Bug 568601 - [Designer, transformation] Language field in GeneratorHint is difficult to setup

- Popup dialog asking the user to select a generator, if transformation is invoked and the
  eligible list of generators is non unique
- Fix eligibility criteria in Java generator (only worked, if invoked on a classifier)
- Apply hint to all UML files
- Only assume C++ if the list of eligible generators is empty, otherwise take first available

Change-Id: Ie43258b1895ce5473100c7ece8f70369e301a870
Signed-off-by: Ansgar Radermacher <ansgar.radermacher@cea.fr>
22 files changed
tree: d93871f780c3f33878186ccf7b14f7530d307f27
  1. features/
  2. plugins/
  3. releng/
  4. targetplatform/
  5. .gitattributes
  6. .gitignore
  7. .project
  10. pom.xml
  11. README.md

Papyrus Designer

mvn -f languages/pom.xml org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.0 mvn -f components/pom.xml org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=0.7.1