blob: fea1814adc830a7b34a48983aa8c9cac072d7fe9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 CEA LIST and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Nicolas FAUVERGUE (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
import org.eclipse.papyrus.interoperability.sysml14.sysml.blackboxes.VersioningHelper;
modeltype ecore "strict" uses '';
modeltype UML "strict" uses '';
modeltype SysML11 "strict" uses '';
modeltype SysML14 "strict" uses '';
* This file provides useful method for SysML.
library SysMLUtils;
* Create the eAnnotation for the versioning with :
* <li>
* <ul> Source model name </ul>
* <ul> Migration date </ul>
* <ul> Migration bundle version </ul>
* </li>
helper UML::Model::createEAnnotationForVersioning() : ecore::EAnnotation{
var versionning:EAnnotation:=object EAnnotation{
source := getEAnnotationSourceNameForVersioning();
details+= object EStringToStringMapEntry{
key := getKeyForSourceModelName();
value := getPapyrusResourceName(self);
details+= object EStringToStringMapEntry{
key := getKeyForPapyrusMigrationDate();
value := getPapyrusMigrationDate();
details+= object EStringToStringMapEntry{
key := getKeyForPapyrusMigrationBundleVersion();
value := getImportBundleSysMLMigrationVersion();
return versionning;
// This allows to transform the SysML1.1 FlowDirection to SysML1.4 FlowDirection
helper getDirection(direction:SysML11::portandflows::FlowDirection) : SysML14::portsandflows::FlowDirection {
if(direction = SysML11::portandflows::FlowDirection::_in){
return SysML14::portsandflows::FlowDirection::_in;
}elif(direction = SysML11::portandflows::FlowDirection::_out){
return SysML14::portsandflows::FlowDirection::_out;
}elif(direction = SysML11::portandflows::FlowDirection::_inout){
return SysML14::portsandflows::FlowDirection::_inout;
return null;
helper UML::Stereotype::toSysML14Stereotype(stereotypeElements:Set(UML::Stereotype)) : UML::Stereotype {
return stereotypeElements->any(curr |;