blob: 8fcaf372bc3bc139311bfb157ced2ab27521a418 [file] [log] [blame]
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.A4_Landscape
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.A4_Portrait
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.big
import ns
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.bootstrap
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.^currency
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.darkblue
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.^date
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.defaultrow
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.grouping_1_footer
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.grouping_1_header
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.grouping_2_footer
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.grouping_2_header
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.headline
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.integer
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.lightblue
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.middle
import ns
import ns
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.small
import ns org.eclipse.osbp.reports.layouts.white
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.actions.Report
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.EmployeeSalary
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.Products
import ns ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.model.datamarts.SupplierData
report FullBlownSalary {
datamart EmployeeSalary rendering html pagetemplate A4_Portrait media small
template {
detail {
table style bootstrap {
header style grouping_1_header
details style defaultrow all
report EmployeeSalaryViaApi describedBy "Employee Salary Report" {
datamart EmployeeSalary rendering html pagetemplate A4_Landscape media middle
template {
header {
showOnFirst height 15.0
label "table with employee salary" style headline
detail {
title "Employee Salary" style headline
table style bootstrap {
header style grouping_1_header
group byEducationLevel by educationLevel {
header style grouping_1_header {
row {
cell columnspan 7 {
attribute educationLevel
footer style grouping_1_footer {
row {
group byPositionTitle by positionTitle {
header style grouping_2_header {
row {
cell {
cell {
attribute positionTitle
header style grouping_2_header
footer style grouping_2_footer {
row {
cell columnspan 4 {
label "sum"
cell {
style integer
cell {
// !!! scheinbar kann auf einer Spalte immer nur eine Aggregation durchgeführt werden >:-( !!!
/*row {
cell columnspan 5 {
label "Minimum"
cell {
aggregate minimum of minScale style ^currency
cell {
aggregate minimum of salary style ^currency
cell {
aggregate minimum of maxScale style ^currency
row {
cell columnspan 5 {
label "average"
cell {
average of minScale
style ^currency
cell {
average of salary
style ^currency
cell {
average of maxScale
style ^currency
/*row {
cell columnspan 5 {
label "Maximum"
cell {
aggregate maximum of minScale style ^currency
cell {
aggregate maximum of salary style ^currency
cell {
aggregate maximum of maxScale style ^currency
row style defaultrow {
cell {
details style defaultrow {
attribute fullName
attribute gender
lookups hidelabel {
string "M"
icon "gender_male"
string "F"
icon "gender_female"
attribute maritalStatus
lookups hidelabel {
string "M"
icon "marital_married"
string "S"
icon "marital_single"
attribute minScale
style ^currency
attribute salary
style ^currency intervals {
up to 2000.0
textcolor red
up to 2500.0
cellcolor orange
up to 2500.0
textcolor darkblue
up to 3000.0
cellcolor white
up to 100000.0
cellcolor black
up to 100000.0
textcolor lightblue
attribute maxScale
style ^currency
attribute hireDate
style ^date
* verwendet datamart Employee Salary und gibt per bereits vorhandenem rptDesign-File aus
report EmployeeSalaryViaFile {
/** datamart Employee Salary */
datamart EmployeeSalary
/** rendering als HTML, auch PDF möglich */
rendering html pagetemplate A4_Landscape media small
/** das rptDesign verwenden */
file "rptdesign/CCReportFile.rptdesign"
* verwendet datamart Employee Salary und gibt per bereits vorhandenem rptDesign-File aus
report ReportApiTestCheck {
/** datamart Employee Salary */
datamart EmployeeSalary
/** rendering als HTML, auch PDF möglich */
rendering pdf pagetemplate A4_Portrait media small
/** das rptDesign verwenden */
// file "rptdesign/mytest.rptdesign"
// file "rptdesign/test_embedded.rptdesign"
file "rptdesign/test_path.rptdesign"
// file "rptdesign/test_url.rptdesign"
report PlainText {
datamart EmployeeSalary rendering html
/** an optional external Css URI */
externalCssURI "css/html/ccng-birt2.css" from bundle "FoodMartReportDSLPlugin2" pagetemplate A4_Portrait media big
template {
detail {
title "it's not me"
label "with the logo via url..."
image size-to-image url ""
label "now the logo via file..."
image size-to-image file "platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.osbp.utils/img/ccngdesign/compexlogo.png"
label "and what about the logo embedded?"
image size-to-image embed "platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.osbp.utils/img/ccngdesign/compexlogo.png"
subtitle "sub title #1"
label "it's me again, but hopefully running, and modified too :/"
subtitle "sub title #2"
label "this label has more to say or what?.."
text "a text will be used to display some data!"
footer {
showOnLast height 20.0
label "there is no page number here, sorry!"
report AutoReportSupplierData describedBy "Supplier Masterdata" {
datamart SupplierData rendering html pagetemplate A4_Portrait media small
template {
header {
showOnFirst height 10.0
label "Supplier Report"
detail {
table style bootstrap {
header style grouping_1_header
details style defaultrow all
report AutoReportEmployeeSalary describedBy "Employee Salary Report" {
datamart EmployeeSalary rendering html pagetemplate A4_Portrait media small
template {
header {
showOnFirst height 0.0
label "Employee Salary"
detail {
table style bootstrap {
header style grouping_1_header
details style defaultrow all
report Products describedBy "Products" toolbar Report {
datamart Products rendering html pagetemplate A4_Portrait media small
template {
header {
showOnFirst height 10
label "Products Report"
detail {
table style bootstrap {
header style grouping_1_header
details style defaultrow all