blob: 2916b6b51c8fce8fca4e01d51f485045ac625b58 [file] [log] [blame]
all_accounts=All accounts
bundle_symbolic_name=Bundle symbolic name
cancel_item=Cancel item
cancel_newPassword_tip=Cancels the new password process and steps back to login.
cancel_register_tip=Cancels the registration and steps back to login.
clear_filter=Clear filter
copyright=Copyright 2012-
create_new_item=Create new item
created_at=Created at
created_by=Created by
creator_class=Creator class
database_info=Database info
delete_item=Delete item
disabledmessage=This account is not yet enabled. Contact your administrator to enable your account.
edit_account=Edit account
email_is_empty_message=Please fill the email address!
email_is_incorrect_message=Email is incorrect!
email_password_reset_body=Please find your new password here.\\nYou have to change it with your next login!\\n\\nYour new password is: {0}
email_password_reset_subject=Your password has been reset. Please find your new password in the message.
end_date=End date
equal_to=Equal to
failedmessage=L'utilisateur est inconnu ou le mot de passe est non valide. S'il vous pla\u00EEt essaiez encore une fois ou pressez le bouton \"Mot de passe oubli\u00E9\" pour recevoir un nouveau.
field_name=Field name
forgot_password=Mot de passe oubli\u00E9 ?
forgot_password_tip=En cliquant sur ce bouton, vous recevrez un courriel vous permettant de changer votre mot de passe.
greater_than=Greater than
items_per_page=Items per page
lesser_than=Lesser than
lockedmessage=Due to too many failed login attempts your account was locked for security reasons. Contact your administrator to unlock your account.
login_caption_tip=Vous devez vous identifier pour avoir acc\u00E8s \u00E0 l\u2019application.
message_code=Message code
message_path=Message path
new_item=New item
new_password=New password
new_password_caption=CHANGE TO NEW PASSWORD
new_password_caption_tip=Change your old password to a new one.
new_password_is_empty=Please fill the new password!
new_password_success_message=New password was successfully saved.
new_password_tip=Enter your new password
new_password_verifying_is_empty=Please fill the verifying new password!
not_registered_message=Vous n'\uFFFDtes pas encore inscrit. Veuillez patienter jusqu'\uFFFD ce que vous ayez re\uFFFDu la notification enregistr\uFFFDe.
old_password=Old password
old_password_is_empty_message=Please fill the old password!
old_password_is_wrong=Please fill the correct old password!
old_password_tip=Enter your old password
part_name=Part name
password=Mot de passe
password_is_empty=Please fill the password!
password_reset=R\u00E9initialiser le mot de passe
password_reset_success_message=Password successfully reset!
password_tip=Saisissez votre mot de passe
password_verifying_is_empty=Please repeat your new password!
password_verifying_tip=Enter your verify password here!
passwords_not_equal=The passwords are not equal!
perspective_na=Perspective non disponible
register_new_user_tip=Si vous travaillez avec le syst\u00E8me la premiere fois, il faut donner quelques donn\u00E9es personelles pour que l'Administrateur peut installer un compte d'utilisateur pour vous. Apr\u00E8s l'enregistration r\u00E9ussi, vous \u00EAtez en \u00E9tat de connexer avec le syst\u00E8me la prochaine fois.
register_password_is_empty_message=Please fill both password fields with your desired password!
register_username_already_exists=User name already exists! Registration is not possible!
register_username_is_empty_message=Please fill the username to register!
registration_success_message=The administrator will contact you as soon as your registration was completed.
remember_me=Garder ma session active
remember_me_tip=Cochez cette case si vous voulez que le syst\u00E8me vous reconnecte automatiquement la prochaine fois.
save_and_new=Save and new
save_as=Save as
save_as_new=Save as new
save_item=Save item
save_tip=Saves the change.
security_message=Security message
servicemissing=JPA service for authentication is missing! Please contact your administrator!
set_filter=Set filter
show_all=Show all
sign_in=Sign In
sign_in_tip=Si vos noms et mots de passe sont corrects, vous serez connect\u00E9 \u00E0 l\u2019application avec les autorisations correspondant \u00E0 votre profil.
start_date=Start date
too_many_users=More than one user with the same user name found.
toolbar_for_dialogs=Toolbar for dialogs
trademark=OS.bee is a Registered Trademark of Loetz GmbH&Co.KG.
undo_changes=Undo changes
updated_at=Updated at
updated_by=Updated by
user_account=User account
user_administration=User administration
user_exist_message=User already exists!
username_tip=Saisissez votre nom d\u2019utilisateur
validation_report=Validation report
wait_init=Patientez vous pour l'initialisation s.v.p.