blob: 3538b30507d5f0a90cb5805623d0d8e95b303eff [file] [log] [blame]
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { apiURL } from 'src/environments/environment';
import { MessageApiResponse } from '../types/ApiResponse';
import { message } from '../types/messages';
providedIn: 'root'
export class MessagesService {
constructor (private http: HttpClient) { }
* Gets an array of messages based on a filter condition
* @param filter parameter to filter out messages that don't meet criteria
* @param branchId branch to look for messages on
* @returns Observable of an array of messages matching filter condition
getFilteredMessages(filter: string, branchId: string,connectionId:string):Observable<message[]> {
return this.http.get<message[]>(apiURL + "/mim/branch/" + branchId + "/connections/"+connectionId+"/messages/filter/" + filter);
* Adds a message to a branch
* @param body message to add
* @param branchId branch to look for messages on
* @returns api response of whether or not the insertion was successful
addMessage(body: message, branchId:string,connectionId:string):Observable<MessageApiResponse> {
return<MessageApiResponse>(apiURL + "/mim/branch/" + branchId + "/connections/"+connectionId+"/messages", body);
* Updates part of a message with new contents
* @param body message contents to add, requires id
* @param branchId branch to look for messages on
* @returns api response of whether or not the element was updated successfully
partialUpdateMessage(body: Partial<message>, branchId: string,connectionId:string):Observable<MessageApiResponse> {
return this.http.patch<MessageApiResponse>(apiURL + "/mim/branch/" + branchId + "/connections/"+connectionId+"/messages", body);
* Removes a message from a branch
* @param branchId branch to look for contents on
* @param messageId id of message to delete
* @returns api response of whether or not the message was removed
removeMessage(branchId: string, messageId: string,connectionId:string):Observable<MessageApiResponse> {
return this.http.delete<MessageApiResponse>(apiURL + "/mim/branch/" + branchId + "/connections/"+connectionId+"/messages/"+messageId);
* Finds a specific message
* @param branchId branch to look for contents on
* @param messageId id of message to find
* @returns message contents, if found
getMessage(branchId: string, messageId: string,connectionId:string):Observable<message> {
return this.http.get<message>(apiURL + "/mim/branch/" + branchId + "/connections/"+connectionId+"/messages/"+messageId);