blob: 3e7bf458e155c0410ff06b97e88e43afb6eae60b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 Boeing.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Boeing - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.artifact;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.db.connection.ConnectionHandler;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.db.connection.ConnectionHandlerStatement;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.db.connection.DbTransaction;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.db.connection.OseeConnection;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.db.connection.exception.OseeCoreException;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.util.time.GlobalTime;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.logging.OseeLog;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.attribute.Attribute;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.event.OseeEventManager;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.internal.Activator;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.relation.RelationLink;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.utility.LoadedArtifacts;
* @author Ryan D. Brooks
public class PurgeDbTransaction extends DbTransaction {
private static final String INSERT_SELECT_RELATIONS =
"INSERT INTO osee_join_transaction (query_id, insert_time, gamma_id, transaction_id) SELECT ?, ?, txs1.gamma_id, txs1.transaction_id FROM osee_join_artifact al1, osee_relation_link rel1, osee_txs txs1, osee_tx_details txd1 WHERE al1.query_id = ? AND (al1.art_id = rel1.a_art_id OR al1.art_id = rel1.b_art_id) AND rel1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id AND txs1.transaction_id = txd1.transaction_id AND txd1.branch_id = al1.branch_id";
private static final String INSERT_SELECT_ATTRIBUTES =
"INSERT INTO osee_join_transaction (query_id, insert_time, gamma_id, transaction_id) SELECT ?, ?, txs1.gamma_id, txs1.transaction_id FROM osee_join_artifact al1, osee_attribute att1, osee_txs txs1, osee_tx_details txd1 WHERE al1.query_id = ? AND al1.art_id = att1.art_id AND att1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id AND txs1.transaction_id = txd1.transaction_id AND txd1.branch_id = al1.branch_id order by al1.branch_id, al1.art_id";
private static final String INSERT_SELECT_ARTIFACTS =
"INSERT INTO osee_join_transaction (query_id, insert_time, gamma_id, transaction_id) SELECT ?, ?, txs1.gamma_id, txs1.transaction_id FROM osee_join_artifact al1, osee_artifact art1, osee_artifact_version arv1, osee_txs txs1, osee_tx_details txd1 WHERE al1.query_id = ? AND al1.art_id = art1.art_id AND art1.art_id = arv1.art_id AND arv1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id AND txd1.branch_id = al1.branch_id AND txd1.transaction_id = txs1.transaction_id";
private static final String COUNT_ARTIFACT_VIOLATIONS =
"SELECT art1.art_id, txd1.branch_id FROM osee_join_artifact al1, osee_artifact art1, osee_artifact_version arv1, osee_txs txs1, osee_tx_details txd1 WHERE al1.query_id = ? AND al1.art_id = art1.art_id AND art1.art_id = arv1.art_id AND arv1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id AND txd1.branch_id = al1.branch_id AND txd1.transaction_id = txs1.transaction_id";
private static final String DELETE_FROM_TXS_USING_JOIN_TRANSACTION =
"DELETE FROM osee_txs txs1 WHERE EXISTS ( select 1 from osee_join_transaction jt1 WHERE jt1.query_id = ? AND jt1.transaction_id = txs1.transaction_id AND jt1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id)";
"DELETE FROM osee_tx_details txd1 WHERE EXISTS ( select 1 from osee_join_transaction jt1 WHERE jt1.query_id = ? AND jt1.transaction_id = txd1.transaction_id AND not exists ( select * from osee_txs txs1 where txs1.transaction_id = jt1.transaction_id))";
private static final String DELETE_FROM_RELATION_VERSIONS =
"DELETE FROM osee_relation_link rel1 WHERE EXISTS ( select * from osee_join_transaction jt1 WHERE jt1.query_id = ? AND jt1.gamma_id = rel1.gamma_id AND not exists ( select * from osee_txs txs1 where txs1.gamma_id = jt1.gamma_id))";
private static final String DELETE_FROM_ATTRIBUTE_VERSIONS =
"DELETE FROM osee_attribute attr1 WHERE EXISTS ( select * from osee_join_transaction jt1 WHERE jt1.query_id = ? AND jt1.gamma_id = attr1.gamma_id AND not exists ( select * from osee_txs txs1 where txs1.gamma_id = jt1.gamma_id))";
private static final String DELETE_FROM_ARTIFACT_VERSIONS =
"DELETE FROM osee_artifact_version artv1 WHERE EXISTS ( select * from osee_join_transaction jt1 WHERE jt1.query_id = ? AND jt1.gamma_id = artv1.gamma_id AND not exists ( select * from osee_txs txs1 where txs1.gamma_id = jt1.gamma_id))";
private static final String DELETE_FROM_ARTIFACT =
"DELETE FROM osee_artifact art1 WHERE EXISTS ( select * from osee_join_artifact ja1 WHERE ja1.query_id = ? AND ja1.art_id = art1.art_id AND not exists ( select * from osee_artifact_version artv1 where artv1.art_id = ja1.art_id))";
private final Collection<? extends Artifact> artifactsToPurge;
* @param artifactsToPurge
public PurgeDbTransaction(Collection<? extends Artifact> artifactsToPurge) throws OseeCoreException {
this.artifactsToPurge = artifactsToPurge;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.osee.framework.db.connection.DbTransaction#handleTxWork(java.sql.Connection)
protected void handleTxWork(OseeConnection connection) throws OseeCoreException {
//first determine if the purge is legal.
List<Object[]> batchParameters = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
int queryId = ArtifactLoader.getNewQueryId();
Timestamp insertTime = GlobalTime.GreenwichMeanTimestamp();
try {
for (Artifact art : artifactsToPurge) {
for (Branch branch : art.getBranch().getChildBranches(true)) {
batchParameters.add(new Object[] {queryId, insertTime, art.getArtId(), branch.getBranchId(),
if (batchParameters.size() > 0) {
ArtifactLoader.insertIntoArtifactJoin(connection, batchParameters);
ConnectionHandlerStatement chStmt = new ConnectionHandlerStatement(connection);
try {
chStmt.runPreparedQuery(COUNT_ARTIFACT_VIOLATIONS, queryId);
boolean failed = false;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while ( {
failed = true;
sb.append("] BranchId[");
if (failed) {
throw new OseeCoreException(String.format(
"Unable to purge because the following artifacts exist on child branches.\n%s", sb.toString()));
} finally {
ArtifactLoader.clearQuery(connection, queryId);
// now load the artifacts to be purged
queryId = ArtifactLoader.getNewQueryId();
insertTime = GlobalTime.GreenwichMeanTimestamp();
// insert into the artifact_join_table
for (Artifact art : artifactsToPurge) {
batchParameters.add(new Object[] {queryId, insertTime, art.getArtId(), art.getBranch().getBranchId(),
ArtifactLoader.insertIntoArtifactJoin(connection, batchParameters);
//run the insert select queries to populate the osee_join_transaction table (this will take care of the txs table)
int transactionJoinId = ArtifactLoader.getNewQueryId();
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, INSERT_SELECT_RELATIONS, transactionJoinId, insertTime,
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, INSERT_SELECT_ATTRIBUTES, transactionJoinId, insertTime,
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, INSERT_SELECT_ARTIFACTS, transactionJoinId, insertTime,
//delete from the txs table
int txsDeletes =
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, DELETE_FROM_TXS_USING_JOIN_TRANSACTION,
int txdDeletes =
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, DELETE_FROM_TX_DETAILS_USING_JOIN_TRANSACTION,
int relationVersions =
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, DELETE_FROM_RELATION_VERSIONS, transactionJoinId);
int attributeVersions =
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, DELETE_FROM_ATTRIBUTE_VERSIONS, transactionJoinId);
int artifactVersions =
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, DELETE_FROM_ARTIFACT_VERSIONS, transactionJoinId);
int artifact = ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, DELETE_FROM_ARTIFACT, queryId);
"Purge Row Deletes: txs rows [%d], rel ver rows [%d], attr ver rows [%d] art ver rows [%d] art rows [%d]. txs vs. total versions [%d vs %d]",
txsDeletes, relationVersions, attributeVersions, artifactVersions, artifact, txsDeletes,
(relationVersions + attributeVersions + artifactVersions)));
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, "DELETE FROM osee_join_transaction where query_id = ?",
for (Artifact art : artifactsToPurge) {
for (RelationLink rel : art.getRelationsAll(false)) {
for (Attribute<?> attr : art.internalGetAttributes()) {
// Kick Local and Remote Events
OseeEventManager.kickArtifactsPurgedEvent("PurgeDbTransaction", new LoadedArtifacts(artifactsToPurge));
} finally {
ArtifactLoader.clearQuery(connection, queryId);