Bug 570576 - [Designer, transformation] Enhance transformation chain support

- Add support for "additionalChains" attribute in ExecuteTransformationChain stereotype
  As DeploymentPlan inherits from ExecuteTransformationChain, it will have this attribute as well

- Regenerate static profile, fix some reference in ecore file

- Add additional static attribute to TransformationContext containing list of contexts
  improve documentation

- Current context should be modified only via methods (that also update list above),
  access via "current" attribute is kept for backward compatibility

- Remove broken imports from trafos.uml file

Change-Id: Icba96b28d99f34e204d922e795f5359ad2a2d191
Signed-off-by: Ansgar Radermacher <ansgar.radermacher@cea.fr>
21 files changed
tree: dd427f3d21c835e5c458f47d93eaf9f005c22479
  1. features/
  2. plugins/
  3. releng/
  4. targetplatform/
  5. .gitattributes
  6. .gitignore
  7. .project
  10. pom.xml
  11. README.md

Papyrus Designer

mvn -f languages/pom.xml org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.0 mvn -f components/pom.xml org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=0.7.1