blob: e66c7d5e9d9b1b96874160753d3f90cbd08ee0de [file] [log] [blame]
turn off auto db stat collection
Oracle document ids:
Note:445126.1 How to manually store an outline using V$SQL and DBMS_OUTLN.CREATE_OUTLINE
Note:555579.1 Patch Set - Availability and Known Issues
NOTE:601739.1 Patch Set - List of Bug Fixes by Problem Type
Doc ID:
SQL Ids:
67mynxt63pr82: this is the SQL ID for the show all trax related actions
-- dbms.stat no_invalidate is set to auto: "false"
cd /las_ora_apps/sqlt/sqlt/run
sqlplus user/password@service
start sqltxtract.sql 6gdcn1fq2sxtq
select * from v$sql, v$sql_shared_cursor where v$sql.sql_id = '67mynxt63pr82' and v$sql.sql_id =v$sql_shared_cursor.sql_id;
select * from v$sql_shared_cursor where sql_id = '67mynxt63pr82';
select * from v$sql where sql_id = '67mynxt63pr82';
select to_char(last_active_time,'MM-dd-yy hh24:mi:ss') from v$sql where sql_id = '67mynxt63pr82';
select * from V$sql_plan where sql_id = '5vmmky8ka6b36';
What causes the creation of child cursors that have all 'N' in the v$sql_shared_cursor?
remove histogram
need to patch bug 6810189
Steps Taken:
newest patches applied (over 1000 bugs fixed)
dbms.stat no_invalidate changed from "auto" to "false"
large log file removed
======= chained rows =======
SELECT count (1) from chained_rows;
ANALYZE TABLE osee_define_txs LIST CHAINED ROWS INTO chained_rows;
SELECT count (1) from chained_rows;
======= tracing =======
======= stored outlines =======
Doc ID: Note:6336044.8 which is preventing creating a stored outline
-- do this:
select * from v$parameter where name like '%cursor%';
alter system set use_stored_outlines=true;
alter session set create_stored_outlines = true;
-- now execute exact sql (copy from enterprise manager) and the outline will automatically be created
alter session set create_stored_outlines = false;
-- on Oracle 11g:
-- must be done each time the database instance is restarted or write database startup trigger
alter system set use_stored_outlines=true;
login as admin
select hash_value, child_number, plan_hash_value from v$sql where sql_id = 'ggbncw5fg04sn';
-- create the outline
declare begin dbms_outln.create_outline(hash_value, child_number); end;
-- now test for success
select * from dba_outlines;
select * from user_outlines;
select * from dba_outline_hints where name = 'SYS_OUTLINE_08111414044364301' order by join_pos;
======= table information =======
select * from dba_tables where owner='OSEE' and table_name='OSEE_DEFINE_TXS';
select * from dba_objects where owner='OSEE' and object_name='OSEE_DEFINE_TXS';
select * from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name ='OSEE_DATA';
======= sql plus =======
!stty erase ^H
set pagesize 300
set linesize 120
======= ashrpt =======
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
sqlplus osee_admin/osee_admin@lba7
cudx4784s2fx1 490550842 45.86 CPU + Wait for CPU 44.29 SELECT rel_link_id, a_art_id,...
latch: cache buffers chains 1.52
3902zvx99s9rm 3655678348 38.68 CPU + Wait for CPU 37.22 SELECT art1.art_id, txd1.bran...
How to Transfer Stored Outlines from One Database to Another (9i and above)
Doc ID: NOTE:728647.1
select t.* from v$sql s, table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(s.sql_id, s.child_number, 'TYPICAL ALLSTATS LAST')) t where s.sql_id = '254fj1vwk9x18' ;
create or replace trigger enables_outlines_trigger
after startup on database
execute immediate('alter system set use_stored_outlines=true');
/*+ ordered */