tree: 6096236eee13f0ca759f524a548ddfbdd94ad1e4 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .settings/
  2. org.eclipse.osbp.license.feature/
  3. org.eclipse.osbp.releng.maven.licenses/
  4. org.eclipse.osbp.releng.maven.parent.mbp/
  5. org.eclipse.osbp.releng.maven.parent.mbp2/
  6. org.eclipse.osbp.releng.maven.parent.tycho/
  8. target-definitions/
  9. .gitignore
  10. .project
  11. about.html
  12. epl-v10.html
  14. LICENSE.txt
  15. notice.html
  16. pom.xml
  18. settings.xml



Setting up the development environment

###1. Set the local deployment directory:

If you are using Eclipse, go to Preferences/Maven/User Settings. Then click in Open File to open the user‘s settings.xml file.
I you want this file could be found at ~user/.m2 directory.
In the opened file created a new profile and include the property ‘lunifera.developer.home’ and set a value for it that points to a created directory where the result of each repository’s build will be copied.
See this example:


###2. Clone the source repositories:

  • To easy this job, you can clone only the lunifera-releng-maven repository:
    git clone
  • then use this scripts to clone other related projects:

To be able to contribute you must fork the desired lunifera's github repository and clone from it.

###3. Build and install the parent POMs:

  • before build any other repository you must build and install the releng parent projects: cd lunifera-releng-maven mvn clean install

Development Tasks

Getting source changes:

  • You can use the git-all script to pull updated from all cloned repositories:
    ./scripts/ pull

Build a latest kepler p2 repo using the remote federated (composite) p2.

  • open a terminal in the repository root folder and type this: mvn -P

  • The remote federated p2 is the default, so the property ‘’ can be omitted. mvn -P

Build a latest kepler p2 repo using the remote federated p2 and deploying the results to local deployment folder.

  • open a terminal in the repository root folder and type this: mvn -P

Build a latest kepler p2 repo using the local federated p2 and deploying the results to local deployment folder.

  • open a terminal in the repository root folder and type this: mvn -P

Build a latest kepler p2 repo using both local and remote federated p2 and deploying the results to local deployment folder:

  • open a terminal in the repository root folder and type this: mvn -P