blob: f8d4417c237d3dfb005039caac05d94688d0b32a [file] [log] [blame]
== Building Block View
The following image shows the structure of the modul 'StandbyPlanning'
=== Frontend - Tier (spfe)
//TODO Pruefe Architekturbeschreibung FE
This component implements the presentation logic for the standby-planning-module using the Angular framework. The Frontend is a so called *Single Page Application* (SPA) because it behaves like a single HTML-page. The name of the war file is *spfe*.
Technical the frontend consists of the following building blocks:
. *Modules* - There is one Core Module which holds all the singleton assets of the application like login, authentication service, navbar,etc. The Shared Module keeps all the reuseable elements like general components, directives, etc. In addition to these two Modules there are several Feature Module which encapsulate one functional requirement each like masterdata-management, standby-planning or reports.
. *Services* - Each Module has itś own Services which are mostly used to make restcalls to the backends.
. *Components* - In each Module you will find a component section which holds the different Components.
==== Backend - Tier (spbe)
This component implements the business functionality of the planned grid measures. And it provides services, that the *spfe* SPA can use the functions in the frontend. The name of the war file is *spbe*.
The backend tier contains five components which can be summarized in three layers:
. *Presentation layer* - Represented by
.. REST-Srv
.. DTO (Data Transfer Object)
. *Controller layer* - Represented by
.. Controller
. *Model layer* - Represented by
.. DAO
.. Model (Entity)
==== Database - Tier
The database has the name "BP" and needs a user "bp". The project generates the needed tables and keys during startup. All needed data for the Standby-Planning application will be stored here. Also the camunda database will be used for storing process relevant data.
==== Program Configuration
===== Frontend Configuration
In Frontend tier we are environment files to configure the application.
The files can be found in the frontend git under \src\environments.
Example environment file:
[source, json]
export const environment = {
production: false,
basePath: '',
loginPage: ''
===== Backend Configuration
====== E-Mail Configuration
Not defined yet.