blob: 7c9e9b9bebb08c03468ec6798f78f4d1e3a6e0a2 [file] [log] [blame]
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.HRExpenses
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.PositionStat
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.ProductSales
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.SalesByDistrict
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.SalesByState
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.StoreSizes
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.TreemapProducts
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.TreemapSales
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.Warehouse
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.WarehouseFinance
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.WarehouseShipping
chart ProductSales describedBy "Sales Statistics" as
bar animated
shaded using
datamart ProductSales {
axis rows renders category tickangle 90
axis columns renders linear
legend inside-grid toggle replot normal
tooltip north-east always
chart SalesByState describedBy "Sales by state and time" as
line cursor zoom
trendLine using
datamart SalesByState {
axis columns renders linear
axis rows renders category tickangle 20
legend outside-grid toggle replot normal
tooltip north-east always inside
chart StoreSizes describedBy "Store sizes by state and type of store" as
donut using
datamart StoreSizes {
axis rows renders category
axis columns renders linear
legend outside-grid toggle replot fast
tooltip north-east always inside
chart SalesPerRegion describedBy "Sales per state/province" as
bar shaded stacked
swapped using
datamart SalesByDistrict {
axis rows renders category
axis columns renders linear shortLabel tickangle 25
legend outside-grid toggle replot slow
tooltip east always inside
chart HRExpenses describedBy "Average salary" as
bubble multiplier 1.5 gradient using
datamart HRExpenses {
axis rows renders category
axis columns renders linear
tooltip north-east always inside
chart WarehouseData describedBy "shipped orders per quarter" as
gauge label "numOrders" hasTicks minimum 0 maximum 80000 intervals {
up to 10000
segmentcolor "230,128,64"
/* orange */
up to 40000
segmentcolor "255,0,0"
up to 80000
segmentcolor "128,255,0"
datamart WarehouseShipping {
axis rows renders category
axis columns renders linear
chart WarehouseFinance describedBy "Warehouse sales and cost" as
pie using
datamart WarehouseFinance {
axis rows renders category
axis columns renders linear
legend inside-grid toggle replot slow
tooltip west inside
chart Warehouse describedBy "Warehouse sales and cost" as
bar animated stacked
shaded using
datamart Warehouse {
axis rows renders category
axis columns renders linear
legend inside toggle replot fast
tooltip west inside
chart PositionStat describedBy "Payroll per Position" as
bar using
datamart PositionStat {
axis rows renders category
axis columns renders linear
legend outside-grid
tooltip north-east always
chart TreemapSales describedBy "Sales by product" as
tree map using
datamart TreemapSales {
axis rows renders category
axis columns renders linear
chart TreemapProducts describedBy "Product hierarchy" as
tree collapsible using
datamart TreemapProducts {
axis rows renders category
axis columns renders linear