackages href=\"" + usedGenPackage + "\"/>\\n");
s.append(" <usedGenPackages href=\"platform:/resource/org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.genmodel#//ecore\"/>\n");
s.append(" <usedGenPackages href=\"platform:/resource/org.eclipse.uml2.types/model/Types.genmodel#//types\"/>\n");
s.append(" <usedGenPackages href=\"platform:/resource/org.eclipse.uml2.uml/model/UML.genmodel#//uml\"/>\n");
// s.append(" <usedGenPackages href=\"platform:/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.pivot/model/oclstdlib.genmodel#//oclstdlib\"/>\n");
return s.toString();
private void appendGenModelPackage(StringBuilder s, org.eclipse.uml2.uml.@NonNull Package umlPackage, String interfacePackageSuffix, String metaDataPackageSuffix, @NonNull String fileStem) {
String packageName = umlPackage.getName();
s.append(" <genPackages xsi:type=\"genmodel:GenPackage\" prefix=\"" + packageName + "\"\n");
s.append(" disposableProviderFactory=\"true\"\n");
s.append(" ecorePackage=\"" + fileStem + ".profile.ecore#/\"\n");
s.append(" basePackage=\"" + fileStem + "\"\n");
if (interfacePackageSuffix != null) {
s.append(" interfacePackageSuffix=\"" + interfacePackageSuffix + "\"\n");
if (metaDataPackageSuffix != null) {
s.append(" metaDataPackageSuffix=\"" + metaDataPackageSuffix + "\"\n");
s.append(" />\n");
protected boolean doCompile(@NonNull OCL ocl, @NonNull JavaClasspath classpath, @NonNull String... testProjectNames) throws Exception {
List<@NonNull JavaFileObject> compilationUnits = new ArrayList<>();
StringBuilder sources = new StringBuilder();
if (testProjectNames != null) {
for (@NonNull String testProjectName : testProjectNames) {
TestFile srcTestFile = getTestProject().getOutputFile(JavaFileUtil.TEST_SRC_FOLDER_NAME + "/" + testProjectName);
JavaFileUtil.gatherCompilationUnits(compilationUnits, srcTestFile.getFile());
if (sources.length() > 0) {
sources.append(", ");
String objectPath = getTestProject().getOutputFile(JavaFileUtil.TEST_BIN_FOLDER_NAME + "/").getFileString();
String problemMessage = JavaFileUtil.compileClasses(compilationUnits, sources.toString(), objectPath, classpath);
if (problemMessage != null) {
return true;
protected boolean doEcoreCompile(@NonNull OCL ocl, @NonNull String... testProjectNames) throws Exception {
JavaClasspath classpath = JavaFileUtil.createDefaultOCLClasspath();
return doCompile(ocl, classpath, testProjectNames);
protected void doGenModel(@NonNull URI genmodelURI) throws Exception {
OCL ocl= createOCL();
ResourceSet resourceSet = ocl.getResourceSet();
try {
URI fileURI = genmodelURI; //getProjectFileURI(testFileStem + ".genmodel");
// System.out.println("Generating Ecore Model using '" + fileURI + "'");
// metamodelManager2.dispose();
ProjectManager projectMap = ocl.getProjectManager();
// ocl.dispose();
projectMap.configure(resourceSet, StandaloneProjectMap.LoadFirstStrategy.INSTANCE, StandaloneProjectMap.MapToFirstConflictHandler.INSTANCE);
resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put(org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.GenModelPackage.eNS_URI, org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.GenModelPackage.eINSTANCE);
//FIXME this is needed so long as Pivot.genmodel is a UML genmodel
resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put(org.eclipse.uml2.codegen.ecore.genmodel.GenModelPackage.eNS_URI, org.eclipse.uml2.codegen.ecore.genmodel.GenModelPackage.eINSTANCE);
resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap().put("genmodel", new EcoreResourceFactoryImpl());
if (resourceSet instanceof ResourceSetImpl) {
ResourceSetImpl resourceSetImpl = (ResourceSetImpl) resourceSet;
Map<URI, Resource> uriResourceMap = resourceSetImpl.getURIResourceMap();
if (uriResourceMap != null) {
Resource resource = resourceSet.getResource(fileURI, true);
// EcoreUtil.resolveAll(resourceSet); -- genModel can fail if
// proxies resolved here
// problem arises if genmodel has an obsolete feature for a feature
// moved up the inheritance hierarchy
// since the proxy seems to be successfully resolved giving a double
// feature
EObject eObject = resource.getContents().get(0);
if (!(eObject instanceof GenModel)) {
throw new ConfigurationException("No GenModel found in '" + resource.getURI() + "'");
GenModel genModel = (GenModel) eObject;
// genModel.setCanGenerate(true);
// validate();
genModel.setValidateModel(true); // The more checks the better
// genModel.setCodeFormatting(true); // Normalize layout
genModel.setForceOverwrite(false); // Don't overwrite read-only files
// genModel.setFacadeHelperClass(null); // Non-null gives JDT
// default NPEs
// genModel.setFacadeHelperClass(StandaloneASTFacadeHelper.class.getName());
// // Bug 308069
// genModel.setValidateModel(true);
genModel.setBundleManifest(false); // New manifests should be generated manually
genModel.setUpdateClasspath(false); // New class-paths should be generated manually
// genModel.setComplianceLevel(GenJDKLevel.JDK50_LITERAL);
// genModel.setRootExtendsClass("org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.MinimalEObjectImpl$Container");
Diagnostic diagnostic = genModel.diagnose();
if (diagnostic.getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK) {
String s = PivotUtil.formatDiagnostics(diagnostic, "\n");
fail("Diagnose failure " + s);
String oldGenModelStr = EmfFormatter.objToStr(genModel);
Generator generator = GenModelUtil.createGenerator(genModel);
Monitor monitor = new BasicMonitor();
diagnostic = generator.generate(genModel, GenBaseGeneratorAdapter.MODEL_PROJECT_TYPE, monitor);
if (diagnostic.getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK) {
String s = PivotUtil.formatDiagnostics(diagnostic, "\n");
fail("Generation failure" + s);
genModel.reconcile(); // Delete the GenOperations
String newGenModelStr = EmfFormatter.objToStr(genModel);
TestCase.assertEquals(oldGenModelStr, newGenModelStr);
// metamodelManager.dispose();
finally {
ocl = null;
boolean waitedOK = ThreadLocalExecutor.waitForGC(); // Ensure that the Diagnostician's validateContext releases its WeakOCLReference.
protected EPackage doLoadPackage(@NonNull ExplicitClassLoader classLoader, @NonNull String qualifiedModelPackageName) throws Exception {
Class<?> testClass = classLoader.loadClass(qualifiedModelPackageName);
// System.out.println("Loaded " + testClass.getName());
Object eInstance = testClass.getDeclaredField("eINSTANCE").get(null);
return (EPackage) eInstance;
protected void doUMLCompile(@NonNull TestOCL ocl, @NonNull String testProjectName) throws Exception {
JavaClasspath classpath = JavaFileUtil.createDefaultOCLClasspath();
doCompile(ocl, classpath, testProjectName);
protected void initializeResourceSet() {
resourceSet = null; //createResourceSet();
// standardResources = new ArrayList<Resource>(resourceSet.getResources());
protected @NonNull Resource loadUmlProfile(@NonNull ResourceSet resourceSet, @NonNull URI umlProfileURI) {
Resource umlProfileResource = resourceSet.getResource(umlProfileURI, true);
assert umlProfileResource != null;
assertNoResourceErrors("Profile load", umlProfileResource);
assertNoValidationErrors("Profile validation", umlProfileResource);
return umlProfileResource;
protected @NonNull Resource validateUmlModel(@NonNull URI umlModelURI, @NonNull String qualifiedPackageClassName, @NonNull String pathMapName, @Nullable Map<URI, URI> extraUriMap) throws Exception, IllegalAccessException {
File projectFile = getTestProject().getFile();
File explicitClassPath = new File(projectFile, "test-bin");
URL url = explicitClassPath.toURI().toURL();
URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{url}, getClass().getClassLoader());
Class<?> packageImplClass = urlClassLoader.loadClass(qualifiedPackageClassName);
Field field = packageImplClass.getField("eINSTANCE");
EPackage packageImpl = (EPackage)field.get(null);
assert packageImpl != null;
String nsURI = packageImpl.getNsURI();
EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.remove(nsURI); // We don't need it in the global registry and another test may get a CCE if same nsURI.
ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put(nsURI, packageImpl);
URI pathMapURI = URI.createURI(pathMapName, true);
URI profileFolderURI = umlModelURI.trimSegments(1).appendSegment("");
Map<URI, URI> uriMap = resourceSet.getURIConverter().getURIMap();
uriMap.put(pathMapURI, profileFolderURI);
if (extraUriMap != null) {
Resource umlModelResource = resourceSet.getResource(umlModelURI, true);
assert umlModelResource != null;
assertNoResourceErrors("Model load", umlModelResource);
assertNoValidationErrors("Model validation", umlModelResource);
return umlModelResource;
public void testBug370824() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug370824";
String testProjectName = "bug370824";
String oclinecoreFile = "package bug370824 : bug370824 = 'http://bug370824'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " class Clase1\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " invariant : > 0;\n"
+ " attribute name : String[?] { ordered };\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent("Bug370824", null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
public void testBug409650() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug409650";
String testProjectName = "bug409650";
String oclinecoreFile = "package bug409650 : bug409650 = 'http://bug409650'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " class Clase1\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " invariant : > 0;\n"
+ " attribute name : String[?] { ordered };\n"
+ " operation copy(b : Boolean) : Boolean { body: b; }\n"
+ " operation complement(b : Boolean) : Boolean { body: not b; }\n"
+ " operation myPrefixedName(s1 : String, s2 : String) : String { body: s1 + name + s2; }\n"
+ " operation me() : Clase1 { body: self.oclAsType(Clase1); }\n"
+ " }\n" + "}\n";
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent("Bug409650", null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
String qualifiedPackageName = testProjectName + "." + testFileStem + "Package";
File classFilePath = getTestProject().getOutputFolder(JavaFileUtil.TEST_BIN_FOLDER_NAME + "/").getFile();
List<@NonNull String> packagePaths = JavaFileUtil.gatherPackageNames(classFilePath, null);
ExplicitClassLoader classLoader = new ExplicitClassLoader(classFilePath, packagePaths, getClass().getClassLoader());
EPackage ePackage = doLoadPackage(classLoader, qualifiedPackageName);
EClass eClass = (EClass) ePackage.getEClassifier("Clase1");
EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature("name");
EFactory eFactory = ePackage.getEFactoryInstance();
EObject eObject = eFactory.create(eClass);
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "name = null");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "complement(true) = false");
eObject.eSet(eStructuralFeature, "testing");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(eObject, "name = null");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "name = 'testing'");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(eObject, "XtestingY", "self.myPrefixedName('X', 'Y')");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(eObject, eObject, "");
public void testBug415782() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug415782";
String testProjectName = "bug415782";
String oclinecoreFile =
"import ecore : '';\n"
+ "package bug415782 : bug415782 = 'http://bug415782'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " class MyClass\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " attribute manyDates : ecore::EDate[*] { ordered };\n"
+ " attribute aBool : Boolean;\n"
+ " operation anOp() : MyClass {"
+ " body : MyClass {"
+ " manyDates = OrderedSet{},\n"
+ " aBool = manyDates->isEmpty()\n"
+ " };"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStem, null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
public void testBug416421() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStemA = "Bug416421A";
String testProjectNameA = "bug416421A";
String oclinecoreFileA =
"package bug416421A : bug416421A = ''\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " class ClassA\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " operation getFalse() : Boolean\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " body: false;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
String genmodelFileA = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStemA, null);
String testFileStemB = "Bug416421B";
String testProjectNameB = "bug416421B";
String oclinecoreFileB =
"import bug416421A : 'Bug416421A.ecore#/';\n"
+ "package bug416421B : bug416421B = ''\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " class ClassB extends bug416421A::ClassA\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " operation getTrue() : Boolean\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " body: true;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
Map <@NonNull String, @Nullable String> genOptions = new HashMap<>();
genOptions.put("usedGenPackages", "Bug416421A.genmodel#//bug416421A");
String genmodelFileB = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStemB, genOptions);
// doDelete(testProjectNameA);
// doDelete(testProjectNameB);
URI genModelURIA = createModels(testFileStemA, oclinecoreFileA, genmodelFileA);
URI genModelURIB = createModels(testFileStemB, oclinecoreFileB, genmodelFileB);
// B first demonstrates the demand load of Bug416421A to fix Bug 416421
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectNameA, testProjectNameB);
public void testBug458722() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug458722";
String testProjectName = "bug458722";
String oclinecoreFile =
"import ecore : '';\n" +
"\n" +
"package bug458722 : bug458722 = ''\n" +
"{\n" +
" package subPackage : subPackage = ''\n" +
" {\n" +
" class SubElement\n" +
" {\n" +
" operation op(tokens : String[*] { ordered !unique }) : Boolean\n" +
" {\n" +
" body: \n" +
" \n" +
" if tokens->at(1) = '1'\n" +
" then\n" +
" op2(tokens)\n" +
" else\n" +
" true\n" +
" endif;\n" +
" }\n" +
" operation op2(tokens : String[*] { ordered !unique }) : Boolean\n" +
" {\n" +
" body: \n" +
" true;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" abstract class Element\n" +
" {\n" +
" attribute name : String = '';\n" +
" }\n" +
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStem, null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
public void testBug458723() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug458723";
String testProjectName = "bug458723";
String oclinecoreFile =
"import ecore : '';\n" +
"\n" +
"package bug458723 : bug458723 = ''\n" +
"{\n" +
" package subPackage : subPackage = ''\n" +
" {\n" +
" class Element extends bug458723::Element\n" +
" {\n" +
"\n" +
" /*\n" +
" * Error also occurs with Bag(OclAny) in signature without\n" +
"{!unique}\n" +
" */\n" +
" operation op() : ocl::OclAny[*] { !unique }\n" +
" {\n" +
" body: \n" +
" Bag{};\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" abstract class Element\n" +
" {\n" +
" attribute name : String = '';\n" +
" }\n" +
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStem, null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
public void testBug458724() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug458724";
String testProjectName = "bug458724";
String oclinecoreFile =
"import ecore : '';\n" +
"\n" +
"package bug458724 : bug458724 = ''\n" +
"{\n" +
" class Element\n" +
" {\n" +
" attribute name : String = '';\n" +
" invariant\n" +
" elementNameNotReservedWord: \n" +
" let name: String = in\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_1' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_2' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_3' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_4' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_5' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_6' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_7' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_8' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_9' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_10' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_11' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_12' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_13' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_14' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_15' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_16' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_17' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_18' and\n" +
" name <> 'reserved_19';\n" +
" }\n" +
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStem, null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
public void testBug567919() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug567919";
String testProjectName = "bug567919";
String oclinecoreFile =
"import ecore : '';\n"
+ "package bug567919 : bug567919 = 'http://bug567919'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " class Backlog\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " property workItems : WorkItem[+|1] { ordered composes };\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " class WorkItem\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " attribute effort : ecore::EInt[1];\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " class Plan\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " property backlog : Backlog[1] { composes };\n"
+ " attribute maxTeamVelocity : ecore::EInt[1];\n"
+ " attribute derivedMinSprintCount : ecore::EInt[1] { derived readonly volatile }\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " initial: self.backlog.workItems->collect(effort)->sum();\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStem, null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
File classFilePath = getTestProject().getOutputFolder(JavaFileUtil.TEST_BIN_FOLDER_NAME + "/").getFile();
List<@NonNull String> packagePaths = JavaFileUtil.gatherPackageNames(classFilePath, null);
ExplicitClassLoader classLoader = new ExplicitClassLoader(classFilePath, packagePaths, getClass().getClassLoader());
String qualifiedPackageName = testProjectName + ".Bug567919Package";
EPackage ePackage = doLoadPackage(classLoader, qualifiedPackageName);
EClass ePlanClass = (EClass) ePackage.getEClassifier("Plan");
EReference ePlan_backlog = (EReference) ePlanClass.getEStructuralFeature("backlog");
EAttribute ePlan_derivedMinSprintCount = (EAttribute) ePlanClass.getEStructuralFeature("derivedMinSprintCount");
EClass eBacklogClass = (EClass) ePackage.getEClassifier("Backlog");
EReference eBacklog_workItems = (EReference) eBacklogClass.getEStructuralFeature("workItems");
EClass eWorkItemClass = (EClass) ePackage.getEClassifier("WorkItem");
EAttribute eWorkItem_effort = (EAttribute) eWorkItemClass.getEStructuralFeature("effort");
EFactory eFactory = ePackage.getEFactoryInstance();
EObject plan = eFactory.create(ePlanClass);
EObject backlog = eFactory.create(eBacklogClass);
EObject workItem = eFactory.create(eWorkItemClass);
workItem.eSet(eWorkItem_effort, 3);
List<EObject> castWorkItems = (List<EObject>)backlog.eGet(eBacklog_workItems);
plan.eSet(ePlan_backlog, backlog);
int count = (int) plan.eGet(ePlan_derivedMinSprintCount);
assertEquals(3, count);
/* FIXME Bug 569113
public void testBug569113() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug569113";
String testProjectName = "bug569113";
String oclinecoreFile =
"import ecore : '';\n"
+ "package bug569113 : bug569113 = 'http://bug569113'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " class MyClass\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " attribute eInts : ecore::EInt[*];\n"
+ " operation sum() : Integer {\n"
+ " body : eInts->sum();\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStem, null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
} */
* Verify that the static profile in Bug570717.uml model can be generated and compiled.
public void testBug570717_uml() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug570717";
String testProjectName = testFileStem; //"bug570717";
TestOCL ocl0 = createOCL();
URI genModelURI = null;
Resource umlProfileResource = null;
try {
ResourceSet resourceSet0 = ocl0.getResourceSet();
TestFile umlProfileFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".profile.uml", ocl0, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".profile.uml"));
umlProfileResource = loadUmlProfile(resourceSet0, umlProfileFile.getURI());
String ecoreFileContent = createUMLEcoreModelContent(umlProfileResource);
String genmodelFileContent = createUMLGenModelContent(umlProfileResource, testFileStem, null);
createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.ecore"), ecoreFileContent);
genModelURI = createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel"), genmodelFileContent);
Path genModelPath = new Path("/" + getTestProject().getName() + "/" + testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel");
TestUMLImporter importer = new TestUMLImporter(resourceSet0.getPackageRegistry());
finally {
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
try {
doUMLCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
// Execute the profile
finally {
* Verify that the static profile in Bug570717.uml model can be generated and compiled.
public void testBug570717a_uml() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
TestOCL ocl0 = createOCL();
String testFileStem = "Bug570717a";
String testProjectName = testFileStem; //"bug570717a";
TestFile umlProfileFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".profile.uml", ocl0, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".profile.uml"));
Resource umlProfileResource = loadUmlProfile(ocl0.getResourceSet(), umlProfileFile.getURI());
String ecoreFileContent = createUMLEcoreModelContent(umlProfileResource);
String genmodelFileContent = createUMLGenModelContent(umlProfileResource, testFileStem, null);
createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.ecore"), ecoreFileContent);
URI genModelURI = createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel"), genmodelFileContent);
Path genModelPath = new Path("/" + getTestProject().getName() + "/" + testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel");
TestUMLImporter importer = new TestUMLImporter(ocl0.getResourceSet().getPackageRegistry());
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doUMLCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
// Execute the profile
public void testBug570802() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug570802";
String testProjectName = "bug570802";
String oclinecoreFile = "package bug570802 : bug570802 = 'http://Bug570802'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " class Bug570802\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " property generics : BaseGeneric(?)[*|1] { ordered composes };\n"
+ " property genericsA : BaseGeneric(?)[*|1] { ordered derived readonly transient volatile }\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " initial: self.generics;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " abstract class BaseGeneric(T);\n"
+ "}";
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent("Bug570802", null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
* Verify that the static profile in Bug570891.uml model can be generated and compiled.
public void testBug570891_uml() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
TestOCL ocl0 = createOCL();
String testFileStem = "Bug570891";
String testProjectName = testFileStem; //"bug570891";
// TestFile umlModelFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".uml", ocl0, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".uml"));
TestFile umlProfileFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".profile.uml", ocl0, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".profile.uml"));
Resource umlProfileResource = loadUmlProfile(ocl0.getResourceSet(), umlProfileFile.getURI());
String ecoreFileContent = createUMLEcoreModelContent(umlProfileResource);
String genmodelFileContent = createUMLGenModelContent(umlProfileResource, testFileStem, null);
createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.ecore"), ecoreFileContent);
URI genModelURI = createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel"), genmodelFileContent);
Path genModelPath = new Path("/" + getTestProject().getName() + "/" + testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel");
TestUMLImporter importer = new TestUMLImporter(ocl0.getResourceSet().getPackageRegistry());
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doUMLCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
* Verify that the static profile in 570892.profile.uml model can be generated and compiled
* and that the 570892.uml model can then validate.
public void testBug570892_uml() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
TestOCL ocl1 = createOCL();
String testFileStem = "Bug570892";
String testProjectName = testFileStem; //"bug570892";
TestFile umlModelFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".uml", ocl1, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".uml"));
TestFile umlProfileFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".profile.uml", ocl1, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".profile.uml"));
Resource umlProfileResource = loadUmlProfile(ocl1.getResourceSet(), umlProfileFile.getURI());
String ecoreFileContent = createUMLEcoreModelContent(umlProfileResource);
String genmodelFileContent = createUMLGenModelContent(umlProfileResource, testFileStem, null);
createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.ecore"), ecoreFileContent);
URI genModelURI = createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel"), genmodelFileContent);
Path genModelPath = new Path("/" + getTestProject().getName() + "/" + testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel");
TestUMLImporter importer = new TestUMLImporter(ocl1.getResourceSet().getPackageRegistry());
TestOCL ocl2 = createOCL();
doUMLCompile(ocl2, testProjectName);
int oldAbstractEnvironmentFactory_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = AbstractEnvironmentFactory.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
int oldAbstractModelManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = AbstractModelManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
int oldExecutorManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = ExecutorManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
int oldAbstractExecutor_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = AbstractExecutor.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
// Execute the profile
String qualifiedPackageClassName = "Bug570892.validationproblem.ValidationProblemPackage";
String pathMapName = "pathmap://VALIDATIONPROBLEM_PROFILE/";
Resource umlModelResource = validateUmlModel(umlModelFile.getURI(), qualifiedPackageClassName, pathMapName, null);
assertEquals("AbstractEnvironmentFactory.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 0, AbstractEnvironmentFactory.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldAbstractEnvironmentFactory_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
assertEquals("AbstractModelManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 1, AbstractModelManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldAbstractModelManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
assertEquals("ExecutorManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 1, ExecutorManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldExecutorManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
assertEquals("AbstractExecutor.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 0, AbstractExecutor.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldAbstractExecutor_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
// Model model = (Model)umlModelResource.getContents().get(0);
* Verify that the static profile in Bug570894.profile.uml model can be generated and compiled
* and that the Bug570894.uml model can then validate.
public void testBug570894_uml() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
TestOCL ocl1 = createOCL();
String testFileStem = "Bug570894";
String testProjectName = testFileStem; //"bug570894";
TestFile umlModelFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".uml", ocl1, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".uml"));
TestFile umlLibraryFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".library.uml", ocl1, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".library.uml"));
TestFile umlProfileFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".profile.uml", ocl1, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".profile.uml"));
Resource umlProfileResource = loadUmlProfile(ocl1.getResourceSet(), umlProfileFile.getURI());
String ecoreFileContent = createUMLEcoreModelContent(umlProfileResource);
String genmodelFileContent = createUMLGenModelContent(umlProfileResource, testFileStem, null);
createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.ecore"), ecoreFileContent);
URI genModelURI = createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel"), genmodelFileContent);
Path genModelPath = new Path("/" + getTestProject().getName() + "/" + testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel");
TestUMLImporter importer = new TestUMLImporter(ocl1.getResourceSet().getPackageRegistry());
TestOCL ocl2 = createOCL();
doUMLCompile(ocl2, testProjectName);
int oldAbstractEnvironmentFactory_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = AbstractEnvironmentFactory.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
int oldAbstractModelManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = AbstractModelManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
int oldExecutorManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = ExecutorManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
int oldAbstractExecutor_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = AbstractExecutor.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
// Execute the profile
String qualifiedPackageClassName = "Bug570894.validationproblem.ValidationProblemPackage";
String pathMapName = "pathmap://VALIDATIONPROBLEM_PROFILE/";
Map<URI, URI> extraUriMap = new HashMap<URI, URI>();
extraUriMap.put(URI.createURI("pathmap://VALIDATIONPROBLEM_LIBRARY/ValidationProblem-Library.uml"), umlLibraryFile.getURI());
extraUriMap.put(URI.createURI("pathmap://VALIDATIONPROBLEM_PROFILE/ValidationProblem.profile.uml"), umlProfileFile.getURI());
Resource umlModelResource = validateUmlModel(umlModelFile.getURI(), qualifiedPackageClassName, pathMapName, extraUriMap);
assertEquals("AbstractEnvironmentFactory.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 0, AbstractEnvironmentFactory.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldAbstractEnvironmentFactory_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
assertEquals("AbstractModelManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 1, AbstractModelManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldAbstractModelManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
assertEquals("ExecutorManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 1, ExecutorManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldExecutorManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
assertEquals("AbstractExecutor.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 0, AbstractExecutor.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldAbstractExecutor_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
for (@NonNull EObject eObject : umlModelResource.getContents()) {
EClass eClass = eObject.eClass();
if ("Farm".equals(eClass.getName())) {
EStructuralFeature animalFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature("animal");
EStructuralFeature chickenFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature("chicken");
EStructuralFeature duckFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature("duck");
Object animals = eObject.eGet(animalFeature);
assertEquals(4, ((Collection<?>)animals).size());
Object chicken = eObject.eGet(chickenFeature);
Object duck = eObject.eGet(duckFeature);
* Verify that the static profile in Bug571198.profile.uml model can be generated and compiled
* and that the Bug571198.uml model can then validate.
public void testBug571198_uml() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
TestOCL ocl1 = createOCL();
String testFileStem = "Bug571198";
String testProjectName = testFileStem; //"bug570894";
TestFile umlModelFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".uml", ocl1, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".uml"));
// TestFile umlLibraryFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".library.uml", ocl1, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".library.uml"));
TestFile umlProfileFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".profile.uml", ocl1, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".profile.uml"));
Resource umlProfileResource = loadUmlProfile(ocl1.getResourceSet(), umlProfileFile.getURI());
String ecoreFileContent = createUMLEcoreModelContent(umlProfileResource);
String genmodelFileContent = createUMLGenModelContent(umlProfileResource, testFileStem, null);
createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.ecore"), ecoreFileContent);
URI genModelURI = createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel"), genmodelFileContent);
Path genModelPath = new Path("/" + getTestProject().getName() + "/" + testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel");
TestUMLImporter importer = new TestUMLImporter(ocl1.getResourceSet().getPackageRegistry());
int oldAbstractEnvironmentFactory_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = AbstractEnvironmentFactory.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
int oldAbstractModelManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = AbstractModelManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
int oldExecutorManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = ExecutorManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
int oldAbstractExecutor_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = AbstractExecutor.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
TestOCL ocl2 = createOCL();
doUMLCompile(ocl2, testProjectName);
// Execute the profile
String qualifiedPackageClassName = "Bug571198.bug571198.ValidationProblemPackage";
String pathMapName = "pathmap://VALIDATIONPROBLEM_PROFILE/";
Map<URI, URI> extraUriMap = new HashMap<URI, URI>();
// extraUriMap.put(URI.createURI("pathmap://VALIDATIONPROBLEM_LIBRARY/ValidationProblem-Library.uml"), umlLibraryFile.getURI());
extraUriMap.put(URI.createURI("pathmap://VALIDATIONPROBLEM_PROFILE/ValidationProblem.profile.uml"), umlProfileFile.getURI());
Resource umlModelResource = validateUmlModel(umlModelFile.getURI(), qualifiedPackageClassName, pathMapName, extraUriMap);
assertEquals("AbstractEnvironmentFactory.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 1, AbstractEnvironmentFactory.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldAbstractEnvironmentFactory_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
assertEquals("AbstractModelManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 0, AbstractModelManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldAbstractModelManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
assertEquals("ExecutorManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 0, ExecutorManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldExecutorManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
assertEquals("AbstractExecutor.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 0, AbstractExecutor.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldAbstractExecutor_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
for (@NonNull EObject eObject : umlModelResource.getContents()) {
EClass eClass = eObject.eClass();
if ("Farm".equals(eClass.getName())) {
EStructuralFeature animalFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature("animal");
EStructuralFeature chickenFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature("chicken");
EStructuralFeature duckFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature("duck");
Object animals = eObject.eGet(animalFeature);
assertEquals(4, ((Collection<?>)animals).size());
Object chicken = eObject.eGet(chickenFeature);
Object duck = eObject.eGet(duckFeature);
* Verify that the static profile in Bug571407.profile.uml model can be generated and compiled.
public void testBug571407_uml() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
TestOCL ocl1 = createOCL();
String testFileStem = "Bug571407";
String testProjectName = testFileStem; //"bug571407";
// TestFile umlModelFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".uml", ocl1, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".uml"));
// TestFile umlLibraryFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".library.uml", ocl1, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".library.uml"));
TestFile umlProfileFile = getTestFile(testFileStem + ".profile.uml", ocl1, getTestModelURI("models/uml/" + testFileStem + ".profile.uml"));
Resource umlProfileResource = loadUmlProfile(ocl1.getResourceSet(), umlProfileFile.getURI());
String ecoreFileContent = createUMLEcoreModelContent(umlProfileResource);
String genmodelFileContent = createUMLGenModelContent(umlProfileResource, testFileStem, null);
createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.ecore"), ecoreFileContent);
URI genModelURI = createTestFileWithContent(getTestProject().getOutputFile(testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel"), genmodelFileContent);
Path genModelPath = new Path("/" + getTestProject().getName() + "/" + testFileStem + ".profile.genmodel");
TestUMLImporter importer = new TestUMLImporter(ocl1.getResourceSet().getPackageRegistry());
TestOCL ocl2 = createOCL();
doUMLCompile(ocl2, testProjectName);
/* int oldAbstractEnvironmentFactory_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = AbstractEnvironmentFactory.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
int oldAbstractModelManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = AbstractModelManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
int oldExecutorManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = ExecutorManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
int oldAbstractExecutor_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT = AbstractExecutor.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT;
// Execute the profile
String qualifiedPackageClassName = "Bug570894.validationproblem.ValidationProblemPackage";
String pathMapName = "pathmap://VALIDATIONPROBLEM_PROFILE/";
Map<URI, URI> extraUriMap = new HashMap<URI, URI>();
extraUriMap.put(URI.createURI("pathmap://VALIDATIONPROBLEM_LIBRARY/ValidationProblem-Library.uml"), umlLibraryFile.getURI());
extraUriMap.put(URI.createURI("pathmap://VALIDATIONPROBLEM_PROFILE/ValidationProblem.profile.uml"), umlProfileFile.getURI());
Resource umlModelResource = validateUmlModel(umlModelFile.getURI(), qualifiedPackageClassName, pathMapName, extraUriMap);
assertEquals("AbstractEnvironmentFactory.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 0, AbstractEnvironmentFactory.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldAbstractEnvironmentFactory_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
assertEquals("AbstractModelManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 1, AbstractModelManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldAbstractModelManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
assertEquals("ExecutorManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 1, ExecutorManager.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldExecutorManager_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
assertEquals("AbstractExecutor.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT", 0, AbstractExecutor.CONSTRUCTION_COUNT-oldAbstractExecutor_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT);
for (@NonNull EObject eObject : umlModelResource.getContents()) {
EClass eClass = eObject.eClass();
if ("Farm".equals(eClass.getName())) {
EStructuralFeature animalFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature("animal");
EStructuralFeature chickenFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature("chicken");
EStructuralFeature duckFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature("duck");
Object animals = eObject.eGet(animalFeature);
assertEquals(4, ((Collection<?>)animals).size());
Object chicken = eObject.eGet(chickenFeature);
Object duck = eObject.eGet(duckFeature);
ocl2.dispose(); */
public void testCSE() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PLACES.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PRUNE.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PULL_UP.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PUSH_UP.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_REWRITE.setState(true);
String testFileStem = "CSEs";
String testProjectName = "cses";
String oclinecoreFile = "import ecore : '';\n"
+ "package cses : cses = 'http://cses'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " class CSEs\n"
+ " {\n"
// + " attribute a : ecore::EInt = '3' { readonly };\n"
+ " operation test(a : ecore::EInt, b : ecore::EInt, c : ecore::EInt) : ecore::EInt { body: if a + b + c > 0 then a + b + c else a + b endif; }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
Map <@NonNull String, @Nullable String> genOptions = new HashMap<>();
genOptions.put("interfacePackageSuffix", "coreI");
genOptions.put("metaDataPackageSuffix", "coreM");
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStem, genOptions);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
String qualifiedPackageName = testProjectName + ".coreM." + testFileStem + "Package";
File classFilePath = getTestProject().getOutputFolder(JavaFileUtil.TEST_BIN_FOLDER_NAME + "/").getFile();
List<@NonNull String> packagePaths = JavaFileUtil.gatherPackageNames(classFilePath, null);
ExplicitClassLoader classLoader = new ExplicitClassLoader(classFilePath, packagePaths, getClass().getClassLoader());
EPackage ePackage = doLoadPackage(classLoader, qualifiedPackageName);
EClass eClass = (EClass) ePackage.getEClassifier("CSEs");
EFactory eFactory = ePackage.getEFactoryInstance();
EObject eObject = eFactory.create(eClass);
// OCLHelper helper = getHelper();
// org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class contextType = helper.getOCL().getMetamodelManager().getType(idResolver.getStaticTypeOf(eObject));
// helper.setContext(contextType);
// ExpressionInOCL query = helper.createQuery("test(3, 2, 1)");
// ocl.assertCallCount(query, null, 2);
// ocl.assertCallCount(query, NumericPlusOperation.INSTANCE, 2);
ocl.assertQueryEquals(eObject, 6, "test(3, 2, 1)");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(eObject, -5, "test(3, -8, 1)");
public void testCodegenCompany() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testProjectName = "org/eclipse/ocl/examples/xtext/tests/codegen/company";
URI sourceGenModelURI = getTestModelURI("models/genmodel/CodeGenCompany.genmodel");
URI targetGenModelURI = getTestURI("CodeGenCompany.genmodel");
TestOCL ocl0 = createOCL();
try {
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_BUILD.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PLACES.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PRUNE.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PULL_UP.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PUSH_UP.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_REWRITE.setState(true);
Resource genModelResource = ocl0.getResourceSet().getResource(sourceGenModelURI, true);
GenModel genModel = (GenModel) genModelResource.getContents().get(0);
genModel.setModelDirectory(getTestProject().getName() + "/" + JavaFileUtil.TEST_SRC_FOLDER_NAME);
finally {
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
try {
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
finally {
public void testEcoreLists570717() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug570717";
String testProjectName = "bug570717";
String oclinecoreFile = "import ecore : '';\n"
+ "package bug570717 : bug570717 = 'http://bug570717'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " datatype ENumber : 'java.lang.Number' { serializable };\n"
+ " class EcoreLists\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " attribute eBigDecimal : ecore::EBigDecimal { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEBigDecimal(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eBigDecimals : ecore::EBigDecimal[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEBigDecimals(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eBigInteger : ecore::EBigInteger { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEBigInteger(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eBigIntegers : ecore::EBigInteger[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEBigIntegers(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eBoolean : ecore::EBoolean { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: notEBoolean(true); }\n"
+ " attribute eBooleans : ecore::EBoolean[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: notEBooleans(Set{true}); }\n"
+ " attribute eBooleanObject : ecore::EBooleanObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: notEBooleanObject(true); }\n"
+ " attribute eBooleanObjects : ecore::EBooleanObject[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: notEBooleanObjects(Set{true}); }\n"
+ " attribute eChar : ecore::EChar { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEChar(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eChars : ecore::EChar[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEChars(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eCharacterObject : ecore::ECharacterObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negECharacterObject(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eCharacterObjects : ecore::ECharacterObject[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negECharacterObjects(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eDouble : ecore::EDouble { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEDouble(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eDoubles : ecore::EDouble[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEDoubles(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eDoubleObject : ecore::EDoubleObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEDoubleObject(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eDoubleObjects : ecore::EDoubleObject[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEDoubleObjects(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eFloat : ecore::EFloat { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEFloat(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eFloats : ecore::EFloat[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEFloats(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eFloatObject : ecore::EFloatObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEFloatObject(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eFloatObjects : ecore::EFloatObject[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEFloatObjects(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eInt : ecore::EInt { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEInt(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eInts : ecore::EInt[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEInts(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eIntegerObject : ecore::EIntegerObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEIntegerObject(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eIntegerObjects : ecore::EIntegerObject[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEIntegerObjects(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eLong : ecore::ELong { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negELong(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eLongs : ecore::ELong[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negELongs(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eLongObject : ecore::ELongObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negELongObject(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eLongObjects : ecore::ELongObject[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negELongObjects(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eShort : ecore::EShort { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEShort(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eShorts : ecore::EShort[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEShorts(Set{1}); }\n"
+ " attribute eShortObject : ecore::EShortObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEShortObject(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eShortObjects : ecore::EShortObject[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEShortObjects(Set{1}); }\n"
// + " attribute eNumber : ENumber { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negENumber(ENumber{'1'}); }\n"
+ " attribute eString : ecore::EString { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: upCase('abc'); }\n"
+ " attribute eStrings : ecore::EString[*] { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: upCases(Set{'abc'}); }\n"
+ " operation negEBigDecimal(b : ecore::EBigDecimal) : ecore::EBigDecimal { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEBigDecimals(b : ecore::EBigDecimal[*]) : ecore::EBigDecimal[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negEBigInteger(b : ecore::EBigInteger) : ecore::EBigInteger { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEBigIntegers(b : ecore::EBigInteger[*]) : ecore::EBigInteger[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation notEBoolean(b : ecore::EBoolean) : ecore::EBoolean { body: not b; }\n"
+ " operation notEBooleans(b : ecore::EBoolean[*]) : ecore::EBoolean[*] { body: b->collect(e | not e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation notEBooleanObject(b : ecore::EBooleanObject) : ecore::EBooleanObject { body: not b; }\n"
+ " operation notEBooleanObjects(b : ecore::EBooleanObject[*]) : ecore::EBooleanObject[*] { body: b->collect(e | not e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negEChar(b : ecore::EChar) : ecore::EChar { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEChars(b : ecore::EChar[*]) : ecore::EChar[*] { body: b->collect(e | (-e).oclAsType(ecore::EChar))->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negECharacterObject(b : ecore::ECharacterObject) : ecore::ECharacterObject { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negECharacterObjects(b : ecore::ECharacterObject[*]) : ecore::ECharacterObject[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negEDouble(b : ecore::EDouble) : ecore::EDouble { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEDoubles(b : ecore::EDouble[*]) : ecore::EDouble[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negEDoubleObject(b : ecore::EDoubleObject) : ecore::EDoubleObject { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEDoubleObjects(b : ecore::EDoubleObject[*]) : ecore::EDoubleObject[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negEFloat(b : ecore::EFloat) : ecore::EFloat { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEFloats(b : ecore::EFloat[*]) : ecore::EFloat[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negEFloatObject(b : ecore::EFloatObject) : ecore::EFloatObject { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEFloatObjects(b : ecore::EFloatObject[*]) : ecore::EFloatObject[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negEInt(b : ecore::EInt) : ecore::EInt { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEInts(b : ecore::EInt[*]) : ecore::EInt[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negEIntegerObject(b : ecore::EIntegerObject) : ecore::EIntegerObject { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEIntegerObjects(b : ecore::EIntegerObject[*]) : ecore::EIntegerObject[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negELong(b : ecore::ELong) : ecore::ELong { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negELongs(b : ecore::ELong[*]) : ecore::ELong[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negELongObject(b : ecore::ELongObject) : ecore::ELongObject { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negELongObjects(b : ecore::ELongObject[*]) : ecore::ELongObject[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negEShort(b : ecore::EShort) : ecore::EShort { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEShorts(b : ecore::EShort[*]) : ecore::EShort[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
+ " operation negEShortObject(b : ecore::EShortObject) : ecore::EShortObject { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEShortObjects(b : ecore::EShortObject[*]) : ecore::EShortObject[*] { body: b->collect(e | -e)->asSet(); }\n"
// + " operation negENumber(b : ENumber) : ENumber { body: (-(b.oclAsType(Integer))).oclAsType(ENumber); }\n"
+ " operation upCase(b : ecore::EString) : ecore::EString { body: b.toUpper(); }\n"
+ " operation upCases(b : ecore::EString[*]) : ecore::EString[*] { body: b->collect(e | e.toUpper())->asSet(); }\n"
+ " }\n" + "}\n";
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent("Bug570717", null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
try {
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
String qualifiedPackageName = testProjectName + "." + testFileStem + "Package";
File classFilePath = getTestProject().getOutputFolder(JavaFileUtil.TEST_BIN_FOLDER_NAME + "/").getFile();
List<@NonNull String> packagePaths = JavaFileUtil.gatherPackageNames(classFilePath, null);
ExplicitClassLoader classLoader = new ExplicitClassLoader(classFilePath, packagePaths, getClass().getClassLoader());
EPackage ePackage = doLoadPackage(classLoader, qualifiedPackageName);
EClass eClass = (EClass) ePackage.getEClassifier("EcoreLists");
EFactory eFactory = ePackage.getEFactoryInstance();
EObject eObject = eFactory.create(eClass);
// FIXME BUG 570800 ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eChars = Set{eChar}");
// FIXME BUG 570800 ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negEChars(eChars) = Set{negEChar(eChar)}");
// FIXME BUG 570800 ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eCharacterObjects = Set{eCharacterObject}");
// FIXME BUG 570800 ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negECharacterObjects(eCharacterObjects) = Set{negECharacterObject(eCharacterObject)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eBigDecimals = Set{eBigDecimal}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negEBigDecimals(eBigDecimals) = Set{negEBigDecimal(eBigDecimal)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eBigIntegers = Set{eBigInteger}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negEBigIntegers(eBigIntegers) = Set{negEBigInteger(eBigInteger)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eBoolean = eBooleanObject");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eBooleans = eBooleanObjects");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "notEBooleans(eBooleans) = Set{notEBoolean(eBoolean)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eBooleanObjects = Set{eBooleanObject}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "notEBooleanObjects(eBooleanObjects) = Set{notEBooleanObject(eBooleanObject)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eDoubles = Set{eDouble}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negEDoubles(eDoubles) = Set{negEDouble(eDouble)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eDoubleObjects = Set{eDoubleObject}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negEDoubleObjects(eDoubleObjects) = Set{negEDoubleObject(eDoubleObject)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eFloats = Set{eFloat}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negEFloats(eFloats) = Set{negEFloat(eFloat)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eFloatObjects = Set{eFloatObject}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negEFloatObjects(eFloatObjects) = Set{negEFloatObject(eFloatObject)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eInts = Set{eInt}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negEInts(eInts) = Set{negEInt(eInt)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eIntegerObjects = Set{eIntegerObject}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negEIntegerObjects(eIntegerObjects) = Set{negEIntegerObject(eIntegerObject)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eLongs = Set{eLong}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negELongs(eLongs) = Set{negELong(eLong)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eLongObjects = Set{eLongObject}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negELongObjects(eLongObjects) = Set{negELongObject(eLongObject)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eShorts = Set{eShort}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negEShorts(eShorts) = Set{negEShort(eShort)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eShortObjects = Set{eShortObject}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "negEShortObjects(eShortObjects) = Set{negEShortObject(eShortObject)}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eBigInteger = eBigDecimal");
// ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eNumber = eFloat"); -- waiting for BUG 370087
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eString = 'ABC'");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eStrings = Set{eString}");
finally {
public void testEcoreTypes412736() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug412736";
String testProjectName = "bug412736";
String oclinecoreFile = "import ecore : '';\n"
+ "package bug412736 : bug412736 = 'http://bug412736'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " datatype ENumber : 'java.lang.Number' { serializable };\n"
+ " class EcoreDataTypes\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " attribute eBigDecimal : ecore::EBigDecimal { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEBigDecimal(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eBigInteger : ecore::EBigInteger { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEBigInteger(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eBooleanObject : ecore::EBooleanObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: notEBooleanObject(true); }\n"
+ " attribute eBoolean : ecore::EBoolean { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: notEBoolean(true); }\n"
+ " attribute eCharacterObject : ecore::ECharacterObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negECharacterObject(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eChar : ecore::EChar { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEChar(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eDoubleObject : ecore::EDoubleObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEDoubleObject(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eDouble : ecore::EDouble { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEDouble(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eFloatObject : ecore::EFloatObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEFloatObject(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eFloat : ecore::EFloat { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEFloat(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eIntegerObject : ecore::EIntegerObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEIntegerObject(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eInt : ecore::EInt { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEInt(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eLongObject : ecore::ELongObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negELongObject(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eLong : ecore::ELong { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negELong(1); }\n"
// + " attribute eNumber : ENumber { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negENumber(ENumber{'1'}); }\n"
+ " attribute eShortObject : ecore::EShortObject { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEShortObject(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eShort : ecore::EShort { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: negEShort(1); }\n"
+ " attribute eString : ecore::EString { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: upCase('abc'); }\n"
+ " operation negEBigDecimal(b : ecore::EBigDecimal) : ecore::EBigDecimal { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEBigInteger(b : ecore::EBigInteger) : ecore::EBigInteger { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEChar(b : ecore::EChar) : ecore::EChar { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negECharacterObject(b : ecore::ECharacterObject) : ecore::ECharacterObject { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEDouble(b : ecore::EDouble) : ecore::EDouble { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEDoubleObject(b : ecore::EDoubleObject) : ecore::EDoubleObject { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEFloat(b : ecore::EFloat) : ecore::EFloat { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEFloatObject(b : ecore::EFloatObject) : ecore::EFloatObject { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEInt(b : ecore::EInt) : ecore::EInt { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEIntegerObject(b : ecore::EIntegerObject) : ecore::EIntegerObject { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negELong(b : ecore::ELong) : ecore::ELong { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negELongObject(b : ecore::ELongObject) : ecore::ELongObject { body: -b; }\n"
// + " operation negENumber(b : ENumber) : ENumber { body: (-(b.oclAsType(Integer))).oclAsType(ENumber); }\n"
+ " operation negEShort(b : ecore::EShort) : ecore::EShort { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation negEShortObject(b : ecore::EShortObject) : ecore::EShortObject { body: -b; }\n"
+ " operation notEBoolean(b : ecore::EBoolean) : ecore::EBoolean { body: not b; }\n"
+ " operation notEBooleanObject(b : ecore::EBooleanObject) : ecore::EBooleanObject { body: not b; }\n"
+ " operation upCase(b : ecore::EString) : ecore::EString { body: b.toUpper(); }\n"
+ " }\n" + "}\n";
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent("Bug412736", null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
String qualifiedPackageName = testProjectName + "." + testFileStem + "Package";
File classFilePath = getTestProject().getOutputFolder(JavaFileUtil.TEST_BIN_FOLDER_NAME + "/").getFile();
List<@NonNull String> packagePaths = JavaFileUtil.gatherPackageNames(classFilePath, null);
ExplicitClassLoader classLoader = new ExplicitClassLoader(classFilePath, packagePaths, getClass().getClassLoader());
EPackage ePackage = doLoadPackage(classLoader, qualifiedPackageName);
EClass eClass = (EClass) ePackage.getEClassifier("EcoreDataTypes");
EFactory eFactory = ePackage.getEFactoryInstance();
EObject eObject = eFactory.create(eClass);
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eBigInteger = eBigDecimal");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eChar = eCharacterObject");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eBoolean = eBooleanObject");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eDouble = eDoubleObject");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eFloat = eFloatObject");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eInt = eIntegerObject");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eLong = eLongObject");
// ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eNumber = eFloat"); -- waiting for BUG 370087
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eShort = eShortObject");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eString = 'ABC'");
public void testEnumTypes412685() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
// FIXME next line compensates an uninstall overenthusiasm
EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.put(OCLstdlibPackage.eNS_URI, OCLstdlibPackage.eINSTANCE);
String testFileStem = "Bug412685";
String testProjectName = "bug412685";
String oclinecoreFile = "import ecore : '';\n"
+ "package bug412685 : bug412685 = 'http://bug412685'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " enum Color { serializable } {\n"
+ " literal BLACK;\n"
+ " literal WHITE;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " class EnumTypes\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " attribute eBlack : Color = 'BLACK' { readonly };\n"
+ " attribute eWhite : Color = 'WHITE' { readonly };\n"
+ " attribute eColor : Color { derived readonly volatile } { derivation: otherColor(Color::BLACK); }\n"
+ " operation opaqueColor(eColor : Color) : OclAny { body: eColor; }\n"
+ " operation otherColor(eColor : Color) : Color { body: if eColor = Color::BLACK then Color::WHITE else Color::BLACK endif; }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStem, null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
String qualifiedPackageName = testProjectName + "." + testFileStem + "Package";
File classFilePath = getTestProject().getOutputFolder(JavaFileUtil.TEST_BIN_FOLDER_NAME + "/").getFile();
List<@NonNull String> packagePaths = JavaFileUtil.gatherPackageNames(classFilePath, null);
ExplicitClassLoader classLoader = new ExplicitClassLoader(classFilePath, packagePaths, getClass().getClassLoader());
EPackage ePackage = doLoadPackage(classLoader, qualifiedPackageName);
EClass eClass = (EClass) ePackage.getEClassifier("EnumTypes");
EFactory eFactory = ePackage.getEFactoryInstance();
EObject eObject = eFactory.create(eClass);
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "let aWhite : OclAny = opaqueColor(eWhite) in eColor = aWhite");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "let aWhite : OclAny = eWhite.oclAsType(OclAny) in eColor = aWhite");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eColor = eWhite");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject, "eColor = Color::WHITE");
public void testEvaluators() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_BUILD.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PLACES.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PRUNE.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PULL_UP.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PUSH_UP.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_REWRITE.setState(true);
String testFileStem = "Evaluators";
String testProjectName = "evaluators";
String oclinecoreFile = "import ecore : '';\n"
+ "package evaluators : evaluators = 'http://evaluators'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " class Evaluators\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " attribute name : String[?];\n"
+ " operation test() : String { body: \n"
+ " let severity : String[1] = 'testString'.replaceFirst('xx', 'yy') \n"
+ " in if severity = '' \n"
+ " then '' \n"
+ " else \n"
+ " 'testString'.replaceAll('z1','z2') \n"
+ " endif; }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStem, null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
String qualifiedPackageName = testProjectName + "." + testFileStem + "Package";
File classFilePath = getTestProject().getOutputFolder(JavaFileUtil.TEST_BIN_FOLDER_NAME + "/").getFile();
List<@NonNull String> packagePaths = JavaFileUtil.gatherPackageNames(classFilePath, null);
ExplicitClassLoader classLoader = new ExplicitClassLoader(classFilePath, packagePaths, getClass().getClassLoader());
EPackage ePackage = doLoadPackage(classLoader, qualifiedPackageName);
EClass eClass = (EClass) ePackage.getEClassifier("Evaluators");
EFactory eFactory = ePackage.getEFactoryInstance();
EObject eObject = eFactory.create(eClass);
ocl.assertQueryEquals(eObject, "testString", "test()");
public void testSysML_QUDV() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testProjectName = "SysML_ValueTypes_QUDV";
URI targetGenModelURI = getTestURI("SysML_ValueTypes_QUDV.genmodel");
TestOCL ocl0 = createOCL();
try {
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_BUILD.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PLACES.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PRUNE.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PULL_UP.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_PUSH_UP.setState(true);
// CommonSubexpressionEliminator.CSE_REWRITE.setState(true);
URI sourceGenModelURI = getTestModelURI("models/genmodel/SysML_ValueTypes_QUDV.genmodel");
Resource genModelResource = ocl0.getResourceSet().getResource(sourceGenModelURI, true);
GenModel genModel = (GenModel) genModelResource.getContents().get(0);
genModel.setModelDirectory(getTestProject().getName() + "/" + JavaFileUtil.TEST_SRC_FOLDER_NAME);
finally {
// getTestFileURI("SysML_ValueTypes_QUDV.ecore", ocl, getTestModelURI("models/genmodel/SysML_ValueTypes_QUDV.ecore"));
// URI targetGenModelURI = getTestFileURI("SysML_ValueTypes_QUDV.genmodel", ocl, getTestModelURI("models/genmodel/SysML_ValueTypes_QUDV.genmodel"));
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
try {
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
File classFilePath = getTestProject().getOutputFolder(JavaFileUtil.TEST_BIN_FOLDER_NAME + "/").getFile();
List<@NonNull String> packagePaths = JavaFileUtil.gatherPackageNames(classFilePath, null);
ExplicitClassLoader classLoader = new ExplicitClassLoader(classFilePath, packagePaths, getClass().getClassLoader());
String qualifiedPackageName1 = testProjectName + ".QUDV.QUDVPackage";
EPackage ePackage1 = doLoadPackage(classLoader, qualifiedPackageName1);
EClass eClass1 = (EClass) ePackage1.getEClassifier("DerivedQuantityKind");
EFactory eFactory1 = ePackage1.getEFactoryInstance();
EObject eObject1 = eFactory1.create(eClass1);
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject1, "dependsOnQuantityKinds() <> null");
String qualifiedPackageName2 = testProjectName + ".PrimitiveValueTypes.PrimitiveValueTypesPackage";
EPackage ePackage2 = doLoadPackage(classLoader, qualifiedPackageName2);
EClass eClass2 = (EClass) ePackage2.getEClassifier("Complex");
EFactory eFactory2 = ePackage2.getEFactoryInstance();
EObject eObject2 = eFactory2.create(eClass2);
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject2, "imaginaryPart = realPart");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject2, "oclType() <> null");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(eObject2, "oclType().oclIsKindOf(OclAny)");
finally {
public void testInitStatics() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
* Verify that the Pivot metamodel can be loaded and validated as a *.oclas file by the
* Sample Reflective Ecore Editor.
* @throws Throwable
public void testOpen_Pivot_oclas() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
IIntroManager introManager = workbench.getIntroManager();
String testProjectName = "Open_Pivot";
ResourceSet resourceSet1 = new ResourceSetImpl();
Resource resource = resourceSet1.getResource(URI.createURI(PivotPackage.eNS_URI, true), true);
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
resource.setURI(URI.createPlatformResourceURI(testProjectName + "/" + "Pivot.oclas", true));, XMIUtil.createSaveOptions());
IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
IProject project = workspace.getRoot().getProject(testProjectName);
if (!project.exists()) {
IFile file = project.getFile("Pivot.oclas");
file.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray()), true, null);
IWorkbenchPage activePage = workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
EcoreEditor openEditor = (EcoreEditor) IDE.openEditor(activePage, file, "org.eclipse.emf.ecore.presentation.ReflectiveEditorID", true);
ResourceSet resourceSet = openEditor.getEditingDomain().getResourceSet();
EList<Resource> resources = resourceSet.getResources();
assertEquals(1, resources.size());
Resource resource2 = ClassUtil.nonNullState(resources.get(0));
assertNoResourceErrors("Load", resource2);
assertNoValidationErrors("Validate", resource2);
// for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
// flushEvents();
// Thread.sleep(100);
// }
* Verify that the Bug469251.uml model can be loaded and validated as a *.uml file by the
* UML MOdel Ecore Editor.
* @throws Throwable
public void testOpen_Bug469251_uml() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
getTestFile("Bug469251.profile.uml", ocl, getTestModelURI("models/uml/Bug469251.profile.uml"));
getTestFile("Bug469251.uml", ocl, getTestModelURI("models/uml/Bug469251.uml"));
IProject iProject = getTestProject().getIProject();
IFile modelFile = iProject.getFile("Bug469251.uml");
IWorkbenchPage activePage = workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
UMLEditor umlEditor = (UMLEditor) IDE.openEditor(activePage, modelFile, "org.eclipse.uml2.uml.editor.presentation.UMLEditorID", true);
* This progresses the dialog but there is no clue as to what it did.
String validateName = EMFEditUIPlugin.INSTANCE.getString("_UI_Validate_menu_item");
IMenuManager menuManager = umlEditor.getActionBars().getMenuManager();
IContributionManager validateItem1 = (IContributionManager) menuManager.findUsingPath("org.eclipse.uml2.umlMenuID");
for (IContributionItem item : validateItem1.getItems()) {
if (item instanceof ActionContributionItem){
IAction action = ((ActionContributionItem)item).getAction();
if (action.getText().equals(validateName)) {
final Display display = Display.getCurrent();
display.timerExec(5000, new Runnable()
public void run() {
Event event = new Event();
event.type = SWT.KeyDown;
event.character = '\r';;
} */
ResourceSet resourceSet = umlEditor.getEditingDomain().getResourceSet();
EList<Resource> resources = resourceSet.getResources();
assertEquals(2, resources.size());
Resource umlResource = ClassUtil.nonNullState(resources.get(0));
Model model = (Model) umlResource.getContents().get(0);
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type xx = model.getOwnedType("Class1");
assertNoResourceErrors("Load", umlResource);
assertValidationDiagnostics("Validate", umlResource, getMessages(
EcorePlugin.INSTANCE.getString("_UI_GenericInvariant_diagnostic", new Object[]{"Constraint1", "«Stereotype1»" + LabelUtil.getLabel(xx)})));
public void testPivotMetamodelImport414855() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
String testFileStem = "Bug414855";
String testProjectName = "bug414855";
String oclinecoreFile =
"import pivot : '';\n"
+ "package bug414855 : bug414855 = 'http://bug414855'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " datatype MyString : 'java.lang.String' { serializable };\n"
+ " class ClassExtension extends pivot::Class {}\n"
+ "}\n";
Map <@NonNull String, @Nullable String> genOptions = new HashMap<>();
genOptions.put("dynamicTemplates", "false");
genOptions.put("templateDirectory", "/org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen/templates");
genOptions.put("usedGenPackages", "platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.ocl.pivot/model/Pivot.genmodel#//pivot");
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStem, genOptions);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);
public void testTemplateTypes471201() throws Throwable {
doTestRunnable(new TestRunnable() {
public void runWithThrowable() throws Exception {
// FIXME next line compensates an uninstall overenthusiasm
EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.put(OCLstdlibPackage.eNS_URI, OCLstdlibPackage.eINSTANCE);
String testFileStem = "Bug471201";
String testProjectName = "bug471201";
String oclinecoreFile = "import ecore : '';\n"
+ "package bug471201 : bug471201 = 'http://bug471201'\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " class NamedElement {}\n"
+ " class LookupEnvironment\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " operation(NE extends NamedElement) addElements(elements : NE[*] { ordered }) : LookupEnvironment[1]\n"
+" {\n"
+ " body: if elements->notEmpty() then addElements(OrderedSet(NamedElement){}) else self endif;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
String genmodelFile = createEcoreGenModelContent(testFileStem, null);
URI genModelURI = createModels(testFileStem, oclinecoreFile, genmodelFile);
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
doEcoreCompile(ocl, testProjectName);