| # Copyright (c) 2011, 2014 - Lunifera GmbH (Gross Enzersdorf, Austria), Loetz GmbH&Co.KG (69115 Heidelberg, Germany) |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 |
| # |
| # Based on ideas from Xtext, Xtend, Xcore |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # Florian Pirchner - Initial implementation |
| # |
| |
| pluginName = Types Edit Support |
| providerName = www.example.org |
| |
| _UI_CreateChild_text = {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1} |
| _UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature |
| _UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}. |
| _UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent. |
| |
| _UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1} |
| |
| _UI_LCommonModel_type = LCommon Model |
| _UI_LPackage_type = LPackage |
| _UI_LTypedPackage_type = LTyped Package |
| _UI_LImport_type = LImport |
| _UI_LType_type = LType |
| _UI_LAnnotationDef_type = LAnnotation Def |
| _UI_LAnnotationTarget_type = LAnnotation Target |
| _UI_LScalarType_type = LScalar Type |
| _UI_LDataType_type = LData Type |
| _UI_LEnum_type = LEnum |
| _UI_LEnumLiteral_type = LEnum Literal |
| _UI_LClass_type = LClass |
| _UI_LFeaturesHolder_type = LFeatures Holder |
| _UI_LFeature_type = LFeature |
| _UI_LReference_type = LReference |
| _UI_LAttribute_type = LAttribute |
| _UI_LOperation_type = LOperation |
| _UI_LModifier_type = LModifier |
| _UI_LMultiplicity_type = LMultiplicity |
| _UI_XAnnotation_type = XAnnotation |
| _UI_XAnnotationElementValuePair_type = XAnnotation Element Value Pair |
| _UI_XExpression_type = XExpression |
| _UI_XIfExpression_type = XIf Expression |
| _UI_XSwitchExpression_type = XSwitch Expression |
| _UI_XCasePart_type = XCase Part |
| _UI_XBlockExpression_type = XBlock Expression |
| _UI_XVariableDeclaration_type = XVariable Declaration |
| _UI_XAbstractFeatureCall_type = XAbstract Feature Call |
| _UI_XMemberFeatureCall_type = XMember Feature Call |
| _UI_XFeatureCall_type = XFeature Call |
| _UI_XConstructorCall_type = XConstructor Call |
| _UI_XBooleanLiteral_type = XBoolean Literal |
| _UI_XNullLiteral_type = XNull Literal |
| _UI_XNumberLiteral_type = XNumber Literal |
| _UI_XStringLiteral_type = XString Literal |
| _UI_XCollectionLiteral_type = XCollection Literal |
| _UI_XListLiteral_type = XList Literal |
| _UI_XSetLiteral_type = XSet Literal |
| _UI_XClosure_type = XClosure |
| _UI_XCastedExpression_type = XCasted Expression |
| _UI_XBinaryOperation_type = XBinary Operation |
| _UI_XUnaryOperation_type = XUnary Operation |
| _UI_XPostfixOperation_type = XPostfix Operation |
| _UI_XForLoopExpression_type = XFor Loop Expression |
| _UI_XBasicForLoopExpression_type = XBasic For Loop Expression |
| _UI_XAbstractWhileExpression_type = XAbstract While Expression |
| _UI_XDoWhileExpression_type = XDo While Expression |
| _UI_XWhileExpression_type = XWhile Expression |
| _UI_XTypeLiteral_type = XType Literal |
| _UI_XInstanceOfExpression_type = XInstance Of Expression |
| _UI_XThrowExpression_type = XThrow Expression |
| _UI_XTryCatchFinallyExpression_type = XTry Catch Finally Expression |
| _UI_XCatchClause_type = XCatch Clause |
| _UI_XAssignment_type = XAssignment |
| _UI_XReturnExpression_type = XReturn Expression |
| _UI_XSynchronizedExpression_type = XSynchronized Expression |
| _UI_EAttribute_type = EAttribute |
| _UI_EAnnotation_type = EAnnotation |
| _UI_EClass_type = EClass |
| _UI_EClassifier_type = EClassifier |
| _UI_EDataType_type = EData Type |
| _UI_EEnum_type = EEnum |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_type = EEnum Literal |
| _UI_EFactory_type = EFactory |
| _UI_EModelElement_type = EModel Element |
| _UI_ENamedElement_type = ENamed Element |
| _UI_EObject_type = EObject |
| _UI_EOperation_type = EOperation |
| _UI_EPackage_type = EPackage |
| _UI_EParameter_type = EParameter |
| _UI_EReference_type = EReference |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_type = EStructural Feature |
| _UI_ETypedElement_type = ETyped Element |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_type = EString To String Map Entry |
| _UI_EGenericType_type = EGeneric Type |
| _UI_ETypeParameter_type = EType Parameter |
| _UI_Unknown_type = Object |
| |
| _UI_Unknown_datatype= Value |
| |
| _UI_LCommonModel_packages_feature = Packages |
| _UI_LPackage_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_LPackage_imports_feature = Imports |
| _UI_LTypedPackage_types_feature = Types |
| _UI_LImport_importedNamespace_feature = Imported Namespace |
| _UI_LType_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_LType_annotationInfo_feature = Annotation Info |
| _UI_LAnnotationDef_exclude_feature = Exclude |
| _UI_LAnnotationDef_annotation_feature = Annotation |
| _UI_LAnnotationTarget_annotations_feature = Annotations |
| _UI_LDataType_jvmTypeReference_feature = Jvm Type Reference |
| _UI_LDataType_asPrimitive_feature = As Primitive |
| _UI_LDataType_date_feature = Date |
| _UI_LDataType_asBlob_feature = As Blob |
| _UI_LDataType_length_feature = Length |
| _UI_LDataType_dateType_feature = Date Type |
| _UI_LDataType_syntheticFlag_feature = Synthetic Flag |
| _UI_LDataType_syntheticSelector_feature = Synthetic Selector |
| _UI_LDataType_syntheticTypeReference_feature = Synthetic Type Reference |
| _UI_LDataType_syntheticType_feature = Synthetic Type |
| _UI_LEnum_literals_feature = Literals |
| _UI_LEnumLiteral_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_LClass_abstract_feature = Abstract |
| _UI_LClass_serializable_feature = Serializable |
| _UI_LClass_shortName_feature = Short Name |
| _UI_LFeature_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_LFeature_multiplicity_feature = Multiplicity |
| _UI_LFeature_annotationInfo_feature = Annotation Info |
| _UI_LReference_lazy_feature = Lazy |
| _UI_LReference_cascading_feature = Cascading |
| _UI_LAttribute_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_LAttribute_uuid_feature = Uuid |
| _UI_LAttribute_version_feature = Version |
| _UI_LAttribute_lazy_feature = Lazy |
| _UI_LAttribute_cascading_feature = Cascading |
| _UI_LAttribute_transient_feature = Transient |
| _UI_LAttribute_derived_feature = Derived |
| _UI_LAttribute_derivedGetterExpression_feature = Derived Getter Expression |
| _UI_LAttribute_type_feature = Type |
| _UI_LOperation_modifier_feature = Modifier |
| _UI_LOperation_type_feature = Type |
| _UI_LOperation_params_feature = Params |
| _UI_LOperation_body_feature = Body |
| _UI_LModifier_final_feature = Final |
| _UI_LModifier_static_feature = Static |
| _UI_LModifier_visibility_feature = Visibility |
| _UI_LMultiplicity_lower_feature = Lower |
| _UI_LMultiplicity_upper_feature = Upper |
| _UI_XAnnotation_elementValuePairs_feature = Element Value Pairs |
| _UI_XAnnotation_annotationType_feature = Annotation Type |
| _UI_XAnnotation_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_XAnnotationElementValuePair_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_XAnnotationElementValuePair_element_feature = Element |
| _UI_XIfExpression_if_feature = If |
| _UI_XIfExpression_then_feature = Then |
| _UI_XIfExpression_else_feature = Else |
| _UI_XSwitchExpression_switch_feature = Switch |
| _UI_XSwitchExpression_cases_feature = Cases |
| _UI_XSwitchExpression_default_feature = Default |
| _UI_XSwitchExpression_declaredParam_feature = Declared Param |
| _UI_XCasePart_case_feature = Case |
| _UI_XCasePart_then_feature = Then |
| _UI_XCasePart_typeGuard_feature = Type Guard |
| _UI_XBlockExpression_expressions_feature = Expressions |
| _UI_XVariableDeclaration_type_feature = Type |
| _UI_XVariableDeclaration_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_XVariableDeclaration_right_feature = Right |
| _UI_XVariableDeclaration_writeable_feature = Writeable |
| _UI_XAbstractFeatureCall_feature_feature = Feature |
| _UI_XAbstractFeatureCall_typeArguments_feature = Type Arguments |
| _UI_XAbstractFeatureCall_implicitReceiver_feature = Implicit Receiver |
| _UI_XAbstractFeatureCall_invalidFeatureIssueCode_feature = Invalid Feature Issue Code |
| _UI_XAbstractFeatureCall_validFeature_feature = Valid Feature |
| _UI_XAbstractFeatureCall_implicitFirstArgument_feature = Implicit First Argument |
| _UI_XMemberFeatureCall_memberCallTarget_feature = Member Call Target |
| _UI_XMemberFeatureCall_memberCallArguments_feature = Member Call Arguments |
| _UI_XMemberFeatureCall_explicitOperationCall_feature = Explicit Operation Call |
| _UI_XMemberFeatureCall_explicitStatic_feature = Explicit Static |
| _UI_XMemberFeatureCall_nullSafe_feature = Null Safe |
| _UI_XMemberFeatureCall_typeLiteral_feature = Type Literal |
| _UI_XMemberFeatureCall_staticWithDeclaringType_feature = Static With Declaring Type |
| _UI_XMemberFeatureCall_packageFragment_feature = Package Fragment |
| _UI_XFeatureCall_featureCallArguments_feature = Feature Call Arguments |
| _UI_XFeatureCall_explicitOperationCall_feature = Explicit Operation Call |
| _UI_XFeatureCall_typeLiteral_feature = Type Literal |
| _UI_XFeatureCall_packageFragment_feature = Package Fragment |
| _UI_XConstructorCall_constructor_feature = Constructor |
| _UI_XConstructorCall_arguments_feature = Arguments |
| _UI_XConstructorCall_typeArguments_feature = Type Arguments |
| _UI_XConstructorCall_invalidFeatureIssueCode_feature = Invalid Feature Issue Code |
| _UI_XConstructorCall_validFeature_feature = Valid Feature |
| _UI_XConstructorCall_explicitConstructorCall_feature = Explicit Constructor Call |
| _UI_XConstructorCall_anonymousClassConstructorCall_feature = Anonymous Class Constructor Call |
| _UI_XBooleanLiteral_isTrue_feature = Is True |
| _UI_XNumberLiteral_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_XStringLiteral_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_XCollectionLiteral_elements_feature = Elements |
| _UI_XClosure_declaredFormalParameters_feature = Declared Formal Parameters |
| _UI_XClosure_expression_feature = Expression |
| _UI_XClosure_explicitSyntax_feature = Explicit Syntax |
| _UI_XClosure_implicitParameter_feature = Implicit Parameter |
| _UI_XCastedExpression_type_feature = Type |
| _UI_XCastedExpression_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_XBinaryOperation_leftOperand_feature = Left Operand |
| _UI_XBinaryOperation_rightOperand_feature = Right Operand |
| _UI_XBinaryOperation_reassignFirstArgument_feature = Reassign First Argument |
| _UI_XUnaryOperation_operand_feature = Operand |
| _UI_XPostfixOperation_operand_feature = Operand |
| _UI_XForLoopExpression_forExpression_feature = For Expression |
| _UI_XForLoopExpression_eachExpression_feature = Each Expression |
| _UI_XForLoopExpression_declaredParam_feature = Declared Param |
| _UI_XBasicForLoopExpression_expression_feature = Expression |
| _UI_XBasicForLoopExpression_eachExpression_feature = Each Expression |
| _UI_XBasicForLoopExpression_initExpressions_feature = Init Expressions |
| _UI_XBasicForLoopExpression_updateExpressions_feature = Update Expressions |
| _UI_XAbstractWhileExpression_predicate_feature = Predicate |
| _UI_XAbstractWhileExpression_body_feature = Body |
| _UI_XTypeLiteral_type_feature = Type |
| _UI_XTypeLiteral_arrayDimensions_feature = Array Dimensions |
| _UI_XInstanceOfExpression_type_feature = Type |
| _UI_XInstanceOfExpression_expression_feature = Expression |
| _UI_XThrowExpression_expression_feature = Expression |
| _UI_XTryCatchFinallyExpression_expression_feature = Expression |
| _UI_XTryCatchFinallyExpression_finallyExpression_feature = Finally Expression |
| _UI_XTryCatchFinallyExpression_catchClauses_feature = Catch Clauses |
| _UI_XCatchClause_expression_feature = Expression |
| _UI_XCatchClause_declaredParam_feature = Declared Param |
| _UI_XAssignment_assignable_feature = Assignable |
| _UI_XAssignment_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_XAssignment_explicitStatic_feature = Explicit Static |
| _UI_XAssignment_staticWithDeclaringType_feature = Static With Declaring Type |
| _UI_XReturnExpression_expression_feature = Expression |
| _UI_XSynchronizedExpression_param_feature = Param |
| _UI_XSynchronizedExpression_expression_feature = Expression |
| _UI_EAttribute_iD_feature = ID |
| _UI_EAttribute_iD_description = Whether the value of this attribute uniquely identifies an object within its containing resource |
| _UI_EAttribute_eAttributeType_feature = EAttribute Type |
| _UI_EAttribute_eAttributeType_description = The data type of this attribute |
| _UI_EAnnotation_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_EAnnotation_source_description = An identifier, typically an absolute URI, that uniquely identifies this kind of annotation |
| _UI_EAnnotation_details_feature = Details |
| _UI_EAnnotation_eModelElement_feature = EModel Element |
| _UI_EAnnotation_contents_feature = Contents |
| _UI_EAnnotation_references_feature = References |
| _UI_EAnnotation_references_description = Objects referenced by this annotation |
| _UI_EClass_abstract_feature = Abstract |
| _UI_EClass_abstract_description = Whether instances of this class can be created |
| _UI_EClass_interface_feature = Interface |
| _UI_EClass_interface_description = Whether no corresponding implementation will be generated for this class |
| _UI_EClass_eSuperTypes_feature = ESuper Types |
| _UI_EClass_eSuperTypes_description = The immediate super types of this class |
| _UI_EClass_eOperations_feature = EOperations |
| _UI_EClass_eOperations_description = The operations defined by this class |
| _UI_EClass_eAllAttributes_feature = EAll Attributes |
| _UI_EClass_eAllReferences_feature = EAll References |
| _UI_EClass_eReferences_feature = EReferences |
| _UI_EClass_eAttributes_feature = EAttributes |
| _UI_EClass_eAllContainments_feature = EAll Containments |
| _UI_EClass_eAllOperations_feature = EAll Operations |
| _UI_EClass_eAllStructuralFeatures_feature = EAll Structural Features |
| _UI_EClass_eAllSuperTypes_feature = EAll Super Types |
| _UI_EClass_eIDAttribute_feature = EID Attribute |
| _UI_EClass_eStructuralFeatures_feature = EStructural Features |
| _UI_EClass_eGenericSuperTypes_feature = EGeneric Super Types |
| _UI_EClass_eAllGenericSuperTypes_feature = EAll Generic Super Types |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceClassName_feature = Instance Class Name |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceClassName_description = The erased instance class name denoted by this classifier |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceClass_feature = Instance Class |
| _UI_EClassifier_defaultValue_feature = Default Value |
| _UI_EClassifier_defaultValue_description = The default value for features of this type |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceTypeName_feature = Instance Type Name |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceTypeName_description = The full instance type name denoted by this classifier |
| _UI_EClassifier_ePackage_feature = EPackage |
| _UI_EClassifier_eTypeParameters_feature = EType Parameters |
| _UI_EDataType_serializable_feature = Serializable |
| _UI_EDataType_serializable_description = Whether a value of this data type can be serialized using the factory |
| _UI_EEnum_eLiterals_feature = ELiterals |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_value_description = The integer value associated with this enumerator |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_instance_feature = Instance |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_literal_feature = Literal |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_literal_description = The literal value associated with this enumerator |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_eEnum_feature = EEnum |
| _UI_EFactory_ePackage_feature = EPackage |
| _UI_EFactory_ePackage_description = The package corresponding to this factory |
| _UI_EModelElement_eAnnotations_feature = EAnnotations |
| _UI_ENamedElement_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_ENamedElement_name_description = The name of this model element |
| _UI_EOperation_eContainingClass_feature = EContaining Class |
| _UI_EOperation_eTypeParameters_feature = EType Parameters |
| _UI_EOperation_eParameters_feature = EParameters |
| _UI_EOperation_eExceptions_feature = EExceptions |
| _UI_EOperation_eExceptions_description = The exceptions thrown by this operation |
| _UI_EOperation_eGenericExceptions_feature = EGeneric Exceptions |
| _UI_EPackage_nsURI_feature = Ns URI |
| _UI_EPackage_nsURI_description = The universally unique namespace identifier, typically an absolute URI, for this package |
| _UI_EPackage_nsPrefix_feature = Ns Prefix |
| _UI_EPackage_nsPrefix_description = The namespace prefix used by default when serializing instances of the package's classes |
| _UI_EPackage_eFactoryInstance_feature = EFactory Instance |
| _UI_EPackage_eFactoryInstance_description = The factory corresponding to this package |
| _UI_EPackage_eClassifiers_feature = EClassifiers |
| _UI_EPackage_eSubpackages_feature = ESubpackages |
| _UI_EPackage_eSuperPackage_feature = ESuper Package |
| _UI_EParameter_eOperation_feature = EOperation |
| _UI_EReference_containment_feature = Containment |
| _UI_EReference_containment_description = Whether this reference represents a composite relationship |
| _UI_EReference_container_feature = Container |
| _UI_EReference_container_description = Whether this reference has as its opposite a containment reference |
| _UI_EReference_resolveProxies_feature = Resolve Proxies |
| _UI_EReference_resolveProxies_description = Whether this reference resolves proxies automatically |
| _UI_EReference_eOpposite_feature = EOpposite |
| _UI_EReference_eOpposite_description = The reference that represents the bidirectional opposite of this reference |
| _UI_EReference_eReferenceType_feature = EReference Type |
| _UI_EReference_eReferenceType_description = The target class of the reference |
| _UI_EReference_eKeys_feature = EKeys |
| _UI_EReference_eKeys_description = The attributes of the referenced class that uniquely identify a referenced instance |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_changeable_feature = Changeable |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_changeable_description = Whether the value of this feature can be changed |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_volatile_feature = Volatile |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_volatile_description = Whether no field will be generated for this feature |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_transient_feature = Transient |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_transient_description = Whether the value of this feature will be serialized |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_defaultValueLiteral_feature = Default Value Literal |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_defaultValueLiteral_description = The literal representation of the default value for this feature |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_defaultValue_feature = Default Value |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_defaultValue_description = The default value for this feature |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_unsettable_feature = Unsettable |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_unsettable_description = Whether the value space for this feature includes the state of not being set |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_derived_feature = Derived |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_derived_description = Whether the value of this feature is derived from the values of other features |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_eContainingClass_feature = EContaining Class |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_eContainingClass_description = The class that defines this feature |
| _UI_ETypedElement_ordered_feature = Ordered |
| _UI_ETypedElement_ordered_description = Whether the order in which values occur is meaningful |
| _UI_ETypedElement_unique_feature = Unique |
| _UI_ETypedElement_unique_description = Whether the same value may occur more than once |
| _UI_ETypedElement_lowerBound_feature = Lower Bound |
| _UI_ETypedElement_lowerBound_description = The minimum number of values that must occur |
| _UI_ETypedElement_upperBound_feature = Upper Bound |
| _UI_ETypedElement_upperBound_description = The maximum number of values that may occur; -1 represents unbounded and -2 represents unspecified |
| _UI_ETypedElement_many_feature = Many |
| _UI_ETypedElement_many_description = Whether more than one value may occur |
| _UI_ETypedElement_required_feature = Required |
| _UI_ETypedElement_required_description = Whether at least one value must occur |
| _UI_ETypedElement_eType_feature = EType |
| _UI_ETypedElement_eType_description = The type of this element |
| _UI_ETypedElement_eGenericType_feature = EGeneric Type |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_key_description = The key of this map entry |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_value_description = The value of this map entry |
| _UI_EGenericType_eUpperBound_feature = EUpper Bound |
| _UI_EGenericType_eTypeArguments_feature = EType Arguments |
| _UI_EGenericType_eRawType_feature = ERaw Type |
| _UI_EGenericType_eRawType_description = The erased type denoted by this generic type |
| _UI_EGenericType_eLowerBound_feature = ELower Bound |
| _UI_EGenericType_eTypeParameter_feature = EType Parameter |
| _UI_EGenericType_eTypeParameter_description = The type parameter denoted by this generic type |
| _UI_EGenericType_eClassifier_feature = EClassifier |
| _UI_EGenericType_eClassifier_description = The classifier denoted by this generic type |
| _UI_ETypeParameter_eBounds_feature = EBounds |
| _UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified |
| |
| _UI_LDateType_DATE_literal = DATE |
| _UI_LDateType_TIME_literal = TIME |
| _UI_LDateType_TIMESTAMP_literal = TIMESTAMP |
| _UI_LVisibility_PACKAGE_literal = PACKAGE |
| _UI_LVisibility_PRIVATE_literal = PRIVATE |
| _UI_LVisibility_PROTECTED_literal = PROTECTED |
| _UI_LVisibility_PUBLIC_literal = PUBLIC |
| _UI_LLowerBound_NULL_literal = NULL |
| _UI_LLowerBound_MANY_literal = MANY |
| _UI_LLowerBound_OPTIONAL_literal = OPTIONAL |
| _UI_LLowerBound_ATLEASTONE_literal = ATLEASTONE |
| _UI_LLowerBound_ZERO_literal = ZERO |
| _UI_LLowerBound_ONE_literal = ONE |
| _UI_LUpperBound_NULL_literal = NULL |
| _UI_LUpperBound_MANY_literal = MANY |
| _UI_LUpperBound_ONE_literal = ONE |
| _UI_LAttribute_domainKey_feature = Domain Key |
| _UI_LAttribute_domainDescription_feature = Domain Description |
| <<<<<<< HEAD |
| _UI_XCasePart_fallThrough_feature = Fall Through |
| _UI_XClosure_implicitFormalParameters_feature = Implicit Formal Parameters |
| ======= |
| _UI_LMultiplicity_toString_feature = To String |
| _UI_LMultiplicity_toMultiplicityString_feature = To Multiplicity String |
| >>>>>>> branch 'development' of git@github.com:osbp/osbp-dsl.git |
| _UI_LLazyResolver_type = LLazy Resolver |
| _UI_XFunctionTypeRef_type = XFunction Type Ref |
| _UI_XComputedTypeReference_type = XComputed Type Reference |
| _UI_XImportSection_type = XImport Section |
| _UI_XImportDeclaration_type = XImport Declaration |
| _UI_LPackage_importSection_feature = Import Section |
| _UI_XFunctionTypeRef_paramTypes_feature = Param Types |
| _UI_XFunctionTypeRef_returnType_feature = Return Type |
| _UI_XFunctionTypeRef_type_feature = Type |
| _UI_XFunctionTypeRef_instanceContext_feature = Instance Context |
| _UI_XComputedTypeReference_typeProvider_feature = Type Provider |
| _UI_XImportSection_importDeclarations_feature = Import Declarations |
| _UI_XImportDeclaration_wildcard_feature = Wildcard |
| _UI_XImportDeclaration_extension_feature = Extension |
| _UI_XImportDeclaration_static_feature = Static |
| _UI_XImportDeclaration_importedType_feature = Imported Type |
| _UI_XImportDeclaration_memberName_feature = Member Name |
| _UI_XImportDeclaration_importedNamespace_feature = Imported Namespace |
| _UI_LType_copy_feature = Copy |
| _UI_LAttribute_typeJvm_feature = Type Jvm |
| _UI_LConstraint_type = LConstraint |
| _UI_AttributeConstraint_type = Attribute Constraint |
| _UI_AttributeConstraint_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_LComparatorType_EQUALS_literal = == |
| _UI_LComparatorType_GREATER_literal = > |
| _UI_LComparatorType_LOWER_literal = < |
| _UI_LComparatorType_GREATER_EQ_literal = >= |
| _UI_LComparatorType_LOWER_EQ_literal = <= |
| _UI_LComparatorType_NOT_EQ_literal = != |
| _UI_LCompoundConstraint_type = LCompound Constraint |
| _UI_LAttributeMatchingConstraint_type = LAttribute Matching Constraint |
| _UI_LCompoundConstraint_constraints_feature = Constraints |
| _UI_LAttributeMatchingConstraint_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_LAttributeMatchingConstraint_comparatorType_feature = Comparator Type |
| _UI_LAttributeMatchingConstraint_matchingValue_feature = Matching Value |
| _UI_LAttributeMatchingConstraint_matchingLiteral_feature = Matching Literal |
| _UI_LContraints_type = LContraints |
| _UI_LContraints_constraints_feature = Constraints |
| _UI_LConstraints_type = LConstraints |
| _UI_LConstraints_constraints_feature = Constraints |
| _UI_LAttribute_dirty_feature = Dirty |
| _UI_LEnumLiteral_default_feature = Default |
| _UI_LEnumLiteral_null_feature = Null |
| _UI_LEnumLiteral_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_LKeyAndValue_type = LKey And Value |
| _UI_LKeyAndValue_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_LKeyAndValue_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_LTupel_type = LTupel |
| _UI_LTupel_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_LTupel_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_LAttribute_properties_feature = Properties |
| _UI_LAttribute_keyAndValues_feature = Key And Values |
| _UI_LReference_properties_feature = Properties |
| _UI_LDatatypeConstraint_type = LDatatype Constraint |
| _UI_LDtCAssertFalse_type = LDt CAssert False |
| _UI_LDtCAsserTrue_type = LDt CAsser True |
| _UI_LDtCAssertTrue_type = LDt CAssert True |
| _UI_LDtCDecimalMax_type = LDt CDecimal Max |
| _UI_LDtCDecimalMin_type = LDt CDecimal Min |
| _UI_LDtCDecimalMax_max_feature = Max |
| _UI_LDtCDecimalMin_min_feature = Min |
| _UI_LDtCDigits_type = LDt CDigits |
| _UI_LDtCDigits_intDigits_feature = Int Digits |
| _UI_LDtCDigits_fractionDigits_feature = Fraction Digits |
| _UI_LDtCFuture_type = LDt CFuture |
| _UI_LDtCNumericMax_type = LDt CNumeric Max |
| _UI_LDtCNumericMin_type = LDt CNumeric Min |
| _UI_LDtCNumericMax_max_feature = Max |
| _UI_LDtCNumericMin_min_feature = Min |
| _UI_LDtCNotNull_type = LDt CNot Null |
| _UI_LDtCNull_type = LDt CNull |
| _UI_LDtCPast_type = LDt CPast |
| _UI_LDtCRegEx_type = LDt CReg Ex |
| _UI_LDtCSize_type = LDt CSize |
| _UI_LDtCRegEx_pattern_feature = Pattern |
| _UI_LDtCSize_min_feature = Min |
| _UI_LDtCSize_max_feature = Max |
| _UI_LDataType_constraints_feature = Constraints |
| _UI_LDateConstraint_type = LDate Constraint |
| _UI_LAttribute_constraints_feature = Constraints |
| _UI_LReference_constraints_feature = Constraints |
| _UI_LReferenceFilter_type = LReference Filter |
| _UI_LReferenceFilter_constraints_feature = Constraints |
| _UI_LReferenceFilters_type = LReference Filters |
| _UI_LReferenceFilters_constraints_feature = Constraints |
| _UI_LResultFilter_type = LResult Filter |
| _UI_LResultFilters_type = LResult Filters |
| _UI_LResultFilters_constraints_feature = Constraints |
| _UI_LResultFilters_resultFilters_feature = Result Filters |
| _UI_LDatatypeConstraints_type = LDatatype Constraints |
| _UI_LDatatypeConstraints_constraints_feature = Constraints |
| _UI_LDateConstraints_type = LDate Constraints |
| _UI_LBlobConstraints_type = LBlob Constraints |
| _UI_LNumericConstraints_type = LNumeric Constraints |
| _UI_LDecimalConstraints_type = LDecimal Constraints |
| _UI_LNumericConstraint_type = LNumeric Constraint |
| _UI_LDecimalConstraint_type = LDecimal Constraint |
| _UI_LBlobConstraint_type = LBlob Constraint |
| _UI_LBooleanConstraint_type = LBoolean Constraint |
| _UI_LStringConstraint_type = LString Constraint |
| _UI_LDataType_properties_feature = Properties |
| _UI_LDatatypeConstraint_msgCode_feature = Msg Code |
| _UI_LDatatypeConstraint_msgI18nKey_feature = Msg I1 8n Key |
| _UI_Severity_WARNING_literal = WARNING |
| _UI_Severity_ERROR_literal = ERROR |
| _UI_ConstraintSeverity_WARNING_literal = WARNING |
| _UI_ConstraintSeverity_ERROR_literal = ERROR |
| _UI_LDatatypeConstraint_severity_feature = Severity |
| _UI_LConstraintSeverity_WARNING_literal = WARNING |
| _UI_LConstraintSeverity_ERROR_literal = ERROR |
| _UI_LConstraintSeverity_INFO_literal = INFO |
| _UI_LReference_externalColumnName_feature = External Column Name |
| _UI_LCommonModel_importSection_feature = Import Section |
| _UI_LAttribute_filtering_feature = Filtering |
| _UI_LAttribute_rangeFiltering_feature = Range Filtering |
| _UI_LAttribute_uniqueEntry_feature = Unique Entry |
| _UI_LReference_isGrouped_feature = Is Grouped |
| _UI_LReference_groupName_feature = Group Name |
| _UI_LAttribute_isGrouped_feature = Is Grouped |
| _UI_LAttribute_groupName_feature = Group Name |
| _UI_LReference_asGrid_feature = As Grid |
| _UI_LReference_asTable_feature = As Table |