blob: 50f3dbb71003f45a85e629c2f5ad6b6aacfa1583 [file] [log] [blame]
@import '~@angular/material/theming';
@mixin color($config-or-theme) {
// Extract the color configuration in case a theme has been passed.
// This allows consumers to either pass a theme object or a color configuration.
$config: mat-get-color-config($config-or-theme);
// Extract the palettes you need from the theme definition.
$primary: map-get($config, primary);
$accent: map-get($config, accent);
$warn: map-get($config, warn);
$background: map-get($config, background);
$foreground: map-get($config, foreground);
// Define any styles affected by the theme.
color:mat-color($foreground, base)
@mixin typography($config-or-theme){
@mixin typography-themed($config-or-theme){
$config: mat-get-typography-config($config-or-theme);
@mixin theme($theme){
$color: mat-get-color-config($theme);
$typography: mat-get-typography-config($theme);
@include typography($theme);
@if $color != null {
@include color($color);
@if $typography != null {
@include typography-themed($typography);