blob: dc2dc781a7e78479887420bbafea85a96617dfc9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Cross-browser opacity.
* @param {number} $value - opacity value from 0 to 1
* @param {bool} $important (false) - should the property value be declared with !important
* @group util
@mixin opacity ($value, $important: false) {
$importantValue: null;
@if $important {
$importantValue: unquote("!important");
opacity: $value $importantValue;
@if $value < 1 {
$valueperc: $value*100;
filter: alpha(opacity=#{$valueperc}) #{$importantValue};
} @else {
filter: none #{$importantValue};
* Cross-browser box-shadow.
* -webkit-box-shadow is still needed for Android 2.3 and 3.0, as well as iOS 5
* @param {list} $shadows - Any valid CSS box-shadow value
* @group util
@mixin box-shadow ($shadows...) {
@include prefixer(box-shadow, $shadows, webkit spec);