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<table border="0">
<td width="100%"><h1>Progress Page</h1></td>
<td align="right" valign="middle" nowrap><a href="DocConfirmationPage.html" title="Backward to Confirmation Page"><img src="../../../images/backward.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;<a href="../DocBundlePoolManager.html" title="Forward to Bundle Pool Management"><img src="../../../images/forward.png" border="0"></a></td>
The primary purpose of the progress page is to manage and monitor the tasks while they are <a href="../../concepts/DocTaskExecution.html" title="Article in Oomph Setup Documentation">performing</a>.
<div class="box" style="display: inline-block"><img src="../../../images/trees/To_psxrMENeKwy_B5oEq4IuD3n4=.png"/></div>
The page contains the following controls:
<a id="DocProgressPage_1_table"/><table class="bullets">
<td><img src="../../../images/trees/KgDEQZ0mKFYEuSPtUs3Ll6dUCUI=.png"/></td>
Displays the tasks being performed.
The task currently being performed is automatically selected in this viewer.
A user's selection in this viewer selects the corresponding logged output associated with the selected task,
assuming it has already performed.
<td><img src="../../../images/trees/12rDvU7_gTo3GIyByrmq7s99A8s=.png"/></td>
Displays a progress log of the tasks being performed.
It scrolls automatically unless that is disabled.
If the user scrolls this view, automatic scrolling is disabled.
<td><img src="../../../images/trees/9lwi-lULfwqN01dTptVwJw9SSPI=.png"/></td>
Determines whether the log automatically scrolls.
<td><img src="../../../images/trees/sW-7mrD4ob0V1Lm3xjEgWSyX_nY=.png"/></td>
Determines whether the wizard is automatically dismissed when task execution completes successfully.
<td><img src="../../../images/trees/XEqimyp8votHSPXcgY6EYolpiRM=.png"/></td>
Determines whether the installed product is automatically launched upon successful completion,
or, if not already launched, to launch it when the wizard is finished.
This control is available only in the <a href="DocInstallWizard.html" title="Article in Oomph Setup Documentation">install</a> wizard.
<td><img src="../../../images/trees/qvp3Y4OrAtsKD79B-IKhTZ_z_xI=.png"/></td>
Determines whether the IDE will automatically restart if needed upon successful completion, e.g., if new bundles are installed.
Tasks that may require a restart are generally performed early,
and once those types of tasks are completed,
the IDE needs to be restarted before the remaining tasks can be performed.
This is either be done automatically, if enabled, or, if not, the user is be prompted to restart but can opt to restart later.
After the IDE restarts,
it will automatically being performing the remaining tasks via the updater wizard,
with no prompting for <a href="DocConfirmationPage.html" title="Article in Oomph Setup Documentation">confirmation</a>.
This control is only available in the <a href="DocImportWizard.html" title="Article in Oomph Setup Documentation">import</a> and <a href="DocUpdateWizard.html" title="Article in Oomph Setup Documentation">update</a> wizards,
i.e., only in a running IDE.
<td><img src="../../../images/trees/tZlwo3sAaCE887VCRTkbIDIy5-E=.png"/></td>
Displays graphically the overall progress of the task execution.
Task execution can be canceled via this control.
All the wizard's navigation controls are disabled while tasks are performing.
Once task execution terminates,
either because it has been completed successfully, has been partially successful but requires a restart, has terminated in failure, or has been canceled,
the progress monitor will be hidden.
The page banner provides important feedback with regard to the actions to be taken upon termination of task execution.
<p align="right">
<a href="DocConfirmationPage.html" title="Backward to Confirmation Page"><img src="../../../images/backward.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;<a href="../DocBundlePoolManager.html" title="Forward to Bundle Pool Management"><img src="../../../images/forward.png" border="0"></a></p>
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<div class="copyright">Copyright (c) 2014 Eike Stepper (Loehne, Germany) and others.<br>All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at</div>