blob: 3827a14064bc9a9b76bf24f871347f066dd56868 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.openk.contactbasedata.service.util;
import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
import org.eclipse.openk.contactbasedata.viewmodel.LdapUser;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.ldap.core.AttributesMapper;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
* Custom person attributes mapper, maps the attributes to the person POJO
public class LdapUserAttributesMapper implements AttributesMapper {
Config in yaml example (variable : attributeName in LDAP):
uid: uid
fullname: cn
lastname: sn
firstname: givename
title: title
mail: mail
private String uid;
private String fullname;
private String lastname;
private String firstname;
private String title;
private String department;
private String mail;
private String telephoneNumber;
public LdapUser mapFromAttributes(Attributes attributes) throws NamingException {
LdapUser ldapUser = new LdapUser();
Attribute attribute = attributes.get(uid);
if (attribute != null) {
ldapUser.setUid((String) attribute.get());
attribute = attributes.get(fullname);
if (attribute != null) {
ldapUser.setFullName((String) attribute.get());
attribute = attributes.get(lastname);
if (attribute != null) {
ldapUser.setLastName((String) attribute.get());
attribute = attributes.get(firstname);
if (attribute != null) {
ldapUser.setFirstName((String) attribute.get());
attribute = attributes.get(title);
if (attribute != null) {
ldapUser.setTitle((String) attribute.get());
attribute = attributes.get(department);
if (attribute != null) {
ldapUser.setDepartment((String) attribute.get());
attribute = attributes.get(telephoneNumber);
if (attribute != null) {
ldapUser.setTelephoneNumber((String) attribute.get());
attribute = attributes.get(mail);
if (attribute != null) {
ldapUser.setMail((String) attribute.get());
return ldapUser;