blob: fedf36f8aa201ae90e3a69e11e494e4bafe67947 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.osee.ote;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.eclipse.osee.ote.core.environment.TestEnvironmentInterface;
import org.eclipse.osee.ote.core.environment.interfaces.IHostTestEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.osee.ote.core.model.IModelManager;
import org.eclipse.osee.ote.message.interfaces.IRemoteMessageService;
* This is an API that exposes some of the key test environment interfaces and operations. It is expected
* that clients of OTE will operate either directly through this API or indirectly using a remote REST or
* Event API that makes use of this API.
* @author Andrew M. Finkbeiner
public interface OteServiceApi {
* Returns the OTEServerFolder service that enables management of the ote server folder area on
* the machine local to the server.
* @return the OTEServerFolder service
OTEServerFolder getServerFolder();
* Returns the OTEServerJarCache that can be used for saving and getting files from the local
* ote server data store.
* @return the OTEServerJarCache service
OTEServerRuntimeCache getRuntimeCache();
* Returns the IModelManager service that will give access to generic model controls. It depends on the TestEnvironmentInterface exisiting or it
* will be a null value.
* @return null or a valid IModelManager service
IModelManager getModelManager();
* Returns the TestEnvironmentInterface service that is a top level object for interacting with the
* environment. It depends on a valid TestEnvironmentInterface getting registered. If we do not
* have a valid test environment it will return null. Generally a valid test environment will exist
* as long as a configuration has been loaded, this can happen if a user connects to a shell server
* or if we have an RCP that contains all the required startup information and bundles.
* @return null or a valid TestEnvironmentInterface service
TestEnvironmentInterface getTestEnvironment();
* Returns a reference to the Environment implementation of the Remote message service, which allows clients
* to view environment message data.
* @return null or a valid IRemoteMessageService
IRemoteMessageService getRemoteMessageService();
* This method will make sure that the requested configuration is available to the server and then install them.
* Only jars that are proper OSGI bundles will be loaded. This also means that if configuration items are
* not currently available to the server it will acquire them from the client using the URL in the configuration item.
* @param configuration
* @param callable
* @return
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws ExecutionException
Future<ConfigurationStatus> loadConfiguration(Configuration configuration, OTEStatusCallback<ConfigurationStatus> callable) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException;
* This method will uninstall the previous bundle configuration.
* @param callable
* @return
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws ExecutionException
Future<ConfigurationStatus> resetConfiguration(OTEStatusCallback<ConfigurationStatus> callable) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException;
* Gets the current test environment configuration.
* @return
Future<ConfigurationStatus> getConfiguration();
* This method will make all bundles defined in the configuration available to the server. This means the server will attempt to use the URL in the configuration item
* to download any bundles not currently in its cache.
* @param configuration
* @param callable
* @return
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws ExecutionException
Future<ConfigurationStatus> downloadConfigurationJars(Configuration configuration, OTEStatusCallback<ConfigurationStatus> callable) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException;
* Attempt to load a class from currently installed bundles and then from the script classpath.
* @param clazz
* @return the requested Class
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
Class<?> loadFromScriptClassLoader(String clazz) throws ClassNotFoundException;
* Attempt to load a class from any currently installed bundled.
* @param clazz
* @return the requested Class
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
Class<?> loadFromRuntimeLibraryLoader(String clazz) throws ClassNotFoundException;
* Get the host test environment. This method will return null if one has not yet been registered,
* so users need to check for null.
* @return the host environment or null if one is not created
IHostTestEnvironment getIHostTestEnvironment();