blob: 943700f03908737cce576adfb940f95c5cdebc73 [file] [log] [blame]
import { FormUtil } from '@shared/utils/form.util';
* Copyright © 2018 Mettenmeier GmbH.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
export const AGGRID_LOCALETEXT = {
page: 'Seite',
more: 'mehr',
to: 'bis',
of: 'von',
next: 'nächste',
last: 'letzte',
first: 'erste',
previous: 'Vorschau',
// for set filter
selectAll: 'Alle',
searchOoo: 'suche...',
blanks: 'leere',
// for number filter
equals: '=',
lessThan: '<',
greaterThan: '>',
inRange: 'Zwischen',
lessThanOrEqual: 'kleiner oder gleich',
greaterThanOrEqual: 'Gr&ouml;&szlig;er oder gleich',
filterOoo: 'filtern...',
// for text filter
contains: 'enth&auml;lt',
notEqual: 'nicht gleich',
notContains: 'enth&auml;lt nicht',
startsWith: 'beginnt mit..',
endsWith: 'endet mit..',
// the header of the default group column
group: 'Gruppierung',
// tool panel
columns: 'Spalten',
pivotedColumns: 'laPivot Cols',
pivotedColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Spalten hier hin ziehen',
valueColumns: 'laValue Cols',
valueColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Spalten hier hin ziehen',
noRowsToShow: 'keine Daten vorhanden',
pinColumn: 'Spalte fixieren',
pinLeft: 'fixieren links',
pinRight: 'fixieren rechts',
noPin: 'nicht fixieren',
autosizeThiscolumn: 'Diese Spalte automatisch anpassen',
autosizeAllColumns: 'Alle Spalten automatisch anpassen',
resetColumns: 'Spalten zurücksetzen',
toolPanel: 'Werkzeugleiste',
rowGroupColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Für Gruppierung, Spalte hier hinziehen',
expandAll: 'Alle aufklappen',
collapseAll: 'Alle zuklappen',
groupBy: 'gruppieren nach',
copy: 'Kopieren',
copyWithHeaders: 'Kopieren mit Spaltenkopf'
export const DEFAULT_COL_DEF = {
sortable: true,
filter: true,
resizable: true
export class ListUtil {
static formatDate(params) {
const date: Date = new Date(params.value);
const day = FormUtil.addZero(date.getDate());
const month = FormUtil.addZero(date.getMonth() + 1);
const year = date.getFullYear();
return `${day}.${month}.${year}`;
static formatDateWithTime(params) {
const date: Date = new Date(params.value);
const hours = FormUtil.addZero(date.getHours());
const minutes = FormUtil.addZero(date.getMinutes());
const seconds = FormUtil.addZero(date.getSeconds());
return `${ListUtil.formatDate(params)} ${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds} Uhr`;
* Compare two dates and return
* Any number < 0 if the cell value is less than the filter date
* 0 if the dates are the same
* Any number > 0 if the cell value is greater than the filter date
* @param dateA is the date entered into the filter
* @param dateB is the date in the cell of the column
static compareDates(dateA, dateB) {
let dateAObj = new Date(dateA);
dateAObj = new Date(dateAObj.getFullYear(), dateAObj.getMonth() + 1, dateAObj.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
let dateBObj = new Date(dateB);
dateBObj = new Date(dateBObj.getFullYear(), dateBObj.getMonth() + 1, dateBObj.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (dateBObj < dateAObj) {
return -1;
} else if (dateBObj > dateAObj) {
return 1;
return 0;
static joinArrayElementsToString(array: Array<any>, propertyToJoin: string) {
return (elem) {
return elem[propertyToJoin];
* @param objectToSearch An Object to search for in the array.
* @param array The array to be searched in.
static getIndexOfElement(objectToSearch: Object, array: Array<any>) {
return array.findIndex((element) => {
for (const key in element) {
if (element[key] === objectToSearch[key]) {
return true;