blob: 37257c60f54f8d98d8648c86599e424fe5eaddc8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2016 - Loetz GmbH&Co.KG (69115 Heidelberg, Germany)
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Christophe Loetz (Loetz GmbH&Co.KG) - initial implementation
* This copyright notice shows up in the generated Java code
package org.eclipse.osbp.utils.entityhelper
import java.util.Date
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LDataType
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LEntityAttribute
import org.eclipse.osbp.ecview.dsl.extensions.TypeHelper
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmEnumerationType
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmType
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.access.IJvmTypeProvider
import org.eclipse.osbp.ui.api.datamart.IDataMart.EType
public class DataType {
private TypeHelper typeHelper;
IJvmTypeProvider.Factory typeProviderFactory
def public LDataType getLDataType(LEntityAttribute attributeRef) {
var type = attributeRef.type
var lDataType = null as LDataType
if (type instanceof LDataType) {
lDataType = type as LDataType
return lDataType
def public JvmType getJvmType(LEntityAttribute attributeRef) {
var type = attributeRef.type
var lDataType = null as LDataType
var ltype = null as JvmType
if (type instanceof LDataType) {
lDataType = type as LDataType
if (lDataType.isDate) {
val typeProvider = getTypeProvider(attributeRef.eResource.resourceSet)
return typeProvider.findTypeByName(
} else if (lDataType.isAsBlob) {
val typeProvider = getTypeProvider(attributeRef.eResource.resourceSet)
return typeProvider.findTypeByName("byte[]")
} else {
var jvmTypeReference = lDataType.jvmTypeReference
ltype = jvmTypeReference.type
if (ltype != null) {
return ltype;
var typeJvm = attributeRef.typeJvm
var typeJvmType = typeJvm.type
return typeJvmType
def getTypeProvider(ResourceSet rs) {
def public EType getBasicType(String typeIdentifier) {
if (typeIdentifier != null){
var identifier = typeIdentifier
if (typeIdentifier.startsWith("java.lang.")) {
identifier = typeIdentifier.substring("java.lang.".length).toLowerCase
switch (identifier) {
* Date, String, int, boolean, Time
case "boolean": return EType.BOOLEAN
case "byte": return EType.BYTE
case "short": return EType.SHORT
case "int": return EType.INTEGER
case "integer": return EType.INTEGER
case "long": return EType.LONG
case "double": return EType.DOUBLE
case "float": return EType.FLOAT
case "BigDecimal": return EType.DOUBLE
case "java.math.BigDecimal": return EType.DOUBLE
case "string": return EType.STRING
case "java.util.Date": return EType.DATE
return EType.none
def public EType getBasicType(JvmType type) {
if (type.boolean) {
return EType.BOOLEAN
else if (type.numberWithDigits) {
val retcode = getBasicType(type.identifier)
if (retcode != EType.none) {
return retcode
return EType.DOUBLE
else if (type.numberWithoutDigits) {
val retcode = getBasicType(type.identifier)
if (retcode != EType.none) {
return retcode
return EType.INTEGER
else if (type.string) {
return EType.STRING
else if ( {
return EType.DATE
else if (type instanceof JvmEnumerationType) {
return EType.LENUM;
return getBasicType(type.identifier)
def public EType getBasicType(LEntityAttribute attribute) {
var lDataType = getLDataType(attribute)
if (lDataType != null) {
if ( {
return EType.DATE
if ("blobMapping".equals( {
return getBasicType(getJvmType(attribute))
def public EType getBasicType(Class<?> typeClass) {
return getBasicType(typeClass.canonicalName)
def public boolean canBeCastFrom(LEntityAttribute targetAttribute, Class<?> sourceClass) {
return canBeCastFrom(targetAttribute, getBasicType(sourceClass))
def public boolean canBeCastFrom(LEntityAttribute targetAttribute, EType sourceType) {
var targetType = getBasicType(targetAttribute)
switch (targetType) {
case BOOLEAN: return (sourceType == EType.BOOLEAN)
case BYTE: return (sourceType == EType.BYTE)
case DATE: return (sourceType == EType.DATE)
case FLOAT: return (sourceType == EType.FLOAT || sourceType == EType.LONG || sourceType == EType.INTEGER || sourceType == EType.SHORT || sourceType == EType.BOOLEAN)
case DOUBLE: return (sourceType == EType.FLOAT || sourceType == EType.DOUBLE || sourceType == EType.LONG || sourceType == EType.INTEGER || sourceType == EType.SHORT || sourceType == EType.BOOLEAN)
case SHORT: return (sourceType == EType.SHORT || sourceType == EType.BOOLEAN)
case INTEGER: return (sourceType == EType.INTEGER || sourceType == EType.SHORT || sourceType == EType.BOOLEAN)
case LONG: return (sourceType == EType.LONG || sourceType == EType.INTEGER || sourceType == EType.SHORT || sourceType == EType.BOOLEAN)
case STRING: return true
case TIME: return (sourceType == EType.TIME)
case LENUM: return (sourceType == EType.INTEGER || sourceType == EType.BOOLEAN)
case none: return false
return false