| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <setup:Macro |
| xmi:version="2.0" |
| xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" |
| xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
| xmlns:setup="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/1.0" |
| xmlns:setup.p2="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/p2/1.0" |
| name="jre" |
| label="JRE"> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.p2:P2Task" |
| label="JRE 11.0.18"> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.justj.openjdk.hotspot.jre.full.feature.group" |
| filter="(|(&(osgi.arch=aarch64)(osgi.os=linux))(&(osgi.arch=aarch64)(osgi.os=macosx))(&(osgi.arch=x86_64)(osgi.os=linux))(&(osgi.arch=x86_64)(osgi.os=macosx))(&(osgi.arch=x86_64)(osgi.os=win32)))"/> |
| <repository |
| url="https://download.eclipse.org/justj/jres/11/updates/release/latest"/> |
| <description> |
| Contains the plug-ins and fragments for the Adoptium OpenJDK Hotspot JRE Complete. |
| Provides the complete set of modules of the JDK, excluding incubators. |
| </description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.p2:P2Task" |
| label="JRE 17.0.6"> |
| <annotation |
| source="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/JRESpecificTasks"> |
| <content |
| xsi:type="setup:EclipseIniTask" |
| option="--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED" |
| vm="true"/> |
| </annotation> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.justj.openjdk.hotspot.jre.full.feature.group" |
| filter="(|(&(osgi.arch=aarch64)(osgi.os=linux))(&(osgi.arch=aarch64)(osgi.os=macosx))(&(osgi.arch=x86_64)(osgi.os=linux))(&(osgi.arch=x86_64)(osgi.os=macosx))(&(osgi.arch=x86_64)(osgi.os=win32)))"/> |
| <repository |
| url="https://download.eclipse.org/justj/jres/17/updates/release/latest"/> |
| <description> |
| Contains the plug-ins and fragments for the Adoptium OpenJDK Hotspot JRE Complete. |
| Provides the complete set of modules of the JDK, excluding incubators. |
| </description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.p2:P2Task" |
| label="JRE"> |
| <annotation |
| source="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/JRESpecificTasks"> |
| <content |
| xsi:type="setup:EclipseIniTask" |
| option="--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED" |
| vm="true"/> |
| <content |
| xsi:type="setup:EclipseIniTask" |
| option="-Djava.security.manager" |
| value="=allow" |
| vm="true"/> |
| </annotation> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.justj.openjdk.hotspot.jre.full.feature.group" |
| filter="(|(&(osgi.arch=aarch64)(osgi.os=linux))(&(osgi.arch=aarch64)(osgi.os=macosx))(&(osgi.arch=x86_64)(osgi.os=linux))(&(osgi.arch=x86_64)(osgi.os=macosx))(&(osgi.arch=x86_64)(osgi.os=win32)))"/> |
| <repository |
| url="https://download.eclipse.org/justj/jres/18/updates/release/latest"/> |
| <description> |
| Contains the plug-ins and fragments for the Adoptium OpenJDK Hotspot JRE Complete. |
| Provides the complete set of modules of the JDK, excluding incubators. |
| </description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.p2:P2Task" |
| label="JRE 19.0.2"> |
| <annotation |
| source="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/JRESpecificTasks"> |
| <content |
| xsi:type="setup:EclipseIniTask" |
| option="--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED" |
| vm="true"/> |
| <content |
| xsi:type="setup:EclipseIniTask" |
| option="-Djava.security.manager" |
| value="=allow" |
| vm="true"/> |
| </annotation> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.justj.openjdk.hotspot.jre.full.feature.group" |
| filter="(|(&(osgi.arch=aarch64)(osgi.os=linux))(&(osgi.arch=aarch64)(osgi.os=macosx))(&(osgi.arch=x86_64)(osgi.os=linux))(&(osgi.arch=x86_64)(osgi.os=macosx))(&(osgi.arch=x86_64)(osgi.os=win32)))"/> |
| <repository |
| url="https://download.eclipse.org/justj/jres/19/updates/release/latest"/> |
| <description> |
| Contains the plug-ins and fragments for the Adoptium OpenJDK Hotspot JRE Complete. |
| Provides the complete set of modules of the JDK, excluding incubators. |
| </description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <description>The JRE macro provides tasks for installing JREs from JustJ's p2 update sites</description> |
| </setup:Macro> |