blob: f563c80928947d9b5a75ca7aebaf81b1a8446b88 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 CEA LIST.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Florian Pauker (TU Wien)
* Thomas Fruhwirth (TU Wien)
* Saadia Dhouib (CEA LIST)
* Fadwa Tmar (CEA LIST)
* This file specifies a QVTo transformation.
import Common.Helpers;
import ClassDiagram.Classes;
import ClassDiagram.Enumerations;
import StateMachineDiagram.StateMachines;
import Uml2Opcua;
//modeltype UA uses '';
modeltype UML uses '';
modeltype SYSML uses '';
modeltype BLOCKS uses '';
modeltype OPCUA uses set('');
modeltype TYPES uses types('');
modeltype ecore uses '';
modeltype NodeIdsCsv uses NodeIdsCsv('http://org.eclipse.papyrus.opcua.uml2opcua.nodeIdsCsv.ecore');
modeltype OPCUA_Robotics_Profile uses 'http://Papyrus/OPCUARoboticsProfile';
modeltype OPCUA_Robotics uses opcuarobotics('');
* UML to OPC UA Model Transformation using QVTo
* @param umlInputModel The UML input model.
* @param opcuaOutputModel The OPC UA output model that will be generated from the umlInputModel by means of model transformation.
//transformation UMLtoOPCUA(in umlInputModel : UML, out opcuaOutputModel : OPCUA, out nodeIdsCsvOutputModel : NodeIdsCsv, in sysml : SYSML, in robotics:OPCUA_Robotics_Profile, in diProfile:OPCUA_DI_Profile, in uaProfile : OPCUA_Profile );
transformation ElementtoOPCUA(in umlElementInputModel : UML, in roboticsProfile:UML, out opcuaOutputModel : OPCUA, out nodeIdsCsvOutputModel : NodeIdsCsv);
property roboticsProfileProfile : UML::Profile = roboticsProfile.rootObjects()![UML::Profile];
//property testMotionDeviceSystemTypeStereotype : UML::Stereotype =roboticsProfileProfile.ownedStereotype![name = "MotionDeviceSystemType"];
* The main entry point of the transformation.
main() {
log("Starting UML 2 OPC UA transformation using QVTo");
// initilize internal datastructures
addNamespace(0, OPCUA_NAMESPACE_URI); // this Namespace Uri always needs to be added
// Namespace Uri DI and Robotics are added only if the robotics profile is applied
if(roboticsProfileProfile!=null) {
addNamespace(1, OPCUA_DI_NAMESPACE_URI);
} ;
// the transformation supports the use of NodeId aliases, i.e. using human-readable names instead of NodeIds
// these aliases can either be read from a NodeId CSV file, or aliases internally defined in Helpers.qvto
loadExternalNodeIds(OPCUA_NAMESPACE_URI, "/NodeIds/NS0/NodeIds.csv");
} else {
// create a OPCUA::DocumentRoot as the top-level element of the OPC UA model
var documentRoot := object OPCUA::DocumentRoot{};
// map the sleceted UML::Element to OPCUA::NodeSetType elements and collect them in a set
// do same if the selected element is an UML::Model inputModel contains multiple UML::Model elements
var x := documentRoot.xMLNSPrefixMap;
if (umlElementInputModel.rootObjects()![UML::Model]<>null){
documentRoot.uANodeSet += umlElementInputModel.rootObjects()![UML::Model]->map model2OPCUANodeSetType();
if (umlElementInputModel.rootObjects()![UML::Element]<>null){
documentRoot.uANodeSet += umlElementInputModel.rootObjects()![UML::Element]->map element2OPCUANodeSetType();
* Transformation rule mapping a UML::Model element to an OPCUA::UANodeSetType element
mapping UML::Element::element2OPCUANodeSetType() : OPCUA::UANodeSetType {
//add UaModeler Extention
//var uaModelerExtension :=object OPCUA::ExtensionType{};
//extensions:=object ListOfExtensions{extension+=uaModelerExtension};
// map UML::Classes with stéréotypes : if there is a stereotype that's mean that
//the type is allaready defined in on of the extentions of OPC UA (exple DI or Robitcs)
uAObject += self->selectByType(UML::Class)->select(c|c.getAppliedStereotypes()->exists(s|'MotionDeviceSystemType'))-> map class2MotionDeviceSystemObject(result);
// map UML::Classes without stéréotypes
// map UML::Classes to OPCUA::UAObjectTypes that are not included in any namspeace
// TODO the condition here is to verify if there is no applied stereotypes comming from robotics or another profile
uAObjectType += self->selectByType(UML::Class)->select(c|c.getAppliedStereotypes()->size()=1 and c.getAppliedStereotypes()->exists(s|'Block'))->map class2OPCUAObjectType(result);
// map UML::InstanceSpecification to OPCUA::UAObject that are not included in any namspeace
uAObject += self->selectByType(UML::InstanceSpecification)->map instanceSpecification2OPCUAObject(result);
// map UML::StateMachines to OPCUA::UAObjectTypes that are not included in any namspeace
uAObjectType += self->selectByType(UML::StateMachine)->map statemachine2FiniteStateMachineType(result);
//map UML::Enumerations to OPCUA::UADataType
uADataType+=self->selectByType(UML::Enumeration)->map enumeration2OPCUADataType(result);
// although UML::Associations are top-level elements in a model, UML::Association to OPCUA::Reference transformation is handled as part of the class transformation
// create a OPCUA::UriTable and link it to the DocumentRoot
namespaceUris := object OPCUA::UriTable{};
//TODO add model element of type ModelTableEntry for each profile
if(roboticsProfileProfile!=null) {
//Add the model table entry and the required model entry Di and Robotics
var newModel :=object OPCUA ::ModelTableEntry{};
//TODO add URI for each applied profile
models :=object OPCUA::ModelTable{model+=newModel};
} ;
// create an OPCUA::Alias table
aliases := object OPCUA::AliasTable{};
// create NodeIdCsv
var nodeIdsCsvFile := object NodeIdsCsv::NodeIdsCsvFile{};