blob: 64848b75c9dbdea922aa985ee4cf3200da90970a [file] [log] [blame]
How to enable superDev-Mode:
1) Enable following options in Widgetset:
<set-configuration-property name="devModeRedirectEnabled"
value="true" />
<add-linker name="xsiframe" />
2) Call pom-compileWidgetset.xml to compile widgetset under resources
3) Call pom-superdev.xml - It will download all required depedencies for superDev-Mode under target/superDev-lib
4) Open launchconfig for superDev-Mode and add all jars from target/superDev-lib to classpath
5) Add org.semanticsoft.vaaclipse.widgets and its source folder to class path
6) Add source folder from org.semanticsoft.vaaclipse.widgetset.default to classpath
7) Ensure, that 5) and 6) are located at the beginning of the classpath
8) Start superDev-LaunchConfig
9) Start Vaaclipse Application
10) Open Vaaclipse with {URL}/?superdevmode
11) Open http://localhost:9876/
a) Bookmark "Dev Mode on" and "Dev Mode off" in Browser
12) To reload widgetsets in 10) click on Bookmark "Dev Mode on"
13) To debug java code in browser ensure, that Chrome -> Developertools -> Properties -> Sources -> xyz SourceMaps are checked
14) Open Sources Tab in Chrome and find your java sources there