blob: c87333d49431f10af1306dd5e0723728886201f0 [file] [log] [blame]
/// @group layout/user
/// User element at the top left of the page; inside header area.
/// Makes use of @see $os-theme-desig.
/// @param {integer} $rows [2] - Can have two rows (user/position), or three rows (user/position/mail).
/// @todo Rework "3 rows" variant.
@mixin os-user($rows: 2) {
.v-horizontallayout-UserHandler {
margin-right: $v-unit-size;
//border: $v-border;
margin-left: $v-unit-size;
.v-slot-os-userportrait {
width: auto;
height: auto;
.os-userportrait {
img {
border-radius: 50%;
width: $rows * $v-unit-size;
height: $rows * $v-unit-size;
border: 0px solid grey;
padding-right: floor(($rows * $v-unit-size) / 10);
.v-slot-os-username, .v-slot-os-userposition, .v-slot-os-useremail {
.os-username {
//padding-top: 3px;
color: valo-font-color($os-main-header-bg);
font-weight: bold;
/* font-size: $v-font-size * $v-scaling-factor--large; */
/* padding-left: $v-font-size * $rows; */
padding-left: $v-font-size;
line-height: $v-unit-size;
@if $rows == 2 or $rows == 3 {
/* font-size: $v-font-size; */
.os-userposition {
color: valo-font-color($os-main-header-bg);
/* font-size: $v-font-size * $v-scaling-factor--large; */
/* padding-left: $v-font-size * $rows; */
padding-left: $v-font-size;
line-height: $v-unit-size;
@if $rows == 2 or $rows == 3 {
/* font-size: $v-font-size; */
.os-useremail {
font-size: $v-font-size; //(8px?)
color: valo-font-color($os-main-header-bg);
/* font-size: $v-font-size; */
@if $rows==2 {
.v-slot-os-useremail {
display: none;
@if $os-theme-desig == "cxo" {
.os-userlogoutbutton, .os-usermenubutton {
/* content: ' '; */
.v-icon {
display: none;
.os-userlogoutbutton {
@include os-button-usermenu;
background: $os-mid-contrast;
/* @if $rows == 2 or $rows == 3 { */
&.v-button {
@include box-shadow(2px 1px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.35));
@include os-icon-font ( $float: right,
$content: '\f2f5',
$size: $v-font-size,
$placement: after,
$line-height: $v-unit-size, /* is button size */
$background: "nochange");
/* &:after {top: $v-unit-size/2 - get_crisp_size($initial-font-size: $v-font-size)/2;} */
/* } */
/* @else { */
/* @include os-icon-font ( $float: right, */
/* $content: '\f2f5', */
/* $size: $v-font-size * $v-scaling-factor--large, */
/* $placement: after); */
/* } */
/* color: valo-font-color($os-mid-contrast); */
/* &:after { */
/* line-height: $v-unit-size; */
/* } */
.v-icon {
display: none;
.os-usermenubutton {
@include os-button-usermenu;
/* @if $rows == 2 or $rows == 3 { */
&.v-button {
@include box-shadow(2px 1px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.35));
@include os-icon-font ( $float: right,
$content: '\f0c9',
$size: $v-font-size,
$line-height: $v-unit-size, /* is button size */
$placement: after,
$background: "nochange");
/* &:after {top: $v-unit-size/2 - get_crisp_size($initial-font-size: $v-font-size)/2;} */
/* } */
/* @else { */
/* @include os-icon-font ( $float: right, */
/* $content: '\f0c9', */
/* $size: $v-font-size * $v-scaling-factor--large, */
/* $placement: after); */
/* } */
/* color: valo-font-color($os-button-color); */
/* &:after { */
/* line-height: $v-unit-size; */
/* } */
/* .v-popup-indicator { */
/* display: none; */
/* } */
@else {
.os-userlogoutbutton, .os-usermenubutton {
content: ' ';
@include box-shadow(none);
.os-userlogoutbutton {
@include os-button-usermenu;
@if $rows == 2 or $rows == 3 {
@include os-icon-font ( $float: right,
$content: '\f2f5',
$size: $v-font-size,
$placement: after);
@else {
@include os-icon-font ( $float: right,
$content: '\f2f5',
$size: $v-font-size * $v-scaling-factor--large,
$placement: after);
color: valo-font-color($os-main-header-bg);
&:after {
line-height: $v-unit-size;
.v-icon {
display: none;
.os-usermenubutton {
@include os-button-usermenu;
@if $rows == 2 or $rows == 3 {
@include os-icon-font ( $float: right,
$content: '\f0c9',
$size: $v-font-size,
$placement: after);
@else {
@include os-icon-font ( $float: right,
$content: '\f0c9',
$size: $v-font-size * $v-scaling-factor--large,
$placement: after);
color: valo-font-color($os-main-header-bg);
&:after {
line-height: $v-unit-size;
.v-popup-indicator {
display: none;
/// Accordion that opens when clicking the according user-menu button.
@mixin os-user-accordion {
///@todo find out what this is used for.
.v-accordion {
border: 0px;
.v-tree {
padding-top: floor($v-unit-size/5);
padding-bottom: floor($v-unit-size/5);
.v-accordion-item {
border-top-width: 0px !important;
background: $os-light-contrast;
/// Makes accordion container expand with content.
.v-accordion-item-content {
.v-gridlayout-slot {
position: relative;
.v-formlayout-contentcell .v-gridlayout .v-gridlayout-slot {
position: absolute;
.v-table-body-wrapper {
min-width: $v-unit-size * 8;
min-height: $v-unit-size * 3;
width: auto !important;
height: auto !important;
.v-popupbutton-popup-os-usermenubutton.v-popupview-popup {
padding: 0px;
.v-accordion {
width: auto !Important;
/* min-width: 500px; */
[class*='os-menutree-'] {
> .v-tree {
width: 100% !important;
.v-tree-node-caption:hover {
color: $v-focus-color;
.v-tree-node-selected {
color: $v-focus-color;
font-weight: bold;
&::after {
background: transparent;
.v-accordion-item-caption {
> .v-caption {
border-top: $v-border;
border-bottom-width: 0px;
background-image: none;
//background-color: $os-mid-contrast;
> .v-captiontext {
@include os-icon-font($content: '\f138');
&::before {
padding-right: ceil($v-unit-size/3);
> img.v-icon {
@if $iconfont==true {
display: none;
.v-accordion-item-open {
//background-color: get_contrast($os-fn-medium, $os-main-header-bg, $os-fn-desaturate);
.v-accordion-item-caption {
> .v-caption {
background-color: $v-focus-color;
border-top: $v-border;
border-top-color: $v-focus-color;
color: valo-font-color($v-focus-color);
> .v-captiontext {
@include os-icon-font($content: '\f13a');
&::before {
padding-right: 10px;
color: $v-focus-color;
color: valo-font-color($v-focus-color);
font-weight: bold;
.v-captiontext, [class*='-caption'] {
//font-size: $v-font-size;