blob: f02b293530d5500c2b1fc691cd450c9de5423b77 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2014 IBM Corp.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package org.eclipse.paho.mqttsn.gateway.messages.mqtt;
* This object represents a Mqtt message. It is subclassed
* to create the appropriate Mqtt Message.
* Parts of code on Mqtt message classes were imported from the similar classes on
* package
public abstract class MqttMessage {
//Mqtt messages types
public final static int CONNECT = 1;
public final static int CONNACK = 2;
public final static int PUBLISH = 3;
public final static int PUBACK = 4;
public final static int PUBREC = 5;
public final static int PUBREL = 6;
public final static int PUBCOMP = 7;
public final static int SUBSCRIBE = 8;
public final static int SUBACK = 9;
public final static int UNSUBSCRIBE = 10;
public final static int UNSUBACK = 11;
public final static int PINGREQ = 12;
public final static int PINGRESP = 13;
public final static int DISCONNECT = 14;
// Mqtt message type
protected int msgType;
public final static int RETURN_CODE_CONNECTION_ACCEPTED = 0;
// client id restriction
public static final int MAX_CLIENT_ID_LENGTH = 23;
* MqttMessage default constructor.
public MqttMessage() {}
* This method calculates the length of a Mqtt message and encodes it
* in the fixed header.
protected byte[] encodeMsgLength(byte[] data) {
int size = data.length - 1;
int pos = 0;
byte[] tmp = new byte[4];
// Encode remaining length field in tmp[]
do {
int digit = size % 128;
size = size / 128;
if (size > 0) {
digit = digit | 0x80;
tmp[pos++]=(byte) digit;
} while (size > 0);
byte[] buffer = new byte[data.length + pos];
buffer[0] = data[0]; // Fixed Hdr
System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, buffer, 1, pos); // add the MsgLength bytes
System.arraycopy(data,1,buffer,pos+1,data.length-1);// add the rest of Message
data = buffer;
return data;
* This method decodes the Remaining length field of a Mqtt message and
* returns the number of the remaining bytes of the message.
protected long decodeMsgLength(byte[] data) {
byte digit;
long msgLength = 0;
int multiplier = 1;
int offset = 1;
do {
// Now read msgLength bytes
digit = (byte)data[offset];
msgLength += ((digit & 0x7F) * multiplier);
multiplier *= 128;
} while ((digit & 0x80) != 0);
return msgLength;
* This method is implemented in subclasses.
public abstract byte[] toBytes ();
public int getMsgType() {
return msgType;
public void setMsgType(int msgType) {
this.msgType = msgType;