blob: 215e05a34edf72a5b64a2022452b4cd5cd526cb8 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Copyright (c) 2018 CEA LIST and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
Eike Stepper - initial API and implementation
<project name="migrate" default="migrate">
The migration of the UML2 model to CDO is completely automated.
The following preconditions must be met before executing the 'migrate.ant' script:
1. A recent 'EMF SDK' feature must be installed into the Eclipse IDE.
2. The 'org.eclipse.emf.cdo.migrator' plugin must be installed into the Eclipse IDE.
3. UML2's Git repository must be cloned from
to the local disk. Its disk location must then be passed into this script
through the 'git.clone.uml2' property.
4. This Ant script must be executed in the JRE of the running IDE!
Ideally this script is executed via the accompanying 'Migrate UML2.launch'.
Do NOT apply hand-written changes to the classes in the
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.cdo.internal.impl package.
This script will eventually overwrite them!
Rather modify the underlying UML2 code or this script.
<target name="migrate">
<property name="" value="org.eclipse.uml2.uml" />
Ensure that UML2's Git clone exists and is reachable.
<fail unless="git.clone.uml2" message="Property 'git.clone.uml2' is undefined!" />
<property name="uml" location="${git.clone.uml2}/plugins/${}" />
<fail message="The directory '${uml}' does not exist!">
<available file="${uml}" type="dir" />
<property name="uml.tmp" location="${basedir}/target/${}" />
<echo message="Migrating in ${uml.tmp} ..." />
<cdo.automaticBuild enable="false" />
<cdo.deleteProject projectname=".JETEmitters" deletecontent="true" />
<backup.project"${}" />
<backup.project"org.eclipse.uml2" />
<copy todir="${basedir}/target/org.eclipse.uml2/templates" overwrite="true" verbose="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/templates">
<include name="**/*.javajet" />
<include name="**/*.javajetinc" />
Migrate the 'UML.genmodel' to CDO and regenerate the model within the
imported 'org.eclipse.uml2.uml' project.
<property name="model.path" value="/${}/model/UML.genmodel" />
<cdo.migrateModel modelpath="${model.path}" dynamicfeaturedelegation="true" />
<cdo.generateModel modelpath="${model.path}" />
Copy all Java files from the generated 'impl' folder to the 'impl' folder of the
'org.eclipse.uml2.uml.cdo' project.
<property name="impl" location="${basedir}/src/org/eclipse/uml2/uml/cdo/internal/impl" />
<fileset dir="${impl}">
<include name="*.java" />
<copy todir="${impl}">
<fileset dir="${uml.tmp}/src/org/eclipse/uml2/uml/internal/impl">
<include name="*.java" />
<exclude name="" />
Apply the following refactorings:
Rename the Java package to 'org.eclipse.uml2.uml.cdo.internal.impl'.
<replacestring from="org.eclipse.uml2.uml.internal.impl" to="org.eclipse.uml2.uml.cdo.internal.impl" />
Replace EMF's EModelElementImpl base class with CDO's variant of that class.
<replacestring from="extends EModelElementImpl" to="extends org.eclipse.uml2.uml.cdo.internal.util.CDOElementImpl" />
Replace the eAnnotations field accesses that the generator has left in some
eIsSet() methods with calls to the getEAnnotations() method.
<replacestring from="eAnnotations != null &amp;&amp; !eAnnotations.isEmpty()" to="!getEAnnotations().isEmpty()" />
Decrease the generated ESTATIC_FEATURE_COUNT from 1 to 0 because the inherited
EModelElement.eAnnotations feature is implemented dynamically, too.
<replacestring from="ESTATIC_FEATURE_COUNT = 1" to="ESTATIC_FEATURE_COUNT = 0" />
Fix hand-written code around ElementImpl.eAdapters() to not refer to eFlags anymore.
<replacestring from="private static final int ADAPTING = 1 &lt;&lt; 7;" to="private boolean adapting;" />
<replacestring from="(eFlags &amp; ADAPTING) == 0" to="!adapting" />
<replacestring from="eFlags |= ADAPTING;" to="adapting = true;" />
<replacestring from="eFlags &amp;= ~ADAPTING;" to="adapting = false;" />
<filetokenizer />
Fix generated type mismatches:
* CreateLinkActionImpl.getEndData()
* DestroyLinkActionImpl.getEndData()
* ExtensionImpl.getOwnedEndsGen() ### UNUSED?!
<replaceregex pattern="(public\s+EList&lt;([^>]+)>\s*get[^(]+\(\)\s*\{\s*return\s*\(EList&lt;)[^>]+(>\)\s*eDynamicGet)" replace="\1\2\3" flags="sg" />
Replace all SubsetSuperset lists with CDO-specific variants.
<replaceregex pattern="org.eclipse.uml2.common.util.SubsetSuperset([^;]+)EList;" replace="org.eclipse.uml2.uml.cdo.internal.util.SubsetSuperset\1EList;" flags="sg" />
Insert the createList() method into all classes that contain a createSpecialList() method.
<replaceregex pattern="@SuppressWarnings\(&quot;unused&quot;\)([\r\n]+[ \t]*?)private EList&lt;\?> createSpecialList\(EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature\)" replace="@Override\1protected EList&lt;?> createList(EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature) {\1&#x9;EList&lt;?> result = createSpecialList(eStructuralFeature);\1&#x9;if (result != null) {\1&#x9;&#x9;return result;\1&#x9;}\1&#x9;\1&#x9;return super.createList(eStructuralFeature);\1}\1\1private EList&lt;?> createSpecialList(EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature)" flags="sg" />
Special persistence handling in:
* ActivityImpl.groups
* ActivityImpl.nodes
<replaceregexp file="${impl}/" match="([\r\n]+[ \t]*?)public EList&lt;ActivityGroup> getGroups\(\)[^}]+?}[^}]+?}" replace="\1@SuppressWarnings(&quot;unchecked&quot;)\1public EList&lt;ActivityGroup> getGroups() {\1&#x9;return (EList&lt;ActivityGroup>) eDynamicGet(\1&#x9;&#x9;UMLPackage.ACTIVITY__GROUP - ESTATIC_FEATURE_COUNT,\1&#x9;&#x9;UMLPackage.Literals.ACTIVITY__GROUP, true, true);\1}" flags="sg" />
<replaceregexp file="${impl}/" match="([\r\n]+[ \t]*?)public EList&lt;ActivityNode> getNodes\(\)[^}]+?}[^}]+?}" replace="\1@SuppressWarnings(&quot;unchecked&quot;)\1public EList&lt;ActivityNode> getNodes() {\1&#x9;return (EList&lt;ActivityNode>) eDynamicGet(\1&#x9;&#x9;UMLPackage.ACTIVITY__NODE - ESTATIC_FEATURE_COUNT,\1&#x9;&#x9;UMLPackage.Literals.ACTIVITY__NODE, true, true);\1}" flags="sg" />
<restore.project"org.eclipse.uml2" />
<restore.project"${}" />
Apply source cleanup to the 'org.eclipse.uml2.uml.cdo' project.
This ensures that only relevant changes appear in the Git history.
<cdo.cleanupProject projectname="org.eclipse.uml2.uml.cdo" />
<cdo.automaticBuild enable="true" />
This macro copies a project from the UML2 Git repository to the
'target' folder of the 'org.eclipse.uml2.uml.cdo' project and then
re-imports it from the new, temporary location into the workspace.
<macrodef name="backup.project">
<attribute name="" />
<echo message="Backing up project @{}" />
<delete failonerror="false" includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/target/@{}">
<include name="**" />
<copy todir="${basedir}/target/@{}" verbose="false" failonerror="true" overwrite="true" includeemptydirs="false">
<fileset dir="${git.clone.uml2}/plugins/@{}" defaultexcludes="true">
<include name="**/*" />
<exclude name="bin/**" />
<replace dir="${basedir}/target/@{}" token="@generated NOT_CDO" value="@generated">
<include name="**/*.java" />
<cdo.deleteProject projectname="@{}" />
<cdo.importProject projectname="@{}" fromlocation="${basedir}/target/@{}" />
This macro reverts the effect of the "backup.project" macro for
the given workspace project, i.e., it re-imports the project from
its original location in the UML2 Git repository.
<macrodef name="restore.project">
<attribute name="" />
<echo message="Restoring project @{}" />
<cdo.deleteProject projectname="@{}" />
<cdo.importProject projectname="@{}" fromlocation="${git.clone.uml2}/plugins/@{}" />