blob: 6d98516c06f7665b92a087ec0306c8b33e3e7843 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--#======================================================================= -->
<!--# Copyright (c) 2012, 2014 - C4biz Softwares ME, Loetz GmbH&Co.KG (69115
Heidelberg, Germany) -->
<!--# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials -->
<!--# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 -->
<!--# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at -->
<!--# -->
<!--# -->
<!--# Contributors: -->
<!--# Cristiano GaviĆ£o (C4biz)- initial API and implementation -->
<!--#======================================================================= -->
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>OS.bee Release Engineering Maven - Master Parent POM</name>
<description>A parent POM aimed to set up the build of general Maven based projects.</description>
<name>ECLIPSE OSBP project</name>
<!-- the name of the git repository that the aggregator represents -->
<!-- should automatic push changes to scm repo when releasing -->
<!-- the base for CI URL -->
<!-- current profile to use: (pre-release|sandbox|retired) -->
<!-- protocol used to deploy the site -->
<!-- points to the root of project's site at github -->
<!-- the url of the repository's site -->
<!-- <>${}${}</> -->
<!-- the complete url (to be use with distribution site settings) -->
<!-- default behavior is maven to append /${project.artifactId} in the
end -->
<!-- the server where to deploy to -->
<!-- where to deploy the release artifacts -->
<!-- where to deploy the snapshot artifacts -->
<!-- these properties must be set in settings.xml or using -Dosbp.developer.home
in command line. it defaults to the current user home -->
<!-- indicates where to stage built repositories in local machine -->
<!-- indicates where to stage built repositories in local machine -->
<!-- this properties must be unique for the entire system -->
<!-- indicates where to stage javadoc for built results on local machine -->
<!-- the branch used in the build of the project. this determines the behavior
of some steps and its properties. (branch latest head, milestone, release) -->
<!-- this indicates whether an old p2 published should be kept or not.
this should be determined by the builder.brach being used. -->
<!-- Dependencies Version -->
<groovy-all.version>2.4.9</groovy-all.version> <!-- 1.5.7 is not approved by Eclipse, we have to use at least 2.4.4 to have
the ASL2 -->
<ant-version>1.8.4</ant-version> <!-- the ant version from Orbit -->
<!-- license configuration -->
<!-- default license to use for children -->
<license.copyrightOwners>Loetz GmbH&amp;Co.KG</license.copyrightOwners>
<!-- maven plugins -->
<!-- ************************ -->
<!-- JACOCO and Sonar/Reporting settings -->
<!-- ************************ -->
<!-- The Sonar Jacoco Listener for JUnit to extract coverage details per
test -->
<!-- Sonar/Jacoco integration. Note that you need to call this profile
when to execute mvn sonar:sonar -->
<!-- Tells Sonar to use jacoco for coverage results -->
<!-- Don't let Sonar execute tests. We will ask it to Maven -->
<!-- The system property jacoco.outputDir needs to be override on the command
line with an absolute path if you want to merge results from all modules.
Example in a Jenkins build where ${WORKSPACE} is defined and your project
is in the root directory of the workspace : mvn clean install -Prun-its,coverage
-Djacoco.outputDir=${WORKSPACE}/target. Note that unfortunately using the
following does not work because of
<jacoco.outputDir>${session.executionRootDirectory}/target/</jacoco.outputDir> -->
<!-- Jacoco output file for UTs -->
<!-- Tells Sonar where the Jacoco coverage result file is located for Unit
Tests -->
<!-- Jacoco output file for ITs -->
<!-- Tells Sonar where the Jacoco coverage result file is located for Integration
Tests -->
<!-- BINDEX -->
<!-- convention is to create jira's components using the same name as the
aggregator projects -->
<!-- ciManagement, distributionManagement(Site) and scm should be duplicated
for every git repository (parent pom) and in most cases for each aggregator
due the fact that its modules uses different parents. -->
<!-- connection and developerConnection must be added in children in order
to use with git -->
<!-- End -->
<!-- set the default maven repositories, this entry must be here. Do not
remove it. -->
<name>Maven Repository Switchboard</name>
<name>Maven Plugin Repository</name>
<name>Project Repository - Releases</name>
<name>Project Repository - Snapshots</name>
<name>Nexus Release Repository</name>
<name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>
<name>OSBP Source Pages</name>
<!-- distribution-management, index, dependencies, help, issue-tracking,
plugins, cim, license, dependency-management, mailing-list, project-team,
dependency-convergence, scm, plugin-management, modules, summary -->
<!-- -Xdoclint:syntax leads to problems with generated code -->
<head>This code is generated</head>
<head>This code is threadsafe</head>
<head>This interface should not be implemented.</head>
<head>This interface should not be implemented by clients.</head>
<!-- Specific configuration for the aggregate report -->
<!-- distribution-management, index, dependencies, help, issue-tracking,
plugins, cim, license, dependency-management, mailing-list, project-team,
dependency-convergence, scm, plugin-management, modules, summary -->
<!-- <file> -->
<!-- <exists>.run.never</exists> -->
<!-- </file> -->
<!-- </property> -->
<!-- <name>!m2e.version</name> -->
<!-- </property> -->
<!-- <useAsMissingFileRepository>org.eclipse.osbp.releng.maven:osbp-releng-maven-licenses:0.12.3-SNAPSHOT</useAsMissingFileRepository> -->
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0|Apache
License, Version
2.0|Apache License V2.0|Apache 2|ASF
Public License 2.0
<licenseMerge>BSD License|BSD license|BSD</licenseMerge>
<licenseMerge>MIT License|MIT license|MIT</licenseMerge>
1.0|Common Development and Distribution License
<licenseMerge>Indiana University Extreme! Lab Software
vesion 1.1.1|Indiana University Extreme! Lab
Software License
<!-- Just in case the developer have forgotten to set it in settings.xml -->
<removeAll>false</removeAll><!-- When true, remove all built artifacts
including all versions. When false, remove all built artifacts of this project
version -->
<!-- This profile is used to gather code coverage for Sonar -->
<!-- Setup jacoco -->
<!-- Prepares a variable, jacoco.agent.ut.arg, that contains the
info to be passed to the JVM hosting the code being tested. -->
<!-- Prepares a variable,, that contains the
info to be passed to the JVM hosting the code being tested. -->
<!-- Enabling use of jacoco -->
<!-- enables javadoc creation on bundle level -->
<!-- activated only when running in m2e (eclipse) -->
<ignore />
<ignore />
<!-- m2e doesn't know what to do with jacoco, let's ignore it
or annoying error markers appear see -->
<ignore />
<!-- <version>${report.license.version}</version> -->
<ignore />
<!-- enables javadoc creation on bundle level -->
<!--<destDir>apidocs</destDir> -->
<header>Eclipse OSBP Api Documentation ${project.version}</header>
<footer>Eclipse OSBP Project</footer>
<bottom><![CDATA[Copyright &#169; 2011,{currentYear} Loetz GmbH&amp;Co.KG (69115 Heidelberg, Germany), <a href="">Eclipse OSBP Project<a>]]></bottom>
<!-- Copyright &#169; {inceptionYear}&#x2013;{currentYear} {organizationName}.
All rights reserved. -->
<!-- -Xdoclint:syntax leads to problems with generated code -->
<!-- switch on dependency-driven aggregation -->
<!-- Version restrictions for bundles -->
<!-- These are applied by the Tycho P2 resolver -->
<head>This code is generated</head>
<head>This code is threadsafe</head>
<head>This interface should not be implemented.</head>
<head>This interface should not be implemented by clients.</head>
<dependency><!-- add support for ssh/scp -->
<!-- support to github pages deployment -->
<goals>deploy site-deploy</goals>
<preparationGoals>clean install</preparationGoals>
<dateFormat>dd.MM.yyyy '@' HH:mm:ss z</dateFormat>
<!-- <generateGitPropertiesFilename>${}/</generateGitPropertiesFilename> -->
<!-- excludeProperty>git.remote.*</excludeProperty -->
<!-- dirty>-dirty</dirty -->
<dirty />
<!-- 0.14.0 is buggy version>0.14.0</version -->