blob: 8fcd16d91191a6d0170156bcf38e54d86d4aadb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// This software is provided "AS IS". The JavaPOS working group (including
// each of the Corporate members, contributors and individuals) MAKES NO
// NON-INFRINGEMENT. The JavaPOS working group shall not be liable for
// any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying or distributing this
// software or its derivatives.Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute
// the software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted.
// JposConst
// General constants for JavaPOS Applications.
// Modification history
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1998-Feb-18 JavaPOS Release 1.2 BS
// 1998-Apr-20 JavaPOS Release 1.3 BS
// Add CapPowerReporting, PowerState, and PowerNotify values.
// Add power reporting values for StatusUpdateEvent.
// 2005-Jan-16 JavaPOS Release 1.9 BS
// 2006-Feb-10 JavaPOS Release 1.10 BS
// 2007-Jan-04 JavaPOS Release 1.11 BS
// Added the JPOS_E_DEPRECATED ErrorCode value
package jpos;
public interface JposConst
//#### General JavaPOS Constants
// "State" Property Constants
public static final int JPOS_S_CLOSED = 1;
public static final int JPOS_S_IDLE = 2;
public static final int JPOS_S_BUSY = 3;
public static final int JPOS_S_ERROR = 4;
// "ErrorCode" Property Constants
public static final int JPOSERR = 100;
public static final int JPOSERREXT = 200;
public static final int JPOS_SUCCESS = 0;
public static final int JPOS_E_CLOSED = 1 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_CLAIMED = 2 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_NOTCLAIMED = 3 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_NOSERVICE = 4 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_DISABLED = 5 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_ILLEGAL = 6 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_NOHARDWARE = 7 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_OFFLINE = 8 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_NOEXIST = 9 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_EXISTS = 10 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_FAILURE = 11 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_TIMEOUT = 12 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_BUSY = 13 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_EXTENDED = 14 + JPOSERR;
public static final int JPOS_E_DEPRECATED = 15 + JPOSERR; // 1.11
// "ErrorCodeExtended" Property Constants
public static final int JPOS_ESTATS_ERROR = 80 + JPOSERREXT;
public static final int JPOS_EFIRMWARE_BAD_FILE = 81 + JPOSERREXT;
public static final int JPOS_ESTATS_DEPENDENCY = 82 + JPOSERREXT;
// OPOS "BinaryConversion" Property Constants
public static final int JPOS_BC_NONE = 0;
public static final int JPOS_BC_NIBBLE = 1;
public static final int JPOS_BC_DECIMAL = 2;
// "CheckHealth" Method: "Level" Parameter Constants
public static final int JPOS_CH_INTERNAL = 1;
public static final int JPOS_CH_EXTERNAL = 2;
public static final int JPOS_CH_INTERACTIVE = 3;
// "CapPowerReporting", "PowerState", "PowerNotify" Property
// Constants
public static final int JPOS_PR_NONE = 0;
public static final int JPOS_PR_STANDARD = 1;
public static final int JPOS_PR_ADVANCED = 2;
public static final int JPOS_PN_DISABLED = 0;
public static final int JPOS_PN_ENABLED = 1;
public static final int JPOS_PS_UNKNOWN = 2000;
public static final int JPOS_PS_ONLINE = 2001;
public static final int JPOS_PS_OFF = 2002;
public static final int JPOS_PS_OFFLINE = 2003;
public static final int JPOS_PS_OFF_OFFLINE = 2004;
// "compareFirmwareVersion" Method: "result" Parameter Constants
public static final int JPOS_CFV_FIRMWARE_OLDER = 1;
public static final int JPOS_CFV_FIRMWARE_SAME = 2;
public static final int JPOS_CFV_FIRMWARE_NEWER = 3;
public static final int JPOS_CFV_FIRMWARE_DIFFERENT = 4;
public static final int JPOS_CFV_FIRMWARE_UNKNOWN = 5;
// "ErrorEvent" Event: "ErrorLocus" Parameter Constants
public static final int JPOS_EL_OUTPUT = 1;
public static final int JPOS_EL_INPUT = 2;
public static final int JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA = 3;
// "ErrorEvent" Event: "ErrorResponse" Constants
public static final int JPOS_ER_RETRY = 11;
public static final int JPOS_ER_CLEAR = 12;
public static final int JPOS_ER_CONTINUEINPUT= 13;
// "StatusUpdateEvent" Event: Common "Status" Constants
public static final int JPOS_SUE_POWER_ONLINE = 2001;
public static final int JPOS_SUE_POWER_OFF = 2002;
public static final int JPOS_SUE_POWER_OFFLINE = 2003;
public static final int JPOS_SUE_POWER_OFF_OFFLINE = 2004;
public static final int JPOS_SUE_UF_PROGRESS = 2100;
public static final int JPOS_SUE_UF_COMPLETE = 2200; // JPOS_SUE_UF_PROGRESS + 100
public static final int JPOS_SUE_UF_FAILED_DEV_OK = 2201;
public static final int JPOS_SUE_UF_FAILED_DEV_UNRECOVERABLE = 2202;
public static final int JPOS_SUE_UF_FAILED_DEV_NEEDS_FIRMWARE = 2203;
public static final int JPOS_SUE_UF_FAILED_DEV_UNKNOWN = 2204;
public static final int JPOS_SUE_UF_COMPLETE_DEV_NOT_RESTORED = 2205;
// General Constants
public static final int JPOS_FOREVER = -1;