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= openKonsequenz - How to build the module "portal@openK"
:Date: 2017-11-17
:Revision: 1
:source-highlighter: highlightjs
:highlightjs-theme: solarized_dark
== Requirements
* Apache Tomcat 8.0.30
* Node.js 6.10.0
* Angular-CLI
* Graphviz
== How to build the Backend
To build the backend you need to have installed Apache Maven and Java (look at `/deploy/`*get_started.txt*).
=== Install and Configure Apache Tomcat
Tomcat is an open-source Java Servlet Container and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment in which Java code can run.
* Download Tomcat version 8.0.30 from
and extract it (
* Place the extracted folder on your C drive.
* Configure Tomcat:
** Configure the *context.xml* file. Copy the *<Parameter >* block from the project file `deploy/conf/`*context.xml*
and paste it in the `<tomcat>/conf/`*context.xml* in the *<Context>* block.
** Or just paste this line there:
<Parameter name="OK_PORTAL_ENVIRONMENT" override="false" value="DevLocal"/>
** Dont forget to save it.
TIP: For more informations check *Deployment View* in Chapter *[auth_n_auth_architectureDocumentation]*.
=== Install Graphviz
Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. You need this software because of auto-generated graphics in the documentations.
* Download and install Graphviz from
* If not, set the PATH variable
Name of variable: GRAPHVIZ_DOT
Value of variable: <GRAPHVIZ_DIR>\bin\dot.exe
== How to build the Frontend
=== Install Node.js
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for executing JavaScript (also Typescript which is a strongly typed form of JavaScript) code server-side.
* Download Node.js 6.10.0 from by clicking on a xxx.msi image for windows.
* Run the downloaded Node.js .msi Installer - including accepting the license, selecting the destination, and authenticating for the install.
This requires Administrator privileges, and you may need to authenticate
* To ensure Node.js has been installed, run the following in your terminal - you should get something like v6.10.0
$ node -v
=== Update the npm Angular-CLI client
This package manager comes bundled with Node.js and its good to have the latest version.
* Open a command line and navigate to the root folder of the frontend project
* Run the following commands (the version is defined in the package.json file):
$ npm install --save-dev @angular/cli
$ npm install
TIP: Next Step -> Read the *auth_n_auth_howtoRun* file!