blob: 505e6e3b22a1f5e5f870869be0ae31b9e2e58615 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 Boeing.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Boeing - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.osee.ote.message.elements;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.logging.OseeLog;
import org.eclipse.osee.ote.core.MethodFormatter;
import org.eclipse.osee.ote.core.environment.interfaces.ITestEnvironmentAccessor;
import org.eclipse.osee.ote.core.testPoint.CheckGroup;
import org.eclipse.osee.ote.message.Message;
import org.eclipse.osee.ote.message.MessageSystemTestEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.osee.ote.message.elements.nonmapping.NonMappingFixedPointElement;
import org.eclipse.osee.ote.message.interfaces.ITestAccessor;
* @author Andrew M. Finkbeiner
* @author John Butler
public class FixedPointElement extends RealElement {
private final double resolution;
private final boolean signed;
private final double offset;
public FixedPointElement(Message message, String elementName, MessageData messageData, double resolution, boolean signed, int byteOffset, int msb, int lsb) {
this(message, elementName, messageData, resolution, 0, signed, byteOffset, msb, lsb, msb, lsb);
public FixedPointElement(Message message, String elementName, MessageData messageData, double resolution, double offset, boolean signed, int byteOffset, int msb, int lsb) {
this(message, elementName, messageData, resolution, offset, signed, byteOffset, msb, lsb, msb, lsb);
public FixedPointElement(Message message, String elementName, MessageData messageData, double resolution, boolean signed, int byteOffset, int msb, int lsb, int originalLsb, int originalMsb) {
this(message, elementName, messageData, resolution, 0, signed, byteOffset, msb, lsb, originalLsb, originalMsb);
public FixedPointElement(Message message, String elementName, MessageData messageData, double resolution, double offset, boolean signed, int byteOffset, int msb, int lsb, int originalLsb, int originalMsb) {
super(message, elementName, messageData, byteOffset, msb, lsb, originalLsb, originalMsb);
this.resolution = resolution;
this.signed = signed;
this.offset = offset;
public FixedPointElement(Message message, String elementName, MessageData messageData, double resolution, double offset, boolean signed, int bitOffset, int bitLength) {
super(message, elementName, messageData, bitOffset, bitLength);
this.resolution = resolution;
this.signed = signed;
this.offset = offset;
* Sets the element to the "value" passed.
* @param value The value to set.
public void set(ITestEnvironmentAccessor accessor, double value) {
if (accessor != null) {
accessor.getLogger().methodCalledOnObject(accessor, this.getFullName(), new MethodFormatter().add(value),
if (accessor != null) {
* Sets the element to the "value" passeda nd immediately sends the message that contains it...
* @param value The value to set.
public void setAndSend(ITestEnvironmentAccessor accessor, double value) {
this.set(accessor, value);
public void setNoLog(ITestEnvironmentAccessor accessor, double value) {
* Checks that this element correctly forwards a message sent from cause with the value passed.
* @param cause The originator of the signal
* @param value The value sent by cause and being forwarded by this element
public void checkForwarding(ITestAccessor accessor, FixedPointElement cause, double value) throws InterruptedException {
/* check for 0 to begine */
check(accessor, 0d, 0);
/* Set the DP1 Mux Signal */
cause.set(accessor, value);
/* Chk Value on DP2 */
check(accessor, value, 1000);
/* Set DP1 to 0 */
cause.set(accessor, 0);
/* Init DP2 Mux to 0 */
set(accessor, 0);
/* Chk Value on DP2 is still set */
check(accessor, value, 500);
/* Chk DP2 is 0 for two-pulse signals and high for four-oulse signal */
check(accessor, 0d, 500);
private double toFixed(long value, boolean signed, double resolution, double offset) {
int shift = 64 - (lsb - msb + 1);
if (signed) {// two's compliment
if (value >>> lsb - msb == 1) {// we've got a negative
value = ~value;
value = value << shift;
value = value >>> shift;
value = value * -1;
} else {
value = value << shift;
value = value >>> shift;
return value * resolution + offset;
private long toFixedLong(double value, boolean signed, double resolution, double offset) {
long returnValue = Math.round((value - offset) / resolution);
if (value > 0 && toFixed(returnValue, signed, resolution, offset) < 0) {
returnValue = Math.round((value - resolution - offset) / resolution);
if (value > 0 && toFixed(returnValue, signed, resolution, offset) < 0) {
returnValue = Math.round((value - resolution * 2 - offset) / resolution);
if (value > 0 && toFixed(returnValue, signed, resolution, offset) < 0) {
OseeLog.log(MessageSystemTestEnvironment.class, Level.INFO, getName());
} else {
OseeLog.log(MessageSystemTestEnvironment.class, Level.INFO, getName());
} else {
OseeLog.log(MessageSystemTestEnvironment.class, Level.INFO, getName());
if (signed && value < 0) {
returnValue = returnValue * -1;
int shift = 64 - (lsb - msb + 1);
returnValue = returnValue << shift;
returnValue = ~returnValue;
returnValue = returnValue >>> shift;
return returnValue;
public void setValue(Double obj) {
getMsgData().getMem().setLong(toFixedLong(obj, signed, resolution, offset), byteOffset, msb, lsb);
public void setHex(long hex) {
getMsgData().getMem().setLong(hex, byteOffset, msb, lsb);
public Double getValue() {
return toFixed(getRaw(), signed, resolution, offset);
public Double valueOf(MemoryResource mem) {
return toFixed(getRaw(mem), signed, resolution, offset);
protected double toDouble(long value) {
return toFixed(value, signed, resolution, offset);
protected long toLong(double value) {
return toFixedLong(value, signed, resolution, offset);
* @return Returns the offset.
public double getMinVal() {
return offset;
* @return Returns the resolution.
public double getResolution() {
return resolution;
* @return Returns the signed.
public boolean isSigned() {
return signed;
public void visit(IElementVisitor visitor) {
protected NonMappingFixedPointElement getNonMappingElement() {
return new NonMappingFixedPointElement(this);
public boolean check(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double value, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.check(accessor, checkGroup, adjust(value), milliseconds);
public boolean check(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double value) {
return super.check(accessor, checkGroup, adjust(value));
public boolean checkList(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, boolean isInList, Double[] list, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.checkList(accessor, checkGroup, isInList, adjust(list), milliseconds);
public boolean checkList(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, boolean wantInList, Double[] list) {
return super.checkList(accessor, checkGroup, wantInList, adjust(list));
public Double checkMaintain(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double value, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.checkMaintain(accessor, checkGroup, adjust(value), milliseconds);
public Double checkMaintainList(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double[] list, boolean isInList, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.checkMaintainList(accessor, checkGroup, adjust(list), isInList, milliseconds);
public Double checkMaintainNot(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double value, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.checkMaintainNot(accessor, checkGroup, adjust(value), milliseconds);
public Double checkMaintainNotRange(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double minValue, boolean minInclusive, Double maxValue, boolean maxInclusive, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.checkMaintainNotRange(accessor, checkGroup, minValue, minInclusive, maxValue, maxInclusive,
public Double checkMaintainRange(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double minValue, boolean minInclusive, Double maxValue, boolean maxInclusive, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.checkMaintainRange(accessor, checkGroup, minValue, minInclusive, maxValue, maxInclusive,
public boolean checkNot(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double value, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.checkNot(accessor, checkGroup, adjust(value), milliseconds);
public boolean checkNot(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double value) {
return super.checkNot(accessor, checkGroup, adjust(value));
public boolean checkNotRange(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double minValue, boolean minInclusive, Double maxValue, boolean maxInclusive, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.checkNotRange(accessor, checkGroup, minValue, minInclusive, maxValue, maxInclusive, milliseconds);
public boolean checkPulse(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double pulsedValue, Double nonPulsedValue, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.checkPulse(accessor, checkGroup, adjust(pulsedValue), adjust(nonPulsedValue), milliseconds);
public boolean checkRange(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double minValue, boolean minInclusive, Double maxValue, boolean maxInclusive, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.checkRange(accessor, checkGroup, minValue, minInclusive, maxValue, maxInclusive, milliseconds);
public boolean checkRange(ITestAccessor accessor, CheckGroup checkGroup, Double minValue, boolean minInclusive, Double maxValue, boolean maxInclusive) {
return super.checkRange(accessor, checkGroup, minValue, minInclusive, maxValue, maxInclusive);
public Double waitForList(ITestAccessor accessor, Double[] list, boolean isInList, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.waitForList(accessor, adjust(list), isInList, milliseconds);
public Double waitForNotRange(ITestEnvironmentAccessor accessor, Double minValue, boolean minInclusive, Double maxValue, boolean maxInclusive, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.waitForNotRange(accessor, minValue, minInclusive, maxValue, maxInclusive, milliseconds);
public Double waitForNotValue(ITestEnvironmentAccessor accessor, Double value, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.waitForNotValue(accessor, adjust(value), milliseconds);
public Double waitForRange(ITestEnvironmentAccessor accessor, Double minValue, boolean minInclusive, Double maxValue, boolean maxInclusive, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.waitForRange(accessor, minValue, minInclusive, maxValue, maxInclusive, milliseconds);
public Double waitForValue(ITestEnvironmentAccessor accessor, Double value, int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {
return super.waitForValue(accessor, adjust(value), milliseconds);
private Double adjust(Double value) {
return toDouble(toLong(value));
private Double[] adjust(Double[] list) {
Double[] newList = new Double[list.length];
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
newList[i] = adjust(list[i]);
return newList;