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Boeing - initial API and implementation
<title>ATS Workflow Editor - Task Tab</title>
<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../">
<h1>ATS Workflow Editor - Task Tab</h1>
<img src="ats_workflow_editor_task_tab.jpg"/>
Shows tasks associated with states of workflow. Allows quick editing of task information and
allows a quick jump (double-click) to open task in ATS Workflow Editor.
<h2>How to do it</h2>
Select task tab after ATS object is opened in the ATS Editor.
<h2>Open Task</h2>
Double-click on any task to open in ATS Editor.
<h2>Right-click edit</h2>
Selecting one or more tasks and right-click produces a menu with selections for editing
multiple tasks at a single time.
<h2>Alt-Left-Click edit</h2>
A quick way to edit a single field in a task is by holding the Alt key down and selecting
the cell to edit. This pops up an editor associated with the type of cell selected.
Select <img src="../../images/currentState.gif"/> to only show tasks related to the current state of the workflow.<br/>
Select <img src="../../images/newTask.gif"/> to create a new task.<br/>
Select <img src="../../images/redRemove.gif"/> to delete selected task.<br/>
Select <img src="../../images/refresh.gif"/> to refresh the current task list.<br/>
Select <img src="../../../osee.skynet.gui/images/customize.gif"/> to <A href="../../../osee.skynet.gui/reference/table_customization.html"/>Customize Table</A>.<br/>