blob: 4332da3a227256d9ab8832e74a31eead2606df13 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2015 - Lunifera GmbH (Gross Enzersdorf), Loetz GmbH&Co.KG (Heidelberg)
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Florian Pirchner - Initial implementation
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LAnnotationDef;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LAnnotationTarget;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LBean;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LBeanAttribute;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LBeanFeature;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LEntity;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LEntityAttribute;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LEntityFeature;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LOperation;
import org.eclipse.osbp.runtime.common.annotations.DomainDescription;
import org.eclipse.osbp.runtime.common.annotations.DomainKey;
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmType;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.annotations.xAnnotations.XAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions;
public class BeanHelper {
* @param bean the bean
* @return the caption property if it could be found. Null otherwise.
public static String findCaptionProperty(final Object bean) {
boolean _equals = Objects.equal(bean, null);
if (_equals) {
return null;
if ((bean instanceof Class<?>)) {
return BeanHelper.findCaptionProperty(((Class<?>) bean));
} else {
Class<?> _class = bean.getClass();
return BeanHelper.findCaptionProperty(_class);
* @param beanClass the bean class
* @return the caption property if it could be found. Null otherwise.
public static String findCaptionProperty(final Class<?> beanClass) {
boolean _equals = Objects.equal(beanClass, null);
if (_equals) {
return null;
Field[] _declaredFields = beanClass.getDeclaredFields();
for (final Field field : _declaredFields) {
boolean _isAnnotationPresent = field.isAnnotationPresent(DomainKey.class);
if (_isAnnotationPresent) {
return field.getName();
Field[] _fields = beanClass.getFields();
for (final Field field_1 : _fields) {
boolean _isAnnotationPresent_1 = field_1.isAnnotationPresent(DomainKey.class);
if (_isAnnotationPresent_1) {
return field_1.getName();
return null;
* @param lEntity the entity
* @return the caption property if it could be found. Null otherwise.
public static String findCaptionProperty(final LEntity lEntity) {
String bestMatch = null;
boolean _equals = Objects.equal(lEntity, null);
if (_equals) {
return null;
List<LEntityAttribute> _allAttributes = lEntity.getAllAttributes();
for (final LEntityAttribute field : _allAttributes) {
boolean _or = false;
boolean _or_1 = false;
boolean _or_2 = false;
boolean _or_3 = false;
boolean _isDomainKey = field.isDomainKey();
if (_isDomainKey) {
_or_3 = true;
} else {
String _name = field.getName();
boolean _equalsIgnoreCase = _name.equalsIgnoreCase("Name");
_or_3 = _equalsIgnoreCase;
if (_or_3) {
_or_2 = true;
} else {
String _name_1 = field.getName();
boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_1 = _name_1.equalsIgnoreCase("Number");
_or_2 = _equalsIgnoreCase_1;
if (_or_2) {
_or_1 = true;
} else {
String _name_2 = field.getName();
boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_2 = _name_2.equalsIgnoreCase("Description");
_or_1 = _equalsIgnoreCase_2;
if (_or_1) {
_or = true;
} else {
boolean _isUuid = field.isUuid();
_or = _isUuid;
if (_or) {
String _name_3 = field.getName();
bestMatch = _name_3;
return bestMatch;
* @param lBean the bean
* @return the caption property if it could be found. Null otherwise.
public static String findCaptionProperty(final LBean lBean) {
String bestMatch = null;
boolean _equals = Objects.equal(lBean, null);
if (_equals) {
return null;
List<LBeanAttribute> _allAttributes = lBean.getAllAttributes();
for (final LBeanAttribute field : _allAttributes) {
boolean _or = false;
boolean _or_1 = false;
boolean _or_2 = false;
boolean _or_3 = false;
boolean _isDomainKey = field.isDomainKey();
if (_isDomainKey) {
_or_3 = true;
} else {
String _name = field.getName();
boolean _equalsIgnoreCase = _name.equalsIgnoreCase("Name");
_or_3 = _equalsIgnoreCase;
if (_or_3) {
_or_2 = true;
} else {
String _name_1 = field.getName();
boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_1 = _name_1.equalsIgnoreCase("Number");
_or_2 = _equalsIgnoreCase_1;
if (_or_2) {
_or_1 = true;
} else {
String _name_2 = field.getName();
boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_2 = _name_2.equalsIgnoreCase("Description");
_or_1 = _equalsIgnoreCase_2;
if (_or_1) {
_or = true;
} else {
boolean _isUuid = field.isUuid();
_or = _isUuid;
if (_or) {
String _name_3 = field.getName();
bestMatch = _name_3;
return bestMatch;
* @param bean the bean
* @return the description property if it could be found. Null otherwise.
public static String findDescriptionProperty(final Object bean) {
boolean _equals = Objects.equal(bean, null);
if (_equals) {
return null;
if ((bean instanceof Class<?>)) {
return BeanHelper.findDescriptionProperty(((Class<?>) bean));
} else {
Class<?> _class = bean.getClass();
return BeanHelper.findDescriptionProperty(_class);
* @param beanClass the beanClass
* @return the description property if it could be found. Null otherwise.
public static String findDescriptionProperty(final Class<?> beanClass) {
boolean _equals = Objects.equal(beanClass, null);
if (_equals) {
return null;
Field[] _declaredFields = beanClass.getDeclaredFields();
for (final Field field : _declaredFields) {
boolean _isAnnotationPresent = field.isAnnotationPresent(DomainDescription.class);
if (_isAnnotationPresent) {
return field.getName();
Method[] _declaredMethods = beanClass.getDeclaredMethods();
for (final Method method : _declaredMethods) {
boolean _isAnnotationPresent_1 = method.isAnnotationPresent(DomainDescription.class);
if (_isAnnotationPresent_1) {
String _name = method.getName();
return OperationExtensions.toPropertyName(_name);
Field[] _fields = beanClass.getFields();
for (final Field field_1 : _fields) {
boolean _isAnnotationPresent_2 = field_1.isAnnotationPresent(DomainDescription.class);
if (_isAnnotationPresent_2) {
return field_1.getName();
Method[] _methods = beanClass.getMethods();
for (final Method method_1 : _methods) {
boolean _isAnnotationPresent_3 = method_1.isAnnotationPresent(DomainDescription.class);
if (_isAnnotationPresent_3) {
String _name_1 = method_1.getName();
return OperationExtensions.toPropertyName(_name_1);
return null;
* @param entity the entity
* @return the description property if it could be found. Null otherwise.
public static String findDescriptionProperty(final LEntity entity) {
boolean _equals = Objects.equal(entity, null);
if (_equals) {
return null;
List<LEntityAttribute> _attributes = entity.getAttributes();
for (final LEntityAttribute field : _attributes) {
boolean _isDomainDescription = field.isDomainDescription();
if (_isDomainDescription) {
return field.getName();
List<LOperation> _operations = entity.getOperations();
for (final LOperation method : _operations) {
EList<LAnnotationDef> _annotations = method.getAnnotations();
final Function1<LAnnotationDef, Boolean> _function = new Function1<LAnnotationDef, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(final LAnnotationDef it) {
XAnnotation _annotation = it.getAnnotation();
JvmType _annotationType = _annotation.getAnnotationType();
String _qualifiedName = _annotationType.getQualifiedName();
String _canonicalName = DomainDescription.class.getCanonicalName();
return Boolean.valueOf(_qualifiedName.equals(_canonicalName));
final LAnnotationDef def = IterableExtensions.<LAnnotationDef>findFirst(_annotations, _function);
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(def, null));
if (_notEquals) {
String _name = method.getName();
return OperationExtensions.toPropertyName(_name);
List<LEntityAttribute> _allAttributes = entity.getAllAttributes();
for (final LEntityAttribute field_1 : _allAttributes) {
boolean _isDomainDescription_1 = field_1.isDomainDescription();
if (_isDomainDescription_1) {
return field_1.getName();
List<LEntityFeature> _allFeatures = entity.getAllFeatures();
for (final LEntityFeature method_1 : _allFeatures) {
if ((method_1 instanceof org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LOperation)) {
EList<LAnnotationDef> _annotations = ((LAnnotationTarget)method_1).getAnnotations();
final Function1<LAnnotationDef, Boolean> _function = new Function1<LAnnotationDef, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(final LAnnotationDef it) {
XAnnotation _annotation = it.getAnnotation();
JvmType _annotationType = _annotation.getAnnotationType();
String _qualifiedName = _annotationType.getQualifiedName();
String _canonicalName = DomainDescription.class.getCanonicalName();
return Boolean.valueOf(_qualifiedName.equals(_canonicalName));
final LAnnotationDef def = IterableExtensions.<LAnnotationDef>findFirst(_annotations, _function);
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(def, null));
if (_notEquals) {
String _name = method_1.getName();
return OperationExtensions.toPropertyName(_name);
return null;
* @param bean the bean
* @return the description property if it could be found. Null otherwise.
public static String findDescriptionProperty(final LBean bean) {
boolean _equals = Objects.equal(bean, null);
if (_equals) {
return null;
List<LBeanAttribute> _attributes = bean.getAttributes();
for (final LBeanAttribute field : _attributes) {
boolean _isDomainDescription = field.isDomainDescription();
if (_isDomainDescription) {
return field.getName();
List<LOperation> _operations = bean.getOperations();
for (final LOperation method : _operations) {
EList<LAnnotationDef> _annotations = method.getAnnotations();
final Function1<LAnnotationDef, Boolean> _function = new Function1<LAnnotationDef, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(final LAnnotationDef it) {
XAnnotation _annotation = it.getAnnotation();
JvmType _annotationType = _annotation.getAnnotationType();
String _qualifiedName = _annotationType.getQualifiedName();
String _canonicalName = DomainDescription.class.getCanonicalName();
return Boolean.valueOf(_qualifiedName.equals(_canonicalName));
final LAnnotationDef def = IterableExtensions.<LAnnotationDef>findFirst(_annotations, _function);
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(def, null));
if (_notEquals) {
String _name = method.getName();
return OperationExtensions.toPropertyName(_name);
List<LBeanAttribute> _allAttributes = bean.getAllAttributes();
for (final LBeanAttribute field_1 : _allAttributes) {
boolean _isDomainDescription_1 = field_1.isDomainDescription();
if (_isDomainDescription_1) {
return field_1.getName();
List<LBeanFeature> _allFeatures = bean.getAllFeatures();
for (final LBeanFeature method_1 : _allFeatures) {
if ((method_1 instanceof org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LOperation)) {
EList<LAnnotationDef> _annotations = ((LAnnotationTarget)method_1).getAnnotations();
final Function1<LAnnotationDef, Boolean> _function = new Function1<LAnnotationDef, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(final LAnnotationDef it) {
XAnnotation _annotation = it.getAnnotation();
JvmType _annotationType = _annotation.getAnnotationType();
String _qualifiedName = _annotationType.getQualifiedName();
String _canonicalName = DomainDescription.class.getCanonicalName();
return Boolean.valueOf(_qualifiedName.equals(_canonicalName));
final LAnnotationDef def = IterableExtensions.<LAnnotationDef>findFirst(_annotations, _function);
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(def, null));
if (_notEquals) {
String _name = method_1.getName();
return OperationExtensions.toPropertyName(_name);
return null;