blob: 46e0c983ed7f0874958f68d59d79bb62c529a31f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 Mettenmeier GmbH
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.openk.sp.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.openk.sp.controller.planning.PlannedDataController;
import org.eclipse.openk.sp.controller.reports.ReportController;
import org.eclipse.openk.sp.db.converter.EntityConverter;
import org.eclipse.openk.sp.db.dao.StandbyGroupRepository;
import org.eclipse.openk.sp.db.dao.StandbyListRepository;
import org.eclipse.openk.sp.db.model.StandbyGroup;
import org.eclipse.openk.sp.dto.StandbyGroupSelectionDto;
import org.eclipse.openk.sp.dto.StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto;
import org.eclipse.openk.sp.dto.StandbyScheduleDto;
import org.eclipse.openk.sp.dto.planning.PlanRowsDto;
import org.eclipse.openk.sp.dto.planning.StandbyScheduleFilterDto;
import org.eclipse.openk.sp.exceptions.SpException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class ReportGroupNameDtoConverter {
public static final int MAX_ROWS = 60;
StandbyGroupRepository standbyGroupRepository;
StandbyListRepository standbyListRepository;
private PlannedDataController plannedDataController;
private EntityConverter entityConverter;
protected static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ReportGroupNameDtoConverter.class);
public List<ReportInputDto> get60Rows(ReportDto reportDto) throws SpException {
List<ReportInputDto> inputDto = new ArrayList<>();
StandbyScheduleFilterDto standbyScheduleFilterDto = new StandbyScheduleFilterDto();
boolean allDaySearch = true;
Long statusId = reportDto.getStatusId();
// get plan
StandbyScheduleDto plan = plannedDataController.getFilteredPlanByStatus(standbyScheduleFilterDto, statusId,
// get first 10 groups with some data
// empty groups are not represented
Long[] groupIdArray = new Long[MAX_ROWS];
int index = 0;
List<StandbyGroupSelectionDto> groupList = plan.getPlanHeader().getListGroups();
for (StandbyGroupSelectionDto standbyGroupSelectionDto : groupList) {
Long groupId = standbyGroupSelectionDto.getId();
// BP-832, empty groups are not filtered
if (index < MAX_ROWS) {
groupIdArray[index++] = groupId;
Map<Long, StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto> lastBodyMap = new HashMap<>();
// convert to rows
Date dateIndex = DateHelper.getStartOfDay(reportDto.getValidFrom());
while (DateHelper.isDateBefore(dateIndex, reportDto.getValidTo())) {
// fill groups from 1 to MAX_ROWS
// only groups that are not empty in the interval of time
addReportRow(reportDto, inputDto, plan, dateIndex, groupIdArray, lastBodyMap);
dateIndex = DateHelper.addDaysToDate(dateIndex, 1);
return inputDto;
public ReportGroupDto addReportRow(ReportDto reportDto, List<ReportInputDto> inputDto, StandbyScheduleDto plan,
Date dateIndex, Long[] groupIdArray, Map<Long, StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto> lastBodyMap) {
PlanRowsDto row = plan.getRow(dateIndex);
if (row == null) {
LOGGER.debug("no plan row for day found: " + dateIndex);
return null;
ReportInputDto reportInputRow = new ReportInputDto();
ReportGroupDto reportGroupDto = new ReportGroupDto();
for (int i = 0; i < groupIdArray.length; i++) {
Long groupId = groupIdArray[i];
if (groupId != null) {
List<StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto> dayGroupList = row.getGroupList(groupId);
if (dayGroupList != null) {
try {
if (checkEmpty(dayGroupList, groupId)) {
StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto tmpDto = dayGroupList.get(0);
// empty entry
reportGroupDto.setUserX(i + 1, "");
reportGroupDto.setGroupX(i + 1, tmpDto.getStandbyGroup());
} else {
addOneUserString(i + 1, dayGroupList, reportGroupDto, reportDto, lastBodyMap);
} catch (Exception e) {"Can't set Body in Group " + groupId + ". Error on User or Group!");
return reportGroupDto;
public void addOneUserString(int i, List<StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto> dayGroupList,
ReportGroupDto reportGroupDto, ReportDto reportDto,
Map<Long, StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto> lastBodyMap) {
StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto lastBodyToday = null;
boolean oneBodyPrinted = false;
for (StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto standbyScheduleBodySelectionDto : dayGroupList) {
try {
StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto lastBody = lastBodyMap
Date endIndex = standbyScheduleBodySelectionDto.getValidTo();
Date endDay = DateHelper.getStartOfDay(endIndex);
// get first 00:00:00 ending body
if (lastBodyToday == null && endIndex.equals(endDay)) {
lastBodyToday = standbyScheduleBodySelectionDto;
Date startIndex = standbyScheduleBodySelectionDto.getValidFrom();
Date startDay = DateHelper.getStartOfDay(startIndex);
if (!oneBodyPrinted) {
// case 00:00:00 check duration-user
if (startIndex.equals(startDay)) {
if (lastBody != null && lastBody.getUser().getId()
.longValue() == standbyScheduleBodySelectionDto.getUser().getId().longValue()
&& dayGroupList.size() > 1) {
// nothing to do
} else {
// set first entry on this day
oneBodyPrinted = addUserString(i, standbyScheduleBodySelectionDto, reportGroupDto,
reportDto, lastBodyMap, dayGroupList);
} else {
// case later then 00:00:00
oneBodyPrinted = addUserString(i, standbyScheduleBodySelectionDto, reportGroupDto, reportDto,
lastBodyMap, dayGroupList);
} catch (Exception e) {"Can't set ScheduleBody " + standbyScheduleBodySelectionDto.getId()
+ ". Error on User or Group!");
// remember first 00:00:00 ending body
lastBodyMap.put(lastBodyToday.getStandbyGroup().getId(), lastBodyToday);
public boolean checkEmpty(List<StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto> dayGroupList, Long groupId) {
boolean isEmpty = false;
if (dayGroupList.isEmpty()) {
// add empty placeholder
StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto placeHoder = new StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto();
StandbyGroup standbyGroup = standbyGroupRepository.findOne(groupId);
StandbyGroupSelectionDto dto = (StandbyGroupSelectionDto) entityConverter.convertEntityToDto(standbyGroup,
new StandbyGroupSelectionDto());
isEmpty = true;
return isEmpty;
public boolean addUserString(int i, StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto standbyScheduleBodySelectionDto,
ReportGroupDto reportGroupDto, ReportDto reportDto, Map<Long, StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto> lastBodyMap,
List<StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto> dayGroupList) throws SpException {
StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto lastBody = lastBodyMap
String userString = userString(lastBody, standbyScheduleBodySelectionDto, reportDto, dayGroupList.size());
String str = reportGroupDto.getUserX(i);
str = ((str == null || str.equals("")) ? "" : (str + "\n")) + userString;
str = str.trim();
reportGroupDto.setUserX(i, str);
reportGroupDto.setGroupX(i, standbyScheduleBodySelectionDto.getStandbyGroup());
return true;
public String userString(StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto lastBody, StandbyScheduleBodySelectionDto body,
ReportDto reportDto, int numberOfEntries) {
String userString = "";
if (body.getUser() != null && reportDto != null) {
Long lastBodyId = (lastBody != null) ? lastBody.getUser().getId().longValue() : null;
long bodyId = body.getUser().getId().longValue();
String reportName = reportDto.getReportName();
userString = body.getUser().getFirstname() + " " + body.getUser().getLastname();
if (reportName.equals(ReportController.REPORT_MAX10_GROUPS)) {
userString += "\n" + body.getUser().getPrivateContactData().getPhone() + "\n"
+ body.getUser().getBusinessContactData().getCellphone() + "\n";
// print every body on this report
lastBodyId = null;
Date dayStart = DateHelper.getStartOfDay(body.getValidFrom());
if ((lastBodyId != null) && (lastBodyId.longValue() == bodyId)
&& (body.getValidFrom().getTime() == dayStart.getTime() && (numberOfEntries > 1))) {
userString = "";
return userString;