BP 588: added decisions for libraries in frontend
diff --git a/oKBereitschaftsplanungDoku/arch/src/02_architecture_constraints.adoc b/oKBereitschaftsplanungDoku/arch/src/02_architecture_constraints.adoc
index f2bc569..c6c0421 100644
--- a/oKBereitschaftsplanungDoku/arch/src/02_architecture_constraints.adoc
+++ b/oKBereitschaftsplanungDoku/arch/src/02_architecture_constraints.adoc
@@ -63,7 +63,21 @@
 ==== Libraries
-TODO: Bibliotheken des Frontends ergaenzen
+|Dependency  |Reason for Usage
+|@angular/* libraries  |Comes with Angular
+|classlist.js, core-js, rxjs, web-animations-js, zone.js  |Comes with Angular
+|@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap  |This dependency provides a load of different bootstrap/angular components. Mostly we use the datepicker/timepicker but some other components found it's way into the application as well.
+|ag-grid, ag-grid-angular  |This library is used to display tables. It provides functionality like filtering out of the box. This library was preferred by the Product Owner and therefore we used it.
+|bootstrap  |As we want a responsive application in general there is no way around bootstrap in these days. Therefore we put it into our application.
+|font-awesome  |To make our app more appealing to the users we are using font-awesome to get range of nice icons into our application.
+|primeng/primeicons|PrimeNG is a huge library which offers different angular components like multiselect boxes, context menu or toast messages. These components are part of our application.
 TODO: Pfad zu den Datein (Bibliotheken) ergaenzen.
 The used libraries can be found here: