blob: fc6038a73ddca1aea806a3932134ab988d413116 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2014 - Lunifera GmbH (Gross Enzersdorf, Austria), Loetz GmbH&Co.KG (69115 Heidelberg, Germany)
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Florian Pirchner - Initial implementation
package org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.xtext.extensions
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.List
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.common.xtext.extensions.TreeAppendableExtensions
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.common.xtext.jvmmodel.CommonTypesBuilder
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.ICrossReference
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapperAccess
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.MappingContext
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.xtext.jvmmodel.AnnotationCompiler
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.entity.xtext.extensions.Constants
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LAttribute
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LClass
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LFeature
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LPackage
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LReference
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LType
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.dto.LDto
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.dto.LDtoAbstractAttribute
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.dto.LDtoAbstractReference
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.dto.LDtoFeature
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.dto.LDtoInheritedAttribute
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LBean
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LEntity
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LEntityFeature
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LOperation
import org.eclipse.osbp.runtime.common.annotations.DomainDescription
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmField
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmGenericType
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmOperation
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmParameterizedTypeReference
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmTypeReference
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmVisibility
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.TypesFactory
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.util.TypeReferences
import org.eclipse.xtext.naming.IQualifiedNameProvider
import org.eclipse.xtext.naming.QualifiedName
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XExpression
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.IJvmModelAssociations
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.IJvmModelAssociator
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Procedures.Procedure1
class DtoTypesBuilder extends CommonTypesBuilder {
@Inject extension DtoModelExtensions
@Inject extension MethodNamingExtensions
@Inject extension TreeAppendableExtensions
@Inject extension IQualifiedNameProvider
@Inject extension AnnotationExtension
private IJvmModelAssociator associator;
@Inject AnnotationCompiler annotationCompiler
@Inject TypesFactory typesFactory;
@Inject TypeReferences references;
def htmlCode(CharSequence s) {
def JvmField toDiposeField(LDto sourceElement) {
val JvmField field = sourceElement.toPrimitiveTypeField("disposed", Boolean::TYPE)
associate(sourceElement, field)
annotationCompiler.addDisposeFieldAnnotation(sourceElement, field)
return field
def JvmOperation toDispose(LDto lClass) {
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, lClass)
op.simpleName = "dispose"
op.documentation = '''
Calling dispose will destroy that instance. The internal state will be
set to 'disposed' and methods of that object must not be used anymore.
Each call will result in runtime exceptions.<br/>
If this object keeps composition containments, these will be disposed too.
So the whole composition containment tree will be disposed on calling this method.'''
annotationCompiler.addDisposeFieldAnnotation(lClass, op)
[ // ITreeAppendable
if(it == null) return
val p = it.trace(lClass)
p >> '''
if (isDisposed()) {
val compositionContainmentProps = lClass.features.filter[cascading]
if (!compositionContainmentProps.empty) {
p >> "try " >>> "{"
p >> "// Dispose all the composition references.\n"
for (prop : compositionContainmentProps) {
val fieldRef = "this.".concat(prop.toName.toFirstLower)
val typeName = prop.toTypeName
val typeVar = typeName.toFirstLower
if (prop.toMany) {
p >> '''
if («fieldRef» != null) {
for («typeName» «typeVar» : «fieldRef») {
«fieldRef» = null;
} else {
p >> '''
if («fieldRef» != null) {
«fieldRef» = null;
p <<< "}"
p >>> "finally {"
if (lClass.superType != null) {
p >> "super.dispose();"
} else {
p >> "firePropertyChange(\"disposed\", this.disposed, this.disposed = true);"
if (!compositionContainmentProps.empty) {
p <<< "}"
associate(lClass, op)
def JvmOperation toMethod(LOperation sourceElement, String name, JvmTypeReference returnType,
Procedure1<? super JvmOperation> initializer) {
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation()
op.simpleName = name
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = cloneWithProxies(returnType)
annotationCompiler.processAnnotation(sourceElement, op);
associate(sourceElement, op);
initializeSafely(op, initializer);
def dispatch JvmOperation toSetter(LDtoAbstractAttribute prop) {
val paramName = prop.toMethodParamName
val typeRef = prop.toDtoTypeReferenceWithMultiplicity
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toSetterName
op.parameters += prop.toParameter(paramName, typeRef)
op.documentation = '''
Sets the <code>«paramName»</code> property to this instance.
@param «paramName» - the property
@throws RuntimeException if instance is <code>disposed</code>
if (!prop.toMany) {
if(prop.toRawType.isBean) {
setBody(op, '''
// ensure that embedded beans will notify their parent about changes
// so their dirty state can be handled properly
if (this.«paramName» != null) {
firePropertyChange("«paramName»", this.«paramName», this.«paramName» = «paramName» );
if (this.«paramName» != null) {
setBody(op, '''firePropertyChange("«paramName»", this.«paramName», this.«paramName» = «paramName» );
«IF prop.IDorUUID»
} else {
[ // ITreeAppendable
if(it == null) return
val p = it.trace(prop);
p >> prop.toCheckDisposedCall()
val fieldRef = "this." + prop.toName
p >> "for (" +prop.toDtoTypeReference.simpleName + " dto : " + prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName + "().toArray(new " + prop.toDtoTypeReference.simpleName + "[" + fieldRef + ".size()])) " >>> "{"
p >> prop.toCollectionRemoverName + "(dto);"
p <<< "}"
p >> "if(" + paramName +" == null)" >>> "{"
p >> "return;"
p <<< "}"
p >> "for (" +prop.toDtoTypeReference.simpleName + " dto : " + paramName + ") " >>> "{"
p >> prop.toCollectionAdderName + "(dto);"
p <<< "}"
return associate(prop, op);
override String toSetDirtyStatement(LClass sourceElement) {
'''firePropertyChange("dirty", this.dirty, this.dirty = dirty );'''
def JvmOperation toVersionSetter(LDtoAbstractAttribute prop) {
val paramName = prop.toMethodParamName
val typeRef = prop.toDtoTypeReferenceWithMultiplicity
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toSetterName
op.parameters += prop.toParameter(paramName, typeRef)
op.documentation = '''
Sets the <code>«paramName»</code> property to this instance.
@param «paramName» - the property
@throws RuntimeException if instance is <code>disposed</code>
setBody(op, '''
firePropertyChange("«paramName»", this.«paramName», this.«paramName» = «paramName» );
return associate(prop, op);
def dispatch JvmOperation toSetter(LDtoAbstractReference prop) {
// if (prop.toMany) {
// throw new RuntimeException("toMany-References not allowed for setters!");
// }
val paramName = prop.toMethodParamName
val typeRef = prop.toDtoTypeReferenceWithMultiplicity
val opposite = prop.opposite
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toSetterName
op.parameters += prop.toParameter(paramName, typeRef)
op.documentation = '''
Sets the <code>«paramName»</code> property to this instance.
«IF (opposite != null)»
Since the reference has an opposite reference, the opposite <code>«prop.toTypeName»#
«»</code> of the <code>«paramName»</code> will be handled automatically and no
further coding is required to keep them in sync.<p>
See {@link «prop.toTypeName»#«opposite.toSetterName»(«prop.toTypeName»)
@param «paramName» - the property
@throws RuntimeException if instance is <code>disposed</code>
op.body = '''
«IF opposite == null»
«IF !prop.toMany»
firePropertyChange("«paramName»", this.«paramName», this.«paramName» = «paramName»);
for («prop.toDtoTypeReference.simpleName» dto : «prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName»().toArray(new «prop.toDtoTypeReference.simpleName»[this.«prop.toName».size()])) {
if(«paramName» == null) {
for («prop.toDtoTypeReference.simpleName» dto : «paramName») {
«IF !prop.toMany»
if (this.«prop.toName» != null) {
«IF opposite.toMany»
if (this.«prop.toName» != null) {
«IF opposite.toMany»
for («prop.toDtoTypeReference.simpleName» dto : «prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName»().toArray(new «prop.toDtoTypeReference.simpleName»[this.«prop.toName».size()])) {
if(«paramName» == null) {
for («prop.toDtoTypeReference.simpleName» dto : «paramName») {
return associate(prop, op);
// dispatch used by sub classes
def dispatch JvmOperation toGetter(LDtoAbstractAttribute prop, String methodName) {
val propertyName = prop.toName
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.simpleName = methodName
op.returnType = cloneWithProxies(prop.toDtoTypeReferenceWithMultiplicity)
if (prop.derived) {
val customDoc = prop.documentation
if (customDoc != null) {
op.documentation = customDoc
} else {
op.documentation = '''
Calculates the value for the derived property «»
@return «» The derived property value'''
// set the domain description annotation
if (prop.domainDescription) {
op.annotations += prop.toAnnotation(typeof(DomainDescription))
setBody(op, prop.derivedGetterExpression)
} else {
op.documentation = if (prop.toMany) {
"Returns an unmodifiable list of " + propertyName + "."
} else if (propertyName != null) {
"Returns the ".concat((if(prop.bounds.required) "<em>required</em> " else "")).concat(propertyName).
concat(" property").concat(
(if(!prop.toRawType.isBean && !prop.bounds.required) " or <code>null</code> if not present" else "")).concat(".")
[ // ITreeAppendable it |
if(it == null) return
val p = it.trace(prop);
if (prop.toMany) {
p >> "return " >> newTypeRef(prop, typeof(Collections)) >> ".unmodifiableList" >>
"(" + prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName + "());"
} else {
if(prop.toRawType.isBean) {
p >> "if(this." + propertyName + "== null)" >>> "{"
p >> "this." + propertyName + " = new " + prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName + "();"
p <<< "}"
p >> "return this." + propertyName + ";"
return associate(prop, op);
// dispatch used by sub classes
def dispatch JvmOperation toGetter(LDtoAbstractReference prop, String methodName) {
val propertyName = prop.toName
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.simpleName = methodName
op.returnType = cloneWithProxies(prop.toDtoTypeReferenceWithMultiplicity)
op.documentation = if (prop.toMany) {
"Returns an unmodifiable list of " + propertyName + "."
} else if (propertyName != null) {
"Returns the ".concat((if(prop.bounds.required) "<em>required</em> " else "")).concat(propertyName).
concat(" property").concat(
(if(!prop.toRawType.isBean && !prop.bounds.required) " or <code>null</code> if not present" else "")).concat(".")
[ // ITreeAppendable it |
if(it == null) return
val p = it.trace(prop);
if (prop.toMany) {
p >> "return " >> newTypeRef(prop, typeof(Collections)) >> ".unmodifiableList" >>
"(" + prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName + "());"
} else {
if(prop.toRawType.isBean) {
p >> "if(this." + propertyName + "== null)" >>> "{"
p >> "this." + propertyName + " = new " + prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName + "();"
p <<< "}"
p >> "return this." + propertyName + ";"
return associate(prop, op);
def JvmOperation toProxySetter(LDtoAbstractReference prop) {
if (prop.toMany) {
throw new RuntimeException("toMany-References not allowed for setters!");
val paramName = prop.toMethodParamName
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toSetterName
op.parameters += prop.toParameter(paramName, references.getTypeForName(typeof(ICrossReference), prop))
op.documentation = '''
Sets the proxy of the <code>«paramName»</code> property for lazy cross reference loading.
[ // ITreeAppendable
if(it == null) return
val p = it.trace(prop);
p >> prop.toCheckDisposedCall()
p >> "firePropertyChange(\"" + paramName + "\", this." + paramName + ", this." + paramName + " = " +
paramName + ");"
return associate(prop, op);
def JvmOperation toProxyGetter(LDtoAbstractReference prop) {
if (prop.toMany) {
throw new RuntimeException("toMany-References not allowed for setters!");
val paramName = prop.toMethodParamName
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(typeof(ICrossReference), prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toGetterName
op.documentation = '''
Returns the proxy of the <code>«paramName»</code>.
[ // ITreeAppendable
if(it === null) return
val p = it.trace(prop);
p >> prop.toCheckDisposedCall()
p >> "return " + paramName + ";"
return associate(prop, op);
* Builds an adder method for a *toMany relation like
* <code>Order.addToOrderLines(OrderLine orderLine)</code>.
def JvmOperation toAdder(LDtoFeature prop, String propertyName) {
val paramName = prop.toTypeName.toFirstLower
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toCollectionAdderName
if (prop.toDtoTypeReference !== null) {
op.parameters += prop.toParameter(paramName, prop.toDtoTypeReference)
op.documentation = '''
Adds the given «paramName» to this object. <p>
«IF prop.opposite !== null»
Since the reference is a composition reference, the opposite reference <code>«prop.toTypeName»#«
toFirstLower»</code> of the <code>«paramName»</code> will be handled automatically and no further coding is required to keep them in sync.<p>
See {@link «prop.toTypeName»#«prop.opposite.toSetterName»(«prop.toTypeName»)}.
@param «paramName» - the property
@throws RuntimeException if instance is <code>disposed</code>
val opposite = prop.opposite
op.body = '''
«IF opposite != null»
return associate(prop, op);
* Builds an adder method for a *toMany relation like
* <code>Order.addToOrderLines(OrderLine orderLine)</code>.
def JvmOperation toProxyAdder(LDtoAbstractReference prop, String propertyName) {
val paramName = prop.toTypeName.toFirstLower
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toCollectionAdderName
op.parameters += prop.toParameter(paramName, references.getTypeForName(typeof(ICrossReference), prop))
op.documentation = '''
Adds the cross reference proxy «paramName». <p>'''
[ // ITreeAppendable
if(it == null) return
val p = it.trace(prop);
p += prop.toCheckDisposedCall()
p >> "if (!" + prop.toGetterName + "().contains(" + paramName + "))" >>> "{"
p >> prop.toGetterName + "().add(" + paramName + ");"
p <<< "}"
return associate(prop, op);
def JvmVisibility getInternalMethodVisibility(LDtoFeature ref) {
val LPackage ownerPackage = (ref.eContainer() as LType).package;
val LPackage refPackage = ref.toRawType.package;
if (ownerPackage.equals(refPackage)) {
null // package visibility
} else {
def dispatch JvmOperation toInternalSetter(LDtoAbstractReference prop) {
val paramName = prop.toMethodParamName
val typeRef = prop.toDtoTypeReference
val JvmOperation result = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
result.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
result.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
result.simpleName = prop.toInternalSetterName
result.parameters += prop.toParameter(paramName, typeRef)
result.documentation = '''For internal use only!'''
[ // ITreeAppendable
if(it == null) return
val p = it.trace(prop)
p >> "firePropertyChange(\"" + paramName + "\", this." + paramName + ", this." + paramName + " = " +
paramName + ");"
return associate(prop, result);
override JvmField toField(LFeature prop) {
val JvmField jvmField = typesFactory.createJvmField();
jvmField.simpleName = prop.toName
jvmField.visibility = JvmVisibility::PRIVATE
jvmField.type = (prop as LDtoFeature).toDtoTypeReferenceWithMultiplicity
jvmField.transient = prop.transient
// if uuid
if (prop instanceof LAttribute && ((prop as LAttribute).isCreateUuid || (prop as LAttribute).isHistorizedOID)) {
jvmField.setInitializer [
if(it == null) return
val p = it.trace(prop)
p >> '''java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString()'''
annotationCompiler.processAnnotation(prop, jvmField);
associate(prop, jvmField);
def boolean isCreateUuid(LAttribute att) {
if(att instanceof LDtoInheritedAttribute) {
val iAtt = att as LDtoInheritedAttribute
return iAtt.inheritedFeature.isUuid
def boolean isHistorizedOID(LAttribute att) {
if(att instanceof LDtoInheritedAttribute) {
val iAtt = att as LDtoInheritedAttribute
val feature = iAtt.inheritedFeature
if(feature instanceof LEntityFeature) {
val entity = feature.entity
if((entity.timedependent || entity.historized) && att.toName.equals(Constants::PROP__OID) &&
entity.uuidPresent) {
return true
return false
def boolean uuidPresent(LEntity entity) {
def JvmField toProxyField(LFeature prop) {
val JvmField jvmField = typesFactory.createJvmField();
jvmField.simpleName = prop.toName
jvmField.visibility = JvmVisibility::PRIVATE
jvmField.type = references.getTypeForName(typeof(ICrossReference), prop)
annotationCompiler.processAnnotation(prop, jvmField);
associate(prop, jvmField);
def dispatch JvmOperation toInternalSetter(LDtoAbstractAttribute prop) {
val paramName = prop.toMethodParamName
val typeRef = prop.toDtoTypeReference
val JvmOperation result = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
// result.visibility = getInternalMethodVisibility(prop)
result.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
result.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
result.simpleName = prop.toInternalSetterName
result.parameters += prop.toParameter(paramName, typeRef)
result.documentation = '''For internal use only!'''
[ // ITreeAppendable
if(it == null) return
val p = it.trace(prop)
p >> "firePropertyChange(\"" + paramName + "\", this." + paramName + ", this." + paramName + " = " +
paramName + ");"
return associate(prop, result);
def dispatch JvmOperation toInternalAdder(LDtoAbstractReference prop) {
val paramName = prop.toTypeName.toFirstLower
val typeRef = prop.toDtoTypeReference
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toCollectionInternalAdderName
val param = prop.toParameter(paramName, typeRef);
if (param != null) {
op.parameters += param
op.documentation = '''For internal use only!'''
op.body = '''
«IF prop.toRawType.isBean»
// add this as property change listener for embeddable beans
if(!«prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName»().contains(«paramName»)) {
if(!org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.MappingContext.isMappingMode()) {
// collections will become resolved! We need to send a delta notification.
List<«prop.toTypeName»> oldList = new java.util.ArrayList<>(«prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName»());
firePropertyChange("«prop.toName»", oldList, «prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName»());
} else {
// in mapping mode, we do NOT resolve any collection
return associate(prop, op);
def dispatch JvmOperation toInternalAdder(LDtoAbstractAttribute prop) {
val paramName = prop.toTypeName.toFirstLower
val typeRef = prop.toDtoTypeReference
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toCollectionInternalAdderName
val param = prop.toParameter(paramName, typeRef);
if (param != null) {
op.parameters += param
op.documentation = '''For internal use only!'''
op.body = '''
«IF prop.toRawType.isBean»
// add this as property change listener for embeddable beans
List<«prop.toTypeName»> oldList = new java.util.ArrayList<>(«prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName»());
firePropertyChange("«prop.toName»", oldList, «prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName»());
return associate(prop, op);
def dispatch JvmOperation toInternalRemover(LDtoAbstractReference prop) {
val paramName = prop.toTypeName.toFirstLower
val typeRef = prop.toDtoTypeReference
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
// op.visibility = getInternalMethodVisibility(prop)
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toCollectionInternalRemoverName
val param = prop.toParameter(paramName, typeRef);
if (param != null) {
op.parameters += param
op.documentation = '''For internal use only!'''
op.body = '''
«IF prop.toRawType.isBean»
// remove this as property change listener from the embeddable bean
if(!org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.MappingContext.isMappingMode()) {
// collections will become resolved! We need to send a delta notification.
List<«prop.toTypeName»> oldList = new java.util.ArrayList<>(«prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName»());
firePropertyChange("«prop.toName»", oldList, «prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName»());
// in mapping mode, we do NOT resolve any collection
return associate(prop, op)
def dispatch JvmOperation toInternalRemover(LDtoAbstractAttribute prop) {
val paramName = prop.toTypeName.toFirstLower
val typeRef = prop.toDtoTypeReference
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
// op.visibility = getInternalMethodVisibility(prop)
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toCollectionInternalRemoverName
val param = prop.toParameter(paramName, typeRef);
if (param != null) {
op.parameters += param
op.documentation = '''For internal use only!'''
op.body = '''
«IF prop.toRawType.isBean»
// remove this as property change listener from the embeddable bean
List<«prop.toTypeName»> oldList = new java.util.ArrayList<>(«prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName»());
firePropertyChange("«prop.toName»", oldList, «prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName»());
return associate(prop, op)
def dispatch JvmOperation toInternalCollectionGetter(LDtoAbstractReference prop, String name) {
val fieldName = name.toFirstLower
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation()
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = prop.toDtoTypeReferenceWithMultiplicity
op.simpleName = prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName
op.documentation = '''
Returns the list of «htmlCode(prop.toTypeName)»s thereby lazy initializing it. For internal use only!
@return list - the resulting list
[ // ITreeAppendable
if(it == null) return;
var p = it.trace(prop);
val fieldRef = "this." + fieldName
p >> "if (" + fieldRef + " == null)" >>> " {"
p >> fieldRef >> " = new java.util.ArrayList<" + prop.toTypeName + ">();"
p <<< "}"
p >> "return " + fieldRef + ";"
def dispatch JvmOperation toInternalCollectionGetter(LDtoAbstractAttribute prop, String name) {
val fieldName = name.toFirstLower
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation()
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = prop.toDtoTypeReferenceWithMultiplicity
op.simpleName = prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName
op.documentation = '''
Returns the list of «htmlCode(prop.toTypeName)»s thereby lazy initializing it. For internal use only!
@return list - the resulting list
[ // ITreeAppendable
if(it == null) return;
var p = it.trace(prop);
val fieldRef = "this." + fieldName
p >> "if (" + fieldRef + " == null)" >>> " {"
p >> fieldRef >> " = new java.util.ArrayList<" + prop.toDtoTypeReference.qualifiedName + ">();"
p <<< "}"
p >> "return " + fieldRef + ";"
* Builds a remover method for a *toMany relation like
* <code>Order.removeFromOrderLines(OrderLine orderLine)</code>.
def dispatch JvmOperation toRemover(LDtoAbstractReference prop, String propertyName) {
val paramName = prop.toTypeName.toFirstLower
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toCollectionRemoverName
if (prop.toDtoTypeReference != null) {
op.parameters += prop.toParameter(paramName, prop.toDtoTypeReference)
if (prop.opposite != null) {
op.documentation = '''
Removes the given «paramName» from this object. <p>
«IF prop.cascading»
Since the reference is a cascading reference, the opposite reference («prop.toTypeName».«
of the «paramName» will be handled automatically and no further coding is required to keep them in sync.
See {@link «prop.toTypeName»#«prop.opposite.toSetterName»(«prop.toTypeName»)}.
@param «paramName» - the property
@throws RuntimeException if instance is <code>disposed</code>
val opposite = prop.opposite
val cascading = prop.isCascading
op.body = '''
«IF opposite != null»
// setBody(op,
// [ // ITreeAppendable
// if(it == null) return
// val p = it.trace(prop);
// p += prop.toCheckDisposedCall()
// if (prop.opposite != null) {
// p >> "if (isCopy())" >>> "{"
// p >>> "// avoid opposite reference update"
// p >> prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName + "().remove(" + paramName + ");"
// p <<< "} else {"
// p >>> paramName + "." + prop.opposite.toSetterName + "(null);"
// p <<< "}"
// } else {
// p >> prop.toCollectionInternalGetterName + "().remove(" + paramName + ");"
// }
// ])
return associate(prop, op);
def JvmOperation toProxyRemover(LDtoAbstractReference prop, String propertyName) {
val paramName = prop.toTypeName.toFirstLower
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toCollectionRemoverName
op.parameters += prop.toParameter(paramName, references.getTypeForName(typeof(ICrossReference), prop))
op.documentation = '''
Removes the proxy cross reference «paramName» from this object. <p>
[ // ITreeAppendable
if(it == null) return
val p = it.trace(prop);
p += prop.toCheckDisposedCall()
p >> prop.toGetterName + "().remove(" + paramName + ");"
return associate(prop, op);
* Builds a remover method for a *toMany relation like
* <code>Order.removeFromOrderLines(OrderLine orderLine)</code>.
def dispatch JvmOperation toRemover(LDtoAbstractAttribute prop, String propertyName) {
val paramName = prop.toTypeName.toFirstLower
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
op.simpleName = prop.toCollectionRemoverName
if (prop.toDtoTypeReference != null) {
op.parameters += prop.toParameter(paramName, prop.toDtoTypeReference)
if (prop.opposite != null) {
op.documentation = '''
Removes the given «paramName» from this object. <p>
«IF prop.cascading»
Since the reference is a cascading reference, the opposite reference <code>«prop.toTypeName».«
toFirstLower»</code> of the <code>«paramName»</code> will be handled automatically and no further coding is required to keep them in sync.
See {@link «prop.toTypeName»#«prop.opposite.toSetterName»(«prop.toTypeName»)}.
@param «paramName» - the property
@throws RuntimeException if instance is <code>disposed</code>
} else {
val opposite = prop.opposite
val cascading = prop.isCascading
op.body = '''
«IF opposite != null»
return associate(prop, op);
def JvmOperation toMapperBindMethod(LDto dto) {
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PROTECTED
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, dto)
op.simpleName = "bindMapperAccess"
op.parameters += dto.toParameter("mapperAccess", references.getTypeForName(typeof(IMapperAccess), dto, null))
op.documentation = '''
Called by OSGi-DS. Binds the mapper access service.
@param service - The mapper access service
op.body = '''
this.mapperAccess = mapperAccess;
return associate(dto, op);
def JvmOperation toMapperUnbindMethod(LDto dto) {
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PROTECTED
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, dto)
op.simpleName = "unbindMapperAccess"
op.parameters += dto.toParameter("mapperAccess", references.getTypeForName(typeof(IMapperAccess), dto, null))
op.documentation = '''
Called by OSGi-DS. Binds the mapper access service.
@param service - The mapper access service
op.body = '''
this.mapperAccess = null;
return associate(dto, op);
def JvmField toMapperField(LDtoAbstractReference prop) {
val JvmField jvmField = typesFactory.createJvmField();
jvmField.simpleName = prop.toMapperFieldName
jvmField.visibility = JvmVisibility::PRIVATE
jvmField.type = cloneWithProxies(prop.type.toMapperTypeReference)
annotationCompiler.processAnnotation(prop, jvmField);
associate(prop, jvmField);
def JvmOperation toGetToDtoMapperAccess(LDto dto) {
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PROTECTED
val dTypeParam = typesFactory.createJvmTypeParameter
op.typeParameters += dTypeParam
val eTypeParam = typesFactory.createJvmTypeParameter = "E"
op.typeParameters += eTypeParam
val dType = typesFactory.createJvmGenericType("D")
val dTypeRef = typesFactory.createJvmParameterizedTypeReference()
dTypeRef.type = dType
val eType = typesFactory.createJvmGenericType("E")
val eTypeRef = typesFactory.createJvmParameterizedTypeReference()
eTypeRef.type = eType
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(typeof(IMapper), dto, dTypeRef.cloneWithProxies,
op.simpleName = "getToDtoMapper"
op.parameters +=
dto.toParameter("dtoClass", references.getTypeForName(typeof(Class), dto, dTypeRef.cloneWithProxies))
op.parameters +=
dto.toParameter("entityClass", references.getTypeForName(typeof(Class), dto, eTypeRef.cloneWithProxies))
op.documentation = '''
Returns the mapper instance that may map between the given dto and entity. Or <code>null</code> if no mapper is available.
@param dtoClass - the class of the dto that should be mapped
@param entityClass - the class of the entity that should be mapped
@return the mapper instance or <code>null</code>'''
op.body = '''
return mapperAccess.getToDtoMapper(dtoClass, entityClass);
return associate(dto, op);
def JvmOperation toGetToEntityMapperAccess(LDto dto) {
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PROTECTED
val dTypeParam = typesFactory.createJvmTypeParameter
op.typeParameters += dTypeParam
val eTypeParam = typesFactory.createJvmTypeParameter = "E"
op.typeParameters += eTypeParam
val dType = typesFactory.createJvmGenericType("D")
val dTypeRef = typesFactory.createJvmParameterizedTypeReference()
dTypeRef.type = dType
val eType = typesFactory.createJvmGenericType("E")
val eTypeRef = typesFactory.createJvmParameterizedTypeReference()
eTypeRef.type = eType
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(typeof(IMapper), dto, dTypeRef.cloneWithProxies,
op.simpleName = "getToEntityMapper"
op.parameters +=
dto.toParameter("dtoClass", references.getTypeForName(typeof(Class), dto, dTypeRef.cloneWithProxies))
op.parameters +=
dto.toParameter("entityClass", references.getTypeForName(typeof(Class), dto, eTypeRef.cloneWithProxies))
op.documentation = '''
Returns the mapper instance that may map between the given dto and entity. Or <code>null</code> if no mapper is available.
@param dtoClass - the class of the dto that should be mapped
@param entityClass - the class of the entity that should be mapped
@return the mapper instance or <code>null</code>'''
op.body = '''
return mapperAccess.getToEntityMapper(dtoClass, entityClass);
return associate(dto, op);
def JvmOperation toMapToDto(LDto dto) {
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, dto)
op.simpleName = "mapToDTO"
op.parameters += dto.toParameter("dto", dto.findDtoTypeReference)
op.parameters += dto.toParameter("entity", dto.wrappedType?.toTypeReference)
op.parameters += dto.toParameter("context", references.getTypeForName(typeof(MappingContext), dto))
op.documentation = '''
Maps the entity {@link «dto.wrappedType.toName»} to the dto {@link «dto.toName»}.
@param dto - The target dto
@param entity - The source entity
@param context - The context to get information about depth,...
op.body = '''
if(context == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please pass a context!");
«IF !dto.wrappedType.isBean»
context.register(createDtoHash(entity), dto);
«IF dto.superType != null»
super.mapToDTO(dto, entity, context);
«FOR f : dto.features.filter[inherited || mapper?.toDTO != null]»
«IF (!f.bounds.toMany)»
««« Do not map containerreference by default -> Causes Loop!»
««« «IF f.isContainerReference»
««« if(dto.get«f.toName.toFirstUpper»() == null) {
««« // «f.toName» is container property. So check for null to avoid looping
««« dto.set«f.toName.toFirstUpper»(«f.toMapPropertyToDto»(entity, context));
««« }
««« «ELSE»
dto.set«f.toName.toFirstUpper»(«f.toMapPropertyToDto»(entity, context));
««« «ENDIF»
««« REPLACED BY installLazyCollections if(dto.«f.toGetterName»().isEmpty()) {
««« for(«f.toDtoTypeReference.qualifiedName» _dtoValue : «f.toMapPropertyToDto»(entity, context)) {
««« dto.«f.toCollectionAdderName»(_dtoValue);
««« }
««« }
return associate(dto, op);
def JvmOperation toInstallLazyCollections(LDto dto) {
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PROTECTED
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, dto)
op.simpleName = "installLazyCollections"
op.documentation = '''
Installs lazy collection resolving for entity {@link «dto.wrappedType.toName»} to the dto {@link «dto.toName»}.
op.body = '''
«IF dto.superType !== null»
«FOR f : dto.references.filter[inherited && !dto.wrappedType.isBean]»
«IF (f.bounds.toMany)»
«IF (f.isContainmentReference)»
«f.toName» = new org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.OppositeContainmentDtoList<>(
«f.toDtoTypeReference.simpleName».class, this, "«».«(f.opposite as LReference).toDtoIdAttribute»",
(java.util.function.Supplier<Object> & Serializable) () -> this.get«»(), this);
«f.toName» = new org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.OppositeDtoList<>(
«f.toDtoTypeReference.simpleName».class, "«».«(f.opposite as LReference).toDtoIdAttribute»",
(java.util.function.Supplier<Object> & Serializable) () -> this.get«»(), this);
return associate(dto, op);
def String toDtoIdAttribute(LReference ref) {
def JvmOperation toFirePropertyChange(LClass sourceElement, boolean useVersion) {
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.simpleName = "firePropertyChange"
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, sourceElement, null)
op.parameters +=
sourceElement.toParameter("propertyName", references.getTypeForName(typeof(String), sourceElement, null))
op.parameters += sourceElement.toParameter("oldValue",
references.getTypeForName(typeof(Object), sourceElement, null))
op.parameters += sourceElement.toParameter("newValue",
references.getTypeForName(typeof(Object), sourceElement, null))
op.documentation = '''
@see PropertyChangeSupport#firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object)'''
setBody(op, '''
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);
associate(sourceElement, op)
def JvmOperation toMapToEntity(LDto dto) {
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PUBLIC
op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, dto)
op.simpleName = "mapToEntity"
op.parameters += dto.toParameter("dto", dto.findDtoTypeReference)
op.parameters += dto.toParameter("entity", dto.wrappedType?.toTypeReference)
op.parameters += dto.toParameter("context", references.getTypeForName(typeof(MappingContext), dto))
op.documentation = '''
Maps the dto {@link «dto.toName»} to the entity {@link «dto.wrappedType.toName»}.
@param dto - The source dto
@param entity - The target entity
@param context - The context to get information about depth,...
op.body = '''
if(context == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please pass a context!");
«IF !dto.wrappedType.isBean»
context.register(createEntityHash(dto), entity);
context.registerMappingRoot(createEntityHash(dto), dto);
«IF dto.superType != null»
super.mapToEntity(dto, entity, context);
«FOR f : dto.features.filter[inherited || mapper?.fromDTO != null]»
«IF !f.derived»
entity.set«f.toName.toFirstUpper»(«f.toMapPropertyToEntity»(dto, entity, context));
«f.toMapPropertyToEntity»(dto, entity, context);
return associate(dto, op);
// def JvmOperation toMapToDtoProperty(LDtoFeature prop) {
// val LDto dto = prop.eContainer as LDto
// val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
// op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PROTECTED
// op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
// op.simpleName = prop.toMapPropertyToDto
// associate(prop, op);
// initializeSafely(op) [
// parameters += prop.toParameter("dto", dto.wrappedType.toTypeReference)
// parameters += prop.toParameter("entity", dto.toTypeReference)
// documentation = '''
// Maps the property «prop.toName» to the given entity to the given dto.
// @param dto - The target dto
// @param entity - The source entity
// ''';
// val XExpression mapExpression = prop.toMapToDtoExpression
// if (mapExpression != null) {
// body = mapExpression
// } else {
// body = []
// }
// ]
// }
// def JvmOperation toMapToEntityProperty(LDtoFeature prop) {
// val LDto dto = prop.eContainer as LDto
// val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
// op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PROTECTED
// op.returnType = references.getTypeForName(Void::TYPE, prop)
// op.simpleName = prop.toMapPropertyToEntity
// associate(prop, op);
// initializeSafely(op) [
// parameters += op.toParameter("in", dto.toTypeReference)
// parameters += op.toParameter("out", dto.wrappedType.toTypeReference)
// documentation = '''
// Maps the property «prop.toName» from the given dto to the given entity.
// @param dto - The source dto
// @param entity - The target entity
// '''
// val mapExpression = prop.toMapToEntityExpression
// associate(prop, mapExpression)
// if (mapExpression != null) {
// body = mapExpression
// } else {
// body = []
// }
// ]
// }
* returns the mapper class type
def JvmGenericType toMapperJvmType(LDto lDto) {
val type = createJvmGenericType(lDto, lDto.toFqnMapperName)
associate(lDto, type)
def dispatch JvmOperation toMapToDtoProperty(LDtoAbstractAttribute prop) {
val LDto dto = prop.eContainer as LDto
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PROTECTED
op.returnType = prop.toDtoTypeReferenceWithMultiplicity
op.simpleName = prop.toMapPropertyToDto
associate(prop, op);
initializeSafely(op) [
parameters += prop.toParameter("in", dto.wrappedType?.toTypeReference)
parameters += prop.toParameter("context", references.getTypeForName(typeof(MappingContext), prop))
documentation = '''
Maps the property «prop.toName» from the given entity to dto property.
@param in - The source entity
@param context - The context to get information about depth,...
@return the mapped value
val XExpression mapExpression = prop.toMapToDtoExpression
if (mapExpression != null) {
body = mapExpression
} else {
if (prop.toRawType instanceof LBean) {
if (prop.bounds.toMany) {
body = '''
org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName», «prop.toRawType.toName»> mapper = getToDtoMapper(«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName».class, «prop.toRawType.toName».class);
if(mapper == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mapper must not be null!");
if (context.isDetectRecursion(«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName».class)) {
return java.util.Collections.emptyList();
List<«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName»> results = new java.util.ArrayList<«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName»>();
for («prop.toRawType.toName» _entity : in.«prop.toGetterName»()) {
«prop.toDtoTypeReference.qualifiedName» _dto = context.get(mapper.createDtoHash(_entity));
if (_dto == null) {
_dto = mapper.createDto();
mapper.mapToDTO(_dto, _entity, context);
} else {
mapper.mapToDTO(_dto, _entity, context);
return results;'''
} else {
body = '''
if(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»() != null) {
// find a mapper that knows how to map the concrete input type.
org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName», «prop.toRawType.toName»> mapper = (org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName», «prop.toRawType.toName»>) getToDtoMapper(«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName».class, in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»().getClass());
if(mapper == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mapper must not be null!");
«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName» dto = null;
«IF !prop.toRawType.isBean»
dto = context.get(mapper.createDtoHash(in.«prop.toGetterName»()));
if(dto != null) {
mapper.mapToDTO(dto, in.«prop.toGetterName»(), context);
return dto;
dto = mapper.createDto();
mapper.mapToDTO(dto, in.«prop.toGetterName»(), context);
return dto;
} else {
return null;
} else {
if (prop.typeIsBoolean) {
body = '''return«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»();'''
} else if(prop.typeIsEnum) {
body = '''
if(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»() != null) {
return «prop.toRawType.toDTOEnumFullyQualifiedName».valueOf(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»().name());
} else {
return null;
} else {
body = '''return in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»();'''
def dispatch JvmOperation toMapToDtoProperty(LDtoAbstractReference prop) {
val LDto dto = prop.eContainer as LDto
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PROTECTED
op.returnType = prop.toDtoTypeReferenceWithMultiplicity
op.simpleName = prop.toMapPropertyToDto
associate(prop, op);
initializeSafely(op) [
parameters += prop.toParameter("in", dto.wrappedType?.toTypeReference)
parameters += prop.toParameter("context", references.getTypeForName(typeof(MappingContext), prop))
documentation = '''
Maps the property «prop.toName» from the given entity to the dto.
@param in - The source entity
@param context - The context to get information about depth,...
@return «IF (!prop.bounds.toMany)»the mapped dto«ELSE»A list of mapped dtos«ENDIF»
val XExpression mapExpression = prop.toMapToDtoExpression
if (mapExpression != null) {
body = mapExpression
} else {
if (prop.bounds.toMany) {
body = '''
««« org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<«prop.toTypeName», «prop.toRawType.toName»> mapper = getToDtoMapper(«prop.toTypeName».class, «prop.toRawType.toName».class);
««« if(mapper == null) {
««« throw new IllegalStateException("Mapper must not be null!");
««« }
««« if (context.isDetectRecursion(«prop.toTypeName».class)) {
««« return java.util.Collections.emptyList();
««« }
««« context.increaseLevel();
««« List<«prop.toTypeName»> results = new java.util.ArrayList<«prop.toTypeName»>();
««« for («prop.toRawType.toName» _entity : in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»()) {
««« «prop.toTypeName» _dto = context.get(mapper.createDtoHash(_entity));
««« if (_dto == null) {
««« _dto = mapper.createDto();
««« mapper.mapToDTO(_dto, _entity, context);
««« } else {
««« if(context.isRefresh()){
««« mapper.mapToDTO(_dto, _entity, context);
««« }
««« }
««« results.add(_dto);
««« }
««« context.decreaseLevel();
// nothing to do here. Mapping is done by OppositeLists
return null;'''
} else {
body = '''
if(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»() != null) {
// find a mapper that knows how to map the concrete input type.
org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<«prop.toTypeName», «prop.toRawType.toName»> mapper = (org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<«prop.toTypeName», «prop.toRawType.toName»>) getToDtoMapper(«prop.toTypeName».class, in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»().getClass());
if(mapper == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mapper must not be null!");
«prop.toTypeName» dto = null;
«IF !prop.toRawType.isBean»
dto = context.get(mapper.createDtoHash(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»()));
if(dto != null) {
mapper.mapToDTO(dto, in.«prop.toGetterName»(), context);
return dto;
dto = mapper.createDto();
mapper.mapToDTO(dto, in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»(), context);
return dto;
} else {
return null;
def JvmGenericType findJvmType(LDto lDto){
return (associator as IJvmModelAssociations).getPrimaryJvmElement(lDto) as JvmGenericType
def dispatch JvmOperation toMapToEntityProperty(LDtoAbstractAttribute prop) {
val LDto dto = prop.eContainer as LDto
// TODO change all stuff like this
val JvmGenericType dtoJvmType = dto.findJvmType
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PROTECTED
op.returnType = prop.toRawTypeReferenceWithMultiplicity
op.simpleName = prop.toMapPropertyToEntity
associate(prop, op);
initializeSafely(op) [
// TODO find typeref in sames resource!
parameters += prop.toParameter("in", dtoJvmType.newTypeRef(null))
parameters += prop.toParameter("parentEntity", dto.wrappedType?.toTypeReference)
parameters += prop.toParameter("context", references.getTypeForName(typeof(MappingContext), prop))
documentation = '''
Maps the property «prop.toName» from the given entity to dto property.
@param in - The source entity
@param parentEntity - The parentEntity
@param context - The context to get information about depth,...
@return the mapped value
val XExpression mapExpression = prop.toMapToEntityExpression
if (mapExpression != null) {
body = mapExpression
} else {
if (prop.toRawType instanceof LBean) {
if (prop.bounds.toMany) {
body = '''
org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName», «prop.toRawType.toName»> mapper = getToEntityMapper(«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName».class, «prop.toRawType.toName».class);
if(mapper == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mapper must not be null!");
List<«prop.toRawType.toName»> results = new java.util.ArrayList<«prop.toRawType.toName»>();
for («prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName» _dto : in.«prop.toGetterName»()) {
«prop.toRawType.toName» _entity = mapper.createEntity();
mapper.mapToEntity(_dto, _entity, context);
return results;'''
} else {
body = '''
if(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»() != null) {
// find a mapper that knows how to map the concrete input type.
org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName», «prop.toRawType.toName»> mapper = (org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<«prop.toRawType.toDTOBeanSimpleName», «prop.toRawType.toName»>) getToEntityMapper(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»().getClass(), «prop.toRawType.toName».class);
if(mapper == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mapper must not be null!");
«prop.toRawType.toName» entity = mapper.createEntity();
mapper.mapToEntity(in.«prop.toGetterName»(), entity, context);
return entity;
} else {
return null;
} else {
if (prop.typeIsBoolean) {
body = '''return«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»();'''
} else if(prop.typeIsEnum) {
body = '''
if(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»() != null) {
return «prop.toRawType.fullyQualifiedName.toString».valueOf(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»().name());
} else {
return null;
} else {
body = '''return in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»();'''
def dispatch JvmOperation toMapToEntityProperty(LDtoAbstractReference prop) {
val LDto dto = prop.eContainer as LDto
val op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation();
op.visibility = JvmVisibility::PROTECTED
op.returnType = prop.toRawTypeReferenceWithMultiplicity
op.simpleName = prop.toMapPropertyToEntity
associate(prop, op);
initializeSafely(op) [
parameters += prop.toParameter("in", dto.findDtoTypeReference)
parameters += prop.toParameter("parentEntity", dto.wrappedType?.toTypeReference)
parameters += prop.toParameter("context", references.getTypeForName(typeof(MappingContext), prop))
documentation = '''
Maps the property «prop.toName» from the given dto to the entity.
@param in - The source dto
@param parentEntity - The parent entity
@param context - The context to get information about depth,...
@return «IF (!prop.bounds.toMany)»the mapped entity«ELSE»A list of mapped entities«ENDIF»
val XExpression mapExpression = prop.toMapToEntityExpression
if (mapExpression != null) {
body = mapExpression
} else {
if (prop.bounds.toMany) {
body = '''
org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<«prop.toTypeName», «prop.toRawType.toName»> mapper = getToEntityMapper(«prop.toTypeName».class, «prop.toRawType.toName».class);
if(mapper == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mapper must not be null!");
org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IEntityMappingList<«prop.toTypeName»> childsList =
(org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IEntityMappingList<«prop.toTypeName»>) in.internalGet«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»();
// if entities are being added, then they are passed to
// #addToContainerChilds of the parent entity. So the container ref is setup
// properly!
// if entities are being removed, then they are passed to the
// #internalRemoveFromChilds method of the parent entity. So they are
// removed directly from the list of entities.
return null;
} else {
body = '''
if(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»() != null) {
// find a mapper that knows how to map the concrete input type.
org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<«prop.toTypeName», «prop.toRawType.toName»> mapper = (org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<«prop.toTypeName», «prop.toRawType.toName»>) getToEntityMapper(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»().getClass(), «prop.toRawType.toName».class);
if(mapper == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mapper must not be null!");
«prop.toRawType.toName» entity = null;
«IF !prop.toRawType.isBean»
entity = context.get(mapper.createEntityHash(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»()));
if(entity != null) {
return entity;
} else {
entity = («prop.toRawType.toName») context
.findEntityByEntityManager(«prop.toRawType.toName».class, in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»().get«prop.toRawType.idAttribute.toName.toFirstUpper»());
if (entity != null) {
context.register(mapper.createEntityHash(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»()), entity);
return entity;
entity = mapper.createEntity();
mapper.mapToEntity(in.get«prop.toName.toFirstUpper»(), entity, context);
return entity;
} else {
return null;
def findDtoTypeReference(LDto dto){
return getByPostfix(dto, "Dto").newTypeRef(null)
def findDtoMapperTypeReference(LDto dto){
return getByPostfix(dto, "DtoMapper").newTypeRef(null)
def findSuperDtoMapperType(LDto dto, JvmTypeReference dtoType, JvmTypeReference entityType){
var type = getByPostfix(dto.superType, "DtoMapper")
if(type == null) {
var superTypeFQN = dto.superType.fullyQualifiedName
superTypeFQN = superTypeFQN.append("Mapper")
val List<String> list = newArrayList()
list.add(list.size - 1, "mapper")
val mapperFQN = QualifiedName.create(list)
val JvmParameterizedTypeReference ref = references.getTypeForName(mapperFQN.toString, dto, null) as JvmParameterizedTypeReference
ref.arguments += dtoType
ref.arguments += entityType
return ref
val JvmParameterizedTypeReference ref = type.newTypeRef(null) as JvmParameterizedTypeReference
ref.arguments += dtoType
ref.arguments += entityType
return ref