blob: b6c808711798868658c9f9cde98e9d92ab049116 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2015 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.tests;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.tests.EvaluateUMLTest4.MyOCL;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.PivotPackage;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.PivotTables;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.messages.PivotMessagesInternal;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.messages.PivotMessages;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
* Tests for Boolean operations.
@RunWith(value = Parameterized.class)
public class EvaluateConstructsTest4 extends PivotTestSuite
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
Object[][] data = new Object[][]{{false}, {true}};
return Arrays.asList(data);
public EvaluateConstructsTest4(boolean useCodeGen) {
protected @NonNull MyOCL createOCL() {
return new MyOCL(getTestPackageName(), getName());
protected @NonNull String getTestPackageName() {
return "EvaluateConstructs";
@BeforeClass public static void resetCounter() throws Exception {
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception {
@After public void tearDown() throws Exception {
@Test public void testConstruct_if() throws Exception {
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertValidationErrorQuery(null, "if null then 1 else 2 endif",
PivotMessages.ValidationConstraintIsNotSatisfied_ERROR_, PivotTables.STR_IfExp_c_c_ConditionTypeIsBoolean, "if null then 1 else 2 endif");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(null, "if true then false else false endif");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 1, "if true then 1 else 2 endif");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 2, "if false then 1 else 2 endif");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 3.0, "if true then 3 else 4.0 endif");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 4.0, "if false then 3 else 4.0 endif");
ocl.assertValidationErrorQuery(null, "if null then 1 else 2 endif",
PivotMessages.ValidationConstraintIsNotSatisfied_ERROR_, PivotTables.STR_IfExp_c_c_ConditionTypeIsBoolean, "if null then 1 else 2 endif");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "if null then 1 else 2 endif");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "if invalid then 1 else 2 endif");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 4.5, "if true then 4.5 else null endif");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, "ok", "if false then null else 'ok' endif");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 4.5, "if true then 4.5 else invalid endif");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, "ok", "if false then invalid else 'ok' endif");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "if self.oclIsUndefined() then true else false endif");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "if 4 then 4 else 4 endif",
NLS.bind(PivotMessages.TypedValueRequired, "Boolean", "Integer"), null);
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 4, "if 4=4 then 4 else 4 endif");
ocl.assertValidQuery(ocl.getStandardLibrary().getOclAnyType(), "let a : Boolean = false in if true then OrderedSet{5} else OrderedSet{} endif->first()+5");
@Test public void testConstruct_LambdaEval() {
if (useCodeGen) { return; } // FIXME
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
// ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 18, "Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+a}(9)");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Lambda(x : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+x}", "let f = Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+a} in f");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Set{Lambda(x : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+x}}", "let f = Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+a} in f.oclAsSet()");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Bag{Lambda(x : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+x}}", "let f = Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+a} in 1->collect(f)");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Bag{Lambda(x : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+x}}", "let f = Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+a} in f->collect(g | g)");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 6, "let b = 2 in let f = Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {a*b} in f(3)");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Sequence{2,4,6}", "let b = 2 in let f = Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {a*b} in Sequence{1..3}->collect(i | f(i))");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Sequence{4,4,4}", "let b = 2 in let f = Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {a*b} in Sequence{1..3}->collect(f)->collect(g | g(2))");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 6765, "let fib = Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] { if a = 0 then 0 elseif a = 1 then 1 else fib(a-1) + fib(a-2) endif } in fib(20)");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 6765, "let fib0 = 0, fib1 = 1, fiblo = Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] { if a = 0 then fib0 elseif a = 1 then fib1 else fiblo(a-1) + fibhi(a-2) endif }, fibhi = Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] { if a = 0 then fib0 elseif a = 1 then fib1 else fiblo(a-1) + fibhi(a-2) endif } in fiblo(20)");
@Test public void testConstruct_LambdaEquals() {
if (useCodeGen) { return; } // FIXME
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+a} = Lambda(x : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+x}");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(null, " Lambda(x:Real) : Real {Tuple{a:Real=0,b:Real=0}.a} = Lambda(x:Real) : Real {Tuple{b:Real=0,a:Real=0}.a}");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Lambda(x:Real) : Real {Tuple{a:Real=0,b:Real=0}.a} = Lambda(x:Real) : Real {Tuple{a:Real=0,b:Real=0}.a}");
@Test public void testConstruct_IfPattern() {
if (useCodeGen) { return; } // FIXME
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
// ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 18, "Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+a}(9)");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.getStandardLibrary().getLibraryType("Package"), 6, "if n:NamedElement{}=self\n then n else null endif");
// ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 6, "let x : Real = 5.0 in if t:Integer{} then t+1 else x endif");
@Test public void testConstruct_LoopPattern() {
if (useCodeGen) { return; } // FIXME
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
// ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 18, "Lambda(a : Integer[1]) : Integer[1] {2+a}(9)");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Bag{6}", "let x : Real = 5.0 in x->collect(t:Integer{} | t+1)");
* Confirm that the lack of support for ordered properties in LambdaValueIml is justified.
@Test public void testConstruct_LambdaEqualsIsOrdered() {
EClass oclExpressionEClass = PivotPackage.Literals.OCL_EXPRESSION;
for (EClassifier eClassifier : PivotPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifiers()) {
if (eClassifier instanceof EClass) {
EClass eClass = (EClass)eClassifier;
if (oclExpressionEClass.isSuperTypeOf(eClass)) {
for (EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature : eClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures()) {
if (eStructuralFeature.isMany()
&& (eStructuralFeature != PivotPackage.Literals.ELEMENT__ANNOTATING_COMMENTS)
&& (eStructuralFeature != PivotPackage.Literals.ELEMENT__OWNED_COMMENTS)
&& (eStructuralFeature != PivotPackage.Literals.ELEMENT__OWNED_EXTENSIONS)) {
assertEquals(eClass.getName() + "::" + eStructuralFeature.getName() + " ordered", true, eStructuralFeature.isOrdered());
@Test public void testConstruct_let() {
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 3, "let a : Integer = 1 in a + 2");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 7, "1 + let a : Integer = 2 in a * 3");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 4/2+5*3, "4/2 + let a : Integer = 5 in a * 3");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 4/2+3*5*7, "4/2 + (let a : Integer = 5 in 3 * (let b : Integer = 7 in a * b))");
ocl.assertSemanticErrorQuery(null, "4/2 + (let a : Integer = 5 in 3) * (let b : Integer = 7 in a * b)",
PivotMessagesInternal.UnresolvedProperty_ERROR_, "", "a");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 4/2+3*5*7, "4/2 + let a : Integer = 5 in 3 * let b : Integer = 7 in a * b");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, (64.0 / 16) / (8 / 4), "(64 / 16) / (let b : Integer = 0 in 8 / (let c : Integer = 0 in 4 ))");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, (64.0 / 16) / (8 / 4), "64 / 16 / let b : Integer = 0 in 8 / let c : Integer = 0 in 4");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, -5, "-let a : Integer = 5 in a");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 5 * 7 * 9, "let a : Integer = 5, b : Real = 7, c : UnlimitedNatural = 9 in a * b * c.toInteger()");
ocl.assertQueryNull(null, "let a : Integer = null in a");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "let a : Integer = invalid in a");
@Test public void testConstruct_invalidIndexOf_456057() {
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "let s = Sequence{0.0,0.0,0.0}, t = Sequence{1.0,2.0,3.0} in s->collect(r | r + t->at(t->indexOf(r))) ");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Sequence{1.0,1.0,1.0}", "let s = Sequence{0.0,0.0,0.0} in s->collect(r | r + Sequence{1.0,2.0,3.0}->at(s->indexOf(r)))");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Sequence{2.0,4.0,6.0}", "let s = Sequence{1.0,2.0,3.0} in s->collect(r | r + Sequence{1.0,2.0,3.0}->at(s->indexOf(r)))");