blob: 69ff813302504464140a937633206ff76b9be60d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2016 - Loetz GmbH&Co.KG (69115 Heidelberg, Germany)
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Christophe Loetz (Loetz GmbH&Co.KG) - initial implementation
* This copyright notice shows up in the generated Java code
package org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.common;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.CallActivity;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.Event;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.Gateway;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.ScriptTask;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.SequenceFlow;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.ServiceTask;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.Task;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LMultiplicity;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LReference;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LType;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.dto.LAutoInheritDto;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.dto.LDto;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.dto.LDtoAbstractReference;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.dto.LDtoFeature;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.dto.impl.LDtoInheritedReferenceImpl;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.dto.impl.LDtoReferenceImpl;
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.entity.LEntity;
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.Blip;
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.BlipCallActivity;
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.BlipDto;
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.BlipDtoPath;
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.BlipEvent;
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.BlipItem;
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.BlipOutGoing;
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.BlipScript;
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.BlipServiceTask;
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.BlipSplitGateway;
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.BlipUserTask;
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.blip.BlipWorkload;
import org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.CollectionLiterals;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Conversions;
public class BlipHelper {
public static String getBpmItemRecommendedName(final String name) {
String recommended = name;
String _replace = recommended.replace("_", " ");
recommended = _replace;
String _replace_1 = recommended.replace(" ", " ");
recommended = _replace_1;
String _stripAccents = StringUtils.stripAccents(recommended);
recommended = _stripAccents;
String _capitalize = WordUtils.capitalize(recommended);
recommended = _capitalize;
String _replace_2 = recommended.replace(" ", "");
recommended = _replace_2;
return recommended;
public static String getBpmItemRecommendedName(final BlipItem blipItem) {
String bpmItemName = "";
if ((blipItem instanceof BlipEvent)) {
Event _event = ((BlipEvent)blipItem).getEvent();
String _name = _event.getName();
bpmItemName = _name;
} else {
if ((blipItem instanceof BlipSplitGateway)) {
Gateway _gateway = ((BlipSplitGateway)blipItem).getGateway();
String _name_1 = _gateway.getName();
bpmItemName = _name_1;
} else {
if ((blipItem instanceof BlipUserTask)) {
Task _task = ((BlipUserTask)blipItem).getTask();
String _name_2 = _task.getName();
bpmItemName = _name_2;
} else {
if ((blipItem instanceof BlipCallActivity)) {
CallActivity _callActivity = ((BlipCallActivity)blipItem).getCallActivity();
String _name_3 = _callActivity.getName();
bpmItemName = _name_3;
} else {
if ((blipItem instanceof BlipScript)) {
ScriptTask _task_1 = ((BlipScript)blipItem).getTask();
String _name_4 = _task_1.getName();
bpmItemName = _name_4;
} else {
if ((blipItem instanceof BlipServiceTask)) {
ServiceTask _task_2 = ((BlipServiceTask)blipItem).getTask();
String _name_5 = _task_2.getName();
bpmItemName = _name_5;
} else {
if ((blipItem instanceof BlipOutGoing)) {
SequenceFlow _sequenceFlow = ((BlipOutGoing)blipItem).getSequenceFlow();
String _name_6 = _sequenceFlow.getName();
bpmItemName = _name_6;
return BlipHelper.getBpmItemRecommendedName(bpmItemName);
public static boolean isOperativeDtoDefined(final BlipItem blipItem) {
boolean _and = false;
BlipDtoPath _dtoPath = null;
if (blipItem!=null) {
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_dtoPath, null));
if (!_notEquals) {
_and = false;
} else {
BlipDtoPath _dtoPath_1 = null;
if (blipItem!=null) {
String _dtoPath_2 = _dtoPath_1.getDtoPath();
boolean _isEmpty = _dtoPath_2.isEmpty();
boolean _not = (!_isEmpty);
_and = _not;
return _and;
public static LDtoAbstractReference getDtoFeature(final LDto operativeDto, final String dtoChildName) {
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(operativeDto, null));
if (_notEquals) {
EList<LDtoFeature> _features = operativeDto.getFeatures();
for (final LDtoFeature feature : _features) {
String attributeName = ((String) null);
if ((feature instanceof LDtoReferenceImpl)) {
String _name = ((LDtoReferenceImpl)feature).getName();
attributeName = _name;
if ((feature instanceof LDtoInheritedReferenceImpl)) {
LReference _inheritedFeature = ((LDtoInheritedReferenceImpl)feature).getInheritedFeature();
String _name_1 = _inheritedFeature.getName();
attributeName = _name_1;
boolean _notEquals_1 = (!Objects.equal(attributeName, null));
if (_notEquals_1) {
boolean _and = false;
boolean _equals = attributeName.equals(dtoChildName);
if (!_equals) {
_and = false;
} else {
_and = (feature instanceof LDtoAbstractReference);
if (_and) {
return ((LDtoAbstractReference) feature);
return null;
public static LDto getPureOperativeLDto(final BlipItem blipItem) {
boolean _isOperativeDtoDefined = BlipHelper.isOperativeDtoDefined(blipItem);
if (_isOperativeDtoDefined) {
EObject _eContainer = null;
if (blipItem!=null) {
BlipWorkload _workload = null;
if (((Blip) _eContainer)!=null) {
_workload=((Blip) _eContainer).getWorkload();
BlipDto _source = null;
if (_workload!=null) {
LDto _dtoRef = null;
if (_source!=null) {
LDto operativeDto = _dtoRef;
boolean _and = false;
boolean _and_1 = false;
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(operativeDto, null));
if (!_notEquals) {
_and_1 = false;
} else {
String _name = operativeDto.getName();
boolean _notEquals_1 = (!Objects.equal(_name, null));
_and_1 = _notEquals_1;
if (!_and_1) {
_and = false;
} else {
String _name_1 = operativeDto.getName();
BlipDtoPath _dtoPath = null;
if (blipItem!=null) {
boolean _equals = _name_1.equals(_dtoPath);
boolean _not = (!_equals);
_and = _not;
if (_and) {
BlipDtoPath _dtoPath_1 = null;
if (blipItem!=null) {
String dtoPath = _dtoPath_1.getDtoPath();
String _name_2 = operativeDto.getName();
String _plus = (_name_2 + ".");
boolean _startsWith = dtoPath.startsWith(_plus);
boolean _not_1 = (!_startsWith);
if (_not_1) {
return null;
} else {
String _name_3 = operativeDto.getName();
String _plus_1 = (_name_3 + ".");
int _length = _plus_1.length();
String _substring = dtoPath.substring(_length);
dtoPath = _substring;
final String[] dtoChildNames = dtoPath.split("\\.");
for (final String dtoChildName : dtoChildNames) {
LDto _referencedLDto = BlipHelper.getReferencedLDto(operativeDto, dtoChildName);
operativeDto = _referencedLDto;
return operativeDto;
return null;
public static LDtoAbstractReference getDtoFeature(final BlipItem blipItem) {
LDtoAbstractReference dtoFeature = ((LDtoAbstractReference) null);
LDto operativeDto = ((LDto) null);
boolean _isOperativeDtoDefined = BlipHelper.isOperativeDtoDefined(blipItem);
if (_isOperativeDtoDefined) {
EObject _eContainer = null;
if (blipItem!=null) {
BlipWorkload _workload = null;
if (((Blip) _eContainer)!=null) {
_workload=((Blip) _eContainer).getWorkload();
BlipDto _source = null;
if (_workload!=null) {
LDto _dtoRef = null;
if (_source!=null) {
operativeDto = _dtoRef;
boolean _and = false;
boolean _and_1 = false;
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(operativeDto, null));
if (!_notEquals) {
_and_1 = false;
} else {
String _name = operativeDto.getName();
boolean _notEquals_1 = (!Objects.equal(_name, null));
_and_1 = _notEquals_1;
if (!_and_1) {
_and = false;
} else {
String _name_1 = operativeDto.getName();
BlipDtoPath _dtoPath = null;
if (blipItem!=null) {
boolean _equals = _name_1.equals(_dtoPath);
boolean _not = (!_equals);
_and = _not;
if (_and) {
BlipDtoPath _dtoPath_1 = null;
if (blipItem!=null) {
String _dtoPath_2 = _dtoPath_1.getDtoPath();
String _name_2 = operativeDto.getName();
String _plus = (_name_2 + ".");
String _replace = _dtoPath_2.replace(_plus, "");
final String[] dtoChildNames = _replace.split("\\.");
for (final String dtoChildName : dtoChildNames) {
LDtoAbstractReference _dtoFeature = BlipHelper.getDtoFeature(operativeDto, dtoChildName);
dtoFeature = _dtoFeature;
LDto _referencedLDto = BlipHelper.getReferencedLDto(operativeDto, dtoChildName);
operativeDto = _referencedLDto;
return dtoFeature;
public static LEntity getOperativeEntity(final BlipItem blipItem) {
LDto dto = blipItem.getOperativeLDto();
if ((dto instanceof LAutoInheritDto)) {
LType _wrappedType = ((LAutoInheritDto)dto).getWrappedType();
if ((_wrappedType instanceof LEntity)) {
LType _wrappedType_1 = ((LAutoInheritDto)dto).getWrappedType();
return ((LEntity) _wrappedType_1);
return null;
public static LDto getOperativeLDto(final BlipItem blipItem) {
final LDto operativeDto = BlipHelper.getPureOperativeLDto(blipItem);
boolean _equals = Objects.equal(operativeDto, null);
if (_equals) {
EObject _eContainer = null;
if (blipItem!=null) {
BlipWorkload _workload = null;
if (((Blip) _eContainer)!=null) {
_workload=((Blip) _eContainer).getWorkload();
BlipDto _source = null;
if (_workload!=null) {
LDto _dtoRef = null;
if (_source!=null) {
return _dtoRef;
} else {
return operativeDto;
public static LDto getReferencedLDto(final LDto operativeDto, final String dtoChildName) {
LDtoAbstractReference dtoFeature = BlipHelper.getDtoFeature(operativeDto, dtoChildName);
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(dtoFeature, null));
if (_notEquals) {
return dtoFeature.getType();
return null;
public static List<String> getAvailableDtoPaths(final BlipItem blipItem) {
EObject _eContainer = blipItem.eContainer();
return BlipHelper.getAvailableDtoPaths(((Blip) _eContainer));
public static List<String> getAvailableDtoPaths(final Blip blip) {
ArrayList<String> results = CollectionLiterals.<String>newArrayList();
BlipWorkload _workload = null;
if (blip!=null) {
BlipDto _source = null;
if (_workload!=null) {
LDto _dtoRef = null;
if (_source!=null) {
final LDto baseDto = _dtoRef;
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(baseDto, null));
if (_notEquals) {
final LinkedList<LDto> dtoStack = CollectionLiterals.<LDto>newLinkedList(baseDto);
String _name = baseDto.getName();
BlipHelper.recursiveCompleteBlipItem_DtoPath(results, _name, dtoStack);
return results;
* TODO: find a more meaningful solution to find unnecessary recursive dto paths
private static void recursiveCompleteBlipItem_DtoPath(final List<String> results, final String parentName, final LinkedList<LDto> dtoStack) {
final String proposal = parentName;
final LDto actualDto = dtoStack.getLast();
LDto previousDto = ((LDto) null);
int _size = dtoStack.size();
boolean _greaterThan = (_size > 1);
if (_greaterThan) {
int _size_1 = dtoStack.size();
int _minus = (_size_1 - 2);
LDto _get = dtoStack.get(_minus);
previousDto = _get;
EList<LDtoFeature> _features = actualDto.getFeatures();
for (final LDtoFeature feature : _features) {
LDto referencedDto = ((LDto) null);
LMultiplicity multiplicity = ((LMultiplicity) null);
String attributeName = "";
if ((feature instanceof LDtoReferenceImpl)) {
LDto _type = ((LDtoReferenceImpl)feature).getType();
referencedDto = _type;
String _name = ((LDtoReferenceImpl)feature).getName();
attributeName = _name;
LMultiplicity _multiplicity = ((LDtoReferenceImpl)feature).getMultiplicity();
multiplicity = _multiplicity;
if ((feature instanceof LDtoInheritedReferenceImpl)) {
LDto _type_1 = ((LDtoInheritedReferenceImpl)feature).getType();
referencedDto = _type_1;
LReference _inheritedFeature = ((LDtoInheritedReferenceImpl)feature).getInheritedFeature();
String _name_1 = _inheritedFeature.getName();
attributeName = _name_1;
LReference _inheritedFeature_1 = ((LDtoInheritedReferenceImpl)feature).getInheritedFeature();
LMultiplicity _multiplicity_1 = _inheritedFeature_1.getMultiplicity();
multiplicity = _multiplicity_1;
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(referencedDto, null));
if (_notEquals) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
String _name_2 = actualDto.getName();
_builder.append(_name_2, "");
String _name_3 = referencedDto.getName();
_builder.append(_name_3, "");
String lastDtoNames = _builder.toString();
String[] parentNames = parentName.split("\\.");
StringConcatenation _builder_1 = new StringConcatenation();
final String[] _converted_parentNames = (String[])parentNames;
int _size_2 = ((List<String>)Conversions.doWrapArray(_converted_parentNames)).size();
int _minus_1 = (_size_2 - 1);
String _get_1 = parentNames[_minus_1];
_builder_1.append(_get_1, "");
_builder_1.append(attributeName, "");
String lastAttributeNames = _builder_1.toString();
boolean _or = false;
boolean _equals = Objects.equal(previousDto, null);
if (_equals) {
_or = true;
} else {
String _name_4 = previousDto.getName();
String _name_5 = referencedDto.getName();
boolean _equals_1 = _name_4.equals(_name_5);
boolean _not = (!_equals_1);
_or = _not;
if (_or) {
boolean _and = false;
boolean _and_1 = false;
boolean _notEquals_1 = (!Objects.equal(multiplicity, null));
if (!_notEquals_1) {
_and_1 = false;
} else {
boolean _contains = parentName.contains(lastAttributeNames);
boolean _not_1 = (!_contains);
_and_1 = _not_1;
if (!_and_1) {
_and = false;
} else {
String _dtoStackNames = BlipHelper.dtoStackNames(dtoStack);
boolean _contains_1 = _dtoStackNames.contains(lastDtoNames);
boolean _not_2 = (!_contains_1);
_and = _not_2;
if (_and) {
int _size_3 = dtoStack.size();
boolean _lessThan = (_size_3 < 32);
if (_lessThan) {
StringConcatenation _builder_2 = new StringConcatenation();
_builder_2.append(parentName, "");
_builder_2.append(attributeName, "");
BlipHelper.recursiveCompleteBlipItem_DtoPath(results, _builder_2.toString(), dtoStack);
} else {
System.err.println("BREAKING recursive inspection of dto references due to meaningful depth!");
private static String dtoStackNames(final LinkedList<LDto> dtoStack) {
String names = "";
final Iterator<LDto> iterator = dtoStack.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
_builder.append(names, "");
LDto _next =;
String _name = _next.getName();
_builder.append(_name, "");
names = _builder.toString();
return names;