blob: c74eb9e8f5dbf7f4acb1bb583d87fd8a71dba886 [file] [log] [blame]
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { apiURL } from 'src/environments/environment';
import { TypesApiResponse } from '../types/ApiResponse';
import { logicalType, logicalTypeFormDetail } from '../types/logicaltype';
import { PlatformType } from '../types/platformType';
providedIn: 'root'
export class TypesService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
* Gets a list of Platform Types based on a filter condition using the platform types filter GET API
* @param filter @type {string} filter conditions for finding the correct platform types
* @param branchId @type {string} branch to fetch from
* @returns @type {Observable<PlatformType[]>} Observable of array of platform types matching filter conditions (see @type {PlatformType} and @type {Observable})
getFilteredTypes(filter: string, branchId: string): Observable<PlatformType[]> {
return this.http.get<PlatformType[]>(apiURL + "/mim/branch/" + branchId + "/types/filter/" + filter);
* Updates the attributes of a platform type using the platform types PATCH API, id is required
* @param body @type {Partial<PlatformType>} attributes to update + id of platform type
* @param branchId @type {string} branch to fetch from
* @returns @type {Observable<TypesApiResponse>} observable containing results (see @type {TypesApiResponse} and @type {Observable})
partialUpdateTypes(body: Partial<PlatformType>, branchId: string) :Observable<TypesApiResponse> {
return this.http.patch<TypesApiResponse>(apiURL + "/mim/branch/" + branchId + "/types", body);
* Creates a new PlatformType using the platform types POST API
* @param body @type {PlatformType} platform type to create
* @param branchId @type {string} branch to fetch from
* @returns @type {Observable<TypesApiResponse>} observable containing results (see @type {TypesApiResponse} and @type {Observable})
createType(body: PlatformType|Partial<PlatformType>, branchId: string): Observable<TypesApiResponse> {
return<TypesApiResponse>(apiURL + "/mim/branch/" + branchId + "/types", body);
get logicalTypes() {
return this.http.get<logicalType[]>(apiURL + "/mim/logicalType");
getLogicalTypeFormDetail(id:string) {
return this.http.get<logicalTypeFormDetail>(apiURL + "/mim/logicalType/" + id);