blob: 0b94a410a43d71dd10e8a9c9f7abbb20d2cc76dc [file] [log] [blame]
/// <reference path="./jasmine-matchers.d.ts" />
//// Jasmine Custom Matchers ////
// Be sure to extend jasmine-matchers.d.ts when adding matchers
export function addMatchers(): void {
toHaveText: toHaveText
function toHaveText(): jasmine.CustomMatcher {
return {
compare: function (actual: any, expectedText: string, expectationFailOutput?: any): jasmine.CustomMatcherResult {
const actualText = elementText(actual);
const pass = actualText.indexOf(expectedText) > -1;
const message = pass ? '' : composeMessage();
return { pass, message };
function composeMessage () {
const a = (actualText.length < 100 ? actualText : actualText.substr(0, 100) + '...');
const efo = expectationFailOutput ? ` '${expectationFailOutput}'` : '';
return `Expected element to have text content '${expectedText}' instead of '${a}'${efo}`;
function elementText(n: any): string {
if (n instanceof Array) {
if (n.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
return '';
if (n.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n.hasChildNodes()) {
return elementText(;
if (n.nativeElement) { n = n.nativeElement; }
return n.textContent;
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