blob: 51ff81fa74b8c0cac8c45ab49baf32b60fdd8ea2 [file] [log] [blame]
---------------- REQUIREMENTS -------------
Java 1.8
Apache Maven 3.5.0
IF you have this versions, check if you have set JAVA_HOME and M2_HOME.
- If yes ignore step 1 and 2
- If no follow the corresponding steps below
-------------------- 1 ---------------------
Install java 8
- Open a cmd and check your java version
$ java -version
- If you dont have java version 1.8 then download and install it from:
- Set JAVA_HOME (Windows OS):
Right click on This Computer and select Properties.
On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables, and then edit JAVA_HOME to point to where the JDK software is located, for example, C:\Program Files\Java\
Also, edit The Path variable in System variables and add the bin path (C:\Program Files\Java\\bin)
- Restart your PC
- Confirm by checking the version
$ java -version
-------------------- 2 ---------------------
Install Apache Maven to your pc
Maven is a tool that can be used for building and managing any Java-based project.
- Download maven 3.5.0 from
- Extract the folder and place it on your C drive
- Set M2_HOME (Windows OS):
- Right click on This Computer and select Properties.
- On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables, and then create M2_HOME to point to where the Maven software is located, for example, C:\apache-maven-3.5.0.
- Also edit The Path variable in System variables and add the bin path (C:\apache-maven-3.5.0\bin)
- Restart your PC
- Confirm with
$ mvn -v
-------------------- 3 ---------------------
To get started with the project you have to clone all four(elogbook and portal backend-frontend ) projects.
- Create a folder and do following for each of them
- Open a cmd and navigate to the folder
- Use the command to create a clone of each project
ยง git clone <project_url>
- If you are going to develop, important is a switch to the develop branch
- navigate in the folder with the clone and switch to develop branch
$ git checkout <branch>
- At the end just pull the actual version of the code
$ git pull origin <branch>
Active Develop Branches: |
Backend -> DEVELOP_BE |
Frontend -> DEVELOP_FE |
Stable Branches: master |
-------------------- 4 ---------------------
Build the maven project
Building the maven project, will produce a <project_name>.war file(Web Application Archive), which is needed to run the project.
- Open a command line and navigate to the root folder of the backend project
- Use the following call to cleanly build and install artifacts into the local repository:
$ mvn clean install
-------------------- 5 ---------------------
Open and familiarize yourself with the project
- If you successfully build the maven project you can find in /target/generated-docs all the documentations of this projects
- auth_n_auth_howtoBuild -> here you can read how to build the whole (backend and frontend) project
- auth_n_auth_howtoRun -> here you can read how to run the Application
- auth_n_auth_architectureDocumentation -> here you can read about the architecture documetation this module
- auth_n_auth_interfaceDocumentation -> here you can read about the backend REST Services which are used
- Other useful files:
- /target/site/jacoco/index.html -> jacoco code coverage review
- /target/surefire-reports -> test reports
NEXT STEP -> READ THE auth_n_auth_howtoBuild FILE !