blob: c359b9db023fa13816dfb6e84ffa6488947dd342 [file] [log] [blame]
# JposTestCase.createPropFile() --> ./jpos/res/ file
# Thu Jul 05 11:37:25 EDT 2001
# adjusted to local needs
# Required properties
# -------------------
# 1) jpos.loader.serviceManagerClass
# This property specifies the manager bootstrap class for the whole JCL. Use
# this property to replace the default "simple" JCL implementation with your
# own. The value must be a fully qualified class name that implements the
# interface jpos.loader.JposServiceManager
# 2) jpos.config.regPopulatorClass
# This property specifies the registry populator class---that populates the
# entry registry. It must be a fully qualified class name that implements
# the jpos.config.JposRegPopulator interface. If you want to specify
# multiple populators then you should instead use the:
# jpos.config.populator.class.<n>
# property---defined below---that allows you to specify many populators
# There are 3 populators that are provided with the JCL by default:
# a) jpos.config.simple.SimpleRegPopulator
# This populator loads/saves JposEntry objects as serialized objects in
# a Java serialized file, typically named: jpos.cfg
# b) jpos.config.simple.xml.XercesRegPopulator
# This populator uses Xerces and implements an XML parser according to
# the jpos/res/jcl.dtd. By default, the XML file must be named jpos.xml
# However, this named can be changed using the property (see below):
# jpos.config.populator.file.<n>
# c) jpos.config.simple.xml.Xerces2RegPopulator
# This populator uses Xerces2 and implements an XML parser according to
# the jpos/res/jcl.xsd XML schema. The file name is same as above; however,
# since this parser expects an XML schema, the XML file header is different.
# See the jpos-schema.xml file.
# NOTE: Xerces and Xerces2 are XML parsers from the
# Jakarta projects.
# Use this property to for the JCL to load a specific file (cfg or XML)
# when not using multiple populators via the jpos.config.populator.class.<n>
# multi-property
jpos.config.populatorFile=C\:\\Program Files\\epson\\JavaPOS\\SetupPOS\\myprinter.xml
# To define multiple populator then comment the property
# "jpos.config.regPopulatorClass"
# and use the following multiproperty properties (defines 2 populators one
# XML and one serialized)
# You can also define populator files for each populator as follows
# Tracing properties
# ------------------
# All tracing properties that are boolean attributes can be turned on of
# off using ON/on/TRUE/true or OFF/false for any other value.
# The available properties are (see commented properties below):
# 1) jpos.tracing
# This is a legacy property and will turn the global tracer on. You should
# note that it is preferable to use the named tracing property instead
# 2) jpos.util.tracing.TurnOnAllNamedTracers
# This property when turned on will enable all named tracers. A named tracer
# will print out a message prepended by [<name>] where <name> is the name of
# the tracer in question.
# 3) jpos.util.tracing.TurnOnNamedTracers = name1, name2, ...
# This will turn on the named tracers listed as name1, name2, ... this is
# useful if when all named tracers are on you want to filter the output
#jpos.util.tracing.TurnOnNamedTracers=XercesRegPopulator, AbstractRegPopulator, MainFrame