blob: 4fff1b07d0bdcd480f106a017e0034b72bb4eda6 [file] [log] [blame]
#Generated by Eclipse Messages Editor (Eclipse Babel)
acceptdelete_description = acceptdelete_description
acceptdelete_message = acceptdelete_message
acceptdelete_title = acceptdelete_title
acceptloosingdata_description = acceptloosingdata_description
acceptloosingdata_message = acceptloosingdata_message
acceptloosingdata_title = acceptloosingdata_title
acceptreload_description = acceptreload_description
acceptreload_message = acceptreload_message
acceptreload_title = acceptreload_title
acceptsave_description = acceptsave_description
acceptsave_message = acceptsave_message
acceptsave_title = acceptsave_title
all = all
all_tip = all_tip
alt = alt
ctrl = ctrl
data = data
data_tip = All entries of the entity are displayed here
datainterchange_started = datainterchange_started
del = del
deleted = deleted
entity = entity
entity_tip = Choose here which entity data is to be locked or unlocked
eq = equal
except_for = except_for
ge = greater equal
groups = groups
gt = greater
here_are_some_resources_that_will_help_you_to_get_started = here_are_some_resources_that_will_help_you_to_get_started
invers = inverse
invers_tip = If you check this box then the selected data is locked. Unselected data will be unlocked.
javax_validation_constraints_not_null_message = must not be null
javax_validation_constraints_past_message = must_be_in_past
javax_validation_constraints_size_message = size is invalid
keybinding_category = keybindingCategory
keybinding_context_description = keybindingContextDescription
keybinding_context_name = keybindingContextName
keybinding_description = keybindingDescription
keybinding_key_sequence = keybindingKeySequence
keybinding_name = keybindingName
le = less equal
like = like
locale_tooltip = locale_tooltip
logout_button_tooltip = logout_button_tooltip
lt = less
ne = not equal
no = no
none = none
none_tip = If you press this button then none of the entries will be selected.
options_acceptdelete = options_acceptdelete
options_acceptdelete_description = options_acceptdelete_description
options_acceptloosingdata = options_acceptloosingdata
options_acceptloosingdata_description = options_acceptloosingdata_description
options_acceptreload = options_acceptreload
options_acceptreload_description = options_acceptreload_description
options_acceptsave = options_acceptsave
options_acceptsave_description = options_acceptsave_description
options_cancel = options_cancel
options_cancel_description = options_cancel_description
options_query_delete = options_query_delete
position_label_tooltip = position_label_tooltip
print_service_tooltip = Print Service
query_delete = query_delete
query_delete_title = query_delete_title
reset = reset
reset_jpa_cache = resetJPACache
reset_jpa_cache_tip = reset JPA Cache tip
reset_mondrian_cache = resetMondrianCache
reset_mondrian_cache_tip = reset Mondrian cache tip
reset_user_properties = resetUserProperties
reset_user_properties_tip = reset user properties tip
save = save
save_tip = If you press this button , the current selection is stored . Only the selected items are then visible to the user . If the option is "inverse" is selected, the selected entries are invisible .
saved = saved
search = search
shift = shift
start_process_text = start_process_text
strategy_tooltip = strategy_tooltip
themes_tooltip = themes
unique_attribute_validator_error = unique_attribute_validator_error
user_label_tooltip = user_label_tooltip
user_menu_tooltip = user_menu_tooltip
username = Username
username_tip = Enter the user name for locking or unlocking of the data.
users = users
welcome = welcome
yes = yes