blob: 46118ca9be7dbd514883b383a69c7540c4cdac43 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.osbp.mysmartshop.dtos.mapper;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.MappingContext;
import org.osbp.mysmartshop.dtos.CompanyDto;
import org.osbp.mysmartshop.dtos.CompanyGroupDto;
import org.osbp.mysmartshop.dtos.mapper.BaseUUIDDtoMapper;
import org.osbp.mysmartshop.entities.Company;
import org.osbp.mysmartshop.entities.CompanyGroup;
* This class maps the dto {@link CompanyGroupDto} to and from the entity {@link CompanyGroup}.
public class CompanyGroupDtoMapper<DTO extends CompanyGroupDto, ENTITY extends CompanyGroup> extends BaseUUIDDtoMapper<DTO, ENTITY> {
* Creates a new instance of the entity
public CompanyGroup createEntity() {
return new CompanyGroup();
* Creates a new instance of the dto
public CompanyGroupDto createDto() {
return new CompanyGroupDto();
* Maps the entity {@link CompanyGroup} to the dto {@link CompanyGroupDto}.
* @param dto - The target dto
* @param entity - The source entity
* @param context - The context to get information about depth,...
public void mapToDTO(final CompanyGroupDto dto, final CompanyGroup entity, final MappingContext context) {
if(context == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please pass a context!");
context.register(createDtoHash(entity), dto);
super.mapToDTO(dto, entity, context);
dto.setName(toDto_name(entity, context));
dto.setDescription(toDto_description(entity, context));
dto.setMain_company(toDto_main_company(entity, context));
* Maps the dto {@link CompanyGroupDto} to the entity {@link CompanyGroup}.
* @param dto - The source dto
* @param entity - The target entity
* @param context - The context to get information about depth,...
public void mapToEntity(final CompanyGroupDto dto, final CompanyGroup entity, final MappingContext context) {
if(context == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please pass a context!");
context.register(createEntityHash(dto), entity);
context.registerMappingRoot(createEntityHash(dto), dto);
super.mapToEntity(dto, entity, context);
entity.setName(toEntity_name(dto, entity, context));
entity.setDescription(toEntity_description(dto, entity, context));
entity.setMain_company(toEntity_main_company(dto, entity, context));
toEntity_companies(dto, entity, context);
* Maps the property name from the given entity to dto property.
* @param in - The source entity
* @param context - The context to get information about depth,...
* @return the mapped value
protected String toDto_name(final CompanyGroup in, final MappingContext context) {
return in.getName();
* Maps the property name from the given entity to dto property.
* @param in - The source entity
* @param parentEntity - The parentEntity
* @param context - The context to get information about depth,...
* @return the mapped value
protected String toEntity_name(final CompanyGroupDto in, final CompanyGroup parentEntity, final MappingContext context) {
return in.getName();
* Maps the property description from the given entity to dto property.
* @param in - The source entity
* @param context - The context to get information about depth,...
* @return the mapped value
protected String toDto_description(final CompanyGroup in, final MappingContext context) {
return in.getDescription();
* Maps the property description from the given entity to dto property.
* @param in - The source entity
* @param parentEntity - The parentEntity
* @param context - The context to get information about depth,...
* @return the mapped value
protected String toEntity_description(final CompanyGroupDto in, final CompanyGroup parentEntity, final MappingContext context) {
return in.getDescription();
* Maps the property main_company from the given entity to the dto.
* @param in - The source entity
* @param context - The context to get information about depth,...
* @return the mapped dto
protected CompanyDto toDto_main_company(final CompanyGroup in, final MappingContext context) {
if(in.getMain_company() != null) {
// find a mapper that knows how to map the concrete input type.
org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<CompanyDto, Company> mapper = (org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<CompanyDto, Company>) getToDtoMapper(CompanyDto.class, in.getMain_company().getClass());
if(mapper == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mapper must not be null!");
CompanyDto dto = null;
dto = context.get(mapper.createDtoHash(in.getMain_company()));
if(dto != null) {
mapper.mapToDTO(dto, in.getMain_company(), context);
return dto;
dto = mapper.createDto();
mapper.mapToDTO(dto, in.getMain_company(), context);
return dto;
} else {
return null;
* Maps the property main_company from the given dto to the entity.
* @param in - The source dto
* @param parentEntity - The parent entity
* @param context - The context to get information about depth,...
* @return the mapped entity
protected Company toEntity_main_company(final CompanyGroupDto in, final CompanyGroup parentEntity, final MappingContext context) {
if(in.getMain_company() != null) {
// find a mapper that knows how to map the concrete input type.
org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<CompanyDto, Company> mapper = (org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<CompanyDto, Company>) getToEntityMapper(in.getMain_company().getClass(), Company.class);
if(mapper == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mapper must not be null!");
Company entity = null;
entity = context.get(mapper.createEntityHash(in.getMain_company()));
if(entity != null) {
return entity;
} else {
entity = (Company) context
.findEntityByEntityManager(Company.class, in.getMain_company().getId());
if (entity != null) {
context.register(mapper.createEntityHash(in.getMain_company()), entity);
return entity;
entity = mapper.createEntity();
mapper.mapToEntity(in.getMain_company(), entity, context);
return entity;
} else {
return null;
* Maps the property companies from the given entity to the dto.
* @param in - The source entity
* @param context - The context to get information about depth,...
* @return A list of mapped dtos
protected List<CompanyDto> toDto_companies(final CompanyGroup in, final MappingContext context) {
// nothing to do here. Mapping is done by OppositeLists
return null;
* Maps the property companies from the given dto to the entity.
* @param in - The source dto
* @param parentEntity - The parent entity
* @param context - The context to get information about depth,...
* @return A list of mapped entities
protected List<Company> toEntity_companies(final CompanyGroupDto in, final CompanyGroup parentEntity, final MappingContext context) {
org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IMapper<CompanyDto, Company> mapper = getToEntityMapper(CompanyDto.class, Company.class);
if(mapper == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mapper must not be null!");
org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IEntityMappingList<CompanyDto> childsList =
(org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.dto.lib.IEntityMappingList<CompanyDto>) in.internalGetCompanies();
// if entities are being added, then they are passed to
// #addToContainerChilds of the parent entity. So the container ref is setup
// properly!
// if entities are being removed, then they are passed to the
// #internalRemoveFromChilds method of the parent entity. So they are
// removed directly from the list of entities.
return null;
public String createDtoHash(final Object in) {
return org.eclipse.osbp.runtime.common.hash.HashUtil.createObjectWithIdHash(CompanyGroupDto.class, in);
public String createEntityHash(final Object in) {
return org.eclipse.osbp.runtime.common.hash.HashUtil.createObjectWithIdHash(CompanyGroup.class, in);